
From BanghamLab
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Current activity: a collaboration with the CoenLab with the aim of understanding how patterns of gene activity in biological organs influence the developing shape. The BanghamLab is focussed on the conceptual underpinning: concepts captured in computational growth models, experimental data visualisation and analysis.

Computational biology toolboxes



For modelling the growth of shapes.

Details: what? How? Where?

Tutorials: from the beginning

Examples: from publications

Download from SourceForge

Ready Reference Manual

(PC, Mac, Linux, uses Matlab
no Mathworks toolboxes needed
Matlab 30 day free trial and
student edition)

GFtbox is an implementation of the Growing Polarised Tissue Framework for understanding and modelling the relationship between gene activity and the growth of shapes such leaves, flowers and animal embryos (PLoS Computational Biology).

The GPT-framework was used to capture an understanding of (to model) the growing Snapdragon flower. The Snapdragon model was validated by comparing the results with other mutant and transgenic flowers.

The icon shows an asymmetrical outgrowth. Conceptually, it is specifed by two independent patterns under genetic control: a pattern of growth and a pattern of organisers. The outgrowth arises from a region of extra overall growth. Growth is aligned along axes set by two interacting systems. Organisers at the ends of the mesh create a lengthwise gradient. This gradient interacts with the second due to an organiser that generates polariser in a region that becomes the tip of the outgrowth.


<imgicon>VolViewer-logo.png|120px|VolViewer</imgicon> For viewing and measuring biological images.

Details: what? How? Where?

Tutorials: from the beginning


(Windows, Mac, Linux)


VolViewer uses OpenGL and Qt to provide a user friendly application to interactively explore and quantify multi-dimensional biological images. It has been successfully used in our lab to explore and quantify confocal microscopy and optical projection tomography images. It is open-source and is also compatible with the Open Microscopy Environment (OME).


<imgicon>AAMToolbox-logo.png|120px|AAMToolbox</imgicon> For analysing populations of shapes and colours within the shapes using principal component analysis.

Details: what? How? Where?

Tutorials: from the beginning


(PC, Mac, Linux, uses Matlab
no Mathworks toolboxes needed
Matlab 30 day free trial and
student edition)

The AAMToolbox enables the user analyse the shape and colour of collections of similar objects. Originally developed to analyse face shapes for lipreading, we have used it extensively for analysing the shapes of leaves and petals. We have also used it to analyse portraits by, for example, Leonardo de Vinci and Modigliani.

Open source systems to which we contribute


<imgicon>OMERO_DIAGRAM.jpg|100px|OMERO</imgicon> For working with the OME image database.

See Details, Download
OMERO Workshop

(Windows, Mac, Linux)

Open Microscopy Environment Remote Objects (OMERO). for visualising, managing, and annotating scientific image data. See also our OMERO Workshop training course we ran in April 2011.

Tools and Utilities


<imgicon>BioformatsConverterZip.png|100px|BioformatsConverter</imgicon> For converting microscope manufacturer proprietary file formats.

See Details

(Windows, Mac, Linux)

This tool allows for the batch conversion of microscope manufacturer proprietary file formats, to the open source OME-TIFF standard. Uses the Bioformats library.