GFtbox Tutorial pages

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In the beginning

We start with a number of very large screenshots (don't be daunted they are just here to orient you). They show the GFtbox graphical interface.

First view

The GFtbox user interface. Focus on the Select Tool Panel. Here the Mesh Editor has been selected and the Mesh Editor panel is visible.

GftboxGUIB 1detailB.jpg
Idea: change all GFtbox font sizes using Menu Misc:Gui Format

GFtbox interface

Add a mesh (canvas that represents tissue)

Create a canvas by clicking on Panel Mesh Editor:new. A variety of preset shapes are available, here we choose a Circle with 4 concentric rings of nodes that is 2 mm in diameter.Idea: Special shapes can be imported as OBJ files. GFtbox interface

Add a pattern of growth factor

Select Tool:Factors makes the Morphogen Panel visible. Currently we are controlling the KAPAR factor. It has been selected from a drop down list top right (Plot current factor). We add a radially increasing gradient of KAPAR. Make sure that the Panel Plot Options:Monochrome is ticked and the gradient of KAPAR will be as shown.

GftboxGUIB 3detailB.jpg

GFtbox interface

Wavy disc

Interaction functions - programmatic modelling