GFtbox Tutorial pages

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Three ways to use GFtbox

There are three ways to use the GFtbox.

  1. Doing everything from the GUI. This is the best way to start. See (1,2) below.
  2. Do only some things from the GUI. Use the GUI to generate the mesh (canvas) and create growth factors (morphogens - in other words declare the variables) but capturing your ideas on how the regulatory processes work in, what we call, the interaction function. See (3) below.
  3. Without the GUI, run a pre-existing project. For example, run many examples (instances) on a cluster. We have used this extensively but the code is not yet ready for general use.

1 In the beginning

For tutorial page click here

<wikiflv width="192" height="168" loop="true" background="white">InTheBeginning.flv|GPT in the beginning-2011-05-05-000002-0001.png</wikiflv>

Note: this model should have many more finite elements

2 Adding polariser

<wikiflv width="192" height="168" loop="true" background="white">InTheBeginning.flv|GPT in the beginning-2011-05-05-000002-0001.png</wikiflv>

3 Getting serious: Interaction functions

Interaction functions - programmatic modelling

4 Something biological