AAMToolbox Documentation

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Tutorials on the Shape modelling toolbox

The models shown in these tutorials illustrate features of the AAMToolbox software. They are not designed to understand the shape and appearance modelling which is better done from the published literature for example.
Viewing these pages. Some versions of Firefox and Explorer do not create satisfactory prints even though you can view the pages with no problems. Chrome does appear to produce good printouts.

Three ways to use AAMToolbox

1) Comparing shapes from samples of different groups for example, comparing faces from different cartoon characters

2) Analysing shapes. i.e. the arrangement of points around a shape

3) Analysing shape and appearance. In addition to the points around a shape, analyse the appearance (grey scale or colour) within the shape.

4) Analysing 3D shapes

1 Analysing 2D shapes using the Graphical User Interface

How to use the tutorial. First download and install the AAMToolbox. A zip file containing the project (PRJ_CartoonFaces) is available here. Download and unzip into a directory. Then, from Matlab, change directory into the project

cd PRJ_CartoonFaces

Open AAMToolbox and do the same as the following.


The process of analysing a set of images, in this case a time sequence, is:-

  1. Create a point model template. Points are placed around the object of interest, i.e. around a face or leaf. The set of points constitute the point model. Every image will be marked up in the same way.
  2. Move the points to the corresponding positions in each image in turn. The positions must correspond to the same material points in each image, i.e. the tip of the leaf, or corner of an eye.
  3. Generate the shape model using principal component analysis (PCA)
  4. View the result by varying each important component in turn. We call this walking the shape model. This movie shows a walk.
<wikiflv width="300" height="300" logo="false" loop="true" background="white">ShapeVectorWalkShowShape-21-Jun-2011-14-28-24 VD.flv|ShapeVectorWalkShowShape-21-Jun-2011-14-28-24 VD_First.png</wikiflv>

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