SectorAnalysisToolbox Documentation
The models shown in these tutorials illustrate features of the SectorAnalysisToolbox software. Viewing these pages. Some versions of Firefox and Explorer do not create satisfactory prints even though you can view the pages with no problems. Chrome does appear to produce good printouts.
Four ways to use SectorAnalysisToolbox
1) [SectorAnalysisToolbox Documentation#2 Creating shape models in 2D| Analysing shapes.]] i.e. the arrangement of points around a shape
2) Comparing shapes from samples of different groups for example, comparing faces from different cartoon characters
3) Analysing shape and appearance. In addition to the points around a shape, analyse the appearance (grey scale or colour) within the shape.
4) Analysing 3D shapes
1 Analysing 2D shapes using the Graphical User Interface
How to use the tutorial. First download and install the SectorAnalysisToolbox . A zip file containing the project (PRJ_CartoonFaces) is available here. Download and unzip into a directory. Then, from Matlab, change directory into the project and launch the SectorAnalysisToolbox
cd PRJ_CartoonFaces SectorAnalysisToolbox
This project contains as set of faces that have been analysed using 2D shape models
- The set of faces
The process of analysing a set of images is:-
<wikiflv width="300" height="300" logo="false" loop="true" background="white">ShapeVectorWalkShowShape-21-Jun-2011-14-28-24 VD.flv|ShapeVectorWalkShowShape-21-Jun-2011-14-28-24 VD_First.png</wikiflv> |