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Return to MTtbox documentation

The GUI control panel is specified by MTtboxLayout.txt from which the layout of menus, pushbuttons, etc. is generated automatically. Selecting a control causes the callback string to be displayed in the Matlab command window - this makes it much easier to find callback functions. In addition, all missing callback functions are automatically listed in the command window when MTtbox is launched.

 figure {
   string "MTtbox"
   tag figure_MTtbox
   callback MTtbox
   inherit callback
   menu { string "File" size "0 0"
       menu { string "New Project" }
       menu { string "Open Project..." }
       menu { string "Save Project" }
       menu { string "Save Project As..." }
       menu { string "Close Project" }
       menu { string "Show Project On Desktop" }
   menu { string "Prefs" size "0 0"
       menu { string "Cell size and shape" }
   menu { string "View" size "0 0"
       menu { string "Refresh plot" }
       menu { string "Controls to top left" }
       menu { string "Replot" }
       menu { string "Slice y 0" }
       menu { string "View every" size "0 0"
           menu { string "one step" }
           menu { string "three steps" }
           menu { string "five steps" }
           menu { string "ten steps" }
           menu { string "twenty steps" }
           menu { string "fifty steps" }
       menu { string "Lighting" }
       menu { string "Factor volumes" }
       menu { string "Marked volumes" }
       menu { string "Microtubule lines" }
       menu { string "Microtubule blobs" }
       menu { string "Microtubule markers" size "0 0"
           menu { string "Growing circles" }
           menu { string "Stopped growing diamonds" }
           menu { string "BoundPLM squares" }
           menu { string "BoundMic point" }
           menu { string "Hit pentagram" }
           menu { string "HitMe hexagram" }
       menu { string "Actin lines" }
       menu { string "Organelle meshes" }
       menu { string "Plot Organelles" }
   menu { string "Record" size "0 0"
       menu { string "Start movie recording" }
       menu { string "Seconds per frame" size "0 0"
           menu { string "1" }
           menu { string "5" }
           menu { string "8" }
           menu { string "10" }
           menu { string "60" }
           menu { string "120" }
       menu { string "Snapshot" }
   menu { string "Stages" size "0 0"
       menu { string "Compute more stages" }
   menu { string "Organelles" size "0 0"
       menu { string "egg cell membrane" }
   menu { string "Regions" size "0 0"
       menu { string "blob in cell membrane" }
   menu { string "Help" size "0 0"
       menu { string "About" }
       menu { string "Web Help from BanghamLab" }
   hgroup {
       text { string "Test\nIcon" size 400  }
       group { rows 1 columns 4 innermargin 0
           pushbutton { string "Initialise" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "Restart" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "Reset" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "Save stage" teststring "Save As..." }
   panel { string "View structures now"
       group { rows 4 columns 4 innermargin 0
           pushbutton { string "Microtb" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "ColMTMT" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "ClearSt" teststring "Save As..." }
           checkbox { string "Clipped" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "PlsmaMb" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "ColMPls" teststring "Save As..." }
           checkbox { string "FlashCo" teststring "Save As..." }
           edit { string "Clip 0%" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "Vacuole" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "ColMVac" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "mtids"   teststring "Save As..." }
           checkbox { string "Structure" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "AlignMTMT" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "AlignMemb" teststring "Save As..." }
           pushbutton { string "AlignMemb2" teststring "Save As..." }
           checkbox { string "Factors" teststring "Save As..." }
   panel { string "Factors"
       listbox { lines 3 string "" teststring "0000" multiline true tag listbox_factorlist }
       panel { string "Factor"
           vgroup { halign fill
               hgroup { halign left
                   pushbutton { string "New" teststring "00000000" }
                   pushbutton { string "Rename" teststring "00000000" }
                   pushbutton { string "Delete" teststring "00000000" }
                   pushbutton { string "Col" teststring "00000000" }
               hgroup { halign left
                   pushbutton { string "Set" teststring "00000000" }
                   edit { string "Amount" teststring "00000000" }
                   pushbutton { string "Mutant" teststring "00000000" }
                   edit { string "Where" teststring "00000000" }
           panel { string "Properties"
               listbox { lines 3 string "" teststring "0000" multiline true tag listbox_factorpropertylist }
   panel { string "Interaction function"
       vgroup {
           hgroup { halign left
               pushbutton { string "Edit" teststring "00000000" }
               pushbutton { string "Call" teststring "00000000" }
   panel { string "Run"
       rows 2 columns 4
       pushbutton { string "Run For" teststring "00000000" }
       pushbutton { string "Run Until" teststring "00000000" }
       edit { tag edit_RunFor string "10" teststring "000000" }
       edit { tag edit_RunUntil string "1" teststring "000000" }
       text { string "Steps" }
       text { string "Time" }
       pushbutton { string "Step" teststring "00000000" }
       pushbutton { string "Stop" teststring "00000000" }
   panel { string "Report"
       text { tag ReportLine1 teststring "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" }
       text { tag ReportLine2 teststring "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" }
       text { tag ReportLine3 teststring "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" }
