Toolboxes file level help

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 function AreaFinder

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008







 Process the cell image




 Process the cell image




 Process the cell image





function vol = gaussian3DBy1DFilter(f1d,numberOfTimes,display,halfwidth,halflength,halfheight,vol)

 f1d - a one dimensional filter 
 numberOfTimes - number of times vol will be filtered with f1d
 display - flag set to 1 for debug display
 halfwidth,- only used for debugging default volumes set to 99 and ignore
 halflength,- only used for debugging default volumes set to 99 and ignore
 halfheight,- only used for debugging default volumes set to 99 and ignore
 vol optional - volume to be filtered (if not provided then it will use a default volume and
 return a 3D filter)
 filpdir - flag set to 1 to invert the filtered volume left to right
 Usage: filteredVolume = gaussian3DBy1DFilter(a1DFilter,1,0,99,99,99,volumeToBeFiltered,0);


IMOVERLAY Create a mask-based image overlay.
   OUT = IMOVERLAY(IN, MASK, COLOR) takes an input image, IN, and a binary
   image, MASK, and produces an output image whose pixels in the MASK
   locations have the specified COLOR.

   IN should be a grayscale or an RGB image of class uint8, uint16, int16,
   logical, double, or single.  If IN is double or single, it should be in
   the range [0, 1].  If it is not in that range, you might want to use
   mat2gray to scale it into that range.

   MASK should be a two-dimensional logical matrix.

   COLOR should be a 1-by-3 vector of values in the range [0, 1].  [0 0 0]
   is black, and [1 1 1] is white.

   OUT is a uint8 RGB image.

   Overlay edge detection result in green over the original image.
       I = imread('cameraman.tif');
       bw = edge(I, 'canny');
       rgb = imoverlay(I, bw, [0 1 0]);

   Treating the output of peaks as an image, overlay the values greater than
   7 in red.  The output of peaks is not in the usual grayscale image range
   of [0, 1], so use mat2gray to scale it.

       I = peaks;
       mask = I > 7;
       rgb = imoverlay(mat2gray(I), mask, [1 0 0]);
       imshow(rgb, 'InitialMagnification', 'fit')


 A function that takes a string containing the name of a TIF stack, and
 returns a MxNxF volume where F is the number of images in the stack.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 need to tidy this function up, written on a plane with no sleep -
% sorry...


 need to tidy this function up, written on a plane with no sleep -
% sorry...


construct filler


construct filler



 function plain_pw=getTheClusterNameAddress(encrypted_pw)
encrypted_name, number array containing encrypted password
       if there is no password file
       you will be asked for your password
       and an encrypted version will be stored in 
       the same directory as your DArT_Toolbox
       It is stored in a file called 'growthpassword.mat'
plain_name, plain text version of password

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008


 function plain_pw=getpassword(encrypted_pw)
encrypted_pw, number array containing encrypted password
       if there is no password file
       you will be asked for your password
       and an encrypted version will be stored in 
       the same directory as your DArT_Toolbox
       It is stored in a file called 'growthpassword.mat'
plain_pw, plain text version of password

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008


 function plain_directory=getyourclustername(encrypted_directory)
encrypted_directory, number array containing encrypted directory
       if there is no directory file
       you will be asked for your directory
       e.g. (A) is interpreted as gpfs_esscratch01/sys/
            (B) is interpreted as gpfs_esscratch02/bio/
            (C) specify the complete string e.g. gpfs_esscratch01/sys/
       and an encrypted version will be stored in 
       the same directory as your DArT_Toolbox
       It is stored in a file called 'growthpassword.mat'
plain_directory, plain text version of directory

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008


 function plain_pw=getyourclustername(encrypted_pw)
encrypted_name, number array containing encrypted password
       if there is no password file
       you will be asked for your password
       and an encrypted version will be stored in 
       the same directory as your DArT_Toolbox
       It is stored in a file called 'growthpassword.mat'
plain_name, plain text version of password

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008


 function plain_pw=getyouremail(encrypted_name)
encrypted_name, number array containing encrypted email address
       if there is no password file
       you will be asked for your password
       and an encrypted version will be stored in 
       the same directory as your DArT_Toolbox
       It is stored in a file called 'growthpassword.mat'
plain_name, plain text version of password

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008



     if nargin<1
     if nargin<2


     load fillridgedata 
   flood fill
     loop over the seed points
     push seed point
     while stack
         mark memoryimage with counter
         look north/northeast etc.
         if not already marked and most likely then push the index






 velperum(length(collisionfiles)) = 0;
 velperumid(length(collisionfiles)) = 0;
 dyingprob(length(collisionfiles)) = 0;


a = [1 1; 5 5]
b = [3 3; 8 15]
b = [1 1; 5 5]


e = [0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25]
x = [0 0 1 0 0]
[sig chires] = chi(x,e)




dimsToUse = [2 3 4 5 6 7]




 A function for returning the tubules which intersect with the specified

 -path, a string containing the path to a dir containing tubule data
 (e.g /Users/JacobNewman/MyTubuleData2011/).

 -t, the time/frame to load from the data.
 t = 1 will load path/alltubules1.mat

 -xy, is a matrix where rows are samples the columns are x and y. These
 are the points we wish to check for tubules.

 -imXimY, is a two element vector where the first element is the length in x of
 the tubule image, and the second element is y.

 -tubules, is a structure returned upon executing this function. It
 contains data regarding the tubules that intersect with the specified









 Jacob Newman 2011


path = '/Users/jacobnewman/Desktop/DArT2/trunk/Toolboxes/FilterTubulesExperiments/28092011/';
outputpath = '/Users/jacobnewman/Desktop/DArT2/trunk/Toolboxes/FilterTubulesExperiments/28092011/2/';




 A function for returning the tubules which intersect with the specified

 -path, a string containing the path to a dir containing tubule data
 (e.g /Users/JacobNewman/MyTubuleData2011/).

 -t, the time/frame to load from the data.
 t = 1 will load path/alltubules1.mat

 -xy, is a matrix where rows are samples the columns are x and y. These
 are the points we wish to check for tubules.

 -imXimY, is a two element vector where the first element is the length in x of
 the tubule image, and the second element is y.

 -tubules, is a structure returned upon executing this function. It
 contains data regarding the tubules that intersect with the specified


 Input argument setup













 Clear Matlab command window.



 Jacob Newman 2011





SKELETON produces skeletons of binary images

 [skg,rad] = skelgrad(img) computes the skeleton for a binary image, and
 also the local radius at each point.



 STEERGAUSS Implements a steerable Gaussian filter.
    This m-file can be used to evaluate the first
    directional derivative of an image, using the
    method outlined in:

       W. T. Freeman and E. H. Adelson, "The Design
       and Use of Steerable Filters", IEEE PAMI, 1991.

    the directional derivative of the input image I,
    oriented at THETA degrees with respect to the
    image rows. The standard deviation of the Gaussian
    kernel is given by SIGMA (assumed to be equal to
    unity by default). The filter parameters are 
    returned to the user in the structure H.

    [J,H] = STEERGAUSE(I,H,VIS) evaluates the
    directional derivative of the input image I, using
    the previously computed filter stored in H. Note
    that H is a structure, with the following fields:
           H.g: 1D Gaussian
 first-derivative of 1D Gaussian
       H.theta: orientation of filter
       H.sigma: standard derivation of Gaussian

    Note that the filter support is automatically
    adjusted (depending on the value of SIGMA).

    In general, the visualization can be enabled 
    (or disabled) by setting VIS = TRUE (or FALSE).
    By default, the visualization is disabled.

 Author: Douglas R. Lanman, Brown University, Jan. 2006.




 Jacob Newman 2011
 Code for the findTubules_fig figure








 CHECK_MENU_BAR returns true if the integrated menu bar is DISABLED through a 
 JAVA.OPTS file with "-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=false".


 CVT_ITERATE takes one step of the CVT iteration.


    The routine is given a set of points, called "generators", which
    define a tessellation of the region into Voronoi cells.  Each point
    defines a cell.  Each cell, in turn, has a centroid, but it is
    unlikely that the centroid and the generator coincide.

    Each time this CVT iteration is carried out, an attempt is made
    to modify the generators in such a way that they are closer and
    closer to being the centroids of the Voronoi cells they generate.

    A large number of sample points are generated, and the nearest generator
    is determined.  A count is kept of how many points were nearest to each
    generator.  Once the sampling is completed, the location of all the
    generators is adjusted.  This step should decrease the discrepancy
    between the generators and the centroids.

    The centroidal Voronoi tessellation minimizes the "energy",
    defined to be the integral, over the region, of the square of
    the distance between each point in the region and its nearest generator.
    The sampling technique supplies a discrete estimate of this


    19 November 2004


    John Burkardt


    Qiang Du, Vance Faber, and Max Gunzburger,
    Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations: Applications and Algorithms,
    SIAM Review, Volume 41, 1999, pages 637-676.


    Input, integer DIM_NUM, the spatial dimension.

    Input, integer N, the number of Voronoi cells.

    Input, integer BATCH, sets the maximum number of sample points
    generated at one time.  It is inefficient to generate the sample
    points 1 at a time, but memory intensive to generate them all
    at once.  You might set BATCH to min ( SAMPLE_PER_GEN*N, 10000 ), for instance.
    BATCH must be at least 1.

    Input, integer SAMPLE, specifies how the sampling is done.
    -1, 'RAND', using MATLAB's RAND function;
     0, 'UNIFORM', using a simple uniform RNG;
     1, 'HALTON', from a Halton sequence;
     2, 'GRID', points from a grid;
     3, 'USER', refers to the USER routine;

    Input, logical INITIALIZE, is TRUE if the SEED must be reset to SEED_INIT
    before computation.  Also, the pseudorandom process may need to be

    Input, integer SAMPLE_PER_GEN, the number of sample points per generator.

    Input, integer SEED, the random number seed.

    Input, real R(DIM_NUM,N), the Voronoi cell generators.

    Input, real AMOUNT, the proportion of distance towards the centroid to
    move.  0 = no movement, 1 = original algorithm.  Added by RK.

    Input, string USERTYPE, and all subsequent arguments, extra
    information to be supplied to user() (only used if SAMPLE==3).
    Defaults to the empty string and no further arguments.
    Added by RK 2006 Oct 02.

    Output, real R(DIM_NUM,N), the updated Voronoi cell generators.

    Output, integer SEED, the updated random number seed.

    Output, real IT_DIFF, the L2 norm of the difference
    between the iterates.

    Output, real ENERGY, the discrete "energy", divided
    by the number of sample points.

    Output, real COUNT(N), the number of points in each cell.

    Output, real CELLAXIS(N,DIM_NUM), the longest axis of each Voronoi

    Output, real CENTROID(N,DIM_NUM), the centroid of each Voronoi

    Output, real CELLEIGS(N,2), the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of
    the covariance matrix of each Voronoi cell.

    Output, real CELLCOV(N,DIM_NUM,DIM_NUM), the covariance matrix
    of each Voronoi cell.  (Not currently computed.)


 CVT_SAMPLE returns sample points.

    N sample points are to be taken from the unit box of dimension DIM_NUM.

    These sample points are usually created by a pseudorandom process
    for which the points are essentially indexed by a quantity called
    SEED.  To get N sample points, we generate values with indices
    SEED through SEED+N-1.

    It may not be practical to generate all the sample points in a 
    single call.  For that reason, the routine allows the user to
    request a total of N points, but to require that only N_NOW be
    generated now (on this call).  


    23 June 2005


    John Burkardt


    Input, integer DIM_NUM, the spatial dimension.

    Input, integer N, the number of sample points to be generated.

    Input, integer N_NOW, the number of sample points to be generated
    on this call.  N_NOW must be at least 1.

    Input, integer SAMPLE, specifies how the sampling is done.
    -1, 'RAND', using MATLAB RAND function;
     0, 'UNIFORM', using a simple uniform RNG;
     1, 'HALTON', from a Halton sequence;
     2, 'GRID', points from a grid;
     3, 'USER', refer to USER routine.

    Input, logical INITIALIZE, is TRUE if the pseudorandom process should be

    Input, integer SEED, the random number seed.

    Input, struct USERDATA, extra information to be supplied to user()
    (only used if SAMPLE==3).  Defaults to the empty structure.
    Added by RK 2006 Oct 02.

    Output, real R(DIM_NUM,N_NOW), the initial value for the generators.

    Output, integer SEED, the updated random number seed.


 FIND_CLOSEST finds the nearest R point to each S point.


    This routine finds the closest Voronoi cell generator by checking every
    one.  For problems with many cells, this process can take the bulk
    of the CPU time.  Other approaches, which group the cell generators into
    bins, can run faster by a large factor.


    22 October 2004


    John Burkardt


    Input, integer DIM_NUM, the spatial dimension.

    Input, integer N, the number of cell generators.

    Input, integer SAMPLE_NUM, the number of sample points.

    Input, real S(DIM_NUM,SAMPLE_NUM), the points to be checked.

    Input, real R(DIM_NUM,N), the cell generators.

    Input, real W(N), weights associated with the cell generators.

    Output, integer NEAREST(SAMPLE_NUM), the index of the nearest cell generators.





 This (publishable) script |nndemo.m| demonstrates the features of the
 nearestneighbour function.

 Example: Open this file in an editor (in Matlab 7+) and press publish to
 generate the html document
   Published output in the Help browser
      showdemo nndemo


TIMINGTEST    Works out the average cputime required to run
    This is a support function for nndemo.m
        Runs NEARESTNEIGHBOUR(P, X, 'DelaunayMode', MODE) for at least one
        second, and returns the average cputime for a single execution

        % A set of points
        X = rand(2, 1000)
        % A set of points to find the neighbours of
        P = rand(2, 100)
        % Compute the time to run with DelaunayMode 'on'
        timingtest(P, X, 'on')


NEARESTNEIGHBOUR    find nearest neighbours
   IDX = NEARESTNEIGHBOUR(X) finds the nearest neighbour by Euclidean
   distance to each point (column) in X from X. X is a matrix with points
   as columns. IDX is a vector of indices into X, such that X(:, IDX) are
   the nearest neighbours to X. e.g. the nearest neighbour to X(:, 2) is
   X(:, IDX(2))

   IDX = NEARESTNEIGHBOUR(P, X) finds the nearest neighbour by Euclidean
   distance to each point in P from X. P and X are both matrices with the
   same number of rows, and points are the columns of the matrices. Output
   is a vector of indices into X such that X(:, IDX) are the nearest
   neighbours to P

   IDX = NEARESTNEIGHBOUR(I, X) where I is a logical vector or vector of
   indices, and X has at least two rows, finds the nearest neighbour in X
   to each of the points X(:, I).
   I must be a row vector to distinguish it from a single point.
   If X has only one row, the first input is treated as a set of 1D points
   rather than a vector of indices

   IDX = NEARESTNEIGHBOUR(..., Property, Value)
   Calls NEARESTNEIGHBOUR with the indicated parameters set. Property
   names can be supplied as just the first letters of the property name if
   this is unambiguous, e.g. NEARESTNEIGHBOUR(..., 'num', 5) is equivalent
   to NEARESTNEIGHBOUR(..., 'NumberOfNeighbours', 5). Properties are case
   insensitive, and are as follows:
      Property:                         Value:
      ---------                         ------
         NumberOfNeighbours             natural number, default 1
            NEARESTNEIGHBOUR(..., 'NumberOfNeighbours', K) finds the closest
            K points in ascending order to each point, rather than the
            closest point. If Radius is specified and there are not
            sufficient numbers, fewer than K neighbours may be returned

         Radius                         positive, default +inf
            NEARESTNEIGHBOUR(..., 'Radius', R) finds neighbours within
            radius R. If NumberOfNeighbours is not set, it will find all
            neighbours within R, otherwise it will find at most
            NumberOfNeighbours. The IDX matrix is padded with zeros if not
            all points have the same number of neighbours returned. Note
            that specifying a radius means that the Delaunay method will
            not be used.

         DelaunayMode                   {'on', 'off', |'auto'|}
            DelaunayMode being set to 'on' means NEARESTNEIGHBOUR uses the
            a Delaunay triangulation with dsearchn to find the points, if
            possible. Setting it to 'auto' means NEARESTNEIGHBOUR decides
            whether to use the triangulation, based on efficiency. Note
            that the Delaunay triangulation will not be used if a radius
            is specified.

         Triangulation                  Valid triangulation produced by
                                        delaunay or delaunayn
            If a triangulation is supplied, NEARESTNEIGHBOUR will attempt
            to use it (in conjunction with dsearchn) to find the

   If the Delaunay Triangulation is used, TRI is the triangulation of X'.
   Otherwise, TRI is an empty matrix


     % Find the nearest neighbour in X to each column of X
     x = rand(2, 10);
     idx = nearestneighbour(x);

     % Find the nearest neighbours to each point in p
     p = rand(2, 5);
     x = rand(2, 20);
     idx = nearestneighbour(p, x)

     % Find the five nearest neighbours to points x(:, [1 6 20]) in x
     x = rand(4, 1000)
     idx = nearestneighbour([1 6 20], x, 'NumberOfNeighbours', 5)

     % Find all neighbours within radius of 0.1 of the points in p
     p = rand(2, 10);
     x = rand(2, 100);
     idx = nearestneighbour(p, x, 'r', 0.1)

     % Find at most 10 nearest neighbours to point p from x within a
     % radius of 0.2
     p = rand(1, 2);
     x = rand(2, 30);
     idx = nearestneighbour(p, x, 'n', 10, 'r', 0.2)



SELECT3D(H) Determines the selected point in 3-D data space.
  P = SELECT3D determines the point, P, in data space corresponding 
  to the current selection position. P is a point on the first 
  patch or surface face intersected along the selection ray. If no 
  face is encountered along the selection ray, P returns empty.

  P = SELECT3D(H) constrains selection to graphics handle H and,
  if applicable, any of its children. H can be a figure, axes, 
  patch, or surface object.

  [P V] = SELECT3D(...), V is the closest face or line vertex 
  selected based on the figure's current object. 

  [P V VI] = SELECT3D(...), VI is the index into the object's 
  x,y,zdata properties corresponding to V, the closest face vertex 

  [P V VI FACEV] = SELECT3D(...), FACE is an array of vertices 
  corresponding to the face polygon containing P and V. 
  [P V VI FACEV FACEI] = SELECT3D(...), FACEI is the row index into 
  the object's face array corresponding to FACE. For patch 
  objects, the face array can be obtained by doing 
  get(mypatch,'faces'). For surface objects, the face array 
  can be obtained from the output of SURF2PATCH (see 
  SURF2PATCH for more information).

  SELECT3D supports surface, patch, or line object primitives. For surface 
  and patches, the algorithm assumes non-self-intersecting planar faces. 
  For line objects, the algorithm always returns P as empty, and V will
  be the closest vertex relative to the selection point. 


  h = surf(peaks);
  disp('Click anywhere on the surface, then hit return')
  [p v vi face facei] = select3d;
  marker1 = line('xdata',p(1),'ydata',p(2),'zdata',p(3),'marker','o',...
  marker2 = line('xdata',v(1),'ydata',v(2),'zdata',v(3),'marker','o',...
  marker2 = line('erasemode','xor','xdata',face(1,:),'ydata',face(2,:),...
  disp(sprintf('\nYou clicked at\nX: %.2f\nY: %.2f\nZ: %.2f',p(1),p(2),p(3)'))
  disp(sprintf('\nThe nearest vertex is\nX: %.2f\nY: %.2f\nZ: %.2f',v(1),v(2),v(3)'))
  Version 1.3 11-11-04
  Copyright Joe Conti 2004 
  Send comments to

  See also GINPUT, GCO.



 uiinspect Inspect an object handle (Java/COM/HG) and display its methods/props/callbacks in a unified window

    hFig = uiinspect(obj, hFig)    % hFig input argument is optional

    UIINSPECT(OBJ) inspects an object handle (e.g., Java, COM, Handle
    Graphics, Matlab class etc.) and displays inspection results in a
    Matlab figure window with all the relevant object methods (as can be
    displayed via Matlab's methodsview function), properties (as can be
    displayed via Matlab's inspect function), static fields and callbacks.
    UIINSPECT also displays properties that are not normally displayed
    with Matlab's inspect function. Property meta-data such as type,
    accessibility, visibility and default value are also displayed (where

    If the inspected object is an HG handle, then a component tree is
    displayed instead of the methods pane (see attached animated screenshot).

    Unlike Matlab's inspect function, multiple UIINSPECT windows can be
    opened simultaneously.

    Object properties and callbacks may be modified interactively within
    the UIINSPECT window.

    UIINSPECT(OBJ) reuses an already-displayed UIINSPECT window if its
    title is the same (i.e., same object or class); otherwise a new window
    is created. UIINPECT(OBJ,hFIG) forces using the specified hFig window
    handle, even if another window would otherwise have been reused/created.

    hFig = UIINSPECT(...) returns a handle to the UIINSPECT figure window.
    UIINSPECT creates a regular Matlab figure window which may be accessed
    via this hFig handle (unlike Matlab's methodsview function which opens
    a Java frame that is not easily accessible from Matlab).

    hFig = uiinspect(0);                         % root (desktop)
    hFig = uiinspect(handle(0));                 % root handle
    hFig = uiinspect(gcf);                       % current figure
    uiinspect(get(gcf,'JavaFrame'));             % current figure's Java Frame
    uiinspect(classhandle(handle(gcf)));         % a schema.class object
    uiinspect(findprop(handle(gcf),'MenuBar'));  % a schema.prop object
    uiinspect('java.lang.String');               % a Java class name
    uiinspect(java.lang.String('yes'));          % a Java object
    uiinspect(actxserver('Excel.Application'));  % a COM object
    uiinspect(Employee)                          % a Matlab class object
    uiinspect(?handle)                           % a Matlab metaclass object
    uiinspect('meta.class')                      % a Matlab class name
    uiinspect(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess)   % a .Net object

 Known issues/limitations:
    - Fix: some fields generate a Java Exception, or a Matlab warning
    - other future enhancements may be found in the TODO list below

    This code heavily relies on undocumented and unsupported Matlab functionality.
    It works on Matlab 7+, but use at your own risk!

 Bugs and suggestions:
    Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com)

 Change log:
    2011-03-03: Fixed several issues in the Value field of the "Other properties" table
    2011-02-28: Removed R2010b warning messages; minor fix for Dot-Net classes
    2010-11-02: Minor fixes for callbacks table; fixed online docpage for Swing classes
    2010-11-01: Major fix for pre-R2010 compatibility
    2010-10-20: Minor fix suggested by Andrew Stamps; added automatic callbacks grouping
    2010-06-13: Fixed download (m-file => zip-file)
    2010-06-11: Displayed class modifiers; improved performance; removed empty panels by default; fixed warning msgs when sorting props table; fixes for R2010b
    2010-03-18: Minor fix in copy-handle-value-to-clipboard (in tree context-menu)
    2010-03-17: Fixes for R2010a
    2010-01-16: Fixed a few bugs in properties meta-info of Matlab classes
    2009-10-23: Added CaretPositionChanged & InputMethodTextChanged to list of standard callbacks; minor fix to requesting focus of Java handles; minor fix to version-check display
    2009-05-22: Added support for Matlab classes (helped by Darik Gamble); improved display for classname input
    2009-05-20: Fixed methods info gathering for some handles
    2009-05-19: Improved information display for HG handles; added HG-handle screenshot to animated gif (added to COM, Java screenshots); enabled reuse of uiinspect window
    2009-05-04: Fixed setting callbacks on non-handle('CallbackProperties')ed Java objects; fixed input param edge-case; hyperlinked the className to Sun's Javadocs where relevant; auto-checked newer version; removed main menu
    2009-04-16: Fixed occasional endless loop upon callback update error
    2009-04-01: Fixed case of no methods (e.g., uimenus); fixed superclass/interfaces of classname input; auto-hide callbacks pane if no CBs are available
    2009-03-30: Added Extra method details checkbox (default=off); auto-hide inspectable checkbox if irrelevant; auto-sort methods by args list; hyperlinked classes; fixed title for classname inputs
    2009-03-14: Fixed string property value displayed; fixed display of Java classes added to the dynamic classpath; fixed display of classname static fields value; updated list of standard callbacks
    2009-03-05: Fixed single property edge-case; fixed prop name case sensitivity problem; fixed properties tooltip; accept class names; added display of class interfaces & static fields
    2008-01-25: Fixes for many edge-cases
    2007-12-08: First version posted on <a href="">MathWorks File Exchange</a>

 See also:
    ishandle, iscom, inspect, methodsview, FindJObj (on the File Exchange)


 USER samples points in a user-specified region with given density.


    This routine can be used to 

    * specify an interesting initial configuration for the data,
      by specifing that USER be used for initialization (INIT = 3);

    * specify the shape of the computational region, by specifying
      that sample points are to be generated by this routine, 
      (SAMPLE = 3) and then returning sample points uniformly at random.

    * specify the distribution or density function, by specifying
      that sample points are to be generated by this routine, 
      (SAMPLE = 3 ) and then returning sample points according to a 
      given probability density function.


    John Burkardt


    23 June 2005


    Input, integer DIM_NUM, the spatial dimension.

    Input, integer N, the number of sample points desired.

    Input, integer SEED, a seed for the random number generator.

    Input, string USERTYPE, specifying what sort of user data are supplied.

    Input, struct USERDATA, user data.

    Output, real R(DIM_NUM,N), a set of N sample values.

    Output, integer SEED, the updated seed.  


 GFTBOX M-file for GFtbox.fig
      GFTBOX, by itself, creates a new GFTBOX or raises the existing

      H = GFTBOX returns the handle to a new GFTBOX or the handle to
      the existing singleton*.

      GFTBOX('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
      function named CALLBACK in GFTBOX.M with the given input arguments.

      GFTBOX('Property','Value',...) creates a new GFTBOX or raises the
      existing singleton*.  Starting from the left, property value pairs are
      applied to the GUI before GFtbox_OpeningFunction gets called.  An
      unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
      stop.  All inputs are passed to GFtbox_OpeningFcn via varargin.

      *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu.  Choose "GUI allows only one
      instance to run (singleton)".






   Call this if you have never run GFtbox before. It will add all of the
   GFtbox directories to your command path.  You must be in the main
   GFtbox directory when you give this command.

   This command only affects the path for the current Matlab session.  If
   you want to have the GFtbox directories on the command path
   permanently, then use the SAVEPATH command to save the current path.
   This will avoid having to use the INITGFTBOX command again.

   It is harmless, but unnecessary, to give this command if the GFtbox
   directories are already on your command path.






m = gpt_snapdragon_2010_green_et_al( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 13:52:19.
   GFtbox revision 3502, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.
   Model last saved to SVN as revision 1779, 2009-10-02 11:46:19.097914.


m = gpt_snapdragon_2010_green_et_al( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 13:52:19.
   GFtbox revision 3502, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.
   Model last saved to SVN as revision 1779, 2009-10-02 11:46:19.097914.





m = gpt_cases_fghi( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-19 15:43:11.
   GFtbox revision 3499, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.


m = gpt_cases_fghi( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-19 15:43:11.
   GFtbox revision 3499, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.




m = gpt_cases_jklm( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 15:09:39.
   GFtbox revision 3518, 2011-04-29 13:30:15.502745.


m = gpt_cases_jklm( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 15:09:39.
   GFtbox revision 3518, 2011-04-29 13:30:15.502745.




m = gpt_cases_nopq( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 15:17:15.
   GFtbox revision 3518, 2011-04-29 13:30:15.502745.


m = gpt_cases_nopq( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 15:17:15.
   GFtbox revision 3518, 2011-04-29 13:30:15.502745.




m = gpt_case_a( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 14:44:45.
   GFtbox revision 3502, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.


m = gpt_case_a( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 14:44:45.
   GFtbox revision 3502, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.




m = gpt_case_b( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 14:45:32.
   GFtbox revision 3502, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.


m = gpt_case_b( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 14:45:32.
   GFtbox revision 3502, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.




m = gpt_case_c( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 14:57:50.
   GFtbox revision 3518, 2011-04-29 13:30:15.502745.


m = gpt_case_c( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 14:57:50.
   GFtbox revision 3518, 2011-04-29 13:30:15.502745.




m = gpt_case_e( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 14:59:28.
   GFtbox revision 3518, 2011-04-29 13:30:15.502745.


m = gpt_case_e( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-29 14:59:28.
   GFtbox revision 3518, 2011-04-29 13:30:15.502745.




m = gpt_case_rst( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-28 21:20:35.
   GFtbox revision 3517, 2011-04-27 08:05:05.157080.


m = gpt_case_rst( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-28 21:20:35.
   GFtbox revision 3517, 2011-04-27 08:05:05.157080.




m = gpt_invagembryo( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-28 13:51:14.
   GFtbox revision 3502, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.


m = gpt_invagembryo( m )
   Morphogen interaction function.
   Written at 2011-04-28 13:51:14.
   GFtbox revision 3502, 2011-04-15 16:29:35.777989.










nzimage( A, blockx, blocky, f )
   Produce a greyscale image showing the non-zero elements of A.  Each
   pixel of im corresponds to a blockx*blocky tile of A, and its greyscale
   level represents the proportion of non-zero elements in that tile.
   f is a figure to plot into.


c = oppositeColor( c, mode )
   Compute a modified version of the colour complement of c (an N*3 matrix
   of RGB values).  If 'mode' is 'redblue' (the default) then red and blue
   are opposites, as are green and magenta.  If 'mode is 'redgreen', red
   and green are opposites, as are orange and blue, and yellow and
   magenta.  Otherwise (the default), the standard inversion of hue is
   performed, i.e. red <-> cyan, green <-> magenta, and blue <-> yellow.


crange = randcolornear( numcolors, color, colorvariation )
   Generate NUMCOLORS random colors that are "near" the given COLOR.  If
   COLORVARIATION is 0, they will be equal to COLOR, while of
   COLORVARIATION is 1, they will be scattered over the whole colour


c = redBlueComplement( c )
   Compute a modified version of the colour complement of c (an N*3 matrix
   of RGB values).  If 'mode' is 'redblue' (the default) then red and blue
   are opposites, as are green and magenta.  If 'mode is 'redgreen', red
   and green are opposites, as are orange and blue, and yellow and
   magenta.  Otherwise (the default), the standard inversion of hue is
   performed, i.e. red <-> cyan, green <-> magenta, and blue <-> yellow.


c1 = saturate( v, c )
   c is an RGB colour.  v is a vector of N reals.  The results is an N*3
   array of N colours, being copies of c saturated by each element of v.
   Where v is 0, the colour is [1,1,1] (white), and where v is 1, the
   colour is c, with linear interpolation between.  There is no check that
   v or c are within the range 0..1


c = translateToColors( v, crange, cmap )
 Given a vector of values v, and range vrange = [lo,hi], and a list of
 colours, map every element of v to the corresponding colour.
 v is N*1, and c is N*3.


h = unspreadHue( h, alph )
   The inverse of h = spreadHue( h, alph )



ab = aabbox( pts )
   Return the axis-aligned bounding box of a set of points.
   pts is an N*K array of N K-dimensional points.  The result is a 2*K
   array: a(1,:) is the minimum values of the coordinates and ab(2,:) the
   maximum values.


absize = aabboxsize( pts )
   Return the size of the axis-aligned bounding box of a set of points.
   pts is an N*K array of N K-dimensional points.  The result is a 2*K
   array: a(1,:) is the minimum values of the coordinates and ab(2,:) the
   maximum values.


r1 = abutRect( r, positioning, distance, thickness, len )
   Create a rectangle r1 abutting r on the outside according to the other
   POSITIONING is a two-character string, with the second character
   defaulting to 'c'.  The first is 'n', 's', 'w', or 'e' and specifies
   which side the new rectangle abuts the old.  The second is 'n', 's',
   'w', 'e', or 'c', and indicates which end of the abutted side r1 lines
   up with.  For example, 'nw' abuts the new rectangle on the top edge of
   the old one, flush with its left-hand edge.
   DISTANCE is the space between r and r1.  
   THICKNESS is the width of r1 in the direction in which it abuts r, and
   LEN is the width in the transverse direction.  LEN can be omitted and
   defaults to the corresponding dimension of r, in which case the result
   is independent of the second character of POSITIONING.


perm = alignFrames( F1, F2 )
   F1 and F2 are orthonormal frames of column vectors.
   The result is the permutation that makes F2(:,perm) most closely
   approximate F1.  It first determines the column of F2 that F1(:,3) is
   closest to, then decides the order of the other two.


d = altitude( vxs, p )
   Find the altitude of a point from a line segment.  VXS is a 3*2 vector
   containing the ends of the segment.


[a,alt,foot] = altitudeTriangle( vxs )
   Compute the altitude of the triangle VXS, whose rows are the vertexes,
   through the first vertex.  ALT is the altitude vector from the base
   towards that vertex, FOOT is the foot of the altitude, and A is the
   proportion into which it divides the base: FOOT = (1-A)*V(2,:) + A*V(3,:).


[a,alt,foot] = altitudeTriangle2D( vxs )
   Compute the altitude of the triangle VXS, whose rows are the vertexes,
   through the first vertex.  ALT is the altitude vector from the base
   towards that vertex, FOOT is the foot of the altitude, and A is the
   proportion into which it divides the base: FOOT = (1-A)*V(2,:) + A*V(3,:).
   POSITIVE is true if the triangle is right-handed.


a = altitudeVector( vxs, p )
   Find the altitude vector from a line segment to a point.  VXS is a 3*2 vector
   containing the ends of the segment.


d = azel2dir( az, el )
   Convert azimuth and elevation, in degrees, to a unit vector.
   Azimuth and elevation have the meanings given to them by the Matlab
   function [az,el] = view().  That is, when the azimuth of the view is
   zero, the positive Y axis points into the screen.  When the azimuth is
   90, the negative X axis points into the screen.  When elevation is
   zero, the positive Z axis points up the screen.  When elevation is
   positive, the positive Z axis points upwards and out from the screen.
   When elevation is 90, the positive z axis points directly out of the

   See also: dir2azel.


bc = baryCoords( vxs, n, v )
   Calculate the barycentric coordinates of point v with respect to
   triangle vxs, in three dimensions.  vxs contains the three vertexes of
   the triangle as rows. n is a normal vector to the triangle.
   The component of v perpendicular to the plane of the
   triangle is ignored.
   If n is the empty array, the normal vector will be computed.  If
   supplied, the normal vector may be of any non-zero length.
   n and v must be row vectors, and the result is a 3-element row vector.
   v can also be a matrix of row vectors; the result will then be a matrix
   of 3-element row vectors.
   This procedure works in 3 or more dimensions.
   For 2 dimensions, use baryCoordsPlanar( vxs, v ).


bc2 = baryCoords2( v1, v2, v )
   Set bc2 to [a,b], where a+b = 1 and v = a*v1 + b*v2.
   v1, v2, and v must be row vectors, and the result is a 2-element row vector.
   v can be a matrix of row vectors; the result will then be a matrix of
   2-element row vectors.
   v1 and v2 must be distinct.  A divide by zero error will result if not.
   v is assumed to be collinear with v1 and v2, but no check is made and
   no errors are produced.  The resulting values a and b will always satisfy
   a+b = 1.  If v is not collinear with v1 and v2, the point a*v1 + b*v2
   will be the closest point to v on the line through v1 and v2.
   This procedure works in any number of dimensions.


bc = baryCoords( vxs, v )
   Calculate the barycentric coordinates of point v with respect to
   triangle vxs, in two dimensions.  vxs contains the three vertexes of
   the triangle as rows.
   v must be a row vector, and the result is a 3-element row vector.
   v can also be a matrix of row vectors; the result will then be a matrix
   of 3-element row vectors.


bc = baryCoords( vxs, v )
   Calculate the barycentric coordinates of point v with respect to
   triangle vxs, in two dimensions.  vxs contains the three vertexes of
   the triangle as rows.
   The component of v perpendicular to the plane of the
   triangle is ignored.
   If n is the empty array, the normal vector will be computed.  If
   supplied, the normal vector may be of any non-zero length.
   n and v must be row vectors, and the result is a 3-element row vector.
   v can also be a matrix of row vectors; the result will then be a matrix
   of 3-element row vectors.
   This procedure works in 3 or more dimensions.
   For 2 dimensions, use baryCoordsPlanar( vxs, v ).


bc = baryToEdge( bc )
   Move the barycentric coordinate to the nearest edge, by replacing the
   component with minimum absolute value by zero and renormalising.


gc = baryToGlobalCoords( cells, bcs, nodes, triangles )
   Convert barycentric coordinates to global coordinates.
   NODES is an N*D matrix containing the global coordinates of a set of N
   points in D dimensions.
   TRIANGLES is an M*3 matrix containing the indexes of triples of nodes.
   CELLS is a C*1 or 1*C vector of indexes of triangles.
   BCS is a C*3 array of barycentric coordinates.  bcs(i,:) is the
   barycentric coordinates of a point in the triangle cells(i).
   The result is a C*D array of global coordinates of all the given


   Timing tests:
       3.2 microseconds per point, for 100 points.
       4 microseconds per point for 10 points.
       20 microseconds per point for 1 point.


bc = baryVector2( vxs, v )
   Express the vector v in terms of the three 2D row vectors in vxs, as a
   linear combination adding to zero (not one, as for barycentric
   coordinates of points).


bc = baryVector3( vxs, v )
   Express the vector v in terms of the three 3D row vectors in vxs, as a
   linear combination adding to zero (not one, as for barycentric
   coordinates of points).


v = bc2vec( bc, vxs )
   Convert a vector described in barycentric coordinates with respect to
   the triangle whose vertexes are the rows of the 3*3 matrix vxs, to a
   vector in global coordinates.


pts = bcgradendpoints( v, bc, vxs )
   Given v, a vector of the three values of some scalar at the vertexes
   vxs of a triangle, and bc, the bcs of a point in the triangle.
   Compute the bcs of the intersection of the line parallel to the
   gradient vector of v through the point bc with the three sides of the


pts = bcisoendpoints( v, bc )
   Given v, a vector of the three values of some scalar at the vertexes of
   a triangle, and bc, the bcs of a point in the triangle.
   Consider v as defining a linear function on the triangle.
   Compute the bcs of the intersection of the isoline of this function
   through the point bc with the three sides of the triangle.


principalAxes = bestFitEllipsoid( vxs )
   Find the best-fit ellipsoid containing the vertexes VXS, an N*D array
   where D is the number of dimensions.  The result is returned as a
   matrix of column vectors, being the principal axes of the ellipsoid.


[c,p,flatness] = bestFitPlane( vxs, weights )
   Find the best-fit plane through the vertexes VXS, an N*D array where D
   is the number of dimensions.  The result is returned in the form of C,
   the centroid of the vertexes, and P, the unit normal vector to the plane
   through C, both as row vectors.  FLATNESS is a measure of how flat the
   set of points is, and is the ratio of the smallest to second smallest
   eigenvalue of the covariance matrix.  Zero means very flat, 1 means not
   at all flat.
   WEIGHTS, if supplied, weights the vertices.


r = bestRotation( x, u )
   Find the linear transformation of x that best approximates the
   displacements u, and return its rotational component.
   The method used here is only valid for small rotations.


[cameraLook, cameraUp, cameraRight] = cameraFrame( ...
       CameraPosition, CameraTarget, CameraUp )
   Construct the camera orthonormal frame of reference.  The arguments are
   fields of an axes object.
   If called as [cameraLook, cameraUp, cameraRight] = cameraFrame( axes ),
   the position, target, and up vectors are taken from the axes object.
   Calling it with no arguments is equivalent to cameraFrame( gca ).
   Note that cameraUp will not necessarily coincide with CameraUp, since
   cameraUp is constrained to be orthogonal to the look direction, while
   CameraUp is not.

   cameraFrame can be called with a single argument, which is either a
   struct containing the three camera parameters, or an axes handle.  In
   the latter case the camera parameters will be taken from the axes.  If
   omitted, it defaults to the current axes.


camParams = cameraParamsFromOurViewParams( viewParams )
   Convert our camera parameters to Matlab's.
   Matlab's camera parameters are:
   Our camera parameters are:
       fov (field of view)
       pan (two components)

   See also: ourViewParamsFromCameraParams.


c = centroids( nodes, tricellvxs, triangles )
   Find the centroids of the triangles.


[xx,yy,zz] = circle( varargin )
   Similar to SPHERE, but draws a unit circle in the XY plane, or
   returns the [xx,yy,zz] data for plotting with SURF.  The zz
   result is always a zero matrix.

   See also: SPHERE.




a = cloudAxes( p )
   Determine the principal axes of the cloud of points p.  p is an N*D
   matrix, where there are N points in D dimensional space.



vxs = convexify( vxs )
   vxs is an N*2 array of points in the plane defining a polygon.
   They are modified to force the polygon to be convex.



a = crossproc1( b, c )
   Equivalent to cross(b,c,1) where b and c are two-dimensional 3*N



a = crossproc2( b, c )
   Equivalent to cross(b,c,2) where b and c are two-dimensional 3*N



[th,X,Y,th2] = decomposedTriangleTransform( vxs, wxs )
   vxs and wxs are two planar triangles given as 3*2 matrices.
   There is a unique linear transformation which, combined with a suitable
   translation (which we are not interested in), maps vxs to wxs.
   This routine calculates a description of that linear transformation in
   the form of a rotation by angle TH, followed by growth in the x and y
   directions of X and Y respectively, followed by rotation by angle TH2.
   The growth tensor which maps vxs to the same shape as wxs is then
   [X 0;0 Y]*rotMatrix(th).


r = diffRect( r1, r2 )
   r1 and r2 are rectangles represented as [ xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi ].
   r is set to an array of disjoint rectangles whose union is r1 - r2. 


[ az, el ] = dir2azel( d )
   Convert a unit direction vector to azimuth and elevation in degrees.
   Azimuth and elevation have the meanings given to them by the Matlab
   function [az,el] = view().  That is, when the azimuth of the view is
   zero, the positive Y axis points into the screen.  When the azimuth is
   90, the negative X axis points into the screen.  When elevation is
   zero, the positive Z axis points up the screen.  When elevation is
   positive, the positive Z axis points upwards and out from the screen.
   When elevation is 90, the positive z axis points directly out of the

   See also: azel2dir.


d = dotproc1( v1, v2 )
   Equivalent to dot(v1,v2,1) where v1 and v2 are two-dimensional matrices
   of the same size.



d = dotproc1( v1, v2 )
   Equivalent to dot(v1,v2,2) where v1 and v2 are two-dimensional matrices
   of the same size.



h = drawPlane( ax, normal, distance, radius, alph )
   In the axes AX, draw a rectangle in the plane whose unit normal vector
   is NORMAL, and which is a DISTANCE from the origin.  The semidiameter
   of the rectangle is RADIUS and its alpha value is ALPH.  The centre of
   the rectangle will be at the closest point of the plane to the origin.
   NORMAL must be a row vector.


drawVoronoi( r )
   Draw the Voronoi and Delaunay diagrams of the set of points R, a 2*N


encloses = enclosesLine( pts, line )
   Determine whether a given polygon, defined by pts, its vertexes listed
   in order, encloses a line, given as a 2*3 array of two points.


rotmatrix = eulerRotation( eulerangles, euleraxes, mode )
   Calculate the rotation matrix corresponding to the given Euler angles.
   Any number of Euler angles can be given.  The same number of axis names
   must also be given in the string EULERAXES, each element of which is
   'X', 'Y', or 'Z' (case is ignored).

   Normally, the rotations are all composed in the global frame.
   eulerRotation( eulerangles, euleraxes, 'local' ) will compose each
   rotation in the frame of reference rotated by all the preceding
   rotations.  This is equivalent to applying the rotations all in the
   global frame and in the reverse order.

   The resulting matrix is suitable for applying to column vectors: given
   a column vector V, the result of rotating V by the result is
   ROTMATRIX*V.  If you require a matrix R which can be applied to a row
   vector V by V*R, take the transpose of ROTMATRIX.


[v,a,b] = findaltitude( v1, v2, v3 )
   v is the foot of the perpendicular from v1 to the line v2 v3.
   v is equal to a*v2 + b*v3.


[a,n] = findAreaAndNormal( vxs )
   Compute the normal vector and area of a triangle whose vertices are the
   rows of vxs.  We do these together, since this is faster than computing
   them separately.


cycle = findCycle( v )
   v is an n*2 matrix of vertex indexes, which represents the set of edges
   of a polygon.  cycle is a list of the vertexes in order round the polygon.
   Since there is no geometrical information present, it is not possible
   to determine whether the ordering is clockwise or anticlockwise
   (indeed, the polygon need not be planar).
   This procedure assumes the data are valid and makes no checks.
   perm is the permutation such that cycle = perm(v(:,1)).


polys = findpolys( vxs, edges )
   Given a set of vertex positions and a set of edges joining them, and
   assuming that the whole is a planar graph, find the polygons.
   VXS is an N*2 aray of vertex positions in the plane.
   EDGES is an M*2 list of pairs of vertexes.
   POLYS will be a cell array of arrays of vertexes.
   VVXS is a list of the neighbours of each vertex, in anticlockwise order
   of direction, starting from -180 degrees.
   VEDGES is a list of the directed edges incident on each vertex, in the
   same order as VEDGES.
   If the graph is not planar, empty arrays are returned.


w = findperp( v )
   Find a 3-element vector perpendicular to the 3-element vector v.  In
   general the result will not be a unit vector, even if v is.
   v must be a row vector or N*3 array of N row vectors.  w will be the
   same shape as v.


m = findtriangleareas( nodes, tricellvxs )
   Calculate the area of the triangles.


w = findunitperp( v )
   Find a 3-element unit vector perpendicular to the 3-element unit vector v.


[r,c,u1,resid,resid1] = fitRotation( x, u )
   Given a set of points x and displacements of those points u, each an
   N*3 matrix, find the rotation r about centre c that best fits the
   displacements.  u1 is set to the residual displacements, resid is set
   to the mean squared error of u, and resid1 to that of u1.  x, u, r, and
   u1 are related by:
       for all i, u1(i,:) = u(i,:) - cross(r,x(i,:)) - c
   The calculation asumes that the displacements ant rotation are
   infinitesimal.  Equivalently, if u is a matrix of velocities, r will be
   the angular velocity and c the linear velocity which best fit u.

   The method is as follows.  Define:
   ubar = average of u
   xbar = average of x
   crosscross(a,b) for row vectors a and b = the matrix P-Q, where P is
       dot(a,b) times the identity, and Q is a'*b.  For matrices of row
       vectors, it sums over all the rows.  The result is a 3*3 matrix.
   Then the desired rotation r satisfies:
       (crosscross(u,x) - crosscross(ubar,xbar)) . r =
               cross(x,u) - N cross(xbar,ubar)
   and c is obtained as c = ubar - cross(r,xbar).
   These are the values that minimise the mean squared error.





vp = getview( theaxes )
[az,el] = getview( theaxes )
[az,el,roll] = getview( theaxes )
   Get the view parameters from the axes handle.
   With one output, the whole view structure is returned.  With two, only
   the azimuth and elevation are returned, and with three, roll is also

   See also: setview.


[cells,bcs] = globalToBaryCoords( bc, nodes, triangles )
   Convert global coordinates to barycentric coordinates.
   NODES is an N*D matrix containing the global coordinates of a set of N
   points in D dimensions.
   TRIANGLES is an M*3 matrix containing the indexes of triples of nodes.
   GC is a C*D array of global coordinates of a set of points.
   NORMALS is an M*3 matrix giving normal vectors for all the triangles.
   This argument can be missing or empty, in which case the normals will
   be computed.
   HINT, if supplied, is a C*1 array of triangle indexes or a C*1 cell
   array of arrays of triangle indexes.

   CELLS will be a C*1 or 1*C vector of indexes of triangles.
   BCS will be a C*3 array of barycentric coordinates.  cells(i) is the
   index of the triangle that gc(i,:) lies in.  bcs(i,:) is the
   barycentric coordinates of that point with respect to that triangle.



gf = grad( vxs, f )
   Given a matrix vxs whose three rows are the corners of a triangle, and
   a three-element row vector f giving the value of a scalar quantity at
   each corner, determine the gradient of f, assuming it to be parallel to
   the plane of the triangle.
   f may validly have K rows, in which case the calculation is
   performed for each row and the result is a K*3 matrix.


 This is a continuous transformation of atan2 that is about twice as fast
 to compute.  It returns values in a range from -0.5 to +0.5 varying
 continuously and montonically with atan2(pts).


go = gradOp( vxs )
   Given a matrix vxs whose three rows are the corners of a triangle,
   determine a 3*3 matrix go such that for any 3-element row vector f,
   f*go is the gradient of the linear interpolation of f over the


gol = gradOpLinear( vxs )
   Given a matrix vxs whose three rows are the corners of a triangle,
   determine a 9*9 matrix go such that for any 3*3-matrix v, representing a
   velocity at each vertex of the triangle, we have
   reshape(go,[],1) = go * reshape(v,[],1).


gt = gradT( vxs )
   Given a matrix vxs whose three rows are the corners of a triangle,
   calculate a tensor gt such that for any three-element row vector f
   defining a scalar value at each corner of the triangle, the gradient
   vector of f (assumed linearly interpolated over the triangle) is
   f * gt * vxs.
   gt is a 3*3 symmetric matrix whose rows and columns sum to zero.



isinside = insideSurface( s, v )
   Determine whether v is inside or outside the closed surface s.  s is
   assumed to have all its faces oriented so that the right-handed normals
   point outwards.



intersectDepth = intersect_capsule( capsule0, capsule1 )
   Determine whether two capsules intersect.
   A capsule is a cylinder closed with hemispherical end caps.
   The data structure representing a capsule is a struct with these
   ends: a 2xN array, being the two endpoints of the cylinder in
       N-dimensional space.
   radius: the radius of the cylinder and the hemispheres.
   The result is the depth of intersection, positive when they intersect
   and negative when they do not.  Mathematically, a depth of zero means
   that they touch, but due to rounding errors this is not a test that can
   be relied on, and zero should be counted either always as intersecting
   or always as non-intersecting.


p = intersectPolygons( p1, p2 )
   Compute the intersection of two convex polygons.
   The polygons are represented as N*2 arrays containing their vertexes in
   anticlockwise order.
   The vertexes of the intersection are:
   (1) Every vertex of one that lies inside the other, and
   (2) Every intersection of any edge of one with any edge of the other.
   The only edges that need be tested are those from a point inside to a
   point outside, and between two points outside.


q = inv3( p )
   Compute the inverse of a 3*3 matrix.
   If the matrix is singular, return the zero matrix and give a warning.


vxs = layOutPolygon( edges, angles )
   Given the set of edge lengths and exterior angles of a polygon,
   calculate its vertexes in the plane.  The first vertex is placed at the
   origin and the second on the positive x axis.
   If the exterior angles do not sum to 2pi, they will be adjusted to fit.


v = lineCutByPolygon( pv, vin, vout )
   PV is a polygon represented by an N*2 array, which is the N vertexes in
   order round the polygon (it does not matter which way).
   VIN is a point known to be inside the polygon, and VOUT a point
   outside, represented as column vectors.
   The result V is a point where the line V1 V2 intersects the boundary
   of the polygon, represented as a column vector.


[b,v] = lineIntersection( v1, v2, v3, v4 )
   Find the intersection of the lines v1 v2 and v3 v4.
   The vectors must be 2-dimensional column vectors.
   b is true if the lines intersect, v is the intersection.
   v is not computed unless asked for.


[d,p,a,q,b] = lineLineDistance( p01, q01 )
   p01 and q01 are 2*D arrays, specifying pairs of D-dimensional points.
   Find the closest point on each of these line segments to the other
   segment, and the distance between these points. 
   The closest points are expressed both as points and as barycentric
   coordinates, i.e. p = a(1)*p01(1,:) + a(2)*p01(2,:) and
   q = b(1)*q01(1,:)+b(2)*q01(2,:).

   The five results are row vectors of lengths 1, D, 2, D, and 2.

   p01 and q01 can instead be 2*D*N arrays, and the results will be,
   respectively, N*1, N*D, N*2, N*D, and N*2 arrays.
   If N for just one of p01 or q01 is 1, it will be replicated as
   necessary to match the other.


[p,pbary,v,e] = intersectLineTriangle( line, tri, insideonly )
   Find the intersection of a line and a triangle in 3D.
   The line is represented as a 2x3 matrix consisting of two 3D points,
   defining the infinite line passing through them.  The triangle is a 3x3
   matrix whose rows are the vertexes of the triangle.

   The result is the intersection point, its barycentric coordinates
   with respect to the triangle, and the vertex and edge that the point is
   closest to.  The point is in the interior of the 
   triangle if the barycentric coordinates are all positive, on the
   interior of an edge if exactly one is zero, at a vertex if two are
   zero, and outside the triangle if any are negative.

   If the triangle or the line are degenerate, or the line lies in the
   plane of the triangle, then p and pbary are both  returned as all
   zeros.  Note that [0 0 0] is not a valid set of barycentric

   If insideonly is true (the default is false), then if the point lies
   outside it will be returned as zero, with barycentric coordinates of
   zero.  Note that due to rounding errors it is possible that a point
   exactly on the edge of the triangle will be detected as lying outside.


[i,r] = lineplaneIntersection( p1, p2, n, c )
   Find the intersection between the line through p1 and p2, and the plane
   through c perpendicular to n.
   All vectors must be row vectors.
   r will be the value such that i = p1*(1-2) + p2*r.


a = localDirection( vxs, v )
   VXS is a matrix of 3 row vectors.  V is a row vector.
   A will be set to a vector such that A*VXS is as close as possible to V
   while satisfying SUM(A) = 0.  For this to be useful, V should be
   roughly in the plane of the three vertexes VXS.

   V can be an N*3 matrix of vectors, and an N*3 matrix will be returend
   for A.


r = makeSquare( r )
   r is a 4-element array [x y w h] such as is used to represent
   rectangles in GUIs.  This procedure trims r to be square, and centres
   the new square within the old rectangle.


[v1,v2] = makeframe( v )
  V is a unit vector.  Chose unit vectors V1 and V2 such that [V V1 V2] is
  a right-handed coordinate system.
  If V is a nonzero non-unit unit vector, the resulting vectors will be
  mutually orthogonal, but may be of arbitrary non-zero lengths.
  If V is zero, V1 and V2 will be zero.


v2p = makeperp( v1, v2 )
   Construct the vector v2p which is orthogonal to v1 and in the same plane
   as v2 and v1.


 Result will be a list of pairs (i,j) signifying an edge from pts1(i,:) to pts2(j,:).


m = matRot( rotAxis, rotAmount )
   Calculate the rotation matrix that rotates about the given axis by the
   given amount in radians.  The axis must be a unit vector.
   Formula cribbed from Wikipedia.


[thv,thw] = matchTriangleRots( vxs, wxs )
   vxs and wxs are two planar triangles given as 3*2 matrices.
   Calculate the direction angles thv and thw of unit vectors dv and dw,
   such that when the triangles are both projected onto the respective
   lines, their vertices lie in the same order and divide the line in the
   same ratio; and such that this is also true for projection onto the
   perpendiculars to the lines.  The difference between the two angles is
   then the rotation that, followed by a non-isotropic expansion, maps
   vxw onto wxs.


m = meanpos( nodes, triangles, values )
   NODEs is an N*3 array, containing the vertex positions of a mesh.
   TRIANGLES is an M*3 array of triples of node indexes, defining the
   triangles of the mesh.
   VALUES is an N*1 array of values defined at each vertex.
   Consider VALUES to define the distribution of concentration os a
   substance over the mesh, linearly interpolated over every triangle.
   The result will be the centroid of that distribution.


[mom2,centroid] = moment2distrib( nodes, tricellvxs, values, centre )
   NODEs is an N*3 array, containing the vertex positions of a mesh.
   TRIANGLES is an M*3 array of triples of node indexes, defining the
   triangles of the mesh.
   VALUES is an N*1 array of values defined at each vertex.
   CENTRE is a point, by default the centroid of the distribution.
   Consider VALUES to define the distribution of concentration os a
   substance over the mesh, linearly interpolated over every triangle.

   MOM2 will be the second moment of that distribution about the centre.
   CENTROID (if asked for) will be the centroid of the distribution.  If
   CENTRE is omitted it will default to the centroid; in  that case MOM2
   is the variance of the distribution.
   TOTAL (if asked for) will be the total quantity of the distribution.

   See also: meanpos.


r = nearestNeighbours( p1, p2 )
   For each point in p1, find the point in p2 that is closest.
   For all i, p2(r(i),:) is the member of p2 that is closest to p1(i,:).
   Brute force algorithm.


a = nearestPointOnLine( vxs, p )
   VXS is a 3*2 vector containing the ends of a line segment.
   a is set to the point on that line that is closest to p.  (a is not
   restricted to be within the line segment.)


[near,far] = nearfarpoints( p, ps )
   Find the nearest and farthest points in the set ps from the point p.
   Return their indexes.  p is a row vector of length D, and ps is an N*D


a = normalizeAngle( a, mina, degrees, lowerClosed )
   An integer multiple of one revolution is added to A as necessary to make
   it fall in the range [mina...mina+onerevolution].  If lowerClosed is true
   (the default), then the interval is [mina...mina+onerevolution), otherwise
   (mina...mina+onerevolution].  If degrees is true (the default), then
   the calculation is carried out in degrees, otherwise in radians.


bc = normaliseBaryCoords( bc )
   Force all elements of bc to be in the range 0..1 with a sum of 1.
   bc may be a matrix in which each row is a set of barycentric


a = normaliseNumber( a, lo, hi, lowerClosed )
   An integer multiple of HI-LO  is added to A as necessary to make
   it fall in the range [LO..HI].  If lowerClosed is true
   (the default), then the interval is [LO..HI), otherwise
   LOWERCLOSED defaults to TRUE.
   HI defaults to LO+1.
   LO defaults to 0.
   If LO==HI, every element of A is set to LO.
   If LO > HI, LO and HI are swapped and LOWERCLOSED is negated.


ns = norms( vs )
   Calculate the norms of all the row vectors in vs.


vs = normvecs( vs )
   Transform every non-zero row of vs into a unit vector.


viewParams = ourViewParamsFromCameraParams( camParams )
   Convert Matlab's camera parameters to ours.
   camParams may be either an axes handle or a struct containing Matlab's
   camera parameters.

   Matlab's camera parameters are:
   Our camera parameters are:
       fov (field of view)
       pan (two components)

   targetdistance is the distance of the target point behind the plane
   through the origin perpendicular to the view direction.
   camdistance is the distance of the camera from the target point.

   See also: cameraParamsFromOurViewParams.


v = pathViaEdge( v1, v2, e1, e2 )
   Set v3 to the point on the line joining e1 and e2 which minimises the
   length of the path v1 v v2.
   All vectors must be row vectors.
 Error: there is a degenerate case where v1 and v2 both lie on the
 line from e1 to e2


perVx = perVertextoperTriangle( tricellvxs, perVx, triangles )
   Given a quantity that is defined for each vertex of a triangular mesh,
   calculate an equivalent quantity per triangle.

   The per-vertex quantity can be a vector.  If m has numVx vertexes and
   numFEs finite elements, then perVx has size  [numVxs,K] for some K, and
   perTri has size [numFEs,K]. 

   Note that this is an approximation: some smoothing is unavoidable in
   the calculation.  The function perFEtoperVertex translates the other
   way, but these two functions are not inverses.  Converting back and
   forth will have the side-effect of spreading out the distribution of
   the quantity.


p = perpBisIntersect( v )
   v is a 3x2 array representing a triangle in the plane.
   Set p to the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides
   of the triangle.


p = perpBisIntersect1( v )
   v is a 3x2 array representing a triangle in the plane.
   Set p to the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides
   of the triangle.


bcp = perpendicular( vxs, bc )
   Given the coordinates of a triangle as a 3*3 matrix of row vectors, and
   the barycentric coordinates of a vector in that triangle, compute the
   barycentric corodinates of a perpendicular vector.


r1 = foo( r, r1, mode )
   r and r1 are positions (both of the form [x,y,w,h]).
   margins is a list of 4 numbers [ml, mb, mr, mt].
   glue is an array of compass directions, each of which is n, w, s, or e.
   The result is a rectangle obtained by first insetting r by the margins
   to produce a frame rectangle, then attaching the sides of r1 to the
   sides of the frame wherever the corresponding compass point appears in
   the glue string.  Where a side is unglued, r1 retains its dimension
   (width or height) in that direction.


side = planeSide( n, a, pts )
   The column vector N and the real number A define a plane by the equation
   N*X==A.  Set SIDE to an array of booleans of length size(p,1), in which
   each element is truee iff the corresponding row of p satisfies
   N*P(i,:) >= A.


plotRect( r )
   Plot the rectangles r, an array of which each row has the form
   [ xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi ].




plotpts( ax, pts, varargin )
   Plot the 2 or 3 dimensional points with any plot options.


inside = pointInPoly( pt, poly )
   Determine whether the point is inside the polygon, by computing the
   winding number of the polygon about the point.
   The polygon is represented as an N*2 array containing its vertexes in
   anticlockwise order.
   If the points are in clockwise order, the result will be true if the
   point is outside.


[d,pp] = pointLineDistance( vxs, p, wholeLine )
   Find the distance of a point from a line segment.  VXS is a 2*D vector
   containing the ends of the segment, where D is the number of dimensions.
   pp is the foot of the perpendicular from p to the line.  bc is the
   barycentric coordinates of pp with respect to the ends.  If wholeLine
   is false (the default), then if pp lies outside the 
   line segment, it will be moved to the nearer end.  However, bc will be
   unchanged.  To determine from the result whether pp was moved, look at
   bc: one of its components will be negative in that case.  In both
   cases, d will be the distance from p to pp.


d = pointPlaneDistance( vxs, p )
   Find the distance from the point p to the plane through the given three
   vertexes vxs.  The result is always nonnegative.
d = pointPlaneDistance( planeCentre, planeNormal, p )
   Find the distance from the point p to the plane through planeCentre
   with unit normal vector planeNormal.
   The result is positive if p is on the same side of planeCentre as


d = pointPointDistance( p0, p1 )
   Return the distances between corresponding members of the N*K arrays p0
   and p1 of N K-dimensional points.
   Either p0 or p1 can be a single point, in which case its distance from
   all the points in the other set will be calculated.


 Calculate a 3*2 matrix describing an affine transformation mapping v1 to
 w1 and v2 to w2. The transformation must consist of translation, scaling,
 and rotation only.
 Given a N*2 array of points n, the new value of n should be


d = pointTriangleDistance( vxs, p )
   Find the distance from a point to a triangle.


c = polyCentroid( v )
   Compute the centroid of the polygon whose vertexes are the rows of v.
   The polygon must be 2 or 3 dimensional.


polySelfIntersect( pts )
   PTS is the set of vertexes of a polygon in the plane, listed in
   anticlockwise order.  The result is a list of self-intersections.  Each
   row contains 4 elements: [A,B,C,D] means that the edge from A to B
   intersects the edge from C to D.


 POLYAREA3 Area of polygon in 3D space.
    POLYAREA3(X,Y,Z) returns the area of the polygon specified by
    the vertices in the vectors X, Y, and Z.  If X, Y, and Z are matrices
    of the same size, then POLYAREA3 returns the area of
    polygons defined by the columns of X, Y, and Z.  If X, Y, and Z are
    arrays, POLYAREA3 returns the area of the polygons in the
    first non-singleton dimension of X, Y, and Z.  
    POLYAREA3(X,Y,Z,DIM) returns the area of the polygons specified
    by the vertices in the dimension DIM.

    POLYAREA3(M), where M is an N*3 matrix, is equivalent to
    POLYAREA3( M(:,1), M(:,2), M(:,3), 1 ).

    If the polygon is not flat, the area computed is the total area of all
    the triangles formed by the centroid of the vertices and every
    consecutive pair of vertices of the polygon.
    Based on the Matlab code for POLYAREA.

    See also: POLYAREA.


a = polygonArea( d, vxs )
   Compute a representation of the area of a polygon in 3D cut off by a
   plane perpendicular to d.  The polygon vertexes are in the N*3 array
   vxs. d must be a unit row vector.  n is a vector normal to the polygon.
   If omitted, it defaults to [0 0 1].


a = polygonArea2( d, vxs )
   Compute a representation of the area of a polygon in the XY plane cut
   off by a line parallel to the Y axis.  The polygon vertexes are in the
   N*2 array vxs.


centre = polygoncentre( vxs )
   Find the centroid of a polygon.


[c,v] = polysplitdiameter( vxs )
   Given an N*2 matrix of vertexes of a 2D polygon, find the centroid c of
   the polygon and a unit vector v, such that the distance from c along v
   to an edge of the polygon is minimised.


povrayParams = povrayParamsFromOurViewParams( viewParams )
   Convert our camera parameters to POV-Ray's.
   POV-Ray's camera parameters are:
     location: a vector
     look_at: a vector
     right: a vector
     up: a vector
     direction: a vector
   Our camera parameters are:
       fov (field of view)
       pan (two components)

   See also: ourViewParamsFromCameraParams.


[pp,bc] = projectPointToLine( vxs, p )
   Project P perpendicularly onto the line defined by the two vertexes
   VXS, giving point P1.  VXS is a 2*D matrix of two row vectors of any
   dimensionality D.  If the two points coincide, then PP is set equal to
   both.    BC is set to the barycentric coordinates of the point
   with respect to VXS, as a 1*D row vector.  The equality PP == BCS*VXS
   holds.  P may be an N*D matrix of row vectors for any N.


pp = projectPointToPlane( vxs, p )
   Project P perpendicularly onto the plane defined by the three vertexes
   VXS, giving point PP.  VXS is a 3*D matrix of three row vectors of any
   dimensionality D.  If the three points are collinear, then P is projected
   onto the line they define.
   BC is set to the barycentric coordinates of the projected point with
   respect to VXS, as a 1*D row vector.  The equality PP == BCS*VXS
   holds.  P may be an N*D matrix of row vectors for any N.


p = projectPointToPlane2( point, normal, distance )
   Project POINT to the plane normal to NORMAL at DISTANCE from the origin.
p = projectPointToPlane2( point, normal, through )
   Project POINT to the plane normal to NORMAL that passes through the
   point THROUGH.
   NORMAL must be nonzero, but does not have to be a unit vector.
   POINT can be an N*D matrix of D-dimensional points.
   If RATIO is supplied, the points will not be moved the full distance to
   the plane, but only the given proportion of the distance.  Thus RATIO=1
   gives full flattening, RATIO=0 gives no change.


gradendpoint = projectstreamline( v, bc, vxs, positive )
   Given v, a vector of the three values of some scalar at the vertexes
   vxs of a triangle, and bc, the bcs of a point in the triangle.
   Compute the bcs of the intersection of the line parallel to the
   gradient vector of v, in either the direction of the gradient vector or
   its opposite or both, starting from the point bc, with the first side
   of the triangle that it hits.
   If POSITIVE is true, only the intersection in the direction of the
   gradient is returned.
   If POSITIVE is false, only the intersection in the opposite direction
   is returned.
   If POSITIVE is not supplied, both intersections are returned.
   If two output arguments are supplied, the positive intersection is
   returned in gradendpoint1 and the negative in gradendpoint2.
   If one output argument is supplied, it will hold the intersection that
   was asked for, if POSITIVE was supplied, otherwise it will hold the
   positive intersection.
   Any intersection asked for which does not exist, because it lies
   outside the triangle, is returned as the empty list.




[cellindexes,bcs,pts] = randPointsOnSurface( nodes, tricellvxs, areas, d, hintFE, hintBC )
   Choose a maximal set of points on a surface defined by a set of nodes
   and a set of triangles, subject to the condition that the
   distance between any two points is greater than d.  The AREAS
   argument is a vector of the areas of the triangles.  This can be
   calculated from the nodes and tricellvxs arguments, but in the
   circumstances where we call this, we already have the areas to hand.

   We use an approximate algorithm for this: first we generate many points
   at random, far more than the number we estimate that we will eventually
   select.  Then we select from these points one by one, adding a point to
   the selected set if it is far enough from each of the previously
   selected points.  The more points we generate, the less likely we are
   to have a chance void in our pattern, where we should have added
   point but did not.  But the more points we generate, the longer the
   algorithm takes.

   If hintFE and hintBC are supplied, these points are used before any of
   the generated points.

   The result consists of a vector of triangle indexes, the barycentric
   coordinates of the selected points in those triangles, and the 3d
   coordinates of the points.

   This method generates a set of points that are guaranteed to be at
   least d apart from each other, and (if the initial sample is large
   enough) will ensure that no other point of the surface is more than a
   distance d from the nearest member of the set.  This still allows for
   some lumpiness: there can be voids in the pattern whose shortest
   diameter is up to 2d.


r = randRotation()
   Generate a random rotation matrix in 3 dimensions.


 newdir = randomDirection( curstart, radius, curdir, maxangle, surfnormal, insurface, usemaxangle, N )
   Generate a random direction that deviates by not more than maxangle
   from currentdir, and which is uniformly distributed over the spherical
   cap that is the space of all permitted directions.  If surfnormal is
   supplied, nonempty, and nonzero, limit the new vector to the subset making an
   angle with surfnormal of more than 90 degrees.

   If maxangle is empty, all directions are permitted, the same as if
   maxangle were pi or more.

   insurface is a boolean.  If false, the above happens, but if true, the
   new direction is constrained to lie parallel to the surface, i.e.
   perpendicular to surfnormal.  (surfnormal must be supplied and nonzero
   in this case.)  The new direction is randomly uniformly distributed
   over the range of permitted angles in the surface.

   curdir must be a row vector.

   newdir will be a unit length row vector.

   The default value of N is 1.  A larger value can be supplied to
   generate any number of random directions as an N*3 matrix.


w = randperp( v )
   Return a random unit vector perpendicular to the unit vector v.
   v may be an N*3 matrix of row vectors, in which case an N*3 matrix will
   be returned, of a random perpendicular to each row of v.


r1 = rectInRect( r, where, pos )
   POS is an array [insetx, insety, width, height].  Set r1 to be a
   rectangle of size [width height], inset by insetx and insety from the
   edges of R indicated by WHERE, which is a string being one of 'n', 's',
   'w', 'e', 'ne', 'ne, 'sw', 'se', 'c'.  x and y are assumed to increase
   to the right and up.


matlabViewParams = rectifyFOV_MVP( matlabViewParams, newfov )
   Set the field of view angle, and change the camera distance so that in
   orthographic projection, the visible appearance of the scene is
   unchanged.  This computation is carried out in terms of Matlab's view
   newfov is given in degrees.


ourViewParams = rectifyFOV_OVP( ourViewParams, newfov )
   Set the field of view angle, and change the camera distance so that in
   orthographic projection, the visible appearance of the scene is
   unchanged.  This computation is carried out in terms of our view
   newfov is given in degrees.


v = rotVec( v, centre, rotAxis, rotAmount )
   Rotate v about the axis rotAxis passing through centre by rotAmount in
   v may be a 3-element row vector or an N*3 matrix.


rotD = rotateElastMatrix( D, J )    D is a 2D elasticity tensor in
3-matrix form.  The result is the rotation of D by J, a 2D rotation matrix
or a rotation angle.


t1 = rotateTensor( t0, r )
   t0 is a tensor in 6-vector form, i.e. [ xx, yy, zz, yz, zx, xy ], or
   3-vector form [xx yy xy].
   r is a rotation matrix in 3 or 2 dimensions respectively.
   The result is t rotated by r.
   t may be a matrix of N row vectors, in which case t1 will also be.


J3 = rotmat2To3mat( J )    Convert a 2*2 rotation matrix to 3-matrix form,
suitable for rotating elasticity tensors in 3-matrix form.


setaxis( theaxes, axisrange, centre )
   This works like axis, but assumes that the camera is on manual mode,
   and does the automatic camera ranging.  If centre is true (the default)
   then the view will be adjusted to pass through the centre of the axis


setview( theaxes, vp )
setview( theaxes, az, el )
setview( theaxes, az, el, roll )
   Set the view parameters of the axes handle.
   Either the whole view parameters structure can be given, or just
   azimuth and elevation, or azimuth, elevation, and roll.




s = smoothSurface( s, n )
   Given a surface S as returned by isosurface(), smooth it by averaging
   each point with its neighbours, N times.  N defaults to 1.


subpts = sparsifyPoints( pts, distance )
   Given a set of points as an N*D matrix, and a distance, choose a
   maximal subset of the points such that no two members of the subset are
   within a distance of less than distance.  The indexes of the selected
   points are returned in a column vector.

   If distance is zero, points with identical coordinates will be deemed to be
   too close.  Thus setting distance=0 amounts to striking out all duplicates.
   If distance is negative, 1:size(pts,1) is returned immediately.


 n is assumed to be a N*3 array of points, assumed to have x and y
 coordinates all lying in the sector whose vertex is at the origin and
 which is bounded by angles a1 and a2.  The points are rotated and
 transformed so as to lie in the sector bounded by angles a3 and a4.


x = spline3( x0, x1, x2, x3, alpha )
   Interpolate a cubic spline through the four points, which may be in
   space of any number of dimensions.  The spline will pass through the
   four points at alpha = -1, 0, 1, and 2 respectively.
   If x0...x3 are row vectors and alpha is a column vector then x will be
   a matrix of row vectors; and vice versa.


 Given a set of points PTS (an N*3 array) and a vector of value in the
 range 0..1, calculate the positions of a set of points INTERPPTS, such
 that the i'th point is a proportion interps(i) of the way along a smooth
 path through all the given points.

 The return value THESPLINE is a data structure from which further
 interpolants can be computed by the PPVAL function.  For example, the
 returned value of INTERPPTS is calculated by:

       interppts = ppval( thespline, interps )';

 Note that ppval returns a 3*K array of K points (K being the length of
 INTERPS), so for consistency with our convention that PTS is N*3, this
 array is transposed before being returned.


bc = splitBaryCoords( bc, femCell, newFemCell, splitv1, splitv2 )
   bc is the barycentric coordinates of a point in the cell FEMCELL, which
   has just been split, the added cell being NEWFEMCELL.  The edge
   that was split has endpoints SPLITV1 and SPLITV2 relative to the old
   cell, where these are indexes in the range 1:3.
   Calculate the new barycentric coordinates of the same point, and its
   cell index.


[vi1a,vi1b,v1,vi2a,vi2b,v2] = splitPoly( direction, splitpoint, vxs )
   vxs contains the vertexes of a polygon as an N*3 matrix.
   direction is a direction and splitpoint a point.
   This routine finds where the plane perpendicular to direction through
   splitpoint intersects the polygon.


[vi1a,vi1b,v1,vi2a,vi2b,v2] = splitPolyShortest( splitpoint, vxs )
   Find the shortest line through splitpoint cutting the polygon vxs.
   The results are



[par,per] = splitVector( v, n )
   Split a row vector r into its components parallel and perpendicular to
   the row vector n.  r and n can be N*3 matrices.


newbc = splitbc( oldbc, splitinfo )
   When a finite element is split, any points within it that were defined
   by their barycentric coordinates must have those coordinate recomputed,
   and the descendant cell containing the point must be found.  That is
   done by this function.

   ci is the cell that was split.  splitinfo is an array of six elements
   [ ci1, ci2, ci3, nc1, nc2, nc3 ].  ci1, ci2, and ci3 are the indexes
   within the cell of the edges that were split.  If only two edges were
   split, ci3 is zero, and if only one edge, ci2 is also zero.  nc1, nc2,
   and nc3 are the indexes of the new cells.  If only two edges were
   split, nc3 is  zero, and if only one edge, nc2 is also zero.  The edges
   and cells are listed in a canonical order, for which see the code here,
   or look at how splitinfo is computed in splitalledges.m.


bc4 = squarebc( bc, d )
   Return the barycentric coordinates of a quadrilateral centred on bc with
   radius d.


[cameraPosition, cameraRight] = ...
   stereoOffset( cameraPosition, cameraTarget, cameraUp, cameraRight, offset )
 Rotate cameraPosition and cameraRight by offset about cameraUp through cameraTarget.
 offset is in degrees.  The vectors should be row vectors.


p = subdivide4( v )
   Given a 4*3 matrix holding four points, find a point on a smooth curve
   through the four points, about halfway between the middle two points.


nb = surfaceNeighbours( s )
   %   Given a surface S as returned by isosurface(), return a cell array
   listing for each vertex, the indexes of its neighbours.


g = tensorVector( t, v )
   Given a growth tensor t in 2 or 3 dimensions, and a column vector v,
   compute the growth in direction v (scaled as |v| squared),
   i.e. g = v' t v.
   t is assumed given in 3-vector format for 2 dimensions, or 6-vector
   format for 3 dimensions.


 [cs,fs] = tensorsToComponents( ts, preferredframes )
   Convert a set of growth tensors ts given as an N*6 matrix into an N*3
   matrix cs of the growth amounts and a 3*3*N matrix of the axis frames.
   preferredframes is an optional argument.  If not supplied, then the
   values in cs will be in descending order.  If supplied and maxmin is
   false or absent, the columns of the matrices in fs will be permuted to
   lie as close as possible to those of preferredframes, and cs will be
   permuted likewise.  If maxmin is true then the first two elements in
   each row of cs will be permuted to place the largest first, and the
   corresponding axes likewise permuted.





a = tetrahedronAngle( v1, v2, v3, v4 )
  The arguments are the four vertices of a tetrahedron.
   Return the angle between the two faces joined by the edge v1 v2.





gv = triInterpolate( points, v )   v is a row vector of 3 values, the values
of some quantity at the vertexes of a triangle.  points is a 3*N matrix of
points in barycentric coordinates.  The result is the interpolated values
of v at those points.


a = triangleAngles( tri )
   TRI is a 3*3 matrix of row vectors, the vertexes of a triangle.
   A is set to the angle at the first vertex.
   If you want all three angles, use triangleAngles.


a = triangleAngles( tri )
   TRI is a 3*3 matrix of row vectors, the vertexes of a triangle.
   A is set to the angles of the triangle, as a column vector.


q = triangleQuality( pts )
   Compute a measure of the quality of the triangular FEM element whose
   vertexes are the rows of pts.  The measure is the ratio of twice the
   triangle area to the square of its longest side.  Equivalently, it is
   the ratio of the altitude to the longest side.  The maximum possible
   value is sqrt(3)/2 = 0.866.  


t = triangleTransform( vxs1, vxs2, growthonly )
   Find the affine transformation that maps the triangle vxs1 to the
   triangle vxs2, both being 3*2 matrices representing three points in the
   plane.  The transformation t is a 3*2 matrix satisfying
   [ vxs1, [1; 1; 1] ]*t = vxs2.  It exists and is unique unless the
   points vxs1 are collinear.
   If growthonly is true (default false) then the translationsl and
   rotational parts of t will be removed and t returned as a 2*2 symmetric


ta = trianglearea( vxs )
   Compute the area of the triangle in 3D space whose vertices are the
   rows of vxs.  If the third dimension of vxs is greater than 1, this
   calculation will be carried out for every slice.


[areas,normals] = triangleareas( nodes, triangles )
   Compute the areas and normal vectors to a set of triangles specified by
   the positions of their vertexes and the triples of vertexes that make
   the triangles.


a = trianglesAngles( tri )
   TRI is a 3*3*N matrix of row vectors, the vertexes of N triangles.
   A is set to the angles of all the triangles, as a 3*N matrix.
   The triangles are assumed to be all non-degenerate.


t = triangulate( vxs )
   Create a triangulation of the given vertexes.
   VXS is an N*2 array listing the vertexes of a polygon in order.
   T will be a K*3 array of triples of indexes of V.


frame = triframe( t )    Calculate a right-handed orthonormal frame of
reference for a triangle t, such that the third axis is the triangle
normal, and the first is one of its edges.
The vertices of the triangle are the rows of t.


normal = trinormal( t )    Calculate a normal vector to the
triangle whose vertices are the rows of t.  The length of the vector is twice
the area of the triangle.
If the three points are collinear, the vector will be zero.


mx = tritransformation( vxsA, vxsB )
   Compute a linear transformation mapping the triangle whose vertexes are
   the rows of vxsA to the triangle given by vxsB, assuming the unit
   normal vector of the first is mapped to the unit normal vector of the
   second.  mx should have the property that vxsA*mx differs from vxsB by
   a translation.  The translation from vxsA*mx to vxsB is
   vxsB(1,:) - vxsA(1,:)*mx.


bc = vec2bc( v, vxs )
   Convert a vector to barycentric coordinates with respect to the
   triangle whose vertexes are the rows of the 3*3 matrix vxs.  n, if
   supplied and nonempty, is a normal vector to the triangle.




voronoiChange( v, dv )
   V is a set of voronoi generating points.
   DV is a perturbation to V.
   We compute the change in edge lengths of the Voronoi tessellation of V
   when DV is added to V, on the assumption that the topology of the
   network does not change.  Since smalledges tend to be fragile, we
   ignore edges whose length is less than 0.2 of the typical cell

   Several measures of edge shrinkage are returned:
       NS: the number of edges, originally above the threshold length,
       which shrank.
       FS: the fraction of edges, originally above the threshold length,
       which shrank.
       AMT: geometric mean of the shrinkage, taking non-shrinking edges to
       have zero shrinkage.


vv = voronoiFromDelaunay( v, t )
   Calculate the Voronoi vertexes from the Delaunay trangulation t of a
   set of vertexes V.


v = vorticity( x, u )
   Given N*3 matrices x and u of points and displacements respectively,
   find the best-fit rigid rotation v.


z = whichSide( n, p, v )
   Returns 1 or 0, depending on which side v is of
   the hyperplane perpendicular to n through p.
   n and p must be row vectors, and v a matrix of row vectors.
   z will be a column vector of booleans.



v = wrappoints( v, r )
  Wrap the set of points around a cylinder whose axis is the z-axis, with
  radius r.


r = xorRect( r1, r2 )
   r1 and r2 are rectangles represented as [ xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi ].
   r is set to an array of disjoint rectangles whose union is the
   symmetric difference of r1 and r2.


XVORONOI Modified Voronoi diagram.
   By RK, based on Matlab's VORONOI.

   VORONOI(X,Y) plots the Voronoi diagram for the points X,Y. Lines-to-
   infinity are approximated with an arbitrarily distant endpoint.

   VORONOI(X,Y,TRI) uses the triangulation TRI instead of 
   computing it via DELAUNAY. 

   VORONOI(X,Y,OPTIONS) specifies a cell array of strings to be used as
   options in Qhull via DELAUNAY.
   If OPTIONS is [], the default DELAUNAY options will be used.
   If OPTIONS is {}, no options will be used, not even the default.

   VORONOI(AX,...) plots into AX instead of GCA.

   H = VORONOI(...,'LineSpec') plots the diagram with color and linestyle
   specified and returns handles to the line objects created in H.

   [VX,VY] = VORONOI(...) returns the vertices of the Voronoi edges in VX 
   and VY so that plot(VX,VY,'-',X,Y,'.') creates the Voronoi diagram.  
   The lines-to-infinity are the last columns of VX and VY.  To 
   ensure the lines-to-infinity do not affect the settings of the axis 
   limits, use the commands:

       h = plot(VX,VY,'-',X,Y,'.');

   For the topology of the voronoi diagram, i.e. the vertices for
   each voronoi cell, use the function VORONOIN as follows: 

         [V,C] = VORONOIN([X(:) Y(:)])



v = ypiecequadpos( u, v )
   Calculate the 3D position of a point on the basic quadilateral, of
   which 12 copies form the basic y-shaped junction of three tubes.


rgb = HSVtoRGB( h, s, b )
   Better version of hsv2rgb that allows any real number as a value of h,
   and trims s and b to the range 0..1.



msr = msrConvertBaseIndex( msr, baseIndex )
   Convert an MSR structure such as returned by msrfilereader or as
   supplied to msrfilewriter between 0-indexing and 1-indexing.

   MSR files use 0-indexing for those fields that consist of indexes into
   other fields, i.e. the lower index is zero.  Matlab indexes arrays from
   1.  Therefore it is necessary to convert between 0- and 1-indexing in
   order to process MSR data in Matlab.

   baseIndex is the indexing mode that is required for the result.

   If baseIndex is zero, the given msr structure is assumed to currently
   be 1-indexed, and 1 is subtracted from every array index it contains.

   If baseIndex is 1, the given msr structure is assumed to currently
   be 0-indexed, and 1 is added to every array index it contains.

   This procedure will rarely be called by the end user, as msrfilereader
   and msrfilewriter automatically call this already.


[result,errs] = msrfilereader( filename )
   Read the given MSR file and return its contents as a Matlab structure.
   All error messages generated in the process are returned in the cell
   array of strings ERRS.

   Run this on an example file to see what the returned structure looks

   msrfilereader tries to know as little as possible about the data.  It
   has hard-wired into it the data type associated with each field name
   (string, integer, or float) and how many data items there should be,
   but this information should be stored in an external file instead.
   Unknown field names default to expecting any number of string values.

   Because MSR data indexes its arrays from 0, and Matlab indexes arrays
   from 1, all array indexes present in the data must be converted from
   one convention to the other when reading or writing this format.
   msrfilereader therefore needs to know which fields contain array
   indexes.  These fields are (currently) assumed to be OBJECT, EDGE, and
   FACE.  If an MSR file contains any other fields containing array
   indexes that you are going to use as such, you will have to convert
   them yourself after reading the data.

   This procedure uses tokeniseString() in the Growth Toolbox.


[ok,errs] = msrfilewriter( filename, msr )

   Write an MSR structure as returned by MSRFILEREADER to the given file.
   If the filename is empty then output will be to the console.
   If MSR is missing or empty then no file will be touched.
   OK is a boolean to say whether the operation succeeded.  If it fails,
   ERRS will be a cell array of associated error message strings.

   Because MSR data indexes its arrays from 0, and Matlab indexes arrays
   from 1, all array indexes present in the data must be converted from
   one convention to the other when reading or writing this format.
   msrfilewriter therefore needs to know which fields contain array
   indexes.  These fields are (currently) assumed to be OBJECT, EDGE, and
   FACE.  If an MSR file contains any other fields containing array
   indexes that you are going to use as such, you will have to convert
   them yourself before writing the data.




a = arithprog( first, last, n )
   Return an array of n integers, beginning with FIRST and ending with
   LAST, and being as equally spaced as possible between,


a = averageAngle( angles, weights )
   Take the weighted average of the given angles.  If there are N angles,
   there are N candidates for the average, depending on which candidate
   value is selected for each angle.  Choose the one that minimises the
   variance.  If there is more than one, choose one at random.
   The angles are assumed to be in radians.


v = averageDirection( vectors, weights, normal )
   VECTORS is an N*3 matrix of unit row vectors.
   WEIGHTS is a vector of N weights summing to 1.
   The result is a unit vector whose direction is in some sense the
   weighted average of the directions of the given vectors.  It is
   constrained to be perpendicular to NORMAL, and the given vectors are
   expected to be at least approximately perpendicular to NORMAL.  If
   NORMAL is not supplied, it defaults to [0 0 1].

   There is no continuous averaging operation in the space of unit
   vectors.  Therefore, this function is discontinuous.  There is more
   than one plausible candidate for the "average".  The one we implement
   is to take the weighted average of the vectors, project it perpendicular
   to NORMAL, then normalise it to unit length.  If the projection of the
   average is zero, a random perpendicular to NORMAL is returned.  An
   alternative method is to choose the direction that minimises the
   second moment of the distribution of the directions around that value.
   An implementation of that is available in the code below, but only for
   the case where NORMAL is [0 0 1].


theta = bestFitLine2D( pts )
   Find the direction of the line through the centroid of the given points
   that minimises the sum of the squares of the distances of the points
   from the line.
   pts must be an N*2 array.  theta will be an angle between -PI/2 and
   +PI/2.  Both limits are possible.


pts = bestflipvxs( pts )
 pts is an Nx2 matrix of N points in the plane.
 Reflect this set about a line chosen to minimise the total squared
 displacement of all the points.


w = cancelMoment( u, d, cancelDrift )
   d is a set of velocities of particles at positions u.
   Calculate the angular velocity about the centroid of u that will cancel
   out the moment of the velocities d.
   If cancelDrift is true (default is false), then d will also be
   translated to make its average zero.

   The moment of velocities (assuming the centroid is zero) is sum_i u_i
   cross d_i.


a = cfrac( r, n )
   Calculate the continued fraction representation of r to n places.



[cnum,cmin,cstep,csz,clumpindex] = clumplinear( v )
   v is a vector which is expected to consist of a large number of values
   that fall into clumps clustered around a smaller number of values.
   These clump values are expected to be in arithmetic progression.
   This routine finds the best-fit description of this form.
       cnum    The number of clumps
       cmin    The central value of the zeroth clump.
       cstep   The distance between central values of consecutive clumps.
       csz     The maximum difference of any clump member from its central
       clumpindex  A row vector the same length as v, mapping each index
                   of v to the index of the clump it belongs to.

   Thus v(i) is approximated by cmin + cstep*clumpindex(i), and the error
   is bounded by csz.

   v can also be a matrix of any size and number of dimensions.
   clumpindex will have the same size and shape as v.

   See also: clumpsize, clumpseparation, clumpsepsize.


cs = clumpseparation( v )
   v is a vector which is expected to consist of a large number of values
   that fall into clumps clustered around a smaller number of values.  The
   spread of values within each clump is expected to be much smaller than
   the difference of values between any two clumps.  This routine returns
   the minimum separation found between any two members of different clumps.
   v can be a row or column vector, or a matrix of any shape.

   See also: clumpsize, clumpsepsize, clumplinear.


[csep,csz] = clumpsepsize( v )
   Returns the results of clumpsize(v) and clumpseparation(v), but is more
   efficient than calling both of those separately.

   See also: clumpsize, clumpseparation, clumplinear.


csz = clumpsize( v )
   v is a vector which is expected to consist of a large number of values
   that fall into clumps clustered around a smaller number of values.  The
   spread of values within each clump is expected to be much smaller than
   the difference of values between any two clumps.  This routine returns
   the maximum separation found between any two members of the same clump.
   v can be a row or column vector.

   See also: clumpseparation, clumpsepsize, clumplinear.


c = combinations(n,i)
   Calculate n!/i!(n-i)!


s = convertIsoElasticParams( p1, v1, p2, v2 )
   Given any two of the six standard elastic parameters of a 3-dimensional
   isotropic material, return a struct containing all of them:
       s.bulk      bulk modulus
       s.young     Young's modulus
       s.lame1     Lame's first parameter
       s.shear     shear modulus
       s.poisson   Poisson's ratio (also called Lame's second parameter)
       s.pwave     P-wave modulus
   p1 and p2 are any two distinct field names from the above list, and v1
   and v2 are their values.
   For certain pairs (young and either lame1 or pwave), the computation
   requires the solution of a quadratic equation, and hence there are two
   solutions.  Only one solution will be returned, and when possible, it
   will be a physically realistic one (i.e. all properties except
   s.poisson will be non-negative, and s.poisson will be in the range
   -1...0.5).  Some of the calculations will be singular when s.poisson is
   -1 or 0.5.

   If the arguments p1 and p2 are equal, or either is unrecognised, an
   empty result is returned.


dv = diffs( v )
   Set dv to the vector of differences between consecutive members of v.
   v must be nonempty.


r = efrac( cf )
   Evaluate a continued fraction.


q = extractRotation( q, tol )
 Find the rotational component of a polar decomposition of q.
 If the determinant of q is negative, the decomposition will be a
 combination of rotation and reflection.
 The tolerance defaults to 1e-6.


[m,t] = fitmat( p0, p1 )
   P0 and P1 are N*2 or N*3 arrays of 2D or 3D vectors.
   [M,T] are the linear transformation and translation that best
   approximate the transformation of P0 to P1.
   T is P1mean-P0mean, and M is chosen to minimise the squared error of
   (P1-P1mean) - (P0-P0mean)*M.
   If M is close to singular, it is returned as the identity matrix instead.


forces = fourpointforce( torque, vxs, n3, n4 )
   Given a 4*3 matrix of points [v1;v2;v3;v4] and equal and opposite
   torques TORQUE about the line V1 V2, find a set of forces on the four
   vertexes equivalent to those torques.  The torques are assumed to be
   trying to move vertexes v3 and v4 in the direction of the normal
   vectors n3 and n4.  If n3 and n4 are not supplied, they are calculated
   from the vertexes, assuming that v1 v2 v3 ans v4 v2 v1 are
   anticlockwise enumerations.


r = genrand( df, n )
   df is a cumulative distribution function over its subscript range.
   This function generates n random elements drawn from that distribution.
   Where consecutive members of cumdist are equal, the later element will
   always be chosen.


c = interpolateArray( v, cmap, crange )
   C is the color produced by mapping V into the color map CMAP.
   V can be a column vector of length N and C will be an N*3 matrix.


M is a 3*3*N matrix.  Each of its 3*3 slices is inverted.


M = isoproducts( vxs )
   Calculate the integral of the product of any two isoparametric shape
   functions over the pentahedron given by the 6*3 array vxs.  The
   standard pentahedron has the vertex array:
       [ 1 0 -1;
         0 1 -1;
         0 0 -1;
         1 0 1;
         0 1 1;
         1 1 1 ];
   and the given vertexes are assumed to be listed in the same order.

   The result is a 6*6 array M, which is indexed along both dimensions by
   the first index of vxs.

   M is symmetric, and its upper right 3*3 quadrant is symmetric.
   This means that the matrix has at most 18 independent elements.  This
   must be an over-estimate, though.  M is a function of vxs, which
   already only has 18 dfs.  M is invariant under volume-preserving linear
   transformations, which have 8 dfs, leaving only 10 dfs for M.  10 is
   the number of dfs of a symmetric 4*4 matrix.  Furthermore, M is
   determined by the coefficients td1, tdx, etc. computed below.  There
   are only 9 of these, so M has at most 9 degrees of freedom.  In fact,
   tdxzz and tdyzz are identically zero, leaving only 7 dfs.

   For the standard pentahedron, M is:
     [ 4 2 2 2 1 1
       2 4 2 1 2 1
       2 2 4 1 1 2
       2 1 1 4 2 2
       1 2 1 2 4 2
       1 1 2 2 2 4 ] / 72
   Its elementwise reciprocal is:
     [ 1 2 2 2 4 4
       2 1 2 4 2 4
       2 2 1 4 4 2
       2 4 4 1 2 2
       4 1 4 2 1 2
       4 4 2 2 2 1 ] * 18
   Its inverse is
     [ 6 -2 -2 -3  1  1
      -2  6 -2  1 -3  1
      -2 -2  6  1  1 -3
      -3  1  1  6 -2 -2
       1 -3  1 -2  6 -2
       1  1 -3 -2 -2  6 ] * 6

   Under linear transformations M is scaled by the determinant, and hence
   M is invariant under rigid motions and shears.

   More general movements of the six vertices break much of the symmetry.

   Pathological pentahedra can have zero volume, and in this case M is

   When there is no interpenetration of faces, M is non-singular, and its
   determinant has the same sign as the volume.  In finite element
   calculations, the vertexes should be numbered in such a way that the
   volume is positive.  This means that the outward surface normal for the
   triangle vxs([4 5 6],:) should follow the right-hand rule for that
   listing of those vertexes.

   The standard pentahedron can be parameterised by the coordinates x, y,
   and z.  Every other pentahedron can inherit this parameterisation, by
   interpreting x and y as two of the barycentric coordinates on the
   triangles vxs([1 2 3],:) and vxs([4 5 6],:), and z as parameterising
   each of the lines vxs([1 4],:), vxs([2 5],:), and vxs([3 6],:). z thus
   represents the pentahedron as a stack of triangles, to which the
   barycentric coordinates x and y can be applied.

   To obtain the integral of any quantity Q defined in terms of these
   coordinates, one integrates over the standard pentahedron the quantity
   Q*D, where D is the dilation of the mapping of the standard pentahedron
   to the one we are integrating over.  D is the determinant of the
   Jacobian of the transformation, as a function of the x, y, and z
   coordinates in the standard pentahedron.  This is a cubic polynomial in
   x, y, and z, the coefficients of which are calculated below as the
   quantities tp1 (the linear term), tpx (the term in x), etc., up to
   tpyzz (the term in y*z^2).  Each of these coefficients is a sum of
   triple vector products of linear combinations of the vertexes of the


o = logodds( p )
   Calculate the log-odds of a probability, i.e. log( p/(1-p) ).
   p can be a matrix of any shape.  logodds(0) is -Inf, and logodds(1) is

   SEE ALSO: logoddsinv.


p = logoddsinv( o )
   Calculate the probability corresponding to a log-odds value, i.e.
   p = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-o)).  o can be a matrix of any shape.
   logoddsinv(-Inf) = 0 and logoddsinv(Inf) = 1.

   SEE ALSO: logodds.


df = makedistribution( pdf )
   Convert a probability density function to a cumulative distribution
   function.  pdf is a vector of N elements, being the probability of a
   random variable being equal to 1:N.  df is a vector of the same length,
   such that df(i) = sum( pdf(1:i) );


q = matrixToQuat( m )
   Convert a column rotation matrix to a row quaternion.
   Code adapted from
   J.M.P. van Waveren "From Quaternion to Matrix and Back"


[mn,sd] = mnsd( xx, yy )
   Find the mean and standard deviation for the points xx, yy.


moment2distrib1D( xx, yy, centre )
   XX is a vector of N positions on the X axis.
   YY is a set of N values, each value being the amount of a quantity at
   the corresponding element of XX.
   CENTRE is a point, by default the centroid of the distribution.
   Consider YY to define the distribution of concentration of a
   substance over the range of XX, linearly interpolated, and zero
   everywhere outside the range of XX.

   MOM2 will be the second moment of that distribution about the centre.
   CENTROID (if asked for) will be the centroid of the distribution.  If
   CENTRE is omitted it will default to the centroid; in  that case MOM2
   is the variance of the distribution.
   TOTAL (if asked for) will be the total quantity of the distribution.

   See also: meanpos.


P = mul3n( M, N )
   M and N are 3*3*n matrices.
   P is set to a matrix the same size, such that P(:,:,i) =
   M(:,:,i)*N(:,:,i).  This is more efficient than iterating through the
   slices when n is at least 20.





v = nzdiv( num, denom, zeroval )
   For vectors num and denom of the same shape, this is equivalent to
   v = num ./ denom, except that where denom is zero, v will be zeroval.
   zeroval defaults to 0.


o = oddsratio( p )
   Calculate the odds ratio for a probability p: o = p/(1-p).
   p can be a matrix of any size.  p=1 implies o=Inf.

   SEE ALSO: oddsratioinv.


p = oddsratioinv( o )
   Calculate the probability for an odds ratio o: p = 1/(1 + 1/o).
   o can be a matrix of any size.  o=Inf implies p=1.

   SEE ALSO: oddsratio.


k = otherof3( i, j )
   If i and j are distinct digits in the range 1..3, k is the third digit.


r = quatToMatrix( q )
   Convert a quaternion (x,y,z,w) to a rotation column matrix.
   The quaternion must be a 4-element row vector, with the phase component
   last.  It can also be an N*4 matrix, in which case the result is a
   3*3*N array.
   The quaternions are not checked for being normalised.  If the norm is
   k, the result will be a rotation matrix multipled by k^2.


 Return a random subset of k of the numbers from 1 to n.
 s will be an array of booleans the same size as n, with k randonly
 selected elements set to true.

 This is guaranteed to give exactly k numbers.  If what you need is for
 each number to be chosen independently with probability k/n, just use
 s = rand(1,n) < k/n. 


   angvel is an angular velocity vector.
   Compute the rotation matrix that represents rotation at that angular
   velocity for time t (default 1).


v = rotateVecAboutvec( v, a, theta )
   Rotate the 3D vector v about the axis a by angle theta.  a is assumed
   to be a unit vector.  v and a must be row vectors.  v and a can also be
   N*3 matrices, and theta an N-element vector: each vector will be
   rotated about the corresponding axis by the corresponding angle.



l = sinelength( a )
   Compute the arc length of a sine wave of amplitude A and period P.


rotD = rotateGrowthTensor( D, J )
   D is a rank 2 tensor in row 6-vector form.  The result is the
   transformation of D by J, a 3*3 matrix in column vector form.
   Otherwise put, D is the expression of the growth tensor in the frame J,
   and the result is the growth tensor represented in the global frame.
   This is computed by converting D to a matrix, transforming by J,
   then converting back to a row 6-vector.
   If D is an N*6 matrix, this transformation is applied to every row of D.


vxD = triangleAltitude( vxA, vxB, vxC )
	D is the foot of the altitude from A to the line BC.
   vxA, vxB, and vxC are expected to be row vectors.  Any of them may be
   matrices of more than one row vectors; if more than one is, they must
   contain the same number of rows, and if any is a single vector it will
   be replicated the required number of times.


r = tritrirot( oldnodes, newnodes, tricellvxs )
   OLDNODES and NEWNODES are the old and new positions of a set of N
   nodes, each an N*3 matrix.
   TRICELLVXS is a set of M triangles on those nodes, an M*3 matrix.
   R is set to an M*3*3 array containing M rotation matrices that rotate
   the old triangles to the same orientation as the new.




distrib = distribPLC ( density )
   density is an N*2 matrix of (x,y) coordinates, defining a piecewise linear
   continuous function.  The result is the corresponding piecewise quadratic
   distribution function, i.e. the integral of the density (but not scaled to have
   range 0...1).  This function is represented as an N*4 matrix.  For each
   tuple (x,y,y',a), (x,y') is the value of the distribution function corresponding
   to the point (x,y) in the density function, and a expresses the quadratic
   component between that point and the next: distrib( x+eps ) = y' + y*eps + a*eps^2.



dens = polygonDensity( poly )
   Construct a density function from a convex polygon.
   The density function is continuous and piecewise linear.  It is
   represented as an N*4 array. dens(:,1) is the series of x values in
   increasing order.  dens(:,2) is the density function at x.  dens(:,3)
   and dens(4,:) are the y coordinates of the intersections of the line
   parallel to the y-axis at x with the polygon.


distrib = polygonDistrib( poly )
   Returns a structure representing the distribution function for the x
   coordinate of a random variable uniformly distributed over the polygon.
   The polygon is specified as an N*2 matrix.


bc = randBaryCoords
   Return random barycentric coordinates yielding a uniform distribution
   over a triangle.  n is the number of coordinate sets to return,
   defaulting to 1.


r = randBins( binsizes, numpts, uniformise )
   Select a random number of points from each of the bins, in proportion
   to their size.  The result is an array the same size as binsizes,
   containing the number of points that fell into each bin.

   If uniformise is true (the default is false) then each bin is
   guaranteed to have n members, where n is one of the two integers on
   either side of its expected number of members.


r = randBins( binsizes, numpts, uniformise )
   Select a random number of points from each of the bins, in proportion
   to their size.  The result is a list, in random order, of which bin
   each point falls in.

   If uniformise is true (the default is false) then each bin is
   guaranteed to have n members, where n is one of the two integers on
   either side of its expected number of members.


r = randCDF( cdf, varargin )
   Sample according to a CDF.  The arguments after the first specify the
   shape of an array in the same way as for rand().  CDF is a vector of
   increasing values representing a cumulative distribution function.  The
   result is an array of indexes into CDF.  The probability of selecting
   index N is cdf(N)/cdf(end) if N=1, otherwise (cdf(N) - cdf(n-1))/cdf(end).


r = randFromDist( dist, n )
   Select N random indexes into a distribution given by DIST.  Each index
   will be chosen with probability proportional to its value in DIST.


 Uniform distribution in the unit circle.


 Uniform distribution on an ellipse of specified semi-axes A and B,
 centred on the origin.


pts = randInPoly( n, poly )
   Generate a random set of points uniformly distributed in the polygon
   POLY in the plane.
   POLY is an N*2 matrix listing the points of the polygon in
   anticlockwise order.


[cells,bcs] = randInTriangles( areas, n )
   Generate a set of n random points in the plane, uniformly distributed
   over the triangles (which are assumed to be disjoint).  The results are
   returned in the form of cell indexes and barycentric coordinates.


bcs = randPointInCell( eps )
   Return a random point in a triangle in barycentric coordinates, subject
   to the point not lying close to the sides or medians of the triangle.
   n is the number of points, defaulting to 1.
   eps should be in the range 0...0.1.


c = randcolor( n, hsv1, hsv2 )
   Generate n random colors as an N*3 matrix of RGB values.
   hsv1 and hsv2 are two colors in HSV space.
   The resulting colours will be distributed in the box of HSV space
   bounded by these two colours.



n = randint( lo, hi, m, n )
   Return an m*n array of random integers in the range lo..hi inclusive.


r = randints( n, p )
   Randomly select a proportion p of the integers from 1 to n.
   Each integer has a probability p of being chosen; the number of
   integers selected will therefore average pn but will vary randomly from
   that figure.  At least one integer will always be selected unless n is
   zero.  The integers are returned in ascending order.



 Return a random subset of k of the numbers from 1 to n.
 s will be an array of booleans the same size as n, with k randonly
 selected elements set to true.

 This is guaranteed to give exactly k numbers.  If what you need is for
 each number to be chosen independently with probability k/n, just use
 s = rand(1,n) < k/n. 


v = randunitvector( nvecs, ndims )
   Return an nvecs*ndims matrix of random unit row vectors uniformly
   distributed over the surface of the ndims-dimensional sphere.  ndims
   must be 2 or 3, and defaults to 2.  nvecs defaults to 1.






ok = checkFields( s, requiredfields, optionalfields )
   Check that the structure s has all the required fields, and nothing
   else except the optional fields.


u = checkfields( s, mode, varargin )
   Check that the set of fields of structure s includes/is included
   in/equals the fields listed in varargin, according to whether mode is
   'incl', 'only', or 'exact'.


ok = compareStructs( s1, s2, reportCompatible )
   Report on any differences of structure between s1 and s2.
   A difference of structure is:
       s1 and s2 are of different classes.
       s1 and s2 are both arrays, struct arrays, or cell arrays, but have
           different shapes. 
       s1 and s2 are both structs, but have different sets of fields.
       s1 and s2 are both structs, but for some field f belonging to both,
           s1.f and s2.f have an incompatibility.
   The result is true iff there are no incompatibilities.

   If reportCompatible is true, compatible components of s1 and s2 will be
   reported, otherwise only incompatibilities will be reported.


t = decoratetree( t, decor )
   Take a tree whose leaves are integers, and make an isomorphic tree
   whose leaves are the corresponding members of d.


s = defaultFromStruct( s, d )
   Set nonexistent fields of S in the cellarray FN of field names to the
   corresponding values of D.  FN is optional and defaults to the set of
   all fields of D.


s = defaultfields( s, fieldname, fieldvalue, ... )
   Set nonexistent fields of s to the specified values.



v = fieldvalue( s, f )
   Set v to s.(f) if s has such a field, otherwise to the default if there
   is one, otherwise to [].



s = invertDictionary( a )
   a is a cell array of strings.  s is set to a structure whose fields are
   those strings, and whose value for each field is the index of that
   string in the cell array.  The strings must be all different and valid
   Matlab field names.



s = loadAddToStruct( filename, s )
   Load a struct from the file, and add its fields to s.  Fields not
   present in s will be added.  Fields already present in s will be
   overwritten if MODE is 'override', and discarded otherwise.


t = maketree( n, s, b )
   n = number of items.
   s = index of first item.
   b = maximum number of descendants of a node.
   b1 = maximum number of descendants of the root node (defaults to b).


[s,t] = moveFromStructFields( t, varargin )
   The variable arguments must be field names of t.
   Set s to a structure containing those fields of t, and delete them from


s = overridefield( s, fieldtokeep1, fieldstoremove1, fieldtokeep2, fieldstoremove2, ... )
 If certain fields of s are nonempty, set certain other fields to be
 empty, if they exist.  Fields not in s are ignored.


printtree( t, indent )
   Print a tree whose leaves are integers.
   Overloaded methods:


newstruct = readstruct( filepath, filename )
   Read a Matlab struct from a file.
   A .stc file stores a Matlab struct in textual form.  Each field of the
   struct is printed, together with the dimensions of its value, on a line
   of its own.  It is followed on subsequent lines by the value of the
   field.  (If the field contains a single, numeric value, then that value
   is printed on the same line as the field name.)  If the field is itself
   a struct (or struct array) this continues recursively.


sa = reconcileStructs( varargin )
   The arguments are structs of possibly dissimilar structures.
   The result is an array of structs, consisting of all the given structs
   in the order they were given, and with any missing fields filled by [].
   If no arguments are given, an empty struct array of empty structs is


s = renameStrings( s, renameindex )
   s is either a single string or a cell array of strings.  renameindex is
   a struct mapping strings to strings.  Every string in s which is a
   field name of renameindex is replaced by the value renameindex
   associates to it.




x = safermfield( x, varargin )
   Like RMFIELD, but does not throw an exception if a field is not present
   or if no fields are given.



[s,r] = saveFields( s, r )
   For every field f of r, swap the values of s.(f) and r.(f).
   It is assumed that every field of r is a field of s.


saveStructFields( filename, s, ... )
   Save specified fields from a structure into a file.  The field names
   can be given either as a series of string arguments or as a single cell
   array of strings.  If any specified fields are not present in s they
   are silently ignored.  If no fields are supplied, or none of the
   specified fields are present, then no file will be written.


s = setFromStruct( s, t, fn )
   Set fields of S in the cellarray FN of field names to the
   corresponding values of T.  FN is optional and defaults to the set of
   all fields of T.  Other fields of s are left unchanged.


s = setFromStructFields( s, t, varargin )
   The variable arguments must be field names of t.
   Set those fields of s to their values in t.


showSort( s )
   Show what sort of thing s is, and all of its components recursively.


showStruct( s )
   Print s, and all of its components recursively.
   There are assumed to be no arrays involved except at the bottom level.


varargout = splitstruct( s, varargin )
   The optional arguments are cell arrays of strings, which are expected
   to be field names of the struct s.
   There should be as many optional output arguments.  Each output
   argument is set to a struct which contains those components of s whose
   field names are listed in the corresponding optional input argument.



c = structFromFile( filename )
   Read the given file, and parse each line into a token followed by a
   string.  Use the token as a field name and the string as the
   corresponding value.  The token will be forced to be a valid Matlab
   field name by replacing all non-alphanumerics by underscores, and if
   the result begins with a digit, prefixing 'F_'.

   If a token occurs multiple times, the values will be stored as a cell

   Blank lines and lines beginning with a # are ignored.
   If the file cannot be read, an empty struct is returned.


structeq( A, B )
   Compare two structs for equality and print a report of the difference.
   This is a quick and dirty test intended for structs of which every
   member is a numerical array.


s1 = substruct( s, ... )
   Set s1 to a new structure whose fields are those fields of s whose
   names are given as arguments.


s = trimStruct( s, fields )
   Remove all fields from s except those in the cell array FIELDS.


writestruct( dirname, basename, s )
   Write the value of s to the file.  readstruct(dirname, basename) can be
   used to read it in again.
   This does not write any Java objects that the value of s may contain.
   Other than that, the structure read in by readstruct should be
   identical to the structure written by writestruct.



GUIElementPlaceWithin( movable, fixed, isleft, leftmargin, isright, rightmargin )
   Place the GUI element MOVABLE relative to the GUI element FIXED.
   MOVABLE is assumed to be a child of FIXED.
   If ISLEFT is true, the left side of MOVABLE is placed LEFTMARGIN pixels
   to the right of the left side of FIXED.
   If ISLEFT is false, the right side of MOVABLE is placed LEFTMARGIN pixels
   to the left of the right side of FIXED.
   Similarly for ISTOP and TOPMARGIN.


GUIElementRelPlace( movable, fixed, isleft, leftmargin, isright, rightmargin )
   Place the GUI element MOVABLE relative to the GUI element FIXED.
   MOVABLE and FIXED are assumed to be children of the same parent.
   If ISLEFT is true, the left side of MOVABLE is placed LEFTMARGIN pixels
   to the right of the left side of FIXED.
   If ISLEFT is false, the right side of MOVABLE is placed LEFTMARGIN pixels
   to the left of the right side of FIXED.
   Similarly for ISTOP and TOPMARGIN.


relPosUIElement( uihandle1, uihandle2, relhoriz, relvert )
   Position a UI element uihandle2 within uihandle1.

   If relhoriz is positive, it is 1 more than the desired distance from
   the left edge of uihandle1 to the left edge of uihandle2.  If negative,
   it is similarly applied to the right hand sides.  If zero, no horizontal
   repositioning is done.

   relvert similarly applies to vertical repositioning, with positive
   values applying to the bottom edge and negative to the top edge.


addMenuHelp( hm, m, helptexts, separator )
   hm is a handle to a help menu, to which an item should be added to
   provide help for the menu or menu item m.  If m is a menu item, the
   correspomnding help menu item will bring up a dialog showing some
   helpful text for that item.  If m is a menu (i.e. it has children),
   then a menu will be created whose first item will be the help item for
   m, and whose remaining items or submenus will provide the help for the
   children of m.
   helptexts is a struct which maps the tag of each menu or menu item to
   its help text.  If separator is true, a separator should appear before
   the help menu item.


ud = addUserData( h, fieldname, value, fieldname, value, ... )
   Set fields of the UserData attribute of the handle h.
   The complete UserData struct is returned.


added = addpathif( d )
   As addpath(d), but returns true if and only if d was not already on the
   path.  If d is already on the path, addpath(d) is still called, as this
   has the effect of moving d to the beginning of the path.



i = askForFloat( title, prompt, dflt, bounds )
   Put up a modal dialog asking the user to enter a floating point number.
   The dialog will have the specified title.
   The PROMPT string will be displayed as static text above the text-entry box.
   DFLT is the initial contents of the text-entry box.
   The result will be [] if the user cancelled the dialog (by clicking the
   "Cancel" button, clicking the close box, or hitting escape).
   Otherwise, it will be the final contents of the text-entry box,
   interpreted as a floating-piont number.  If it is invalid, the dialog
   will be re-opened.
   BOUNDS is a pair of numbers, a lower and upper bound of acceptable
   answers.  If omitted, it defaults to [-Inf Inf].


i = askForInt( title, prompt, initval )
   Put up a modal dialog asking the user to enter an integer.
   The dialog will have the specified title.
   The PROMPT string will be displayed as static text above the text-entry box.
   INITVAL is the initial contents of the text-entry box.
   The result will be [] if the user cancelled the dialog (by clicking the
   "Cancel" button, clicking the close box, or hitting escape).
   Otherwise, it will be the final contents of the text-entry box,
   interpreted as an integer.  If it is invalid, the dialog will be re-opened.


[nums,ok] = askForNumlist( title )
   Put up a dialog that asks the user for a list of numbers.  TITLE is the
   title of the dialog.

   If the user types something syntactically invalid, the dialog will be
   re-presented.  If the user cancels the dialog, OK will be false and
   NUMS will be empty, otherwise OK will be true and NUMS will be the list
   of numbers.

   Matlab A:B and A:B:C syntax is supported: these will be expanded out to
   the equivalent series of values.


[s,ok] = askForString( title, prompt, initval )
   Put up a modal dialog asking the user to enter a single line of text.
   The dialog will have the specified title.
   The PROMPT string will be displayed as static text above the text-entry
   INITVAL is the initial contents of the text-entry box.
   The result S will be empty and OK will be false if the user cancelled
   the dialog (by clicking the  "Cancel" button, clicking the close box,
   or hitting escape). Otherwise, S will be the final contents of the
   text-entry box and OK will be true.

   All arguments are optional and default to the empty string.


 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT


[x,ok] = askForText( title, rubric )
   Present a modal dialog to request some multiline text from the user.
   TITLE will be used as the title of the figure and RUBRIC is a string
   that will appear within the figure at the top.
   x will be returned as a one-dimensional character array containing
   newline characters to separate the lines.  Trailing spaces before
   newlines will have been removed.
   OK will be true if the user clicked the OK button, false if the user
   cancelled the dialog.  In the latter case X will be empty.



camParams = autozoomcentre( camParams, bbox, zoom, centre )
   Adjust the camera params so as to look at the centre of the bbox (if
   centre is true) and have the bbox fill the field of view (if zoom is
   true).  bbox is a 6-element vector as returned by axis().



[lw,ls] = basicLineStyle( width )
   Because Mathworks don't think zero is a number.




 Set the position of the dialog - centered on the callback figure
 if available, else, centered on the screen



ok = checkMenuLengths( mh, maxlen )
   Check that neither the menu mh nor any of its descendants has more than
   maxlen children.







ok = confirmDialog( format, varargin )
   Put up a two-button dialog to ask the user to confirm some operation.
   The text of the dialog will be the result of sprintf( format, varargin ).
   The buttons will be labelled 'OK' abnd 'Cancel'.



connectTextAndSlider( hText, hSlider, name, callback )
   Connect the text item and the slider, so that changes to either will
   show up in the other and invoke the callback.
   The callback should expect to be called thus:
       callback( hObject, name, x )
   where hObject is the handle to the slider and x is the value, of type
   NAME and CALLBACK can be omitted.


defaultButtonDownFcn( hObject, eventData )
   Install this into any graphics object that should pass button down
   events to its parent.  IMHO, this ought to be the default behaviour,
   but the default behaviour is to ignore the event.

   For objects that process some mouse-down events but not others, call
   this function from that object's ButtonDownFcn when it decides it does
   not want to handle the event itself.




 Get the result of the dialog.



abutUIElement( uihandle1, uihandle2, isHoriz, distance )
   Position uihandle2 relative to uihandle1.
   If isHoriz is true, it is positioned on the same horizontal line,
   otherwise the same vertical line.
   alignMode = 0 if it is to be centred, -1 if left/bottom edges aligned,
   1 is right/top edges aligned.
   distance is the size of the gap between them.




[result,s] = buildRSSSdialogFromFile( fn, initvals, userdata, initfun )
   Create a dialog from the dialogspec contained in the file called fn.
   Fill it with values from initvals (a struct mapping item tags to
   values).  Perform the (modal) dialog and return the result.
   result is empty if the user cancelled the dialog (by hitting a cancel
   button, hitting the escape key, or clicking the close box on the
   dialog).  Otherwise, result is a structure mapping item tags to their
   values when the user closed the dialog.
   s is a structure describing the dialog and should be ignored.  It
   exists only for debugging purposes.




s = computeIntervals( s )
   s is a tree structure whose nodes may each have these attributes:
       natsize: natural size (a number)
       actualsize: actual size (a number)
       position: two numbers: startpos and length.
       align: 'min', 'max', 'mid', or 'fill'.
   When s is given, none of the position attributes are set.  All leaves
   have a natsize and the root has a maxsize.


items = convertStringsToHandles( parent, items )
   items is a nested cell array of strings.  This procedure crawls over
   the structure, replacing strings that it recognises by GUI handles
   which it creates.  The recognised strings are:
       all of the standard uicontrol type names
   These are recognised when they occur as the first child of a parent
   node.  For the first three, the other children are also processed. For
   the last, the other children are interpreted as its parameters.



figure_SpaceItems( parent, items, bbox, vn, hsep, vsep, hmargin,
vmargin )

   parent is a panel or a figure.
   items is an array of handles to UI items.

   The procedure lays out the items within the parent in a regular grid
   according to the remaining parameters.

   bbox is the bounding box of an area within the parent that the items
   are to be placed.  If it is empty, it defaults to the full size of the
   hn is the number vertically.
   vn is the number vertically.
   hsep is the horizontal space between items.
   vsep is the vertical space between items.
   hmargin is the horizontal space between items and the bounding box.
   vmargin is the vertical space between items and the bounding box.








pos = insetPosition( pos, inset )
   POS is an array [x y w h].  INSET is an array [left right top bottom].
   The result is a position which is inset from the given position by the
   given amount on each edge.






 h = makeCancelButton( fig, pos )
   Make a standard Cancel button in the given figure at the given
   position.  FIG can also be a uipanel handle.


h = makeEditableText( fig, pos, tag, inittext, multiline )
   Make a standard editable text object.



 h = makeOKButton( fig, pos )
   Make a standard OK button in the given figure at the given
   position.  FIG can also be a uipanel handle.



[fig,s] = modelessRSSSdialogFromFile( fn, initvals, userdata, initfun )
   Perform a modeless dialog.  The arguments are the same as those for

   FIG is a handle to the dialog window.

   S (for debugging purposes) contains a struct describing the dialog

   See also: performRSSSdialogFromFile.



tag = normaliseTag( tag )
   Take a string from which a GUI object tag is to be made, and normalise
   it by:
   * Converting to lower case.
   * Deleting everything other than lower case letters, numbers,
     underscore, and spaces.
   * Deleting leading and trailing spaces.
   * Replacing all remaining spaces by underscores.

   If tag is a cell array, each member will be normalised.


s = parseRSSS( ts )
   Parse the token stream ts, returning a structure s.



[result,s] = performRSSSdialogFromFile( fn, initvals, userdata, initfun )
   Perform a modal dialog.  The layout of the dialog is specified in the
   text file FN.  Initial values can be supplied by the struct INITVALS.
   USERDATA will be stored (together with a struct defining the dialog
   layout -- this is only for debugging purposes) in the 'Userdata' field
   of the dialog window.  INITFUN is a function which will be called after
   constructing the dialog but before making it visible, in order to make
   any changes to it that cannot be done by setting initial values and
   storing user data.  It receives the window handle as its only argument.

   All arguments except the first are optional.

   RESULT will be empty if the user cancels.  Otherwise, it will be a
   struct mapping the tags of all editable GUI elements to the
   corresponding values.

   S (for debugging purposes) contains a struct describing the dialog

   See also: modelessRSSSdialogFromFile.



 Pass 1: Compact all space.



s = setRSSSColors( s )





names = dirnames( filename )
   Like DIR, but return a cell array of just the names.



displayTextDialog( title, msg )
   Present a modal dialog displaying some text to the user.
   TITLE will be used as the title of the dialog and MSG is a string
   that will appear within the dialog.  The user may hit return or escape
   to dismiss the dialog.



dragviewButtonDownFcn( hObject, eventData )
   Installing this as the ButtonDownFcn for an axes object or its children
   will cause a click on the object to produce panning, zooming, or
   trackball-like behaviour when the mouse is dragged.
   This routine temporarily stores all the information it needs to process the
   mouse movement, in the field 'clickdragData' of the guidata of the figure.
   The field is deleted when the mouse button is released.
   As a side-effect, all of the camera mode properties of the axes are set
   to manual.

   There is more than one way to map mouse movement to rotation, and the
   choice is a matter of design.  Three mappings are implemented, and the choice
   can be specified by setting the 'trackballMode' field of guidata.
   'global' (the default) maps trackball coordinates [x,y] to a rotation about
   an axis perpendicular to that vector in the (cameraright,cameraup) plane, by
   an amount proportional to the length of the vector.
   'local' maps incremental motion of the mouse to incremental rotation in
   the same way.
   'upright' maps trackball coordinates [x,y] to azimuth and elevation,
   maintaining the camera up vector equal to [0 0 1].  This is equivalent
   to the trackball mode available from the standard camera toolbar,
   except that the scaling may be different.

   Global and Upright mode have the advantage that mouse positions are uniquely
   mapped to rotations: moving the mouse back to its starting point
   restores the axes to its original orientation.
   Local mode has the advantage that the current rotation axis is always
   perpendicular to the current mouse velocity.
   There is no mapping of trackball data to axes rotation that allows both
   of these.

   The scaling factor is currently set so that movement by a distance
   equal to the smaller of the width and height of the axes object rotates
   it by 2 radians.


dumpFigure( fig )
   Print an indented list of the contents of the figure.






ax = figureaxes( fig, legends )
   FIG is a figure handle.  Return a list of all the children of FIG that
   are axes handles.  If LEGENDS is true (the default is false) then
   legend axes will be included.


fillAxes( h, color )
   Clear the axes object h and fill it with the given colour.



x = findinpath( d, p )
   Returns 0 if d is not a directory on the path p, otherwise the index of
   d's position in p.  If p is not supplied the current command path is


x = firstOnPath()
   Return the first directory on the Matlab command path.
   Returns the empty string if the path is empty (which should never happen).


forceMenuSeparator( h )
   This is a workaround for a bug in Matlab 2010a on Mac OS, whereby in
   some circumstances, menu separators fail to appear even though the
   'Separator' attribute of the menu handle is properly set.



pname = fullpath( fname, relto )
   Find the full path name of a given file name.  If the filename is
   relative, it is taken to be relative to the directory relto, which
   defaults to the current directory.


s = genpathnodot( d )
   Like genpath, except that the argument is required, and directories
   whose name begins with a dot are excluded.



[h,n] = getCheckedSubmenu( menuhandle )
   Return the handle and position of the first child of menuhandle that
   has a checkmark.  If there are none, return zero and the empty list.





fd = getFontDetails( h )
   Find the font properties of the graphics handle h.  The result is a
   structure with the fields FontName, FontUnits, FontSize, FontWeight,
   and FontAngle.  All values are strings.  Missing fields are returned as
   empty strings.




c = getMenuChildren( h )
   Return a list of the children of h in the same order they appear in the







n = getPatchHit( patchHandle, hitPoint )
   Given the hitPoint as returned by get( gca, 'CurrentPoint' ) and a
  patch handle, determine which polygon was hit.  Matlab must know this,
  in order to have detected a hit on the patch, but I can't find any way
  of getting this information.

  The test is performed by determining which of the polygons enclose the
  line, and then taking the one whose centroid is closest to the near end
  of the line.



selectionType = getSelectionType( hitObject )
 Get the mouse/keyboard modifier information for a click on an object
 contained in an axes contained in a figure.  We have to hunt up the chain
 of parents to find the object that has the SelectionType information.



dirs = getsubdirs( dir, ... )
   Return the names of the directory dirname and all its
   subdirectories, except for directories matching any of the regexp
   patterns given as subsequent arguments.  The result is a single string
   in which the names of all the directories are concatenated, separated
   by a ':' character.  This string can be passed to the path() command,
   to add all of these directories to the MATLAB command path.





filters = inputFilterspec( extensions, allowall )
   Given a cell array of file extensions (which must NOT include the initial
   "."), construct a filterspec for use with uigetfile.
   If allowall is given, it specifies whether to include the 'All files'
   option.  The default is to include it.
   If there is more than one extension in the list, the 'All suitable'
   option will be included as the first filter.



installDefaultButtonDownFcn( h )
   Install a default ButtonDownFcn into h and all of the children of h,
   recursively.  defaultButtonDownFcn transmits mouse-down events to the
   first ancestor that has a nonempty ButtonDownFcn property.



isprefix = isPathPrefix( shorter, longer )
   SHORTER and LONGER are paths to files.  This procedure
   determines whether SHORTER is a path prefix of LONGER.
   This is true if SHORTER is a prefix of LONGER, and either SHORTER ends
   with a file separator ('/' or '\'), or the next character of LONGER,
   if there is one, is a file separator.


isabs = isabsolutepath( filename )
   Determine whether the filename is an absolute pathname or not.
   It is deemed to be absolute if it begins with a slash, a backslah, or




lightAxes( theaxes, turnLightOn )
   Turn lighting for the given axes object on or off.
   To turn the light off, every child object of type 'light' is deleted.
   To turn it on, if there is already a child object of type 'light',
   nothing is done.  Otherwise a light is created with default properties.


 Magic value that makes buttons take on the native platform
 appearance (at least on a Mac).


h = makeDirMenu( parent, dirstruct, readonly, callback )
   Take a structure returned by findProjectDirs and make a hierarchy of
   menus, as a child of the parent menu.
   The userdata field of each menu item will contain these fields:
       fullname: the full pathname to the directory
       basename: the base name of the directory
       readonly: a boolean to indicate whether projects within this
                 directory should be treated as read-only.


makePackedMenu( parent, position, menudata, maxmenulength, mintopmenulength )

   Create a tree of submenus of the given parent menu.

   MENUDATA is an array of structs, one for each of the menus to be
   created.  These structs contain the parameters to be supplied to uimenu
   for each menu.  They must define the 'Label' property and may define
   any others; typically they will define at least the 'Callback'
   property.  All of them must define the same set of parameters.  If a
   parameter is needed for some menu items but not others, provide an
   empty value or an appropriate default value for those where it is not

   The maximum length of any of the created menus will be MAXMENULENGTH.

   PARENT is the top-level menu into which the items will be inserted,
   starting at POSITION.  PARENT may already have other menu items; in
   this case the number of top level items inserted will be no more than
   will bring the total length of the parent up to MAXMENULENGTH, unless
   this would result in fewer than MINTOPMENULENGTH top-level items, in
   which case MINTOPMENULENGTH top-level items will be inserted.



 Choose default command line output for timeunitDlg


f = mygetframe( theaxes )
   Like getframe(), but brings the axes to the front.


MYQUIVER3 3-D quiver plot.
   This differs from the standard quiver3 in the following ways:
   1.  The origins and velocities are given as row vectors, or matrices of
   the same. 
   2.  It takes an additional argument NORMALS, which should follow the
   velocity argument.  The arrowheads will be drawn in a plane perpendicular
   to the corresponding normal vector.
   3.  It takes an additional argument HEADSIZE specifying the size of the
   arrowheads as a proportion of the size of the shaft.  The handle
   returned by quiver3 has a MaxHeadSize attribute, but I find there
   appears to be a maximum size that it allows, irrespective of the value
   4.  It takes an additional argument AXISHANDLE.
   5.  It does not return a quiver object.  Instead, it returns an N*3
   array of handles to line objects.  The three handles in each row are
   the shaft and two barbs of a single arrow.


 This is a reimplementation of the MATLAB listdlg() using my dialog layout
 system.  The arguments are identical to those for listdlg():

   'ListString'    cell array of strings for the list box.
   'SelectionMode' string; can be 'single' or 'multiple'; defaults to
   'ListSize'      [width height] of listbox in pixels; defaults
                   to [160 300].
   'InitialValue'  vector of indices of which items of the list box
                   are initially selected; defaults to the first item.
   'Name'          String for the figure's title; defaults to .
   'PromptString'  string matrix or cell array of strings which appears 
                   as text above the list box; defaults to {}.
   'OKString'      string for the OK button; defaults to 'OK'.
   'CancelString'  string for the Cancel button; defaults to 'Cancel'.


s = nums2string( x, fmt )
   Format a list of numbers to a string, using FMT as the format for each


 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT


camParams = offsetCameraParams( camParams, eyeoffset )


[ok,msg] = opendir( dirname )
   Open the named directory on the desktop, by default the current working
   directory.  This works on Mac OS X and Windows systems.  It might work
   on Linux or other Unix systems, but this has not been tested.

   If dirname is a relative path name, it will be interpreted relative to
   the current working directory.

   If dirname is the name of a file, its containing directory will be opened.

   If dirname does not exist, no action is taken.

   status will be 0 for success and nonzero for failure.  If nonzero, then
   msg will be an error message.  If the msg parameter is not asked
   for, the message will be written to the Matlab console.


success = openmdir( mname )
   Open an Explorer window for the directory containing the given Matlab
   If the return argument is specified, it will be 1 for success and 0 for
   failure.  If it is not, then on failure an error message will be
   written to the Matlab console.


filters = inputFilterspec( extensions )
   Given a cell array of file extensions (which must NOT include the initial
   "."), construct a filterspec for use with uiputfile.


packmenu( menuhandle )
   This takes a handle to a menu and reorganises it so that no submenu
   contains more than maxitems items.






result = queryDialog( numbuttons, title, format, varargin )
   Show a modal dialog displaying the result of sprintf( format,
   varargin{:} ).  The title of the dialog will be TITLE.
   numbuttons must be 1, 2, or 3, and is the number of
   buttons in the dialog.  Their labels will depend on the number of
   1 button: OK
   2 buttons: OK, Cancel
   3 buttons: Yes, No, Cancel.
   Alternatively, the first argument can be a cell array of 1, 2, or 3
   strings.  These strings will specify the labels of the buttons.
   If title is empty, it will default to a string depending on the number
   of buttons: 'Alert', 'Confirm', or 'Query' respectively.
   The result is the index of the selected button.  Hitting return selects
   the first button.  Hitting escape selects the last button (even if that
   is the same as the first button).  Closing the dialog returns 0 (this
   should be taken to be equivalent to selecting the last button).

   The text of the dialog can have any length.  The dialog will
   automatically be resized to fit.


 QUERYDLG M-file for querydlg.fig
      QUERYDLG, by itself, creates a new QUERYDLG or raises the existing

      H = QUERYDLG returns the handle to a new QUERYDLG or the handle to
      the existing singleton*.

      QUERYDLG('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
      function named CALLBACK in QUERYDLG.M with the given input arguments.

      QUERYDLG('Property','Value',...) creates a new QUERYDLG or raises the
      existing singleton*.  Starting from the left, property value pairs are
      applied to the GUI before querydlg_OpeningFunction gets called.  An
      unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
      stop.  All inputs are passed to querydlg_OpeningFcn via varargin.

      *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu.  Choose "GUI allows only one
      instance to run (singleton)".




restoreColor( h )
   Set the BackgroundColor of h to the value saved in the UserData.


safeSetHandleFields( h, s )
   H is a graphics handle, S is a struct, and FNS is a set of fieldnames
   (which defaults to the set of all fieldnames of S).
   For every field that occurs in FNS, S, and H, this procedure sets that
   field of H to its value in S.  All error conditions are
   ignored and there is no return value.  Case is ignored, e.g. fontweight
   and FontWeight will both be recognised as valid fields of a text item.


saveColor( h )
   Store the foreground and background color attributes of h in its UserData,
   so that if we have occasion to temporarily change the colors, we can later
   restore the original values.



selectButton( onButton, buttons )
   onButton is a radio button or checkbox and buttons is an array of buttons
   of checkboxes which includes onButton.
   None of the buttons should belong to a button group.  This routine
   creates the effect of a button group: onButton is set to on and all the
   other buttons are set to off.  The result is the index of onButton in
   buttons.  If onButton is not in the list, the result is zero.

   All of the buttons in such a pseudo-group should have the same
   callback function.  This function should call SELECTBUTTON, passing the
   current handle as the first argument and a list of all the buttons in
   the group as the second.  The result tells it which button was clicked.

   If the result is zero, this means that the currently selected button
   was clicked, and was a radio button.  No action should be taken.
   If the result is negative, this means that the currently selected button
   was clicked, and was a checkbox, whose index is minus the return value.

   See also: WHICHBUTTON




selectMenuChoice( hObject )
Make the menu item hObject be the only checked item in its parent menu.


     fprintf( 1, 'setCameraParams pos [%f %f %f] tgt [%f %f %f] up [%f %f %f] ang %f\n', ...
         cp.CameraPosition, cp.CameraTarget, cp.CameraUpVector, cp.CameraViewAngle );



setGUIElementColor( h, c )
   Sets the colour of the GUI element H to color C, without caring whether
   the relevant field is called 'Color' or 'BackgroundColor'.




hadhighlight = setMenuHighlight( menuhandle, sethighlight )
 Highlight or dehighlight a menu item.  If it has no children do this by
 setting or removing the checkmark.  If it has children, do this by adding
 or removing the string '* ' at the beginning of the menu label.  We do
 this because checkmarks cannot be applied to menu items that have
 children.  The 'Checked' attribute can be set but has no visual effect.

 We cannot do highlighting by changing the text style or colour of a menu
 or menu item, because Matlab does not support it, and the unsupported way
 of doing it (by using HTML in the label) works only when menus are
 implementd by Java Swing, which at least on Mac OS they are not.


setMenuItemItalic( menuhandle, italic )
   Set or remove the italic, bold, or underline properties of the given
   menu handle.  The style is a string whose characters mean:
       'I' italic
       'i' nonitalic
       'B' bold
       'b' nonbold
       'U' underline
       'u' no underline
       'H' coloured (colour is hard-wired in this procedure)
       'h' uncoloured (black)
   Type style settings for Matlab menu items are performed by using HTML
   in the Label property of the menu handle.  Your menu callback for the
   item should therefore not depend on the label to determine which menu
   item it is.

   The new label and the old label are returned.



setShowHideMenuItem( h, v )
   For a menu item having a label of the form 'Show ...' or 'Hide ...',
   set it to 'Hide ...' if v is 1, otherwise 'Show ...'.

   See also: toggleShowHideMenuItem, valueShowHideMenuItem.



setTextAndSlider( h, x )
   H is either a text object or a slider, of a pair which are linked to
   each other.  x is a double.  The slider is given the value of x, and
   the text object is given the value as a string.






sliderToTextCallback( hObject, eventdata )


standardResize(hObject, handles)
 hObject    handle to GFTwindow (see GCBO)
 handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
   This is a figure resize callback routine.  It assumes that the figure
   consists of two parts: a control panel of fixed size, and a picture
   which is to be automatically resized to take up maximum space in the
   window.  The picture has horizontal and vertical scroll bars, and a
   text area below the latter: all of these are to be moved and resized
   along with the picture.

   Handles is assumed to have the following fields:
           A 4-element array containing the initial position and size of
           the control panel.
           The distance between the control panel and the top and left
           edges of the window.
           Handle to the panel containing the picture.
       picture, legend, elevation, roll, azimuth, report:
           Handles for the picture, the vertical scroll bars, the
           horizontal scroll bar, and the text area respectively.


stereoPairAxes( ax1, ax2, vergence, trackball )
   Make the two axes objects into a stereo trackball pair, by storing in
   the guidata of each a reference to the other and the angle of
   convergence.  ax1 is assumed to be the left eye view and ax2 the right
   eye view, in which case vergence should be positive.

   The trackball argument is optional and defaults to false.  If true,
   trackballButtonDownFcn is installed as the ButtonDownFcn in both axes
   objects and all their children.  Clicking and dragging on either
   window will rotate both views together.  If you only want trackball
   functionality part of the time -- for example, only when the user does
   a control-click-drag -- then you should not install it here, but
   call trackballButtonDownFcn from your own ButtonDownFcn when you detect
   that trackball behaviour is required.


stereoTransfer( varargin )
   Set the viewpoint of one axes to that of another, rotated about the
   camera up vector.

   stereoTransfer(AX) will transfer the view of the axes AX to the axes
       contained in AX's guidata element stereodata.otheraxes, rotated by
       stereodata.vergence (an angle in radians).
   stereoTransfer() is equivalent to stereoTransfer(gca).
   stereoTransfer( AX1, AX2, VERGENCE ) will transfer the view from AX1 to
       AX2, offset by the angle VERGENCE.
   stereoTransfer( AX, POSITION, TARGET, UP, VERGENCE ) will set the view
       of the axes AX to the result of offsetting the view by a rotation
       about UP by VERGENCE, from the view specified by the given camera
       POSITION, TARGET, and UP vectors.

   In all cases, vergence must be an angle in radians.  If the view is
   being transferred from the left eye to the right eye, vergence should
   be positive.  If the distance between someone's eye is E and they are
   a distance D from the screen, vergence should be E/D radians.

   The resulting view is returned in the output arguments.


[revs,dates] = svnrevision( dirname, recurse )
   Find the SVN revision number and date of revision of a directory, and
   optionally, all its subdirectories.  In the latter case, if there is
   more than one revision number, the list of revision numbers and dates
   found will be returned in reverse chronological order, with duplicates
   omitted.  revs(1) is therefore always the most recent revision found,
   and dates{1} the most recent revision date.

   If a directory is not under SVN control, revs is 0 and dates is .
   In a recursive search, subdirectories whose name begins with '.' are
   ignored.  DIRNAME itself can begin with a '.' and will be searched.

   If a directory is not under SVN control, its subdirectories will still
   be searched.


   The documentation for SVN explicitly denies offering any way to read
   this information, so I have had to discover where it resides by trial
   and error.  Since it is undocumented, my code might break in future
   revisions of SVN, and I cannot be sure that it will work under all
   circumstances in the current version of SVN.

   The method is to look in the file .svn/entries.  The third token in
   this file is the revision number, and the sixth is the date in Zulu

   Richard Kennaway 2011.



textToSliderCallback( hObject, eventdata )



v = toggleShowHideMenuItem( h )
   For a menu item having a label of the form 'Show ...' or 'Hide ...',
   switch from one state to the other.  Return 1 if the old state was
   'Show ...', otherwise 0.

   See also: setShowHideMenuItem, valueShowHideMenuItem.


trackballButtonDownFcn( hObject, eventData )
   Installing this as the ButtonDownFcn for an axes object or its children
   will cause a click on the object to produce trackball-like behaviour
   when the mouse is dragged.
   This routine temporarily stores all the information it needs to process the
   mouse movement, in the field 'trackballData' of the guidata of the figure.
   The field is deleted when the mouse button is released.
   As a side-effect, all of the camera mode properties of the axes are set
   to manual.

   There is more than one way to map mouse movement to rotation, and the
   choice is a matter of design.  Three mappings are implemented, and the choice
   can be specified by setting the 'trackballMode' field of guidata.
   'global' (the default) maps trackball coordinates [x,y] to a rotation about
   an axis perpendicular to that vector in the (cameraright,cameraup) plane, by
   an amount proportional to the length of the vector.
   'local' maps incremental motion of the mouse to incremental rotation in
   the same way.
   'upright' maps trackball coordinates [x,y] to azimuth and elevation,
   maintaining the camera up vector equal to [0 0 1].  This is equivalent
   to the trackball mode available from the standard camera toolbar,
   except that the scaling may be different.

   Global and Upright mode have the advantage that mouse positions are uniquely
   mapped to rotations: moving the mouse back to its starting point
   restores the axes to its original orientation.
   Local mode has the advantage that the current rotation axis is always
   perpendicular to the current mouse velocity.
   There is no mapping of trackball data to axes rotation that allows both
   of these.

   The scaling factor is currently set so that movement by a distance
   equal to the smaller of the width and height of the axes object rotates
   it by 2 radians.  A different value can be set by setting the
   'trackballScale' field of the figure's guidata to the requried value.


olddir = trycd( newdir )
   Like CD, but prints a warning if it fails instead of raising an
   exception.  If it fails, olddir will be set to the empty string.

   See also:


tryget( h, varargin )
   Get attributes of a handle.  Do not crash if any of them do not exist.


ok = tryset( h, varargin )
   Set attributes of a handle.  Do not crash if anything goes wrong, just
   return a boolean to indicate success or failure.



dirname = uiputdir( startpath, title )
   Provide a way for the user to create a new directory.  uigetdir can be
   used for this purpose, but we have found that users find the resulting
   dialog confusing.  uiputdir as defined here performs two successive
   dialogs: the first to obtain a name for the directory that should be
   created, and the second to select a directory within which to create
   it.  If the directory to be created already exists, the user will be
   asked if they want to use it, or to try again with a different name.

   startpath is the directory from which the directory-selection dialog
   will start.  prompt1 is the prompt displayed in the dialog asking the
   user for the name of the new directory.  prompt2 is the prompt
   displayed in the dialog asking the user to select a parent directory.
   On Mac OS, the latter dialog does not display prompt2 anywhere.

   All arguments are optional.  startpath defaults to the current
   directory, and prompt1 and prompt2 default to the empty string.


ok = validateGUI( h )
   Make validity checks of the GUI element h.


v = valueShowHideMenuItem( h )
   For a menu item having a label of the form 'Show ...' or 'Hide ...',
   return 0 if the label is 'Show ...', otherwise 1.  This may seem to be
   the opposite of what one would expect, but remember that when the menu
   command says 'Hide', the last menu command that the user performed was
   'Show', and vice versa.

   See also: setShowHideMenuItem, toggleShowHideMenuItem.



whichButton( buttons )
   buttons is an array of radio buttons.
   None of the buttons should belong to a button group.  This routine
   creates the effect of a button group: it returns the index of the first
   button that is set to on, or zero if there is no such button.



dirs = adddirstopath( dir, ... )
   Add dir and all its subdirectories to the path, except for directories
   matching any of the patterns given as subsequent arguments.


s = addstrings( s, ss )
   Concatenate the strings in the cell array ss onto the end of s, each
   with an added newline.



[y,i] = allmin( x )
   Return the minimum value of the vector x, and a list of indexes of all
   elements of x having that value.


binsizes = alphabins( names, maxbin )

 Result is list of indexes saying which bin each name belongs to.
 Names are assumed already sorted.
 No multi-level hierarchy: either no bins required or one level of


ok = appendFileToStream( fid, filename )
   Append the contents of the named file to the open output stream.
   The result is true if the operation succeeds, false otherwise.  No
   error messages are generated if the operation fails.


ca = array2cellarray( a )
   a is an N*2 array which is assumed to be sorted by its first column.
   The result is a cell array of arrays such that ca{i} is an array of all
   values of a(:,2) for which the corresponding element of a(:,1)==i.


i = binsearchall( vec, vals )
   Apply binsearch to vec and every member of the array vals.
   The result is a matrix the same shape as vals.


i = binsearchupper( vec, val )
   Find that i such that vec(i-1) < val <= vec(i), where vec(0) and
   vec(length(vec)) are notionally considered to be -Inf and +Inf.
   val may be a vector, in which case i will be a column vector of the
   same length.







s = canonicalNewlines( s )
   Force Unix newline convention: replace crlf and cr by lf.



ok = checkallints( msg, list, max )
   Check that list is 1:max.  Complain if not.
   List is expected to be a list of integers resulting from a call of
   unique(), i.e. sorted with no repetitions.  This implies that it is
   necessary and sufficient that it have the right length, and if nonempty,
   begins with 1 and ends with max.


d = colorDistance( rgb1, rgb2 )
   A very crude estimate of psychological color distance.


cmap = colorStep( c1, c2, n, open1, open2 )
   Construct a colour map with n elements, going from c1 to c2.
   If open1 is true, the first value will be omitted.
   If open2 is true, the last value will be omitted.
   open1 and open2 default to false.



cc = contrastColor( c )
   Find a colour that contrasts well with C, so that if either colour is
   the background, the other can be used for text in the foreground.
   This is a fairly crude algorithm: each RGB component is 0 or 1,
   depending on which is further from that component of C.


copyFilesAndFolders( oldpath, newpath, includes, excludes )

   Copy all files and folders from OLDPATH to NEWPATH that match any of
   the patterns in INCLUDES and do not match any of the patterns in

   OLDPATH must exist. NEWPATH will be created.
   INCLUDES and EXCLUDES are cell arrays of regular expressions.
   If INCLUDES is empty, it matches everything.


y = countreps( x )
   X is a vector.  X is divided into runs of repeated elements.
   Y is set to an N*2 array in which row i = [a,b] represents the i'th run
   by the value A  and the number of repetitions B.



n = structsize( s )
   Estimate the number of bytes in anything.



pairs = decodePermutation( pairs )
   PAIRS is an N*(2+M) array of integers.  Every integer occurs exactly
   twice in the first two columns, and the two occurrences are in
   different rows.  Thus the set of pairs defines a cyclic ordering of the
   set of integers.  PAIRS will be reordered so that the first two columns
   represent that cyclic ordering.


s = deescape( s )
   Replace backslash escapes in s by the characters they stand for.


result = endsWithM( s1, s2 )    Returns 1 if the string s1 ends with the
string s2, 0 otherwise.
This is called endsWithM to avoid a clash with a java function present
in some systems called endsWith.



a = extendHeight( a, extra )
   Add extra zero rows to an array.


pi = pixelindex( position, firstpost, fencelength, numposts )
   Given a set of numposts fenceposts, beginning at firstpost and with
   total extent fencelength, compute which fencepost position is closest to.


ax = findCurrentAxesIfAny()
   Get the current axes object, if there is one, otherwise return empty.
   When this returns an axes object, it is the same one that gca would


findjobj Find java objects contained within a specified java container or Matlab GUI handle

    [handles, levels, parentIds, listing] = findjobj(container, 'PropName',PropValue(s), ...)

 Input parameters:
    container - optional handle to java container uipanel or figure. If unsupplied then current figure will be used
    'PropName',PropValue - optional list of property pairs (case insensitive). PropName may also be named -PropName
         'position' - filter results based on those elements that contain the specified X,Y position or a java element
                      Note: specify a Matlab position (X,Y = pixels from bottom left corner), not a java one
         'size'     - filter results based on those elements that have the specified W,H (in pixels)
         'class'    - filter results based on those elements that contain the substring  (or java class) PropValue
                      Note1: filtering is case insensitive and relies on regexp, so you can pass wildcards etc.
                      Note2: '-class' is an undocumented findobj PropName, but only works on Matlab (not java) classes
         'property' - filter results based on those elements that possess the specified case-insensitive property string
                      Note1: passing a property value is possible if the argument following 'property' is a cell in the
                             format of {'propName','propValue'}. Example: FINDJOBJ(...,'property',{'Text','click me'})
                      Note2: partial property names (e.g. 'Tex') are accepted, as long as they're not ambiguous
         'depth'    - filter results based on specified depth. 0=top-level, Inf=all levels (default=Inf)
         'flat'     - same as specifying: 'depth',0
         'not'      - negates the following filter: 'not','class','c' returns all elements EXCEPT those with class 'c'
         'persist'  - persist figure components information, allowing much faster results for subsequent invocations
         'print'    - display all java elements in a hierarchical list, indented appropriately
                      Note1: optional PropValue of element index or handle to java container
                      Note2: normally this option would be placed last, after all filtering is complete. Placing this
                             option before some filters enables debug print-outs of interim filtering results.
                      Note3: output is to the Matlab command window unless the 'listing' (4th) output arg is requested
         'list'     - same as 'print'
         'nomenu'   - skip menu processing, for "lean" list of handles & much faster processing

 Output parameters:
    handles   - list of handles to java elements
    levels    - list of corresponding hierarchy level of the java elements (top=0)
    parentIds - list of indexes (in unfiltered handles) of the parent container of the corresponding java element
    listing   - results of 'print'/'list' options (empty if these options were not specified)

    Note: If no output parameter is specified, then an interactive window will be displayed with a
    ^^^^  tree view of all container components, their properties and callbacks.

    findjobj;                     % display list of all javaelements of currrent figure in an interactive GUI
    handles = findjobj;           % get list of all java elements of current figure (inc. menus, toolbars etc.)
    findjobj('print');            % list all java elements in current figure
    findjobj('print',6);          % list all java elements in current figure, contained within its 6th element
    handles = findjobj(hButton);                                     % hButton is a matlab button
    handles = findjobj(gcf,'position',getpixelposition(hButton,1));  % same as above but also return hButton's panel
    handles = findjobj(hButton,'persist');                           % same as above, persist info for future reuse
    handles = findjobj('class','pushbutton');                        % get all pushbuttons in current figure
    handles = findjobj('class','pushbutton','position',123,456);     % get all pushbuttons at the specified position
    handles = findjobj(gcf,'class','pushbutton','size',23,15);       % get all pushbuttons with the specified size
    handles = findjobj('property','Text','not','class','button');    % get all non-button elements with 'text' property
    handles = findjobj('-property',{'Text','click me'});             % get all elements with 'text' property = 'click me'

 Sample usage:
    hButton = uicontrol('string','click me');
    jButton = findjobj(hButton);      % or: jButton = findjobj('property',{'Text','click me'});
    set(jButton,'FocusGainedCallback',@myMatlabFunction);   % some 30 callback points available...
    jButton.get;   % list all changeable properties...

    hEditbox = uicontrol('style',edit');
    jEditbox = findjobj(hEditbox);
    jEditbox.KeyTypedCallback = @myCallbackFunc;  % many more callbacks where this came from...

 Known issues/limitations:
    - Cannot currently process multiple container objects - just one at a time
    - Initial processing is a bit slow when the figure is laden with many UI components (so better use 'persist')
    - Passing a simple container Matlab handle is currently filtered by its position+size: should find a better way to do this
    - Matlab uipanels are not implemented as simple java panels, and so they can't be found using this utility
    - Labels have a write-only text property in java, so they can't be found using the 'property',{'Text','string'} notation

    This code heavily relies on undocumented and unsupported Matlab functionality.
    It works on Matlab 7+, but use at your own risk!

 Bugs and suggestions:
    Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com)

 Change log:
    2007-11-14: Fixed edge case problem with class properties tooltip; used existing object icon if available; added checkbox option to hide standard callbacks
    2007-08-15: Fixed object naming relative property priorities; added sanity check for illegal container arg; enabled desktop (0) container; cleaned up warnings about special class objects
    2007-08-03: Fixed minor tagging problems with a few Java sub-classes; displayed UIClassID if text/name/tag is unavailable
    2007-06-15: Fixed problems finding HG components found by J. Wagberg
    2007-05-22: Added 'nomenu' option for improved performance; fixed 'export handles' bug; fixed handle-finding/display bugs; "cleaner" error handling
    2007-04-23: HTMLized classname tooltip; returned top-level figure Frame handle for figure container; fixed callbacks table; auto-checked newer version; fixed Matlab 7.2 compatibility issue; added HG objects tree
    2007-04-19: Fixed edge case of missing figure; displayed tree hierarchy in interactive GUI if no output args; workaround for figure sub-menus invisible unless clicked
    2007-04-04: Improved performance; returned full listing results in 4th output arg; enabled partial property names & property values; automatically filtered out container panels if children also returned; fixed finding sub-menu items
    2007-03-20: First version posted on the MathWorks file exchange: <a href=""></a>

 See also:
    java, handle, findobj, findall, javaGetHandles



v = getUserDataField( h, fieldname )
   Get a field of the UserData attribute of the handle h.
   If the field is absent, [] is returned.


v = interp( keys, vals, x )
   Look up x in keys (must be in ascending order) and return corresponding
   value from vals, with piecewise linear interpolation.


result = isAncestorDirOf( a, d )
   Return TRUE if the pathname A is a prefix of pathname D.




 ie = iseof( line )
   Determines whether a value read from a file is signalling the end of
   the file.




s = join( sep, f, fmt )
   Concatenate the numbers in f together, separated by sep (by default a
   single space).  The numbers are converted to strings by the format fmt,
   (default %.3f). 


js = joinstrings( s, ss )
   ss is a cell array of strings.  Concatenate all members of ss together,
   separated by the string s.




ifname = makeIFname( modelname )
   Turn an arbitrary string into something that can be a valid Matlab
   function name or struct field name.  If this is not possible, return
   the empty string.

   All runs of non-alphanumerics are replaced
   by underscore, and the resulting string must begin with a letter.


[ newToOld, oldToNew ] = makeRenumbering( boolmap )
   boolmap is a bitmap indicataing which elements of a vector are to be
   deleted.  If W == V(boolmap), then we will have
   W == V(newToOld) and W(oldToNew) == V except where oldToNew is zero.


ch = makechains( r )
   R is an N*3 matrix representing a labelled relation: the row
   [c e1 e2] represents an arrow from e1 to e2 labelled c.  The relation
   is assumed to be either a set of linear chains, or a single cycle.  The
   result is a representation of the chain as a list of alternate elements
   and labels, in which the above instance of the relation will appear as
   subsequence [... e1 c e2 ...].  Where the relation consists of more
   than one chain, they will be separated from each other in the list by a
   value of 0 (which is never the value of an element or label).
   The result will begin with some ei and end with some c.


ifname = makefilename( modelname )
   Turn an arbitrary string into something that can be a valid base file
   name (without extension).
   The string is mapped to lower case, and all non-alphanumerics are replaced
   by underscore.


CAMLIGHT Create or set position of a light.
   CAMLIGHT HEADLIGHT creates a light in the current axes at the
                         camera position of the current axes. 
   CAMLIGHT RIGHT     creates a light right and up from camera.
   CAMLIGHT LEFT      creates a light left and up from camera.
   CAMLIGHT           same as CAMLIGHT RIGHT.
   CAMLIGHT(AZ, EL)   creates a light at AZ, EL from camera.

   CAMLIGHT(..., style) set the style of the light.
                 Style can be 'local' (default) or 'infinite'.
   CAMLIGHT(H, ...)   places specified light at specified position.
   H = CAMLIGHT(...)  returns light handle.

   CAMLIGHT creates or positions a light in the coordinate system of 
   the camera. For example, if both AZ and EL are zero, the light 
   will be placed at the camera's position.  In order for a light 
   created with CAMLIGHT to stay in a constant position relative to 
   the camera, CAMLIGHT must be called whenever the camera is moved.



MYCGS   Conjugate Gradients Squared Method.
   See CGS for the documentation.  This version behaves exactly the same
   except that it eliminates some unnecessary code for options we never
   use, adds a limit on the allowed wallclock time, and prints out an
   indication of progress.


MYITERAPP   Multiply afun and x.


LSQR   LSQR Method.
   X = LSQR(A,B) attempts to solve the system of linear equations A*X=B
   for X if A is consistent, otherwise it attempts to solve the least
   squares solution X that minimizes norm(B-A*X). The N-by-P coefficient
   matrix A need not be square but the right hand side column vector B
   must have length N.

   X = LSQR(AFUN,B) accepts a function handle AFUN instead of the matrix A.
   AFUN(X,'notransp') accepts a vector input X and returns the
   matrix-vector product A*X while AFUN(X,'transp') returns A'*X. In all
   of the following syntaxes, you can replace A by AFUN.

   X = LSQR(A,B,TOL) specifies the tolerance of the method. If TOL is []
   then LSQR uses the default, 1e-6.

   X = LSQR(A,B,TOL,MAXIT) specifies the maximum number of iterations. If
   MAXIT is [] then LSQR uses the default, min([N,P,20]).

   X = LSQR(A,B,TOL,MAXIT,M) and LSQR(A,B,TOL,MAXIT,M1,M2) use P-by-P
   preconditioner M or M = M1*M2 and effectively solve the system
   A*inv(M)*Y = B for Y, where Y = M*X. If M is [] then a preconditioner
   is not applied. M may be a function handle MFUN such that
   MFUN(X,'notransp') returns M\X and MFUN(X,'transp') returns M'\X.

   X = LSQR(A,B,TOL,MAXIT,M1,M2,X0) specifies the P-by-1 initial guess. If
   X0 is [] then LSQR uses the default, an all zero vector.

   [X,FLAG] = LSQR(A,B,...) also returns a convergence FLAG:
    0 LSQR converged to the desired tolerance TOL within MAXIT iterations.
    1 LSQR iterated MAXIT times but did not converge.
    2 preconditioner M was ill-conditioned.
    3 LSQR stagnated (two consecutive iterates were the same).
    4 one of the scalar quantities calculated during LSQR became too
      small or too large to continue computing.

   [X,FLAG,RELRES] = LSQR(A,B,...) also returns estimates of the relative
   residual NORM(B-A*X)/NORM(B). If RELRES <= TOL, then X is a
   consistent solution to A*X=B. If FLAG is 0 but RELRES > TOL, then X is
   the least squares solution which minimizes norm(B-A*X).

   [X,FLAG,RELRES,ITER] = LSQR(A,B,...) also returns the iteration number
   at which X was computed: 0 <= ITER <= MAXIT.

   [X,FLAG,RELRES,ITER,RESVEC] = LSQR(A,B,...) also returns a vector of
   estimates of the residual norm at each iteration including NORM(B-A*X0).

   [X,FLAG,RELRES,ITER,RESVEC,LSVEC] = LSQR(A,B,...) also returns a vector
   of least squares estimates at each iteration:
   NORM((A*inv(M))'*(B-A*X))/NORM(A*inv(M),'fro'). Note the estimate of
   NORM(A*inv(M),'fro') changes, and hopefully improves, at each iteration.

      n = 100; on = ones(n,1); A = spdiags([-2*on 4*on -on],-1:1,n,n);
      b = sum(A,2); tol = 1e-8; maxit = 15;
      M1 = spdiags([on/(-2) on],-1:0,n,n);
      M2 = spdiags([4*on -on],0:1,n,n);
      x = lsqr(A,b,tol,maxit,M1,M2);
   Or, use this matrix-vector product function
      function y = afun(x,n,transp_flag)
      if strcmp(transp_flag,'transp')
         y = 4 * x;
         y(1:n-1) = y(1:n-1) - 2 * x(2:n);
         y(2:n) = y(2:n) - x(1:n-1);
      elseif strcmp(transp_flag,'notransp')
         y = 4 * x;
         y(2:n) = y(2:n) - 2 * x(1:n-1);
         y(1:n-1) = y(1:n-1) - x(2:n);
   as input to LSQR:
      x1 = lsqr(@(x,tflag)afun(x,n,tflag),b,tol,maxit,M1,M2);

   Class support for inputs A,B,M1,M2,X0 and the output of AFUN:
      float: double





f = newfilename( filename )
   Given a filename, find a filename similar to it for which a file does
   not already exist, by inserting a 4-digit number before the extension,
   starting from 0001 and counting upwards as far as necessary.


i = nextPresent( i, retained )
   RETAINED is a list of booleans.  I is an index into that list.
   If RETAINED(I) is true, I is returned.
   Otherwise, the index of the first element of RETAINED after I is
   returned, if any.
   Otherwise, the index of the last element of RETAINED before I is
   returned, if any.
   Otherwise, 0 is returned.



s = num2string( n )
   Convert the number n to a string without unnecessary zeroes or decimal
   points.  decpl (default 6) is the maximum number of decimal places to


bc = othersOf3( a )
[b,c] = othersOf3( a )
   If a is in the range 1..3, set bc or [b,c] to the successors of a.



s = partitionlist( n )
   Set s{i} equal to find(n==j), where j is the i'th smallest value
   occurring in n.


 plot3circle( centre, numpts, v1, v2, varargin )
   Plot a circle in 3d with the given centre, radii v1 and v2, and numpts
   points.  The remaining arguments are passed to plot3.
   centre, v1, and v2 can all be k*3 matrices, to plot k circles at once.


plotProfile( data )
   DATA is an N*P matrix of N rows of P values.  Plot each row of values
   against index, successively.


h = plotconic( ax, x, r, steps )
   Plot a lathed surface or generalised cone.
   AX is the axes object into which to plot.
   Z and R are vectors of equal length.
   STEPS is an integer.
   The surface is plotted, circularly symmetric about the z axis, for
   which the radius at each point of Z is R.  STEPS is the number of steps
   to take around the z axis in sweeping out the surface.  The remaining
   arguments are passed to SURF.

   The surface will be coloured according to the z coordinate.

   See also: SURF.



plotvecs( v, ... )
   Plot a set of line segments.  V1 and V2 are both N*2 or N*3 matrices.
   Plot a line from each member of V1 to the corresponding member of V2.
   Pass all remaining arguments to plot3.







s = reformatText( s )
   Wherever s contains a single newline not followed by a space, replace
   it by a space.  Leave all other newlines alone.


v1 = renumberArray( v, ren )
   Replace every element x of v by ren(x).
   Works for arrays of any number of dimensions.



a = replaceend( a, oldval, newval )
   Replace every occurrence of OLDVAL in A by NEWVAL.


imagedata = rescaleimage( imagedata, xwidth, ywidth )
   Resample an image to a lower resolution.
   imagedata should be an X*Y*3 array of uint8.

   This is rather inefficient when xwidth and ywidth are large, and is
   intended for making small thumbnails of no more than 64 pixels square.
   xwidth and ywidth must not be larger than the corresponding dimension
   of imagedata.


same = samesize( a, b )
   Determine whether sizes A and B are the same.


c1 = saturate( v, c )
   c is an RGB colour.  v is a vector of N reals.  The results is an N*3
   array of N colours, being copies of c saturated by each element of v.
   Where v is 0, the colour is [1,1,1] (white), and where v is 1, the
   colour is c, with linear interpolation between.  There is no check that
   v or c are within the range 0..1


[ticks,ranks] = scaleticks( lo, hi )
   Given a scale ranging from lo to hi, choose suitable values to put tick
   marks against.
   0, if within the range and not too close to a nonzero endpoint, always gets a tick.
   We scale the range so that the end with larger magnitude has nagnitude
   between 1 and 10.  Then we choose ticks at all the integer points in
   the range, or more finely if that doesn't give enough ticks.  Finally,
   we force the endpoints to receive ticks.
   ranks specifies which of the ticks are major and which minor -- for
   example, in order to draw the major ones thicker than the minor ones.
   0 is always a major rank.  Currently, it is the only major rank.
   The higher the rank, the more important the tick mark.  The number is
   actually the line thickness in pixels.


b = segmentBetween( a, i1, i2 )
   Return the segment of the 1-dimensional array A that lies between index
   i1 and i2, including i1 but not i2.  If i2 is less than i1 then the
   segment should proceed from i1 to the end of A and continue from the
   beginning.  If i2==i1, the result is empty.

   i1 and i2 are reduced mod length(a) to lie within the bounds of A.


[indexes,values] = segmentOfCircularList( cl, v1, v2 )
   cl is a circular array in which both v1 and v2 occur once.  Find
   the segment of cl strictly between v1 and v2.
   If v1 is empty and v2 is present, the list from the start up to bevore
   v2 is returned.  If v1 is present and v2 is empty, the list from after
   v1 to the end is returned.  If both are empty, the whole list is


setCamlight( theaxes, az, el, force )
   Set the position of a light relative to the camera in terms of azimuth
   and elevation.  The values of az and el will be stored in the UserData
   of theaxes, and these values will be used as defaults.  The on argument
   can be either true, false, or empty.  The default is empty.  If true, a
   light will be created if none exists.  If false, any light will be
   deleted and none will be created.  If empty (the default), a light will
   be created only if none exists.


b = segmentBetween( n, i1, i2 )
   Return the segment of 1:n that lies between index
   i1 and i2, including i1 but not i2.  The segment will proceed downwards
   or upwards, whichever gives the shortest result, and going round the
   end of the array if necessary.  If i2==i1, the result is empty.

   i1 and i2 are reduced mod n to lie within the bounds of 1:n.



spacing( f, n )
   Print n spaces to file id f.


toks = split( pat, str )
   Implementation of the Perl split() function.
   Splits the string STR wherever the pattern PAT matches, and returns a
   cell array of the strings between the matches.  If the string begins or
   ends with a match, the cell array will correspondingly begin or end
   with an empty string.



[parentname,filename] = splitpathname( pathname )
   Split a path name into the parent and base parts.  Unlike fileparts(),
   this does not split off the file extension, if any.  The file version,
   which was returned as the fourth result of fileparts in versions of
   Matlab prior to 2012, is ignored.

   See also: fileparts.


h = spreadHue( h, alph )
   This takes a value of hue in the range 0..1 and attempts to map it to
   actual hue in a manner that better matches psychological distance, by
   spreading apart the green/blue part of the colour wheel.  ALPH is a
   parameter specifying the amount of spreading out.  0.2 is about right.


s = step( r1, r2, n, open1, open2 )
   Construct a row vector of equally spaced values from r1 to r2,
   containing n intervals.
   If open1 is true, the first value will be omitted.
   If open2 is true, the last value will be omitted.
   open1 and open2 default to false.
   Overloaded methods:




c = subtractiveMix( a, s )
   s is a parameter between 0 and 1.
   a is an N*M*3 array


tokens = tokeniseString( s )
   Convert s into a cell array of tokens, splitting it at white space.



x = trimnumber( lo, x, hi )
   Force every element of x to lie within lo..hi.  x may be a numerical
   array of any size and shape.


ok = trymkdir( dirname )
   Creates a directory and returns a boolean to indicate success or failure.
   If it fails, a warning will be printed.

   See also:


ok = trymkdircd( targetdir )
   Create the directory TARGETDIR if it does not exist, then cd to it.
   On success, olddir will be set to the previous current directory.
   On failure for any reason, olddir will be set to the empty string.




s = unspace( s )
   Remove the spaces from the string or cell array of strings s.



useAllProcessors( msg )
   Attempt to make use of all available processors.  This code is
   Windows-specific and invokes deprecated Matlab procedures, and should
   probably not be used.  It will not actually throw an error though.



vs = vecsums( v )
   Set vs(i) to the sum of v(1:i) for all i.


warningDialog( format, varargin )
   Put up a one-button dialog to warn the user of something.  The text of
   the dialog will be the result of sprintf( format, varargin ).


toks = wordsplit( str, spacing, delimiters )
   The string STR is split into tokens.  Any sequence of one or more
   whitespace characters is deleted and replaced by a token
   break.  DELIMITERS is a string or a cell array of strings: every
   occurrence in STR of any of these strings is taken to be a token.
   The result is a cell array of strings.


ok = writefile( filename, contents )
   Write a string to a named file.  Returns true on success, false on




addCommandToGUIElement( h, cmd, requiresMesh, args )
   Add the CMD, REQUIRESMESH flag, and cellarray ARGS to the UserData
   element of the GUI component H.




[tokenstream,ended] = atend( tokenstream )
   Test whether a token stream is at the end.


attemptCommand( h, i, cmd, varargin )
   If there is no current mesh, do nothing.

   If there is a mesh and the simulation is not running, execute the specified
   command CMD(VARARGIN{:}).  If REPLOT is true, redraw the mesh.

   If the simulation is running, and NEEDSSTOP is false, add the command to
   the command queue.  If NEEDSSTOP is true, ask for confirmation, and
   if given, also set the stop flag.


m = attemptNewMeshCommand( h, replace cmd, varargin )
   Assumes the simulation is not running.  Executes the specified command
   cmd(varargin{:}), which creates a new mesh.  If the GUI specifies that
   a random perturbation should be made, it does so.  If REPLACE is true,
   the old mesh is discarded, otherwise as many properties as possible of
   the old mesh are copied to the new one.

   If successful, it installs the new mesh into h.


buildRSSSdialog( fn )
   Create a dialog from the dialogspec contained in the file called fn.
   The result is a handle to the figure it creates, or -1 if it could not
   be created.


ok = checkType( msg, type, arg )
   Check the type of arg and print an error message if it is not of the
   required type.


ok = checkcommandargs( commandname, s, mode, varargin )
   varargin is a series of string arguments.  s is a struct.
   If mode is 'incl', determine whether the fields of s include all the
   members of varargin.
   If mode is 'only', determine whether the fields of s are contained in
   If mode is 'exact', determine whether the fields of s are precisely the
   members of varargin.
   For modes 'only' and 'exact', if s is found to have extra fields then
   these fields will be deleted from s.


tokenstream = closetokenlinestream( tokenstream )
Close the token-line stream and the underlying file, discarding any unused


tokenstream = closetokenstream( tokenstream )
Close the token stream and the underlying file, discarding any unused


ts2 = concattokenstreams( ts0, ts1 )
   Create a token stream that reads first from ts0, and when that ends,
   from ts1.


m = docommands( m, filename, varargin )
   Execute Matlab commands from the file.  The optional arguments can
   request the leaf to be plotted after each leaf command, and for
   execution to be paused after each leaf command.  Each command is echoed
   to the terminal window before it is executed.

   Leaf commands are defined to be Matlab statements of the form
       m = leaf_xxxxxx( ... );
   where leaf_xxxxxx is a command for creating or modifying a leaf.
   Note that the left hand side of the assignment must be the variable m.
   The result of docommands is the result of the final leaf command.

   Every command in the Matlab file must be on a single line.  This
   includes compound commands such as for-loops: the entire for...end must
   be on a single line.

       'plot': draw the leaf after every command (except for leaf_plot
           commands, which draw the leaf themselves).
       'pause': pause Matlab after each command.  'pause' implies 'plot'.
       'nostop': Don't try to execute the file line by line, just eval the
                 entire contents at once.


m = docommandsText( m, cmdtext, varargin )
   Execute Matlab commands from the cell array of strings.  The optional
   arguments can request the leaf to be plotted after each leaf command, and
   for execution to be paused after each leaf command.  Each command is echoed
   to the terminal window before it is executed.

   Leaf commands are defined to be Matlab statements of the form
       m = leaf_xxxxxx( ... );
   where leaf_xxxxxx is a command for creating or modifying a leaf.
   Note that the left hand side of the assignment must be the variable m.
   The result of docommands is the result of the final leaf command.

   Every command in the Matlab file must be on a single line.  This
   includes compound commands such as for-loops: the entire for...end must
   be on a single line.

       'plot': draw the leaf after every command (except for leaf_plot
           commands, which draw the leaf themselves).
       'pause': pause Matlab after each command.  'pause' implies 'plot'.



v = execcmds( filename, syntaxdef, v )
   Apply commands from the given file, with meanings defined by syntaxdef,
   to the structure v.


v = execcmdstring( s, syntaxdef, v, do )
   Apply the commands contained in the string s, with meanings defined by
   to the structure v.


m = executeCommands( m, c, ploteach, h )
   M is a mesh.  C is a list of commands to execute.
   C is an array of structures with fields 'cmd' and
   'args', being respectively the name of a script command and a cell
   array of its arguments.
   H, if given, is the handle structure of the GUI.





ok = isType( x, type )
   Determine whether X has type TYPE.  TYPE can be a string or a cell
   array of strings.  In the latter case, the result is true if X has a
   type contained in the cell array.



tokenstream = opentokenlinestream( filename )
   Create a token-line input stream from a filename.
   Each read from this returns a cell array of tokens, consisting of the
   contents of a nonempty line.


Create a token input stream from a filename.



tokenstream = putback( tokenstream, token )
 Put a token back into the stream, so that that token will be the next
 token read.  Note that the token is not inserted into the underlying


[ts,argarray] = readNumbers( ts )
   Read numbers from the token stream ts until end of stream or a
   non-number is detected.  Return the numbers in the one-dimensional
   array argarray.


syntaxdef = readsyntax( filename )
   Reads a command syntax definition from the given file.


[tokenstream,token] = readtoken( tokenstream )
   Read a token from a stream.  At end of stream, the empty string will be
   returned and the underlying file will be closed.


[ts,toks] = readtokens( ts )
   Read a nonempty line of tokens.
   Returns an empty cell array at end of file.



tokenstream = refillbuffer( tokenstream )
   Read a line from the input file and tokenise it.
   Repeat until at least one token is found or the end of file is reached.


s = safemakestruct( self, args )
   Construct a struct S from the cell array ARGS by S = STRUCT(ARGS), but
   catch and report errors.  ARGS is expected to be the VARARGIN argument
   of the function this is called from.  ARGS may also be a structure, in
   which case S is set to ARGS and OK to true.  If ARGS is absent, S is
   set to the empty structure and OK to true.  Unlike STRUCT,
   SAFEMAKESTRUCT does not treat cell array arguments specially.
   The SELF argument is a string used in error messages, and should be the
   name of the procedure this function was called from (e.g. as provided
   by MFILENAME()).  If SELF is empty, no error messages will be printed.


m = scriptcommand( m, commandname, varargin )
   Execute the command with the given name.  The arguments are varargin.


showRSSS( fid, s, indent )
   Write to the console a pretty-printed form of the dialog description s.
   The indent defaults to 0.


Create a token input stream from a string or a cell array of strings.



v = tscmds( ts, syntaxdef, v )
   Apply commands from the given token stream, with meanings defined by syntaxdef,
   to the structure v.






[nodes,abserr, relerr, stretchchange,numiters,ok] = BSequilibrate( ...
            nodes, edgeends, restlengths, springconst, t, iters, maxerr, finald, ...
            fig, progressCallback )
   Use the ball and spring method to equilibrate a mesh.


function ClusterControl(arg,opt,projectnamecell)

Use GUI that allows one to setup growth projects on the cluster
Run them
Retrieve the results and clear up by deleting the intermediate files

CONFIGURATION for running projects that are not the snapdragon
Find the line calling VMSReport and change as illustrated below.


1) At the beginning of the session, start ClusterControl and press the
svn update button - this ensures that the DArT_Toolshed on the cluster is
up to date. (To install the DArT_Toolshed in the firstplace, use WinSCP.

2) use SilentGFtbox to prepare an experiment, e.g.


Having set up the experiment(s) this program will send the project and the
commands required to run it (them) on the cluster. 
Finally, it will keep a note of the program that will 
get the results back from the cluster.

Not only does ClusterControl keep a list of experiments, but it also
has buttons to enable you to check the processing queue, your directories
on the cluster.

To forcibly stop the automatic collection of results type

ti=timerfind; % finds all the timers
stop(ti); % this stops all the timers
delete(ti); % and deletes them all

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008
     global ClusterControl_fig


global ClusterControl_fig


global ClusterControl_fig


         global ClusterControl_fig











function ClusterMonitor(arg,opt,projectnamecell)

Use GUI that allows one to setup growth projects on the cluster
Run them
Retrieve the results and clear up by deleting the intermediate files

CONFIGURATION for running projects that are not the snapdragon
Find the line calling VMSReport and change as illustrated below.


1) At the beginning of the session, start ClusterMonitor and press the
svn update button - this ensures that the DArT_Toolshed on the cluster is
up to date. (To install the DArT_Toolshed in the firstplace, use WinSCP.

2) use SilentGFtbox to prepare an experiment, e.g.


Having set up the experiment(s) this program will send the project and the
commands required to run it (them) on the cluster. 
Finally, it will keep a note of the program that will 
get the results back from the cluster.

Not only does ClusterMonitor keep a list of experiments, but it also
has buttons to enable you to check the processing queue, your directories
on the cluster.

To forcibly stop the automatic collection of results type

ti=timerfind; % finds all the timers
stop(ti); % this stops all the timers
delete(ti); % and deletes them all

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008
     global ClusterMonitor_fig


function ClusterMonitorGrace(arg,opt,projectnamecell)

Use GUI that allows one to setup growth projects on the cluster
Run them
Retrieve the results and clear up by deleting the intermediate files

CONFIGURATION for running projects that are not the snapdragon
Find the line calling VMSReport and change as illustrated below.


1) At the beginning of the session, start ClusterMonitorGrace and press the
svn update button - this ensures that the DArT_Toolshed on the cluster is
up to date. (To install the DArT_Toolshed in the firstplace, use WinSCP.

2) use SilentGFtbox to prepare an experiment, e.g.


Having set up the experiment(s) this program will send the project and the
commands required to run it (them) on the cluster. 
Finally, it will keep a note of the program that will 
get the results back from the cluster.

Not only does ClusterMonitorGrace keep a list of experiments, but it also
has buttons to enable you to check the processing queue, your directories
on the cluster.

To forcibly stop the automatic collection of results type

ti=timerfind; % finds all the timers
stop(ti); % this stops all the timers
delete(ti); % and deletes them all

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008
     global ClusterMonitorGrace_fig




function GFtboxCommandG(ProjectName,Args.Directory,Args.number_steps,Args.stepsize)

A Matlab program for running models on a cluster

Based on GFtboxCommand

Arguments are given in pairs, ['arg',value]. To see a list of args type ClusterRun('Args');

For running growth models in batch mode. Results are filed in a
ProjectName:Movies:experimentname:meshes   stores full mesh .mat files

At the end of each stage/step the mesh is stored in a separate file.
In addition, the command line used to invoke GFtboxCommand
and a copy of the interaction function are saved in the experimentname directory.

The meshes can be viewed using VMS (View Mesh System)
or VMSReport. They can also be moved into the project directory where
GFtbox will recognise them as 'Stages'.

When running jobs on the cluster, GFtboxCommand will automatically
log the fact with a program called ClusterControl.

To run on the cluster you must have
      1) Your (UEA) Cluster username
      2) Your (UEA) Cluster username Password
      3) The (UEA) Cluster name, e.g.
      4) Path to your filespace within the cluster (excluding your
             (e.g 'gpfs/tmpscratch01/sys/')
             (or  'gpfs/sys/')
and the following programs installed on your computer
      4) WinSCP
      5) Putty
      6) pscp
      7) plink
these can be installed on a Mac from the Terminal using MacPorts (e.g. sudo port install putty)

There is an option to output a set of shell scripts (.sh files) that
enable the results to be computed on a cluster in parallel.
This is invoked by the 'Use','Cluster', command pair.

Usage, all argument pairs are optional
    'State','RunNow',...   % status of command, options are:
                           % default is 'RunNow', i.e. when 'State' is not used then
                           %     system is run on the current computer
                           % The following only apply to running on the cluster
                           % 'Run'     create and run a single command
                           % 'Begin'   to begin assembling a batch of commands
                           % 'Add'     to add to the existing batch
                           % 'Start'   to add to and then run batch of commands
    'Use','Cluster'        % use the cluster if it is accessible
                           % default is not to use the cluster
    'Name','IMotif2a',...  % project to be run
    'Path', pwd,...         % present working directory

 either specify the modelling time in steps or Args.stages
    'Args.dt',[0.1, 0.01,...]   % default value is set by the project itself
                           % this command is used to change Args.dt
 Using time
    'Stages',[80,120,...]  % default, output at every iteration
                           % list of Args.stages (in hours) that are to be
                           % output.
                           % Overrides Stepsize.
                           % Overrides Args.total_time, i.e. Args.total_time=max(Args.stages)
                           % stage filenumbers are time - consistent
                           % GFtbox
    'Total_time',tvalue,...% i.e. Args.number_steps =  tvalue/Args.dt, also see Stages

 Using steps
    'N_steps', 20,...      % number of steps to be run
    'Stepsize',1,...       % interval between steps that are recorded
                           % overridden by Stages
                           % defaut 1

    'Flatten',true or false,...% The mesh will be dissected, (edges to be dissected must
                           % be entered into the mesh using the GUI).
                           % The mesh will then be dissected,exploded and Args.flattened.
                           % after the last step (or stage).
                           % it can take a long time.
    'Mut_list',{'cych','div'},...% cell array of morphogen names to be set
                           %  to zero activity
                           % default is 'wilArgs.dtype' i.e. all morph_a=1
    'param',[indices]      % it is possible to automatically
                           %create set of experiments that systematically vary parameters
                           %of the model. These have to be setup inside the interaction
                           %function. e.g. the parameter called 'param' is set up with
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.range=[0, 1.2, 5, 10]
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.index=3; % this sets the default, i.e.
                           %param=5. By setting an invalid index using
                           %on the GFtboxCommand command line, i.e. 10
                           in this case, each value of the parameter
                           will be used. If two range parameters are
                           set then the combinations will be run as
                           separate jobs, i.e. if there were 4 and 5
                           alternatives respectively, 20 experiments
                           would be created.

                           %Sensitivity testing
                           this is a reserved userdatat ranges field
                           that is recognised by GFtboxCommand. In
                           To perform a sensitivity test, there must
                           be set of obj files in a directory called
                           objs. One obj per time step.
                           It is differences between the test sensitivity values
                           and these obj files that will be computed.
                           that will
    'Subdiv',false,        % default, false,
                           % true then FE model will be subdivided
                           % to four times the number of vertices at the beginning
    'ExpID',name,          % not for general use. Used internally by GFtboxCommand
                           % to label experiments as they are run on
                           % the cluster

Run on personal computer
Run on cluster, exploring two range parameters

Run on cluster, exploring the effect of different Args.dt and number of
ClusterRun('State','Start','Name','GPT_SnapPol_20111108','Stages',[250 335 340 370 410 490 570],'Use','Cluster','modelnumber',[1 2],'mingradient',[1 2]);


Try a range of Args.dts, run for two separate models, for all combinations
of the specified mutations
GFtboxCommand('State','Start','Name','NewFig4','Args.dt',[0.1 0.5 1] ,'Subdiv',true,'Stages',[2,5,7],'Use','Cluster','modelname',[1 2],'Mut_List',{'mutation1','mutation1'});

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008
Jacob Newman, 2011
     if isunix
         % then assume it is running on the cluster and the paths are to be
         % setup relative to the current directory





 Convert any set of morphogens to names.
 mgen can be any of:
   a single morphogen index
   an array of morphogen indexes
   a string
   a cell array of strings.
 The result is always a cell array of strings.
 Morphogen indexes that are out of range are ignored.
 Morphogen names are checked for validity, and invalid ones ignored.


   Process keystroke events.




function GFtboxCommand(ProjectName,Directory,number_steps,stepsize)

For running growth models in batch mode. Results are filed in a
ProjectName:Movies:experimentname:meshes   stores full mesh .mat files

At the end of each stage/step the mesh is stored in a separate file.
In addition, the command line used to invoke GFtboxCommand
and a copy of the interaction function are saved in the experimentname directory.

The meshes can be viewed using VMS (View Mesh System)
or VMSReport. They can also be moved into the project directory where
GFtbox will recognise them as 'Stages'.

When running jobs on the cluster, GFtboxCommand will automatically 
log the fact with a program called ClusterControl. 

To run on the cluster you must have 
      1) Your (UEA) Cluster username 
      2) Your (UEA) Cluster username Password
      3) The (UEA) Cluster name, e.g.
      4) Path to your filespace within the cluster (excluding your
             (e.g 'gpfs/tmpscratch01/sys/')
             (or  'gpfs/sys/')
and the following programs installed on your computer
      4) WinSCP
      5) Putty
      6) pscp
      7) plink
these can be installed on a Mac from the Terminal using MacPorts (e.g. sudo port install putty)
There is an option to output a set of shell scripts (.sh files) that
enable the results to be computed on a cluster in parallel.
This is invoked by the 'Use','Cluster', command pair.

Usage, all argument pairs are optional
    'State','RunNow',...   % status of command, options are:
                           % default is 'RunNow', i.e. when 'State' is not used then
                           %     system is run on the current computer
                           % The following only apply to running on the cluster
                           % 'Run'     create and run a single command
                           % 'Begin'   to begin assembling a batch of commands
                           % 'Add'     to add to the existing batch
                           % 'Start'   to add to and then run batch of commands
    'Use','Cluster'        % use the cluster if it is accessible
                           % default is not to use the cluster
    'Name','IMotif2a',...  % project to be run
    'Path', pwd,...         % present working directory

 either specify the modelling time in steps or stages
    'dt',[0.1, 0.01,...]   % default value is set by the project itself
                           % this command is used to change dt
 Using time
    'Stages',[80,120,...]  % default, output at every iteration
                           % list of stages (in hours) that are to be
                           % output.
                           % Overrides Stepsize.
                           % Overrides total_time, i.e. total_time=max(stages)
                           % stage filenumbers are time - consistent
                           % GFtbox
    'Total_time',tvalue,...% i.e. number_steps =  tvalue/dt, also see Stages
 Using steps
    'N_steps', 20,...      % number of steps to be run
    'Stepsize',1,...       % interval between steps that are recorded
                           % overridden by Stages
                           % defaut 1

    'Flatten',true or false,...% The mesh will be dissected, (edges to be dissected must
                           % be entered into the mesh using the GUI).
                           % The mesh will then be dissected,exploded and flattened.
                           % after the last step (or stage).
                           % it can take a long time.
    'Mut_list',{'cych','div'},...% cell array of morphogen names to be set
                           %  to zero activity
                           % default is 'wildtype' i.e. all morph_a=1
    'param',[indices]      % it is possible to automatically
                           %create set of experiments that systematically vary parameters
                           %of the model. These have to be setup inside the interaction
                           %function. e.g. the parameter called 'param' is set up with
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.range=[0, 1.2, 5, 10]
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.index=3; % this sets the default, i.e.
                           %param=5. By setting an invalid index using
                           %on the GFtboxCommand command line, i.e. 10
                           in this case, each value of the parameter
                           will be used. If two range parameters are
                           set then the combinations will be run as
                           separate jobs, i.e. if there were 4 and 5
                           alternatives respectively, 20 experiments
                           would be created.

                           %Sensitivity testing
                           this is a reserved userdatat ranges field
                           that is recognised by GFtboxCommand. In
                           To perform a sensitivity test, there must
                           be set of obj files in a directory called
                           objs. One obj per time step.
                           It is differences between the test sensitivity values
                           and these obj files that will be computed.
                           that will 
    'Subdiv',false,        % default, false,
                           % true then FE model will be subdivided
                           % to four times the number of vertices at the beginning
    'ExpID',name,          % not for general use. Used internally by GFtboxCommand
                           % to label experiments as they are run on
                           % the cluster

Run on own computer, exploring one range parameters
Run on cluster, exploring one range parameters

Run on cluster, exploring the effect of different dt and number of

Try a range of dts, run for two separate models, for all combinations
of the specified mutations
GFtboxCommand('State','Start','Name','NewFig4','dt',[0.1 0.5 1] ,'Subdiv',true,'Stages',[2,5,7],'Use','Cluster','modelname',[1 2],'Mut_List',{'mutation1','mutation1'});

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008
Jacob Newman, 2011
     if isunix
         % then assume it is running on the cluster and the paths are to be
         % setup relative to the current directory


dirname = GFtboxDir()
   Find the Growth Toolbox directory.




[rev,date] = GFtboxRevision()
   Determine the revision number and date of the GFtbox code.
   Do this from the SVN admin data if present, otherwise from



 This must not be called while the simulation is running.


gqp = GaussQuadPoints()    Calculate the Gaussian quadrature points
    for a triangular prism.  The result is a 3*6 matrix.


function MV = GetTransform6( M )    Given a 3*3 linear transformation M,
calculate the 6*6 matrix MV which is appropriate for
transforming symmetric second rank tensors represented as 6-element


C = IsotropicComplianceMatrix( K, nu )
   Compute the 6*6 compliance matrix for an isotropic material with bulk
   modulus K and Poisson's ratio nu.
 WARNING: I don't believe this is accurate.  This procedure is never used.


D = IsotropicStiffnessMatrix( K, nu, nuNormal )
   Compute the 6*6 stiffness matrix for an isotropic material with bulk
   modulus K and Poisson's ratio nu.  If K, nu, and nuNormal are vectors
   of the same length N > 1, D is returned as an 6*6*N matrix.  nuNormal
   defaults to nu (and in fact is not used anyway).


D = IsotropicStiffnessMatrixGnu(( G, nu )
   Compute the 6*6 stiffness matrix for an isotropic material with shear
   modulus G and Poisson's ratio nu, multiplied by 1-2*nu.  If G and nu
   are vectors of the same length N > 1, D is returned as an 6*6*N matrix.


[k,f] = Kgauss( v, gauss, C, eps0 )
    Calculate the K matrix and force vector for a finite element cell.
    v: cell vertexes. 3*6 matrix, one column per vertex.
    gauss: Gauss quadrature structure in isoparametric coordinates.  Includes
       the points, and the values and gradients of the shape functions there.
    C: compliance matrix. 6*6.
    eps0: pre-strain at each vertex (calculated from thermal expansion).
        6*6, one column for each vertex.  Each column is a 6-vector
        representing a 3*3 symmetric tensor.


 J.Andrew Bangham CMP, UEA, 2008.



Move 'stage' files resulting from a run conducted on a remote cluster
machine into the project whose directory is ProjectDirectory, replacing
any existing stage files there.

The files to be copied are assumed to reside in directories of the form
[ProjectDirectory]/runs/[experimentname]/meshes.  The folder
[ProjectDirectory]/runs/[experimentname] is also assumed to contain a
file called 'CommandLine.txt'.  The presence of this file is what tells
this procedure that [ProjectDirectory]/runs/[experimentname] is an
experimental results directory.

If there is more than one such directory, the user is asked to choose one,
each being identified to the user by the first line of its CommandLine.txt

The result is empty in case of any problems, otherwise a positive number
(whose value is not otherwise meaningful).  When there is a problem, a
message will be printed to the Matlab command window.

J.Andrew Bangham 2008


function signal=NormaliseGrad(signal,localmask,wholemask)

normalise a morphogen gradient found in signal and in 
a region localmask so that its values lie in the range
0 to 1
Set all values outside the region specified by wholemask
to 0

J.A.Bangham 2009



j = PrismJacobian( v, p )    Calculate the Jacobian of the
    transformation from p = (xi,eta,zeta) to (x,y,z) for a triangular
    prism with vertices v.
    v is 3*6, each point being a column of v.


j = PrismJacobians( v, p )    Calculate the Jacobian of the
    transformation from p = (xi;eta;zeta) to (x,y,z) for a triangular
    prism with vertices v.
    v is 3*6, each point being a column of v.
    p may be a 3*n array: a Jacobian will be computed for each column of
    p, and J will be a 3*3*n array.
    If v is 3*6*m, J will be a 3*3*nm array.


function [s1]=ReconcileFields(s1,s2)

Recursively find all fields in s2 that do not exist in s1
then create them as empty fields in s1 

to ensure two structures have the same fields
call the function twice, i.e.

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008


function ReplacemorphogensInProject(FileName)

 Filename, *.morphogens.txt is a text file containing
           a list of morphogens to replace those in an existing
 File format
 MorphogenName [,diffusion constant[,decay rate]]
           will generate id_MorphogenName
                and       s_MorphogenName with associated properties
 when no diffusion and decay constants only the id_ will be formed


runs SilentGFtbox having ensured that paths to the DArT_Toolbox 
are present.


 function RunModels(ExperimentNumber,ProjectName)
 Runs GFtbox modelling experiments without a user interface
 View the results using the program: VMS

 ExperimentNumber, experiment ExperimentNumber should be programmed into the switch
 ProjectName, default 'sd-pd-ls-200807-19a'

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008


runs SilentGFtbox having ensured that paths to the DArT_Toolbox 
are present.



function SilentGFtbox(ProjectName,Directory,number_steps,stepsize)

For running growth models in batch mode. Results are filed in a
ProjectName:Movies:experimentname:meshes   stores full mesh .mat files

At the end of each stage/step the mesh is stored in a separate file.
In addition, the command line used to invoke SilentGFtbox
and a copy of the interaction function are saved in the experimentname directory.

The meshes can be viewed using VMS (View Mesh System)
or VMSReport. They can also be moved into the project directory where
GFtbox will recognise them as 'Stages'.

When running jobs on the cluster, SilentGFtbox will automatically 
log the fact with a program called ClusterControl. 

To run on the cluster you must have 
      1) (UEA) Cluster username 
      2) Password
      3) email address
and the following programs installed on your computer
      4) WinSCP
      5) Putty
      6) pscp
      7) plink
There is an option to output a set of shell scripts (.sh files) that
enable the results to be computed on a cluster in parallel.
This is invoked by the 'Use','Cluster', command pair.

Usage, all argument pairs are optional
    'State','RunNow',...   % status of command, options are:
                           % default is 'RunNow', i.e. when 'State' is not used then
                           %     system is run on the current computer
                           % The following only apply to running on the cluster
                           % 'Run'     create and run a single command
                           % 'Begin'   to begin assembling a batch of commands
                           % 'Add'     to add to the existing batch
                           % 'Start'   to add to and then run batch of commands
    'Use','Cluster'        % use the cluster if it is accessible
                           % default is not to use the cluster
    'Name','IMotif2a',...  % project to be run
    'Dir', pwd,...         % present working directory

 either specify the modelling time in steps or stages
    'dt',[],...            % default value is set by the project itself
                           % this command is used to change dt
 Using time
    'Stages',[80,120,...]  % default, output at every iteration
                           % list of stages (in hours) that are to be
                           % output.
                           % Overrides Stepsize.
                           % Overrides total_time, i.e. total_time=max(stages)
                           % stage filenumbers are time - consistent
                           % GFtbox
    'Total_time',tvalue,...% i.e. number_steps =  tvalue/dt, also see Stages
 Using steps
    'N_steps', 20,...      % number of steps to be run
    'Stepsize',1,...       % interval between steps that are recorded
                           % overridden by Stages
                           % defaut 1

    'Flatten',true or false,...% The mesh will be dissected, (edges to be dissected must
                           % be entered into the mesh using the GUI).
                           % The mesh will then be dissected,exploded and flattened.
                           % after the last step (or stage).
                           % it can take a long time.
    'Mut_list',{'cych','div'},...% cell array of morphogen names to be set
                           %  to zero activity
                           % default is 'wildtype' i.e. all morph_a=1
    'param',[indices]      % it is possible to automatically
                           %create set of experiments that systematically vary parameters
                           %of the model. These have to be setup inside the interaction
                           %function. e.g. the parameter called 'param' is set up with
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.range=[0, 1.2, 5, 10]
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.index=3; % this sets the default, i.e.
                           %param=5. By setting an invalid index using
                           %on the SilentGFtbox command line, i.e. 10
                           in this case, each value of the parameter
                           will be used. If two range parameters are
                           set then the combinations will be run as
                           separate jobs, i.e. if there were 4 and 5
                           alternatives respectively, 20 experiments
                           would be created.

                           %Sensitivity testing
                           this is a reserved userdatat ranges field
                           that is recognised by SilentGFtbox. In
                           To perform a sensitivity test, there must
                           be set of obj files in a directory called
                           objs. One obj per time step.
                           It is differences between the test sensitivity values
                           and these obj files that will be computed.
                           that will 
    'Subdiv',false,        % default, false,
                           % true then FE model will be subdivided
                           % to four times the number of vertices at the beginning
    'ClearPasswords','All',% The first time SilentGFtbox is run by a user on
                           % a particular computer, passwords are requested
                           % which are encrypted and saved
                           % It may be easier to configure passwords
                           % etc. by the command sequence ...
                           % clearpasswords
                           % getyouremail
                           % getyourclusterdirectory
                           % getpassword
                           % getyourclustername
    'ExpID',name,          % not for general use. Used internally by SilentGFtbox
                           % to label experiments as they are run on
                           % the cluster

To make full use of the program, ClusterControl, please put the
projects in a directory called 'clusterstuff'

Run on personal computer
Run on cluster, exploring two range parameters

Run on cluster, exploring the effect of different dt and number of

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008
     if isunix
         % then assume it is running on the cluster and the paths are to be
         % setup relative to the current directory


v = StandardPrism()   Return the vertexes of a standard triangular prism.



To allow subphases to be specified within the interaction function. 
As each stage is encountered a structure is built that 
can be used to pass stage specifications to the GFtbox. 
This then appears on the Stages menu.

 StC the data structure to be elaborated
duration the time to be spent on this activity
headingstr, the stage label
counter, the stage counter. These should start at 1 and increment with
each call
iteraction counter, = m.currentiteration used to control initialisation

State, true if realtime lies within this activity

J.Andrew Bangham, 2009




 a=1 if start<=realtime<stop



 a=value if start<=realtime<stop






 Produce a printed report on results from running SilentGFtbox
 before it finishes it invites you to rotate the figures
 (rotate one using the sliders and the others follow suit)
 it then invites you to print everything

 Arguments come in command,value pairs
 'Path', path to project default, pwd (default);
 'Project', name of project in the path
 'Experiment',  either 'All' (the default) where all the experiments in
            are compiled into a printed report
                or {'experiment_name','experiment_name',...}
 'MORPHOGEN','name' default 'Polariser'
 'DRAWEDGES',integer, default 0 none, 1 outside edges only, 2 all edges
 'DRAWGRADIENTS',logical default true
 'THICK',logical default true
 'DRAWSECONDLAYER',logical default false (cell layer)
 'PRINT',logical default false
 'VISIBLE',logical default true if true do not display figures
 'ROTATION',[azimuth,elevation] default is as stored in project
 'CELLS',logical default true
 'STEREO',logical default false

J. Andrew Bangham 2008


 VRMLPARAMS M-file for VRMLparams.fig
      VRMLPARAMS, by itself, creates a new VRMLPARAMS or raises the existing

      H = VRMLPARAMS returns the handle to a new VRMLPARAMS or the handle to
      the existing singleton*.

      VRMLPARAMS('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
      function named CALLBACK in VRMLPARAMS.M with the given input arguments.

      VRMLPARAMS('Property','Value',...) creates a new VRMLPARAMS or raises the
      existing singleton*.  Starting from the left, property value pairs are
      applied to the GUI before VRMLparams_OpeningFcn gets called.  An
      unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
      stop.  All inputs are passed to VRMLparams_OpeningFcn via varargin.

      *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu.  Choose "GUI allows only one
      instance to run (singleton)".



[a,b] = ab_from_kbend( k, bend )
   Given growth K and bending BEND, compute the equivalent surface
   growths A and B, such that K-BEND = A and K+BEND = B.
   If allownegative is false, A and B are forced to be nonnegative, at the
   expense of violating the equalities.  The default is that negative
   values are allowed.


 formatTest = max((1+abs(growthparams(:,1))) ./ (0.01+abs(growthparams(:,2))));


m = addCell( m, a, b, c )
   Add to m a cell whose corners are the existing vertexes a, b, and c.
   No error checking is done; it is assumed that the operation is
   sensible.  a and b, and a and c, are assumed to be connected by edges,
   and b-a-c is assumed to be the positive orientation.


handles = addProjectsMenu( handles, projectsDir, readonly, callback )
   projectsDir is a folder to be added to the Projects menu.


[times,fromold,fromnew] = addStages( oldtimes, newtimes )
   Combine the lists of times, striking out duplicates and
   putting them into sorted order.  fromold and fromnew are bitmaps of the
   result, showing which elements came from which list.
   oldtimes and newtimes do not have to already be sorted, and they may
   contain duplicates.


m = addStaticData( sd )
   sd contains the static mesh data.  Overwrite the static data in m by sd
   and reconcile them.  This mostly consists of replacing fields in m by
   fields in sd, but the morphogen dictionary is shared by both and any
   changes require reindexing the per-morphogen fields of m.


m = addToNormal( m, addn, absolute )
   addn is a vector containing one value per node of m.
   If absolute is true, then each node is displaced normal to the surface
   by that amount.  If absolute is false (the default), then each node is
   displaced normal to the surface by that proportion of the thickness at
   that point.




m = addinternalrotation( m, angle )


m = addmesh( m, m1 )
   Combine two meshes which contain only nodes and tricellvxs.


movieobj = addmovieframe( movieobj )
   Add a frame to a movie object created by either avifile or VideoWriter.


m = addquad( m, i, j, k, l )
 m contains only m.nodes and m.tricellvxs.  Add two cells to m.tricellvxs,
 which tringulate the quadrilateral i j k l.



mesh = addrandomfield( mesh, amount, whichMgen, smoothness, add )
   Add a random amount of growth factor to every point.



displacements = cellFlatDisplacements( normal, vxs )
   Calculate the displacements of the vertexes of the cell from a right


theta = angle3( v )    v is a 3*3 matrix [A;B;C].  The result is the angle


a = anisotropy( pp )
   Calculate the anisotropy from parallel and perpendicular growth.
   This is zero when both are zero, otherwise (par-perp)/(par+perp).



announceSimStatus( handles )
   Update the report of leaf size, number of iterations, etc. in the GUI



m = applyMgenDefaults( m, mgenindexes, numnodes )
   Insert default per-morphogen values for various fields, for the given
   set of new morphogen indexes.  The indexes are assumed to be at the end
   of all current indexes.



g = arealGrowth( pp )
   Calculate the areal growth rate from parallel and perpendicular growth.
   This is their sum.


g = arealGrowth( t )
   Compute the total growth rate of a two-dimensional growth tensor.


 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT




s = askForTimeUnit()
   Put up a modal dialog asking for the name of the time unit.



d = averageConductivity( m, morphogenindex )
d = averageConductivity( c )
   The first type of call translates to the second:
       d = averageConductivity( m.conductivity(morphogenindex) )
   Make a crude estimate of the average conductivity given by c.Dpar and
   c.Dper.  This is accurate when the conductivity is uniform, but should
   not be used for numerical computation if it is non-uniform, only for
   giving a rough estimate.
   c can be a struct array, and morphogenindex can be an array of
   indexes.  d will be an array of average conductivities of the same



apg = avpolgrad( m, ci, bc, vx, sparsedistance )
   Calculate the average polarisation gradient over all of the finite
   elements, all of whose vertexes are within a distance sparsedistance of


axes = axesFromCell( vxs )
    Compute a frame of reference for a triangular prism cell.
    One axis is parallel to the xi isoparametric coordinate, one
    is perpendicular to xi in the xi-eta plane, and the third is
    perpendicular to both.  Its direction should roughly coincide with the
    zeta axis.
    The vectors vxs are assumed to be column vectors.  There must be 6 of
    them: vxs(1:3) are the bottom face and vxs(4:6) are the top face.



 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT




x = in_lin( k, m )
 Calculate the inhibitory effect of morphogen m with scale factor k.


x = inh( k, m )
 Calculate the inhibitory effect of morphogen m with scale factor k.
 The morphogen and the scale are forced to be non-negative.


x = pro( k, m )
 Calculate the promoting effect of morphogen m with scale factor k.
 The morphogen and the scale are forced to be non-negative.




edgemap = borderedgemap( m, cellmap )
   M is a mesh.  CELLMAP is a boolean map pf cells.
   All of the border edges of the set of cells are found, that
   is, every edge which has one of the given cells on exactly one side.
   The set of edges is returned as a boolean map.  If you need an array of
   indexes, call borderedges( m, cellmap ).

   See also: borderedges


edges = borderedges( m, cellmap )
   M is a mesh.  CELLMAP is a boolean map pf cells.
   All of the border edges of the set of cells are found, that
   is, every edge which has one of the given cells on exactly one side.
   The set of edges is returned as an array of edge indexes.  If you need
   a boolean map, call borderedgemap( m, cells );

   See also: borderedgemap



bb = boundingbox( m, extra )
   Calculate the bounding box of the mesh m, in a form that can be passed
   to axis().  If extra is specified, the box is expanded by this amount,
   e.g. if extra = 0.1 then the box will be 10% large than the exact
   bounds of the mesh.


m = buildMorphogenDist( m )
   Build a dictionary mapping morphogen names to indexes and vice versa.
   Make sure the standard morphogens are included.


[pos,prismpos] = butterfly( m, ei )
   Find the location of the point resulting from subdividing edge ei by
   the butterfly algorithm.


pos = butterfly3( m, ci, bc, tension )
   Generalises the butterfly algorithm to pick a point corresponding to
   the point in cell ci with barycentric coordinates bc.

   The resulting surface is continuous but not smooth across edges and


[vxs,weights] = butterflyPoints( m, ei, tension )
   Find the points and weights associated with subdividing edge ei by
   the butterfly algorithm.


[wts,pts] = butterflystencil( m, ei )
   Find the stencil resulting from subdividing edge ei by
   the butterfly algorithm.



vn = calcN( p )    Calculate the value of all the
    shape functions for a triangular prism at isoparametric
    coordinates p.  The result is a row vector.
    p is a 3-element column vector.  It may also be a 3*N matrix, in which
    case the result will be a 6*N matrix.




m = calcPolGrad( m )
   Calculate the polarising gradients for growth and bending in the
   specified cells of the mesh, by default all of them.


m = calcmeshareas( m )
   Calculate the area of every cell of the mesh.


 nodeareas = calcnodeareas( m )
   For each node, calculate the area of all of the cells containing that


m = calculateOutputs( m )
   Calculate all of the tensors for specified/actual/residual growth on
   the A/B sides, and the rotations.  This creates the following
   components of m:


   Each of these is a per-FE quantity.  If there are N finite elements,
   then the tensor fields are N*6 and the rotations field is N*3.  These
   are all rates of growth or rotation, not absolute amounts.

   Take the average of an A and a B quantity to get the value for the
   midplane; take half of B-A to get the bending component.

   To convert tensors to principal components, write for example:
       [amounts,frames] = tensorsToComponents( m.outputs.actualstrain.A );
   amounts will then be the principal components of actual growth on the
   A side, listed in descending order.  If you want them listed in the
   order parallel, perpendicular, and normal, replace the second line by:
       [amounts,frames] = tensorsToComponents( m.outputs.actualstrain.A, m.cellFrames );

   To resolve rotation vectors into rotation about the normal vector and
   the remainder, write:

       [inplane,outofplane] = splitVector( m.outputs.rotations, m.unitcellnormals );

   inplane will be a column of scalars, the rotation rates around the
   normal vectors, and outofplane will be an N*3 matrix of vectors in the
   planes of the respective finite elements.

   To convert any per-element quantity to a per-vertex quantity, call:

       perVxQuantity = perFEtoperVertex( m, perFEquantity );

   The per-element quantity can be an N*K matrix, where N is the number of
   finite elements.  perVxQuantity will then be M*K where M is the number
   of vertices.



 CANVASCOLORSDLG M-file for canvasColorsDlg.fig
      CANVASCOLORSDLG by itself, creates a new CANVASCOLORSDLG or raises the
      existing singleton*.

      H = CANVASCOLORSDLG returns the handle to a new CANVASCOLORSDLG or the handle to
      the existing singleton*.

      CANVASCOLORSDLG('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
      function named CALLBACK in CANVASCOLORSDLG.M with the given input arguments.

      CANVASCOLORSDLG('Property','Value',...) creates a new CANVASCOLORSDLG or raises the
      existing singleton*.  Starting from the left, property value pairs are
      applied to the GUI before canvasColorsDlg_OpeningFcn gets called.  An
      unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
      stop.  All inputs are passed to canvasColorsDlg_OpeningFcn via varargin.

      *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu.  Choose "GUI allows only one
      instance to run (singleton)".



v = cell3DCoords( mesh, ci, bc )
   Find the 3D coordinates of the point with barycentric coordinates bc in cell ci.


bc = cellBaryCoords( mesh, ci, v )
   Find the barycentric coordinates of v in cell ci.
   v must be a single vector.


handles = cellClick( handles, ci, bc, pt, selectionType )
   Handle a click on element ci at barycentric coordinates bc and global
   coordinates pt.
   This should only be called when the simulation is not running.


displacements = cellFlatDisplacements( normal, vxs )
   Calculate the displacements of the vertexes of the cell from a right


cells = cellsfromnodemap( m, nodes, mode )
   M is a mesh.  NODES is either an array of node indexes or a boolean map
   of nodes.
   If MODE is 'all', find every finite element for which every vertex is
   in the set of nodes; if 'any', every finite element with at least one
   vertex in the set.
   The set of cells is returned as an array of indexes.  If you need a
   boolean map of the cells, call cellMapFromNodeMap( m, nodemap, mode ).

   See also: cellMapFromNodeMap


cellmap = cellMapFromEdgeMap( m, edgemap, mode )
   M is a mesh.  EDGE is a boolean map of edges or an array of edge indexes.
   If MODE is 'all', find every finite element for which every edge is
   in the set of nodes; if 'any', every finite element with at least one
   edge in the set.
   The set of cells is returned as a boolean map.  If you also need an
   array of indexes, apply FIND to it.  If you only need an array of
   indexes, call cellsFromEdgeMap( m, nodes, mode );

   See also: cellsFromEdgeMap


cellmap = cellmapfromnodes( m, nodemap, mode )
   M is a mesh.  NODEMAP is an array of node indexes.
   If MODE is 'all', find every finite element for which every vertex is
   in the set of nodes; if 'any', every finite element with at least one
   vertex in the set.
   The set of cells is returned as a boolean map.  If you also need an
   array of indexes, apply FIND to it.  If you only need an array of
   indexes, call cellListFromNodeMap( m, nodes, mode );

   See also: cellListFromNodeMap


vertexStuff = cellToVertex( mesh, cellStuff )
   Convert a quantity defined per cell to a quantity defined per vertex.
   The vertex value is the average of all the cell values for cells that
   the vertex belongs to.


vxstuff = cellToVx( mesh, cellstuff )
   From an array of stuff-per-cell, construct an array of
   stuff-per-vertex, setting the quantity at each vertex to be the average
   of the quantity at each cell the vertex belongs to.
   The tricellvxs component of the mesh is assumed to be valid.


lv = cellVectorGlobalToLocal( m, gv )
   GV contains one vector per finite element of M in global coordinates.
   LV is the corresponding vector field expressed in local coordinates for
   each cell.  That is, for every i, LV(i,:) sums to zero, and subject to
   that, the following equality is satisfied as closely as possible:

       gv(i,:) = lv(i,:) * m.nodes(m.tricellvxs(i,:),:)

   SEE ALSO: cellVectorLocalToGlobal


gv = cellVectorLocalToGlobal( m, lv )
   LV contains one vector per finite element of M in local cell coordinates.
   GV is the corresponding vector field expressed in global coordinates.
   That is, for every i:

       gv(i,:) = lv(i,:) * m.nodes(m.tricellvxs(i,:),:)

   SEE ALSO: cellVectorGlobalToLocal


cc = cellcentres( m, cells, side )
   Find the centres of all the finite elements, on either the A side, the
   B side, or the midplane.  side==-1 is the A side, 0 is the midplane,
   and 1 is the B side.  If side is omitted, it is determined from the
   plotting options.


coords = cellcoords( mesh, ci )
   Return the coordinates of the three vertexes of triangular cell ci.



normal = cellnormal( mesh, ci )
   Calculate the normal vector to element ci of the mesh.  The length of
   the vector is twice the area of the cell.  ci can be a vector; the
   result will be an N*3 array.


cells = cellsFromEdgeMap( m, edgemap, mode )
   M is a mesh.  EDGE is a boolean map of edges or an array of edge indexes.
   If MODE is 'all', find every finite element for which every edge is
   in the set of nodes; if 'any', every finite element with at least one
   edge in the set.
   The set of cells is returned as a boolean map.  If you also need an
   array of indexes, apply FIND to it.  If you only need an array of
   indexes, call cellMapFromEdgeMap( m, nodes, mode );

   See also: cellMapFromEdgeMap



m = centremesh( m )
   Translate the mesh m so that the midpoint of the range of its node
   positions is at the origin.



checkVoronoiAngles( V, P )
   [V,P] is the output of VORONOIN(...): V is the set of vertexes of the
   Voronoi network, and P the set of vertex lists that define the cells.
   For every vertex in V, if there are N edges meeting at the vertex,
   where N >= 3, then the angles between them should be 2pi/N.  Calculate
   the average deviation from that figure over the whole network.  This
   can be used as a measure of non-centroidality of the network.
   When the CVT algorithm is run, it typically converges from an initial
   error value of about 0.5 for a random set of Voronoi generators to
   about 0.2, that is, from about 30 degrees to about 12 degrees.

   If P is not given, V is assumed to be a set of Voronoi generators, and
   the Voronoi network is first calculated from them.



citation_Callback(hObject, eventdata)
   Display a citation of our papers.




 clipmgenDlg M-file for clipmgenDlg.fig
      clipmgenDlg, by itself, creates a new clipmgenDlg or raises the existing

      H = clipmgenDlg returns the handle to a new clipmgenDlg or the handle to
      the existing singleton*.

      clipmgenDlg('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
      function named CALLBACK in clipmgenDlg.M with the given input arguments.

      clipmgenDlg('Property','Value',...) creates a new clipmgenDlg or raises the
      existing singleton*.  Starting from the left, property value pairs are
      applied to the GUI before clipmgenDlg_OpeningFunction gets called.  An
      unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
      stop.  All inputs are passed to clipmgenDlg_OpeningFcn via varargin.

      *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu.  Choose "GUI allows only one
      instance to run (singleton)".



movieobj = closemovie( movieobj )
   Close a movie, whether it was created with avifile or VideoWriter.


dfs = combineDFs( x, y, z )



m = leaf_add_mgen( m, mgen_name, ... )
   Add a new morphogen to m with the given name.  If there is already a
   morphogen with that name, this command is ignored.  Any number of names
   can be given at once.

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "New" button on the "Morphogens" panel.
   A dialog will appear in which the user chooses a name for the new

   See also:
       leaf_delete_mgen, leaf_rename_mgen

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_add_userdata( m, ... )
   Add fields to the userdata of m.  The arguments should be alternately a
   field name and a field value.  Existing fields of those names in
   m.userdata will be left unchanged.

   See also: leaf_set_userdata, leaf_delete_userdata.

   Equivalent GUI operation: none.

   Topics: User data


m = leaf_addpicture( m, ... )
   Create a new picture window to plot the mesh in.  This is primarily
   intended for plotting the mesh in multiple windows simultaneously.

       'figure'    A handle to a window.  The previous contents of the
                   window will be erased.
       'position'  An array [x y w h] specifying the position and size of the
                   window relative to the bottom left corner of the screen.
                   x is horizontal from the left, y is vertical from the
                   bottom, w is the width and h is the height, all in pixels.
       'relpos'    A similar array, but this time measured relative to the
                   bottom left corner of the previous picture, if there is
                   one, otherwise the bottom left corner of the screen.
       Only one of position or relpos may be supplied.
       w and h can be omitted from relpos, in which case the size defaults
       to the size of the existing window, if any, otherwise the default
       size for a new window.
       x and y can be omitted from position, in which case the new window
       is centred on the screen.
       If both position and relpos are omitted, a window of default size
       and position is created.
       'vergence'  A number in degrees, default 0.  The view direction of
                   the figure is offset by this amount, so that the eye
                   seeing the figure sees it as if the eye was turned
                   towards the centre line by this angle.
       'eye'       'l' or 'r', to specify which eye this is for.
       If no eye is specified, vergence defaults to zero.  If
       vergence is specified, an eye must also be specified.
       'properties'   A structure containing any other attribute of the
                   figure that should be set.

   Topics: Plotting, Stereo.


m = leaf_addseam( m, ... )
   Marks some edges of m as being or not being seams, according to
   criteria given in the options.  Unlike most other toolbox commands, the
   options to this command are processed sequentially and the same option
   may occur multiple times in the list.

       'init'      Either 'all' or 'none'.  Sets either all of the edges,
                   or none of them, to be seam edges.
       'edges'     An array of edge indexes.  All of these edges will
                   become seam edges.
       'nonedges'  An array of edge indexes.  All of these edges will
                   become non-seam edges.
       'nodes'     An array of node indexes.  All edges joining two nodes
                   in this set will become seam edges.
       'nonnodes'  An array of node indexes.  All edges touching any node
                   in this set will become non-seam edges.
       'edgemap', 'nonedgemap', 'nodemap', 'nonnodemap':
                   As above, but these are arrays of booleans specifying
                   the edges of nodes to be included or excluded from the
       'morphogen' A cell array of two elements.  The first is a
                   morphogen name or index.  The second is a string
                   specifying how the value of the morphogen will be used
                   as a criterion for deciding whether an edge should
                   become a seam.  It consists of three parts.  It begins
                   with one of 'min', 'mid', or 'max'.  This is followed
                   by one of '<', '<=', '>=', or '>'.  This is followed by
                   a number.  Examples: 'min>0.5' means that an edge
                   becomes a seam if the minimum value of the morphogen at
                   either end is greater than 0.5.  'max' would take the
                   maximum of the ends, and 'mid' would take the average.


       m = leaf_addseam( m, 'init', 'none', ...
                            'nodemap', m.morphogens(:,12) > 0.1 );

   Topics: Mesh editing, Seams.


   Add a waypoint to m.  A waypoint stores the current plotting options,
   the simulated time, and the options given to this procedure.  The
   waypoints are states of the mesh that form keyframes for a movie.  Once
   all of the desired waypoints have been created, a movie can be
   generated by leaf_waypointmovie which begins at the first waypoint
   continues through all of them to the last.  Between waypoints
   iterations of the simulation can be performed, the viewpoint smoothly
   changed, plotting options can change, the plotting options themselves
   can be smoothly interpolated between waypoints.


   'name'      A name for the waypoint.  This is optional, and is only used
               in the dialog for editing the waypoint list.
   'frames'    The number of frames to be generated from the previous
               waypoint to the current one, including the current but not
               the previous.  If simulated time has elapsed since the ;ast
               waypoint, the simulation step will be adjusted to fit.
   'timestep'  You can spcify this instead of the number of frames, if
               some simulated time has elapsed since the last waypoint.
   'spin'      The number of revolutions of spin that should be performed
               in the interval since the last waypoint.
   'tilt'      The number of cycles of up and down tilting of the
               viewpoint that should be performed in the interval since
               the last waypoint.
   'crossfade' Whether the non-interpolable plotting options should be
               cross-faded in this segment of the movie, or be applied
               only on the last frame.

   See also leaf_waypointmovie, leaf_clearwaypoints.

   Topics: Movies/Waypoints.


m = leaf_allowmutant( m, enable )
   Enable or disable the whole mutation feature.  When enabled, all mutant
   levels of morphogens will be active.  When disabled, the tissue will
   grow as the wild type.

       enable: 1 or true to allow mutation, 0 or false to disable mutation.

   Topics: Morphogens, Mutation.


m = leaf_alwaysflat( m, flat )
   If FLAT is 1, force the mesh to never bend out of the XY plane.  The
   mesh will be flattened if it is not already flat, by setting the Z
   coordinate of every node to zero.
   If FLAT is 0, allow the mesh to bend out of the XY plane.  If the mesh
   happens to be flat, it will not actually bend unless it is perturbed
   out of the XY plane, e.g. by adding a random Z displacement with the
   leaf_perturbz command.

   A flat mesh is still allowed to vary in thickness.

       m = leaf_alwaysflat( m, 1 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Always flat" checkbox on the
   "Mesh editor" panel.

   Topics: Mesh editing, Simulation.


m = leaf_archive( m )
   Create an archive of the current state of the project.
   Archived states are kept in a subfolder ARCHIVE of the current project.
   Each archived state is in a project folder whose name is the name of
   the current project, with '_Ann' appended, where nn is a number 1
   greater than the maximum number that has already been used, or 1 for
   the first created archive.

   Arguments: none.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Archive" button.


   Topics: HIDE, Project management.


m = leaf_attachpicture( varargin )
   Load a picture from a file.  Create a rectangular mesh of the same
   If no filename is given for the picture, a dialog will be opened to
   choose one.

   Equivalent GUI operation: none.

   Topics: HIDE, Picture distortion.


m = leaf_bowlz( m, ... )
   Add a bowl-shaped perturbation to the z coordinate of every point of
   the finite element mesh.  The z displacement will be proportional to
   the square of the distance from the origin of coordinates.

       A number, being the maximum displacement.  The displacement will be
       scaled so that the farthest point from the origin is displaced by
       this amount.  The default is 1.

       m = leaf_bowlz( m, 2 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Bowl Z" button on the "Mesh editor"
   panel. The amount of bowl deformation is specified by the value in the
   upper of the two text boxes to the right of the button.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


cellcentroids = leaf_cellcentroids( m )
   Compute the centroids of all of the biological cells, as an N*3 array.


m = leaf_circle( m, ... )
   Create a new circular mesh.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens.
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'xwidth'        The diameter of the circle in the x direction.  Default 2.
       'ywidth'        The diameter of the circle in the y direction.  Default 2.
       'rings'         The number of circular rings of triangles to divide
                       it into. Default 4.
       'circumpts'     The number of vertexes around the circumference.
                       The default is rings*6.  It must be at least 4, and
                       for best results should be at least rings*4.  As a
                       special case, if zero is specified, rings*6 is
       'innerpts'      The number of vertexes around the innermost ring of
                       points. Default is max( floor(circum/nrings), 3 ).
       'dealign'       Dealign the vertexes on adjacent rings. Default
                       false.  Only applies when circumpts is nonzero.
       'coneangle'     Make a circular cap of a sphere instead of a flat
                       circle.  The surface can be defined as the
                       interscetion of the surface of a sphere with a cone
                       whose apex is at the centre of the sphere.  The
                       value of coneangle is the angle between the axis of
                       the cone and the surface of the cone.  The default
                       is zero, i.e. make a flat circle.  If coneangle is
                       negative, the spherical cap is made in the -z
                       direction.  coneangle should be between -PI and PI.
       'height'        Modify the height of the circular cap specified by
                       coneangle, by scaling the z-axis to make the height
                       of the centre of the cap above the plane of its rim
                       equal to the specified value.  If coneangle is not
                       specified, and height is non-zero, then coneangle
                       defaults to PI/2.  If coneangle is specified and
                       height is not, then height defaults to thevalue for
                       a spherical cap, i.e. height = radius(1 -
                       cos(coneangle), where radius = sqrt(xwidth*ywidth).

       m = leaf_circle( [], 'radius', 2, 'rings', 4 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: selecting "Circle" or "Hemisphere" on the
   pulldown menu on the "Mesh editor" panel, and clicking the "Generate
   mesh" button.

   Topics: Mesh creation.


m = leaf_clearwaypoints( m )

   Clear the waypoint list.

   See also leaf_addwaypoint, leaf_waypointmovie.

   Topics: Movies/Waypoints.


m = leaf_colourA( m )
   Assign colours to all the cells in the biological layer.  If there is
   no biological layer, the values of the options are stored in m but the
   command is otherwise ignored.

   Optional arguments:
       colors:  The colour of the cells, as a pair of RGB values as a 2*3
                array.  The first is for the unshocked state and the
                second for the shocked state.
       colorvariation:  The amount of variation in the colour of the new
                cells. Each component of the colour value will be randomly
                chosen within this ratio of the value set by the 'color'
                argument.  That is, a value of 0.1 will set each component
                to between 0.9 and 1.1 times the corresponding component of
                the specified colour.  (The variation is actually done in
                HSV rather than RGB space, but the difference is slight.)
                The default is zero.  A value of 1 or more will give
                colours scattered over the entire colour space.

   The values of the options are stored in the mesh, and the options
   default to the stored values.

   Topics: Bio layer.


[out1, out2, out3, out4] = leaf_computeGrowthFromDisplacements( m, displacements, time, ... )
   Compute the growth rate in each FE of m given the displacements of all
   the prism nodes and the time over which these displacements happened.
   This assumes that m is in the state after these
   displacements have happened.  The results returned depend on the
   options and on how many output arguments are given.  Note that unlike
   most leaf_* commands, m itself is not one of the output arguments,
   since this procedure does not need to modify m.

   The growth rates are returned as an N*3 matrix with one row for each
   finite element.  The ordering of the three values is determined by the
   'axisorder' option.

   If the displacement array is empty or the time interval is not
   positive, then zeros will be returned.


   'frames': a boolean.  If true, then the frames of reference defining the
   directions of growth will also be returned, as a 3*3*N matrix.  The
   axes of each 3*3 matrix are its columns.  Their ordering is the same as
   the ordering of growth rates.  frames need only be specified when two
   output arguments are given, since it is then required to disambiguate
   which two output values the caller wants.

   'axisorder': a string, one of 'parpernor' (the default), 'maxminnor',
   or 'descending'. This determines the ordering of the growth rates and
   axes at each point.  'parpernor' returns them in the order parallel to
   the polariser gradient, perpendicular to it within the surface, and normal
   to the surface.  (To be precise, the "parallel" axis is the tensor axis
   that is closest to being parallel to the gradient, "perpendicular" is
   the closest to the perpendicular direction, and "normal" is orthogonal
   to the other two.) 'maxminnor' also puts the rate normal to the surface
   last, but of the first two it puts the largest value first.
   'descending' puts all three values in descending order.

   'anisotropythreshold': a non-negative number.  Wherever the anisotropy
   is less than this value, the growth rates returned will be set to zero.
   Anisotropy is measured in terms of kmax (maximum in-surface growth
   rate) and kmin (minimum in-surface growth rate) by the following
   formula: (kmax-kmin)/kmax, or zero if kmax is zero.  Anisotropy is zero
   when growth is perfectly isotropic, and 1 where growth is in one
   direction only.  Pass a value of zero (the default) to allow all values
   of anisotropy.

   'exponential': The value of this option is a non-negative real number.
   If zero (the default) the growth rate reported will be the amount of
   growth divided by the time interval TO BE COMPLETED

   If one output argument is given, then the result
   will be the requested growth rates for each finite element.

   If frames is true (the default) and two output arguments are given,
   then the first result will be the requested growth rates for each
   finite element, and the second will be the frames of reference.

   If frames is false and two output arguments are given, then the first
   result will be the growth rates for the A side of each finite
   element, and the second result will be the rates for the B side.

   If four output arguments are given, then the first
   result will be the requested growth rates on the A side for each finite
   element, the second will be the corresponding frames of reference, and
   the third and fourth will be the growth rates and frames of reference
   for the B side.

   For example, to plot the parallel growth rate for a given set of
   displacements from within the interaction function, one can write:

     growth = leaf_computeGrowthFromDisplacements( m, displacements );
     m = leaf_plotoptions( m, ...
           'perelement', growth(:,1), 'cmaptype', 'monochrome' );

   To use this to plot the growth that has taken place over some extended
   time interval, you should at the beginning of that interval store the
   current locations of all of the vertexes, e.g. like this:

   if (we are at the start of the interval)
       m.userdata.oldpositions = m.prismnodes;
       m.userdata.starttime = m.globalDynamicProps.currenttime;

   When it is time to calculate the growth, the growth rate parallel to
   the polariser gradient can be calculated and plotted thus:

   if (we are at the end of the interval)
       displacements = m.prismnodes - m.userdata.oldpositions;
       growth = leaf_computeGrowthFromDisplacements( m, displacements, ...
                   m.globalDynamicProps.currenttime - m.userdata.starttime );
       m = leaf_plotoptions( m, ...
             'perelement', growth(:,1), 'cmaptype', 'monochrome' );

   For areal growth rate you would use growth(:,1)+growth(:,2).


   1.  The above method of calculating growth over an interval requires
   that no subdivision or transformation of the mesh have taken place
   during that interval, otherwise m.prismnodes and
   m.userdata.oldpositions may have different sizes.

   2.  The interaction function is called before growth is computed,
   so the values plotted as a result of the above code will be one step
   out of date.  You can plot the up-to-date values by clicking the "Call"
   button in GFtbox in order to just call the interaction function without
   performing a growth step, but for this to be safe you must write your
   interaction function in such a way that calling it twice in a row
   always has the same effect as calling it once.


m = leaf_createmesh( m, nodes, triangles )
   Create a new mesh from a given set of vertexes and triangles.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens.
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       NODES is an N*3 matrix containing N points in 3D space. These are
       the vertexes of the new mesh.

       TRIANGLES is an M*3 matrix containing triples of indexes of points
       in NODES. These must be consistently oriented.

       All arguments must be present.

       version:    Specifies whether the standard morphogen set should be
                   A-side and B-side growth (the default, given by
                   version = 1), or growth and bend (given by version = 0).

   Equivalent GUI operation: none.

   Topics: Mesh creation.


m = leaf_cylinder( m, ... )
   Create a new surface, in the form of an open-ended cylinder whose axis
   is the Z axis, centred on the origin.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'xwidth'        The diameter of the cylinder in the X direction.  Default 2.
       'ywidth'        The diameter of the cylinder in the Y direction.  Default 2.
       'centre'        The position of the centre of the cylinder.
       'height'        The height of the cylinder.  Default 2.
       'circumdivs'    The number of divisions around the cylinder.
                       Default 12.
       'heightdivs'    The number of divisions along the axis of the
                       cylinder.  Default 4.
       'basecap'       Boolean.  If true, the foot of the cylinder will be
                       closed by a hemispherical cap.
       'baseheight'    The height of the base cap as a fraction of the
                       radius of the cylinder.  1 will make it exactly
                       hemispherical, 0 will make it flat.
       'baserings'     The number of rings of triangles to divide the base
                       cap into.  If zero, empty, or absent, a default
                       value will be chosen.
       'topcap', 'topheight', 'toprings': Similar to basecap, baseheight,
                       and baserings.
       m = leaf_cylinder( [], 'radius', 2, 'height', 2, 'circumdivs', 12,
                          'heightdivs', 4 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: selecting "Cylinder" on the pulldown menu on
   the "Mesh editor" panel, and clicking the "Generate mesh" button.  The
   radius, height, number of divisions around, and number of divisions
   vertically are given by the values of the text boxes named "radius",
   "y width", "x divs", and "y divs" respectively.

   Topics: Mesh creation.


m = leaf_delete_mgen( m, mgen_name, ... )
   Delete from m the morphogen that has the given name.  If there is no
   such morphogen, or if the name is one of the reserved morphogen names,
   this command is ignored.  Any number of names can be given at once.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Delete" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel, which deletes the currently selected morphogen.

   See also:
       leaf_add_mgen, leaf_rename_mgen

   Topics: Morphogens


m = leaf_delete_userdata( m, ... )
   Delete specified fields from the userdata of m.  The arguments should
   be strings.  If no strings are given, all the user data is deleted.

   If a named field does not exist, it is ignored.


   Equivalent GUI operation: none.

   Topics: User data


m = leaf_deletenodes( m, nodes )
   Delete from the leaf every finite element for which any of the nodes is a vertex.

   	nodes: A list of the nodes to delete, or a boolean map of the nodes
   	       which is true for the nodes to be deleted.

   Equivalent GUI operation: none.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_deletepatch( m, cells )
   Delete the specified finite element patches from the leaf.

   	cells: A list of the cells to delete, or a boolean map of the cells
   	       which is true for the cells to be deleted.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking on the mesh when the "Delete canvas"
   item is selected in the "Mouse mode" pulldown menu.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


function    m=leaf_deletepatch_from_morphogen_level(m,wound)

method for deleting a region of mesh specified by setting 
a morphogen (say 'wound') greater than 0.5.
The value of 'wound' specified for  
all the vertices of the patch to be deleted must be set
 to greater than 0.5 (i.e. a patch is not specified by a single
 vertex - there must be at least three)

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_deletesecondlayer( m )
   Delete the first biological layer.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Delete all cells" button in the
   "Cells" panel.

   Topics: Bio layer.


m = leaf_deletestages( m )
   Delete all the stage files for m, and optionally, the stage times.
   Deleted files are gone at once, not put in the wastebasket.

   'times'     Boolean.  Default false.
   'stages'    Boolean.  Default true.

   If 'stages' and 'times' are both true, then all stage files and stage
   times will be deleted.

   If 'stages' is true and 'times' is false, then the stage files will be
   deleted, but all stage times will be retained.

   If 'stages' is false and 'times' is true, then the stage files will be
   preserved, and all times will be deleted for which there is no stage

   If 'stages' and 'times' are both false, nothing happens.

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Delete All Stages..." and "Delete Stages
   and Times" commands on the Stages menu.

   Topics: Project management.


m = leaf_destrain( m )
   Remove all residual strain from the mesh.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "De-strain" button on the
   "Simulation" panel.

   Topics: Simulation.


m = leaf_dissect( m )
   Cut m along all of its seam edges.

   Arguments and options: none.

   Topics: Mesh editing, Seams.


[m,ok] = leaf_dointeraction( m, enable )
   Execute the interaction function once, without doing any simulation
   steps.  This will happen even if the do_interaction property of the mesh
   is set to false, 
   If there is no interaction function, this has no effect.
   If there is an interaction function and it throws an exception, OK will
   be returned as FALSE.

       enable: 1 if the interaction function should be enabled for all
       subsequent simulation steps, 0 if its state of enablement should be
       left unchanged (the default).  If the i.f. throws an error then it
       will be disabled for subsequent steps regardless of the setting of
       this argument.

   Topics: Interaction function.


m = leaf_edit_interaction( m, ... )
   Open the interaction function in the Matlab editor.
   If there is no interaction function, create one.

       'force'     If true, the interaction function will be opened even
                   if the model m is marked read-only.  If false (the
                   default) a warning will be given and the function not

   Extra results:
       ok is true if the function was opened, false if for any reason it
       was not.

   Topics: Interaction function.


m = leaf_enablelegend( m, enable )
   Cause the legend to be drawn or not drawn.
   When not drawn, the graphic item that holds the legend text will be
   made invisible.

       enable: A boolean specifying whether to draw the legend (default true).

   Topics: Plotting.


m = leaf_enablemutations( m, enable )
   Enable or disable mutations.

   enable:  True to enable all mutations, false to disable them.

       m = leaf_enablemutations( m, 0 );
           % Disable all mutations, i.e. revert to wild-type.

   Topics: Morphogens, Mutation.


m = leaf_explode( m, amount )
   Separate the connected components of m.

       amount: Each component of m is moved so as to increase the distance
       of its centroid from the centroid of m by a relative amount AMOUNT.
       Thus AMOUNT==0 gives no movement and AMOUNT < 0 will draw the
       pieces inwards.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_fix_mgen( m, morphogen, ... )
   Make the current value of a specified morphogen at a specified vertex
   or set of vertexes be fixed or changeable.

   1: The name or index of a morphogen.

       'vertex'  Indexes of the vertexes.  The default is the empty list
                 (i.e. do nothing).
       'fix'     1 or true if the value is to be made fixed, 0 or false if
                 it is to be made changeable.  The default is true.

   Equivalent GUI operation: control-clicking or right-clicking on the
   canvas when the Morphogens panel is selected.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_fix_vertex( m, ... )
   Constrain vertexes of the mesh so that they are only free to move along
   certain axes; or remove such constraints.

       'vertex'    The vertexes to be constrained or unconstrained.  If
                   the empty list is supplied, the set of all vertexes is
       'dfs'       The degrees of freedom to be constrained.  This is a
                   string made of the letters 'x', 'y', and 'z'.  This
                   defaults to 'xyz', i.e. fix the vertexes completely.
                   Each degree of freedom not in dfs will be made
                   unconstrained for all of the given vertexes.  Vertexes
                   not in the list of vertexes will have their constraints
                   left unchanged.

   Note that to remove all constraints from all vertexes, do this:

       m = leaf_fix_vertex( m, 'vertex', [], 'dfs',  );

   It is only possible to constrain vertexes in directions parallel to the

   Invalid vertex indexes will be detected, warned about, and ignored.  If
   you receive such a warning you should check the indexes you are
   supplying, since the fact of some of them being out of range may cast
   doubt on the correctness of the others.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking on the mesh while the Mesh editor
   panel is selected and 'Fix' is selected in the mouse-mode menu.  The
   'x', 'y', and 'z' checkboxes specify which degrees of freedom to
   constrain or unconstrain.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_flatstrain( m )
   Set the residual strains in the mesh to what they would be if the whole
   mesh were flat.

   Arguments: none.

   Options: none.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Flat strain" button in the
   "Simulation" panel.

   Topics: Simulation.


[m,ok] = leaf_flatten( m )
   Flatten each of the connected components of m.

       interactive: If true (default is false), then the flattening will
                    be carried out interactively.  The user can skip the
                    flattening of components that appear not to be well
                    flattenable, or cancel the whole operation.
       method:      One of the following:
                       'laplacian'  (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
                       'geodesic'  (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
                       'ballandspring' (the default)
       getdeformation:   Boolean.  If true (the default), the deformation
                    to its that would restore the shape of each flattened element
                    original shape is calculated and stored in
                    m.celldata(:).cellThermExpGlobalTensor.  If the leaf
                    is then grown with the property 'useGrowthTensors' set
                    to true, then in one unit of time its original shape
                    should be (approximately) restored.
       bsiters:     An integer.  The maximum number of iterations to
                    perform in the ball-and-spring phase.  If 0, the
                    ball-and-spring phase will be omitted.

   The growth output argument is optional.  If provided, it will be set to
   a set of growth tensors, one per finite element, describing the
   deformation from the flattened state to the original.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_flatten( m )
   Flatten each of the connected components of m.

       ratio: This is the proportion of the flattening displacements to
              apply.  The default value is 1, i.e. complete flattening.

   Topics: OBSOLETE, Mesh editing.


m = leaf_fliporientation( m )
   Interchange the two surfaces of the mesh.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


img = leaf_getimage( m )
   Get an image of the current mesh.  It will be forced to be the same
   size as the size stored in m.globalProps.framesize, unless that is
   empty, in which case m.globalProps.framesize will be set to the size of
   the captured image.  This ensures that successive images are all
   the same size, which is essential when recording a movie.

   See also: leaf_movie.

   Topics: Movies/Images


s = leaf_getplotoptions( m, ... )
   Read the default plotting options.
   See LEAF_PLOT for details.

   The arguments are names of any plotting options that can be passed to
   LEAF_PLOT or LEAF_PLOTOPTIONS.  The result is a structure whose fields
   are those option names and whose values are the values they have in m.
   Unrecognised options will be ignored.

   Unlike most leaf_* commands, this command does not modify m and
   therefore does not return a new value of m.

   See also: leaf_plot, leaf_plotoptions.

   Topics: Plotting.


s = leaf_getproperty( m, ... )
   Read various properties of the mesh.

   The arguments are any property names that can be passed to
   leaf_setproperty.  The result is a structure whose fields
   are those names and whose values are the values they have in m.
   Unrecognised names will be ignored.

   Unlike most leaf_* commands, this command does not modify m and
   therefore does not return a new value of m.

   See also: leaf_setproperty.

   Topics: Misc.


m = leaf_gyrate( m, ... )
   Spin and/or tilt the mesh about the Z axis, leaving it at the end in
   exactly the  same orientation as when it started.  If a movie is currently being
   recorded, the animation will be appended to the movie.  The current view
   is assumed to have already been written to the movie.

       'frames':  The number of frames to be added.  Default 32.
       'spin':    The number of complete rotations about the Z axis.
                  Default 1.
       'waveangle':    If zero (the default) spinning is in complete
                  revolutions.  If non-zero, spinning consists of turning
                  right and left and back to centre.  The initial
                  direction will be rightwards of waveangle is positive.
       'tilt':    The number of cycles of tilting up, down, and back to
                  the initial elevation.  Default 1.
       'tiltangle':    The angle to tilt up and down to, in degrees from
                       the horizontal.  Default 89.99.

   Topics: Movies/Images, Plotting.


m = leaf_hemisphere( m, ... )
   Create a new hemispherical mesh.  The mesh is oriented so that the cell
   normals point outwards.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'diameter'      The diameter of the hemisphere in both x and y
                       directions.  Default 2.
       'xwidth'        The diameter of the hemisphere in the x direction.
                       Default 2.
       'ywidth'        The diameter of the hemisphere in the y direction.
                       Default 2.
       'divisions'     The number of divisions around the circumference.
                       Default 20.
       'rings'         The number of circular rings of triangles to divide
                       it into.  Default is floor(divisions/6).
       m = leaf_hemisphere( [], 'radius', 2, 'divisions', 15, 'rings', 3 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: selecting "Hemisphere" on the pulldown menu on
   the "Mesh editor" panel, and clicking the "Generate mesh" button.  The
   radius and the number of rings are specified in the text boxes with
   those labels.

   Topics: Mesh creation.


m = leaf_icosahedron( m, ... )
   Create a new icosahedral mesh.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'radius'        The radius of the icosahedron.  Default 1.

       m = leaf_circle( [], 'radius', 2, 'rings', 4 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: selecting "Circle" or "Hemisphere" on the
   pulldown menu on the "Mesh editor" panel, and clicking the "Generate
   mesh" button.

   Topics: Mesh creation.


[m,ok] = leaf_iterate( m, numsteps, ... )
   Run the given number of iterations of the growth process.
   In each iteration, the following things happen:
       * Strains are set up in the leaf according to the effects of the
         morphogens at each point causing the material to grow.
       * The elasticity problem is solved to produce a new shape for the
       * Morphogens which have a nonzero diffusion coefficient are allowed 
         to diffuse through the mesh.
       * If dilution by growth is enabled, the amount of every morphogen
         is diluted at each point according to how much that part of the
         leaf grew.
       * A user-supplied routine is invoked to model local interactions
         between the morphogens.
       * The layer of biological cells is updated.
       * If requested by the options, the mesh is plotted after each

   ok: True if there was no problem (e.g. invalid arguments, a user
   interrupt, or an error in the interaction function).  False if there

   numsteps: The number of iterations to perform.  If this is zero, the
   computation will continue indefinitely or until terminated by the
   'until' or 'targetarea' options.  The default is 1.

   'until'       Run the simulation until this time has been reached or
                 exceeded.  A value of zero disables this option.
   'targetarea'  Run the simulation until the area of the canvas is at
                 least this number times the initial area.  A value of
                 zero disables this option.
   'plot'  An integer n.  The mesh will be plotted after every n
           iterations.  0 means do not plot the mesh at all; -1 means plot
           the mesh only after all the iterations have been completed.
           The default value is 1.
       m = leaf_iterate( m, 20, 'plot', 4 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking one of the following buttons in the
   "Simulation" panel: "Run" (do a specified number of steps), "Step" (do
   one step), or "Run to..." (run until the area has increased by a
   specified factor).

   Topics: Simulation.


m = leaf_light( m, on )
   Turn the scene light on or off.

       on: boolean, true if the light is to be on.

   Topics: Plotting.


m = leaf_load( m, filename, ... )
   Load a mesh from a file.  If no filename is given, a dialog will be
   opened to choose one.
   The expected format depends on the extension of the filename:
       .MAT    The leaf is contained in the file as a Matlab object called
       .M      The file contains Matlab commands to create or modify a
               leaf.  These commands will be executed.
       .OBJ    Contains only nodes and triangles, in OBJ format.  All
               other properties of the mesh will be set to their default
   If no filename is given, a dialog will be opened to choose one.
   If the filename consists of just an extension (including the initial
   "."), a dialog will be opened showing only files with that extension.

   All of these formats can be generated by leaf_save.
   In the case of .MAT and .OBJ files, the existing leaf will be
   discarded.  A .M file will discard the current leaf only if it contains
   a command to create a new leaf; otherwise, it will apply its commands
   to the current leaf.

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Load..." button.

   Topics: Files, Mesh editing.


m = leaf_loadgrowth( m, filename )
   Load growth data for the leaf from an OBJ or MAT file.  If no filename
   is given, one will be asked for.

   This assumes the mesh is in growth/anisotropy mode.

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Load Growth..." button on the
   "Morphogens" panel.

   Topics: Files, Mesh editing.


[m,ok] = leaf_loadmodel( m, modelname, projectdir, ... )
   Load a model.  If no model name is given or the model name is empty, a
   dialog will be opened to choose one.  The model will be looked for in
   projectdir, if given, otherwise the project directory of m, if any,
   otherwise the current directory.  The argument m can be empty; in fact,
   this will be the usual case.

   If the model is successfully loaded, the new model is returned in M and
   the (optional) return value OK is set to TRUE.  Otherwise M is left
   unchanged and OK is set to FALSE.

       rewrite:  Normally, when a model is loaded, its interaction
                 function (if there is one) is read, parsed, and
                 rewritten.  This is because it may have been created with
                 an older version of GFtbox.  Specifying the rewrite
                 option as false prevents this from being done.  This may
                 be necessary when running several simulations
                 concurrently on a parallel machine, all using the same
                 project.  Note that when rewrite is true (the default),
                 the interaction function will not actually be rewritten
                 until the first time it is called, or any morphogen is
                 added, deleted, or renamed, or the user requests a
       copyname, copydir:
                 If either of these is given, a new copy of the project
                 will be made and saved with the specified project name
                 and parent folder.  The original project folder will be
                 unmodified.  If one of these options is given, the other
                 can be omitted or set to the empty string, in which
                 case it defaults to the original project name or project
                 folder respectively.  If the value of copyname is '?',
                 then the user will be prompted to select or create a
                 project folder.  In this case, copydir will be the folder
                 at which the select-folder dialog starts.  If both
                 options are empty, this is equivalent to omitting both of
                 them (the default).  If copydir and copyname are the same
                 as modelname and projectdir, a warning will be given, and
                 the copy options ignored.
                 A boolean value.  If true, situations such as missing
                 files will be reported by dialogs; if false, no dialogs
                 will be presented.  In both cases a message will be
                 written to the console.

   If for any reason the model cannot be saved, a warning will be output,
   the loaded model will be discarded, and the empty list returned.

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Load model..." button, or the items on
   the Projects menu.  The items on the Motifs menu use copyname and
   copydir to force the "motif" projects to be opened as copies in the
   user's default project directory.

       m = leaf_loadmodel( [], 'flower7', 'C:\MyProjects\flowers', ...
                           'copyname', 'flower8', ...
                           'copydir', 'C:\MyProjects\flowers' );
       This loads a model from the folder 'C:\MyProjects\flowers\flower7',
       and saves it into a new project folder 'C:\MyProjects\flowers\flower8'.
       Since the value of copydir is the same as the projectdir argument,
       the copydir option could have been omitted.

   Topics: Project management.


m = leaf_lobes( m, ... )
   Create a new mesh in the form of one or more lobes joined together in a
   row.  A lobe is a semicircle on top of a rectangle.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'radius'        The radius of the semicircle.  Default 1.
       'rings'         The number of circular rings of triangles to divide
                       it into. Default 4.
       'height'        The height of the rectangle, as a multiple of the
                       semicircle's diameter.  Default 0.7.
       'strips'        The number of strips of triangles to divide the
                       rectangular part into.  If 0 (the default), this will
                       be calculated from the height so as to make the
                       triangles similar in size to those in the lobes.
       'lobes'         The number of lobes.  The default is 1.
       'base'          Half the number of divisions along the base of a
                       lobe.  Defaults to rings.
       'cylinder'      The series of lobes is to behave as if wrapped
                       round a cylinder and the two ends stitched
                       together.  This is implemented by constraining the
                       nodes on the outer edges in such a way that the
                       outer edges remain parallel to the y axis.

       m = leaf_lobes( 'radius', 2, 'rings', 4, 'lobes', 3, 'base', 2 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: selecting "Lobes" in the pulldown menu in the
   "Mesh editor" panel and clicking the "Generate mesh" button.

   Topics: Mesh creation.


m = leaf_locate_vertex( m, ... )
   Ensure that certain degrees of freedom of a single node remain
   constant.  This is ensured by translating the mesh so as to restore the
   values of the specified coordinates, after each iteration.

       'vertex'    The vertex to be held stationary.  If the empty list is
                   supplied, no vertex will be fixed and dfs is ignored.
       'dfs'       The degrees of freedom to be held stationary.  This is a
                   string made of the letters 'x', 'y', and 'z'.  This
                   defaults to 'xyz', i.e. fix the vertex completely.
   Each degree of freedom not in dfs will be unconstrained.

   It is only possible to fix a vertex in directions parallel to the

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking on the mesh while the Mesh editor
   panel is selected and 'Locate' is selected in the Fix/Delete menu.  The
   'x', 'y', and 'z' checkboxes specify which degrees of freedom to
   constrain or unconstrain.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_lune( m, ... )
   Create a new mesh in the shape of a stereotypical leaf, oval with
   pointed ends.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'xwidth'        The diameter in the X dimension.  Default 3.
       'ywidth'        The diameter in the Y dimension.  Default 2.
       'xdivs'         The number of segments to divide it into along the
                       X axis.  Default 8.
       m = leaf_lune( [], 'xwidth', 3, 'ywidth', 2, 'xdivs', 8 );


   Equivalent GUI operation: selecting "Leaf" in the pulldown menu in the
   "Mesh editor" panel and clicking the "Generate mesh" button.

   Topics: UNIMPLEMENTED, Mesh creation.


m = leaf_makesecondlayer( m, ... )
   Make a new Bio-A layer, either adding to or discarding any existing one.

       mode:   One of the following strings:
           'full': cover the entire surface with a continuous sheet of
               cells.  There will be one cell per FE cell plus one cell
               per FE vertex.
           'grid': cover the entire surface with a continuous sheet of
               square cells.
           'voronoi': cover the entire surface with a continuous sheet of
               cells.  The 'numcells' option specifies how many.  This is
               only valid for flat or nearly flat meshes.
           'single': make a single second layer cell in a random position.
           'few': make a specified number of second layer cells, each in a
               different randomly chosen FEM cell.
           'each': make one second layer cell within each FEM cell.
       absdiam:   Not valid for mode=full.  In all other cases, this is a real
               number, being the diameter of a single cell.
       absarea:   Not valid for mode=full.  In all other cases, this is a real
               number, being the area of a single cell.
       reldiam:   Not valid for mode=full.  In all other cases, this is a real
               number, being the diameter of a single cell as a proportion
               of the diameter of the current mesh (estimated as the
               square root of the mesh area).
       relarea:   Not valid for mode=full.  In all other cases, this is a real
               number, being the area of a single cell as a proportion
               of the area of the current mesh.
       relinitarea:   Not valid for mode=full.  In all other cases, this is a real
               number, being the area of a single cell as a proportion
               of the area of the initial mesh.
       abssize:   OBSOLETE, REMOVED.  Use 'absdiam' instead.
       relsize:   OBSOLETE, REMOVED.  Use 'reldiam' instead.
       relinitarea:   OBSOLETE, REMOVED.
       relFEsize:   OBSOLETE, REMOVED.
       axisratio:   The ratio of major to minor axis of the cells.  If
                    this is not 1, the major axis will be parallel to the
                    polariser gradient, if any; if there is no polariser
                    gradient, or at the cell location it is beneath the
                    threshold for it to be  effective, the cell will be
                    created circular.  The default value is 1.
       numcells:    Valid only for mode='voronoi', mode='each', or
               mode='few'.  An integer specifying the number of cells to
       sides:  Each cell is created as a regular polygon having this many
               sides.  The default is 12, but if you are using a very
               large number of cells, rendering will be significantly
               faster if you use fewer sides.
       refinement:  NOT USED.  IGNORE.
       add:    Boolean.  If true, existing cells are retained and new
               cells are added to them.  If false, any existing biological
               layer is discarded.  If 'mode' is 'full' or 'voronoi', the
               old layer is always discarded, ignoring the 'add' argument.
       allowoverlap:  Boolean.  If true, cells are allowed to overlap each
               other.  If false, cells will not overlap each other.  You
               may as a result end up with fewer cells that you asked for.
       colors:  The colour of the new cells, as an RGB value.
       colorvariation:  The amount of variation in the colour of the new
               cells. Each component of the colour value will be randomly
               chosen within this ratio of the value set by the 'color'
               argument.  That is, a value of 0.1 will set each component
               to between 0.9 and 1.1 times the corresponding component of
               the specified colour.  (The variation is actually done in
               HSV rather than RGB space, but the difference is slight.)
       probperFE:  For 'each' mode, this specifies for each FE the
               probability per unit area for creating a cell there.
               Any value less than 0 is equivalent
               to 0.  The values will be scaled so as to add to 1.
       probpervx:  Like probperFE, but the values are given per vertex.
               Alternatively, the value can be a morphogen name or index,
               in which case the values of that morphogen at each vertex
               will be used.
       The options 'probperFE', and 'probpervx' are mutually
       vertexdata:  Instead of generating the cells according to one of
               the methods described above, take this N*3 array to be the
               positions of all of the cell vertexes.
       celldata:  To be used with vertexdata.  This is a cell array of
               integer arrays, each integer array specifying the vertexes
               of one cell in order around the cell.
       vertexindexing: This is either 1 or 0.  If celldata is provided, then
               this specifies whether the indexes in celldata are 1-based
               or 0-based.  1-based is the default, since that is Matlab's
               convention for all indexing of arrays, but external data
               may often be zero-based.  If vertexindexing is not supplied
               or is empty, then if zero occurs anywhere in celldata, it
               will be assumed to be zero-based, otherwise 1-based.
       If either 'vertexdata' or 'celldata' is supplied, the other must
       also be, and all other options that specify the manner of creating
       cells will be ignored.

   At most one of ABSDIAM, ABSAREA, RELDIAM, and RELAREA should be given.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Make cells" button on the Bio-A
   panel.  This is equivalent to m = leaf_makesecondlayer(m,'mode','full').

   Topics: Bio layer.


m = leaf_mgen_absorption( m, morphogen, absorption )
   Set the rate at which a specified morphogen is absorbed.
   morphogen: The name or index of a morphogen.
   absorption: The rate of decay of the morphogen.  A value of 1 means that
      the morphogen decays by 1% every 0.01 seconds.
   Values can be set for multiple morphogens by listing morphogens names
   and absorptions alternately.  Where more than one morphogen is to be
   given the same absorption, an array of morphogen indexes or a cell
   array of morphogen names can be given.
       m = leaf_mgen_absorption( m, {'abc','def'}, 0.5 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: setting the value in the "Absorption"
   text box in the "Morphogens" panel.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_color( m, ... )
   Associate colours with morphogens.
       'morphogen':   The morphogens to attach colours to.  This can be a
                      single morphogen name, an array of morphogen
                      indexes, or a cell array or morphogen names.
       'color':       Either a single letter, as used in various Matlab
                      plotting functions, a single RGB triple (row or
                      column), or a 3*N array of colours, one for each of
                      the N morphogens specified by the morphogen
                      argument.  If you give an N*3 array instead it will
                      transpose it for you, unless N=3, in which case you
                      have to get it right yourself.  The colours are the
                      columns, not the rows.
                      Instead of a single letter, it can be a pair of
                      letters, in which case the first is used for the
                      color of positive values and the second for negative
                      values.  If numerical values are supplied, color can
                      be an A*B*2 array, in which color(:,:,1) is used as
                      described above for the positive values, and
                      color(:,:,2) is used for the negative values.
                      If colours are not provided for negative values,
                      colours opposite to those supplied for positive
                      values will automatically be used.

   Topics: Morphogens, Plotting.


m = leaf_mgen_conductivity( m, morphogen, conductivity, ... )
   Set the rate at which a specified morphogen diffuses through the leaf.
   morphogen: The name or index of a morphogen.
   conductivity: The diffusion constant for the morphogen, in units of
   Values can be set for multiple morphogens by listing morphogen names
   and conductivities alternately.  Where more than one morphogen is to be
   given the same conductivity, an array of morphogen indexes or a cell
   array of morphogen names can be given.

       m = leaf_mgen_conductivity( m, 'kapar', 0.05, {'foo','bar'}, 0.3, [10 12 13], 0.02 );
   This will set the diffusion constant for KAPAR to 0.05, those for FOO
   and BAR to 0.3, and those for morphogens 10, 12, and 13 to 0.02.

   Equivalent GUI operation: setting the value in the "Diffusion"
   text box in the "Morphogens" panel.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_const( m, morphogen, amount )
   Add a constant amount to the value of a specified morphogen everywhere.
   1: The name or index of a morphogen.  Currently, if
      the name is provided, it must be one of the following:
          'growth', 'polariser', 'anisotropy',
          'bend', 'bendpolariser', 'bendanisotropy'.
      These are respectively equivalent to the indexes 1 to 6 (which
      are the only valid indexes).  There is no default for this option.
   2: The amount of morphogen to add to every node.  A value
      of 1 will give moderate growth or bend, and a maximum growth or
      bend anisotropy.  A constant field of growth or bend polarizer
      has no effect: polarising morphogen has an effect only through
      its gradient.
       m = leaf_mgen_const( m, 'growth', 1 );
       m = leaf_mgen_const( m, 3, 0.8 );
   See also: LEAF_MGEN_RADIAL.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Add const" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel.  The amount is specified by the "Amount slider and
   test item.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_dilution( m, morphogen, enable )
   Set the rate at which a specified morphogen is absorbed.
   1: The name or index of a morphogen.
   2: A boolean specifying whether to enable dilution by growth
       m = leaf_mgen_dilution( m, 'growth', 1 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: setting the "Dilution" checkbox in the
   "Morphogens" panel.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_edge( m, morphogen, amount, ... )
   Set the value of a specified morphogen to a given amount everywhere on
   the edge of the leaf.
   1: The name or index of a morphogen.
   2: The maximum amount of morphogen to add to every node.
       m = leaf_mgen_edge( m, 'growth', 1 );
   See also: leaf_mgen_const.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Add edge" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel.  The amount is specified by the "Amount slider and
   test item.

   Topics: Morphogens.


c = leaf_mgen_get_conductivity( m, morphogens )
   Return the rate at which a specified morphogen diffuses through the leaf.
   morphogens: The name or index of a morphogen, or a cell array or
               numeric array of morphogens.

   The result is a struct array with one element for each morphogen
   requested.  The fields of each struct will be Dpar and Dper, each of
   which will be either a single number or an array or numbers, one per
   finite element.  Dper may also be empty.  These are the diffusion
   constants of the morphogen parallel or perpendicular to the polariser
   gradient.  A single number imples a constant value over the whole mesh.
   An empty array for Dper implies that it is everywhere identical to
   Dpar.  An empty array for Dpar implies that it is everywhere zero.

       c = leaf_mgen_get_conductivity( m, {'foo','bar'} );
   c will be a struct array of length two.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_linear( m, morphogen, amount, ... )
   Set the value of a specified morphogen to a linear gradient.

       1: The name or index of a morphogen.
       2: The maximum amount of morphogen to add to every node.

       'direction'     Either a single number (the angle in degrees
                       between  the gradient vector and the X axis, the
                       gradient vector lying in the XY plane; or a triple
                       of numbers, being a vector in the direction of the
                       gradient.  The length of the vector does not
                       matter.  Default is a gradient parallel to the
                       positive X axis. 
       m = leaf_mgen_linear( m, 'growth', 1, 'direction', 0 );

   See also: leaf_mgen_const.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Add linear" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel.  The amount is specified by the "Amount" slider and
   test item.  Direction is specified in degrees by the "Direction" text

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_modulate( m, ... )
   Set the switch and mutant levels of a morphogen.

   morphogen:   The name or index of a morphogen.  If omitted, the
                properties are set for every morphogen.
   switch, mutant:  Value by which the morphogen is multiplied to give its
                effective level.

   If either switch or mutant is omitted its current value is
   left unchanged. 

   The effective value of a morphogen is the product of the actual
   morphogen amount, the switch value, and the mutant value.  So
   mutant and switch have the same effect; the difference is
   primarily in how they are intended to be used.  Mutant value is
   settable in the Morphopgens panel of the GUI and is intended to have a
   constant value for each morphogen throughout a run.  There is also a
   checkbox in the GUI to turn all mutations on and off.  Switch value has
   no GUI interface, and is intended to be changed in the interaction
   function.  The switch values are always effective.

   The initial values for switch and mutant in a newly created leaf are 1.

       m = leaf_mgen_modulate( m, 'morphogen', 'div', ...
                                  'switch', 0.2, ...
                                  'mutant', 0.5 );
       Sets the switch level of 'div' morphogen to 0.2 and the mutant
       level to 0.5.  The effective level will then be 0.1 times the
       actual morphogen.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_plotpriority( m, morphogen, priority, thresholds )
   Set the plotting priorities of specified morphogens.  In multi-plot
   mode, the priorities determine whether morphogens present at the same
   place are mixed, or one overlies the other.
   The default priority for all morphogens is 0.  When multiple morphogens
   of differing priorities are plotted together, the procedure for
   determining the colour of a vertex is as follows:
   1.  For each group of morphogens of the same priority, the colors for
       those morphogens are mixed.  This gives one coloring of the whole
       mesh for each priority group.
   2.  At each vertex of the mesh, the chosen colour is taken from the
       color map of highest priority for which at least one of the
       associated morphogens is above its plotting threshold at that
   If the canvas has a background colour, it is considered to have
   the same priority as the morphogen with least priority, or zero,
   whichever is less.

   1: The name or index of a morphogen, or a cell array of names or an
      array of indexes
   2: The priorities of the listed morphogens.  If a single value is given
      it is applied to all of them. If multiple values are given there
      must be exactly as many of them as in the list of morphogens.
      Priorities can be any numerical value.
   3: (Optional) Thresholds for each of the listed morphogens. In
      multi-plotting mode, a morphogen whose value is less than or equal
      to its threshold will be treated as zero for the purpose of masking
      lower-priority morphogens.  The default threshold is zero.

       m = leaf_mgen_plotpriority( m, ...
                   {'id_sink','id_source','id_ridge'}, [1 1 2], [0,0,0.1] );
   This gives priority 2 to the morphogen id_ridge, 1 to id_sink and
   id_source, and leaves all others with the default priority of zero.  If
   all morphogens are being plotted together, then where id_ridge is
   greater than 0.1, its colour will be plotted.  Elsewhere, where id_sink or
   id_source is greater than zero, their colours will be mixed and plotted.
   Everywhere else, the other morphogen colours will be mixed together.
   This will have the effect that id_source will overlie id_sink, and both
   will overlie all other morphogens.

   Equivalent GUI operation: None.

   Topics: Plotting.


m = leaf_mgen_radial( m, morphogen, amount, ... )
   Add to the value of a specified morphogen an amount depending on the
   distance from an origin point.
   1: The name or index of a morphogen.
   2: The maximum amount of morphogen to add to every node.
       'x', 'y', 'z'   The X, Y, and Z coordinates of the centre of the
                       distribution, relative to the centre of the mesh.
                       Default is (0,0,0).
       m = leaf_mgen_radial( m, 'growth', 1, 'x', 0, 'y', 0, 'z', 0 );
       m = leaf_mgen_radial( m, 'g_anisotropy', 0.8 );
   See also: leaf_mgen_const.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Add radial" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel.  The amount is specified by the "Amount slider and
   test item.  x, y, and z are specified in the text boxes of those names.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_random( m, morphogen, amount, ... )
   Add a random amount of a specified morphogen at each mesh point.
   1: The name or index of a morphogen.
   2: The maximum amount of morphogen to add to every node.
       'smooth'        An integer specifying the smoothness of the
                       distribution.  0 means no smoothing: the value at
                       each node is independent of each of its neighbours.
                       Greater values imply more smoothness.  Default is
       m = leaf_mgen_random( m, 'growth', 1 );
       m = leaf_mgen_random( m, 'g_anisotropy', 0.8 );
   See also: LEAF_MGEN_CONST.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Add random" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel.  The amount is specified by the "Amount slider and
   test item.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_reset( m )
   Set the values of all morphogens, and their production rates and clamp
   settings, to zero everywhere.

       m = leaf_mgen_reset( m );

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Set zero all" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_scale( m, morphogen, scalefactor )
   Scale the value of a given morphogen by a given amount.
   1: The name or index of a morphogen.
   2: The scale factor.
       m = leaf_mgen_scale( m, 'bpar', -1 );
   See also: leaf_mgen_const.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Invert" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel will scale the current morphogen by -1. There is not
   yet a user interface for a general scale factor.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgen_zero( m, morphogen )
   Set the value of a specified morphogen to zero everywhere.
   1: The name or index of a morphogen.
       m = leaf_mgen_zero( m, 'growth' );
   See also: LEAF_MGEN_CONST.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Set zero" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_mgeninterpolation( m, ... )
   Set the interpolation mode of morphogens of m.  When an edge of the
   mesh is split, this determines how the morphogen values at the new
   vertex are determined from the values at either end of the edge.


   'morphogen'     This can be a morphogen name or index, a cell array of
                   morphogen names and indexes, or a vector of indexes.
   'interpolation' Either 'min', 'max', or 'average'.  If 'min', the new
                   values are the minimum of the old values, if 'max' the
                   maximum, and if 'average' the average.

   GUI equivalent: the radio buttons in the "On split" subpanel of the
   "Morphogens" panel.  These set the interpolation mode for the current
   morphogen.  As of the version of 2008 Sep 03, new meshes are created
   with the interpolation mode for all morphogens set to 'min'.
   Previously the default mode was 'average'.

       m = leaf_mgeninterpolation( m, ...
               'morphogen', 1:size(m.morphogens,2), ...
               'interpolation', 'average' );
       This sets the interpolation mode for every morphogen to 'average'.

   Topics: Morphogens.


function [m,target_p,TargetMorphArea]=morphogen_midpoint(m,varargin)
     uses one or two gradient of diffusing morphogen to define
     a region in TARGETMORPH. 
     initially the region is set to the value 1
     However, once it is stable it is set to 2 and 
     the interaction function should stop trying to change the midpoint.
     It also defines a region of all vertices > threshold used
     to define TARGETMORPH (i.e. all below the midpoint)

%intersection of two opposing gradients and view clustering
%intersection of two opposing gradients
%find lowpoint in a U shaped diffusing morphogen

   Topics: Morphogens.



   Topics: Morphogens.


function     gm_l=leaf_morphogen_switch(m,varargin)

 Here the default on and off values of 0 and 1 are used
 Alternatively, these can be specified

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_movie( m, ... )
   Start or stop recording a movie.
   Any movie currently being recorded will be closed.
   If the first optional argument is 0, no new movie is started.
   Otherwise, the arguments may contain the following option-value pairs:
   FILENAME    The name of the movie file to be opened.  If this is not
               given, and m.globalProps.autonamemovie is true, then a name
               will be generated automatically, guaranteed to be different
               from the name of any existing movie file. Otherwise, a file
               selection dialog is opened.
   MODE        (NOT IMPLEMENTED)  This is one of 'screen', 'file', or 'fig'.
                   'screen' will capture the movie frames from the figure
               as drawn on the screen, using avifile().
                   'file' will use print() to save the
               figure to a file, then load the file and add it to the
               movie.  This allows arbitrarily high resolution movies to
               be made, not limited to the size drawn on the screen.
                   'fig' will save each frame as a MATLAB .fig file
               and will not generate a movie file.  The figures can later
               be assembled into a movie file by running the command
               fig2movie.  The reason for this option is that when
               running in an environment with no graphics, I have been
               unable to find a way of creating images from figures.
   are passed directly to the Matlab function AVIFILE.  LEAF_MOVIE provides
   defaults for some of these:
       FPS          15
       COMPRESSION  'None'
       QUALITY      100
       KEYFRAME     5

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Record movie..." button.

   See also AVIFILE.

   Topics: Movies/Images.


[m,ok] = leaf_multiplylayers( m, varargin )
   Replace a single-layer mesh by a mesh of multiple layers glued together.
   This should not be called if the mesh is already a multple-layer mesh,
   or already contains any vertexes that are stitched together.


   layers: The number of layers to make.  The default value is 2.

   force: Normally this procedure will not act on a mesh that already
       contains constraints that force some nodes to have equal
       displacements.  If 'force' is true then any such constraints will
       be deleted and the mesh will be multiplied.  The default is false.


m = leaf_onecell( m, ... )
   Create a new leaf consisting of a single triangular cell.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'xwidth'        The diameter in the X dimension.  Default 1.
       'ywidth'        The diameter in the Y dimension.  Default 1.
       m = leaf_onecell( [], 'xwidth', 1, 'ywidth', 1 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: selecting "One cell" in the pulldown menu in
   the "Mesh editor" panel and clicking the "Generate mesh" button.

   Topics: Mesh creation.


m = leaf_paintpatch( m, cells, morphogen, amount )
   Apply the given amount of the given morphogen to every vertex of each
   of the cells.  The cells are identified numerically; the numbers are
   not user-accessible.  This command is therefore not easily used
   manually; it is generated when the user clicks on a cell in the GUI.
   1: A list of the cells to apply the morphogen to.
   2: The morphogen name or index.
   3: The amount of morphogen to apply.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking on every vertex of the cell to be
   painted, with the "Current mgen" item selected in the "Mouse mode" menu.
   The morphogen to apply is specified in the "Displayed m'gen" menu in
   the "Morphogens" panel.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_paintvertex( m, morphogen, ... )
   Apply the given amount of the given morphogen to all of the given
   vertexes.  The vertexes are identified numerically; the numbers are
   not user-accessible.  This command is therefore not easily used
   manually; it is generated when the user clicks on a vertex in the GUI.

   1: The morphogen name or index.

       'vertex'    The vertexes to apply morphogen to.
   	'amount'    The amount of morphogen to apply.  This can be either a
                   single value to be applied to every specified vertex,
                   or a list of values of the same length as the list of
                   vertexes, to be applied to them respectively.
       'mode'      Either 'set' or 'add'.  'set sets the vertex to the
                   given value, 'add' adds the given value to the current

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking on the mesh when the "Morphogens"
   panel is selected.  This always operates in 'add' mode.  The morphogen
   to apply is specified in the "Displayed m'gen" menu in the "Morphogens"
   panel. Shift-clicking or middle-clicking will subtract the morphogen
   instead of adding it.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_perturbz( m, z, ... )
   Add a random perturbation to the Z coordinate of every node.
       A number z, the amplitude of the random displacement.  The
       displacements will be randomly chosen from the interval -z/2 ...
       'absolute':   A boolean.  If true, then the displacements will be
                     interpreted as alsolute distances.  If false (the
                     default), they will be interpreted as amounts
                     relative to the thickness at each point.
       m = leaf_perturbz( m, 0.5, 'absolute', true )

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Random Z" button on the "Mesh editor"
   panel. The amount of random deformation is specified by the value in
   the upper of the two text boxes to the right of the button.  In the
   GUI, 'absolute' is always assumed to be false.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_plot( m, ... )
   Plot the leaf.
   There are many options.

 leaf_plot stores all of the plotting options in the mesh, so that a
 subsequent call to leaf_plot with only the mesh as an argument will plot
 the same thing.

   Equivalent GUI operation: none.  The leaf is plotted automatically.
   Various options may be set in the "Plot options" panel, and the scroll
   bars on the picture change the orientation.

   See also: leaf_plotoptions.

   Topics: Plotting.


[m,plotinfo] = leaf_plotoptions( m, ... )
   Set the plotting options.
   There are many options.

   leaf_plotoptions resolves all inconsistencies among the options given
   and the options already present in m, and stores the resulting set of
   options into m.  leaf_plot2 calls leaf_plotoptions2, computes the data
   to be plotted, and does the plotting.

   The PLOTINFO output argument is for internal use and should be ignored.

   Equivalent GUI operation:  Various options may be individually set in
   the GUI, especially the "Plot options" panel.

   See also: leaf_plot.

   Topics: Plotting.


m = leaf_plotview( m, ... )
   Set the view parameters.

   There are two sets of parameters with which the view can be described:
   1. The parameters that Matlab itself uses:
   2. An alternative set that is sometimes more convenient:
       fov (field of view)
       pan (two components)
       targetdistance (the distance that CameraTarget is behind the plane
           perpendicular to the view direction through the origin of
       camdistance (the distance that CameraTarget is in front of the
           plane perpendicular to the view direction through the origin
           of coordinates)
   Both sets of parameters are maintained in the mesh structure.

   For example, to set an overhead view:

       m = leaf_plotview( m, 'azimuth', 0, 'elevation', 90, 'roll', 0 );

   Topics: Plotting.


function  m=leaf_profile_monitor(m,realtime,RegionLabels,Morphogens,start_figno)
monitor morphogen levels at a set of vertices

m, mesh
RegionLabels, vertices to be monitored as designated by cell array of strings, i.e. region labels
Morphogens, cell array of strings, i.e. uppercase morphogen names to
   be monitored. There should be one RegionLabels string for each
   Morphogens string
Vertlabels, if true then display vertex numbers in each regionlabel on
         the mesh default false
start_figno, default figure 1 (Must open a fig even if just monitoring to file)

MonData, optional output of data structure
 For example:
               pathname: 'D:\ab\Matlab stuff\Growth models\GPT_MeasureGrowth_20121203\snapshots'
               filename: 'monitor--03-Dec-2012-17-39-16.xls'
     CurrentExcelColumn: 5
             vertex_set: {[5x1 double]}
                  index: {[1]}
             list_order: {[1 2 3 4 5]}
            regionlabel: {'ID_MID'}
                 ListOK: {[1]}
                Results: [1x1 struct]
                Results.REGN: {'ID_MID'}
                  Results.XYZ: {[5x3 double]}
                 Results.XYZA: {[5x3 double]}
                 Results.XYZB: {[5x3 double]}
                    Results.X: {[5 5 5 5 5]}
                    Results.Y: {[5x1 double]}
                    Results.Z: {[]}
                    Results.D: {[5x1 double]} % distances between vertices
                    Results.G: {[]}
       Results.D_LegendString: {'      ID_MID: intervals'}
       Results.G_LegendString: []
                theaxes: [0 1.1410e+03 1.1420e+03]
            InitialMaxD: 0.5061
                  LastD: {[5x1 double]}    
 monitor properties of vertices
     m=leaf_profile_monitor(m,... % essential
         'REGIONLABELS',{'V_PROFILE1','V_PROFILE2'},... % essential
         'MORPHOGENS',{'S_LEFTRIGHT','S_CENTRE'},... % optional  (one element per REGIONLABEL)
         'VERTLABELS',false,'FigNum',1,'EXCEL',true,'MODELNAME',modelname); % optional (file in snapshots directory')

     or if you want to limit the time(s) over which it runs
     if realtime>5
         m=leaf_profile_monitor(m,... % essential
             'REGIONLABELS',{'V_PROFILE1','V_PROFILE2'},... % essential
             'MORPHOGENS',{'S_LEFTRIGHT','S_CENTRE'},... % optional  (one element per REGIONLABEL)
             'VERTLABELS',false,'FigNum',1,'MATFILE',true,'MODELNAME',modelname); % optional (file in snapshots directory')

   Topics: Simulation.

 J. Andrew Bangham, 2011


 m = leaf_purgeproject( m )
   Purge the project directory of generated files.
   The movies directory and its entire contents will be deleted.
   The snapshots directory and its entire contents will be deleted.
   The runs directory and its entire contents will be deleted.
   All stage files will be deleted.
   No other files will be affected.

       'recycle'    A boolean.  If true (the default) then deleted files
                    are sent to the wastebin.  If false, they are
                    irrevocably deleted immediately.
       'confirm'    A boolean.  If true (the default is false), the user
                    will be asked to confirm the operation.


m = leaf_rasterize( m, ... )
   Convert a mesh to a 3D raster scan.  The raster is represented as a
   series of PNG files, one for each section through the mesh.  The raster
   scan will be coloured according to the current plot settings for the

       filename    The pattern of the names of the files to create.  This
                   should contain the substring '%d', which will be
                   replaced by the index number of each section through
                   the mesh.  The name can be a relative or absolute path
                   name.  If relative, it will be understood as relative
                   to the 'dirname' argument, if present, otherwise
                   relative to the project directory's 'meshes'
                   subdirectory, or if the mesh does not belong to a
                   project, the current working directory.
       dirname     The direectory to save the files in.  Ignored if the
                   'filename' argument was an absolute path name.
       rastersize  A vector of three integers [X Y Z], specifying how many
                   pixels the raster should be in each direction.  The
                   mesh will be centered in the resulting 3D image, and
                   will be uniformly scaled so as to fill the space, less
                   whatever margin is specified.
       margin      A single integer, a triple [X Y Z], or a sextuple [X1 X2
                   Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2].  The specified number of pixels will be
                   left blank on the faces of the raster and the mesh
                   rendered within the remaining volume.


m = leaf_recomputestages( m, ... )
   Recompute a set of stages of the project, starting from the current
   state of m.  If this is after any of the stages specified, those stages
   will not be recomputed.

       'stages'    A list of the stages to be recomputed as an array of
                   numerical times.  The actual times of the saved stages
                   will be the closest possible to those specified, given
                   the starting time and the time step.  If this option is
                   omitted, it will default to the set of stage times
                   currently stored in m, which can be set by

   See also: leaf_requeststages

   Topics: Simulation.


 It is intended that this will add a file copy of m
 to a subdirectory of movie
 Once RecordMeshes has been turned on either by
      using the user interface, 'Movie:Also record meshes'
      or by calling this function with arguments
      'RECORD','ON' (or turned off with 'RECORD','OFF')
 then this function is called from 'leaf_movie' each time a 
 frame is added to a movie.
 The meshes are stored in a directory with a filename that
 matches that of the movie.

   Topics: Movies/Images.


m = leaf_rectangle( m, varargin )
   Create a new rectangular mesh.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'xwidth'  The width of the rectangle in the X dimension.  Default 2.
       'ywidth'  The width of the rectangle in the Y dimension.  Default 2.
       'centre'  Where the centre of the rectangle should be.
       'xdivs'   The number of finite element cells along the X dimension.
                 Default 8.
       'ydivs'   The number of finite element cells along the Y dimension.
                 Default 8.
       'base'    The number of divisions along the side with minimum Y
                 value.  The default is xdivs.
       m = leaf_rectangle( [], 'xwidth', 2, 'ywidth', 2, 'xdivs', 8,
                           'ydivs', 8, 'base', 5 )

   Equivalent GUI operation: selecting "Rectangle" in the pulldown menu in
   the "Mesh editor" panel and clicking the "Generate mesh" button.

   Topics: Mesh creation.


m = leaf_rectifyverticals( m )
   Force the lines joining vertexes on opposite surfaces of the mesh to be
   perpendicular to the mid-surface.


m = leaf_refineFEM( m, amount )
   AMOUNT is between 0 and 1.  Split that proportion of the edges of the
   finite element mesh, in random order.
       m = leaf_refineFEM( m, 0.3 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Refine mesh" button in the
   "Mesh editor" panel.  The scroll bar and text box set the proportion of
   edges to be split.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_reload( m, stage, varargin )
   Reload a leaf from the MAT, OBJ, or PTL file it was last loaded from,
   discarding all changes made since then.  If there was no such previous
   file, the mesh is left unchanged.

       stage:  If 0 or more, the indicated stage of the mesh, provided
               there is a saved state from that stage.  If 'reload', the
               stage that the mesh was loaded from or was last saved to,
               whichever is later.  If 'restart', the initial stage of the
               mesh.  If the indicated stage does not exist a warning is
               given and the mesh is left unchanged.  The default is

       rewrite:  Normally, when a model is loaded, its interaction
                 function (if there is one) is read, parsed, and
                 rewritten.  This is because it may have been created with
                 an older version of GFtbox.  Specifying the rewrite
                 option as false prevents this from being done.  This may
                 be necessary when running several simulations
                 concurrently on a parallel machine, all using the same

   Equivalent GUI operations:  The "Restart" button is equivalent to
           m = leaf_reload( m, 'restart' );
       The "Reload" button is equivalent to
           m = leaf_reload( m, 'reload' );
           m = leaf_reload( m );
       The items on the "Stages" menu are equivalent to
           m = leaf_reload( m, s );
       for each valid s.  s should be passed as a string.  For example, if
       the Stages menu has a menu item called 'Time 315.25', that stage
       can be loaded with
           m = leaf_reload( m, '315.25' );

   Topics: Project management.


 m = leaf_rename_mgen( m, oldMgenName, newMgenName, ... )
   Rename one or more morphogens.  Any number of old name/new name pairs
   can be given.  The standard morphogens cannot be renamed, and no
   morphogen can be renamed to an existing name.

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Rename" button in the
   "Morphogens" panel.

   See also:
       leaf_add_mgen, leaf_delete_mgen

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_requeststages( m, ... )
   Add a set of stage times to the mesh.  None of these will be computed,
   but a subsequent call to leaf_recomputestages with no explicit stages
   will compute them.

       'stages'    A list of numerical stage times.  These do not have to
                   be sorted and may contain duplicates.  The list will be
                   sorted and have duplicates removed anyway.
       'mode'      If 'replace', the list will replace any stage times
                   stored in m.  If 'add' (the default), they will be
                   combined with those present.

   GUI equivalent: Stages/RequestMore Stages... menu item.  This does not
   support the 'mode' option and always operates in 'add' mode.

   Topics: Simulation, Project management.


m = leaf_rescale( m, ... )
   Rescale a mesh in space and/or time.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'spaceunitname'     The name of the new unit of distance.
       'spaceunitvalue'    The number of old units that the new unit is
                           equal to.
       'timeunitname'      The name of the new unit of time.
       'timeunitvalue'     The number of old units that the new unit is
                           equal to.
       If either spaceunitname or timeunitname is omitted or empty, no
       change will be made to that unit.

       Convert a leaf scaled in microns to millimetres, and from days to
           m = leaf_rescale( m, 'spaceunitname', 'mm', ...
                                'spaceunitvalue', 1000, ...
                                'timeunitname', 'hour', ...
                                'timeunitvalue', 1/24 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: the 'Params/Rescale...' menu item.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_rewriteIF( m, ... )
   Rewrite the interaction function of m.

   Normally the interaction function is rewritten the first time that it
   is called after loading a mesh.  This is to ensure that it is always
   compatible with the current version of GFtbox.  Sometimes it is
   necessary to prevent this from happening.  In this case, if it is later
   desired to force a rewrite, this function can be called.

   leaf_rewriteIF will do nothing if the i.f. has already been rewritten,
   unless the 'force' option has value true.

   Note that a rewrite always happens when a morphogen is added, deleted,
   or renamed, or when the standard morphogen type (K/BEND or A/B) is

   Equivalent GUI operation: the Rewrite button on the Interction function

   Topics: Interaction function.


m = leaf_rotate( m, type1, rot1, type2, rot2, ... )
   Rotate the mesh about the given axes.  The rotations are performed in
   the order they are given: the order matters.  Each type argument is one
   of 'M', 'X', 'Y', or 'Z' (case is ignored).  For a type 'M', the
   following rotation should be a 3*3 rotation matrix.  For 'X', 'Y', or
   'Z' it should be an angle in degrees.  Any sequence of rotations can be

   See also: leaf_rotatexyz.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_rotatexyz( m, varargin )
   Rotate the coordinates of the leaf: x becomes y, y becomes z, and z
   becomes z.  If the argument -1 is given, the opposite rotation is

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking on the "Rotate xyz" button in the
   "Mesh editor" panel.

   See also: leaf_rotate.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_saddlez( m, ... )
   Add a saddle-shaped displacement to the nodes of m.
       'amount'    The maximum amount of the displacement, which is
                   proportional to the distance from the origin.  Default
       'lobes'     How many complete waves the displacemnt creates on the
                   edge (an integer, minimum value 2).  Default 2.
       m = leaf_saddlez( m, 'amount', 1, 'lobes', 2 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Saddle Z" button on the "Mesh editor"
   panel. The amount of saddle deformation is specified by the value in
   the upper of the two text boxes to the right of the button.  The number
   of waves is specified by the lower text box.

   Topics: Mesh editing


m = leaf_save( m, filename, folderpath, ... )
   Save the leaf to a file.
   The way the leaf is saved depends on the extension of the filename:
       .MAT    The leaf is saved in a MAT file as a Matlab object called
       .M      Matlab commands to recreate this leaf are saved in a .M
       .OBJ    Only the nodes and triangles are saved, in OBJ format.
       .MSR    Whatever data will fit into MSR format are saved.
       .WRL    The nodes and triangles, and either vertex or face colours
               are saved, in VRML 97 format.
       .STL    The finite elements are subdivided into tetrahedrons and
               saved in STL format.
       .FIG    The current plot of the leaf is saved as a figure file.
   All of these formats except FIG can be read back in by leaf_load.
   Note that OBJ format discards all information except the geometry of
   the mesh.

   If the filename is just an extension (including the initial "."), then
   a filename will be prompted for, and the specified extension will be
   the default.  If no filename is given or the filename is empty, then
   one will be prompted for, and any of the above extensions will be accepted.

   The folder path specifies what folder to save the file in.  If not
   specified, then the default folder will be chosen, which depends on the
   file extension.  If a filename is then prompted for, the file dialog
   will open at that folder, but the user can navigate to any other.
   If the filename is a full path name then the folder name will be
   ignored and the file will be stored at the exact location specified by

       overwrite:  If true, and the output file exists already, it will
           be overwritten without warning.  If false (the default), the
           user will be asked whether to overwrite it.
       minimal:  For OBJ files, if this is true (the default), then only
           the vertexes and triangles of the mesh, and either vertex or
           face colours will be written.  OBJ files of this
           form should be readable by any program that claims to read OBJ
           files.  If false, more of the information in the
           mesh will be written, including all of the morphogen names and
           values, in an ad-hoc extension of OBJ format.  (The prefix 'mn'
           is used for morphogen names, and 'm' for values: each 'm' line
           lists all the morphogen values for a single vertex.)
       throughfaces: For OBJ files, if this is true, then for every edge
           of the mesh, there will be a pair of triangles representing the
           quadrilateral connecting the two copies that edge on the two
           sides of the mesh.  If false (the default), this will only be
           done for edges on the rim of the canvas.
       bbox: If supplied and nonempty, this is either a bounding box (a
             6-tuple [xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax]) or a size (a triple
             [xsize ysize zsize]), or a single number size.  A single
             number size is equivalent to [size size size], and a triple
             [xsize ysize zsize] is equivalent to a bounding box [-xsize/2
             xsize/2 -ysize/2 ysize/2 -zsize/2 zsize/2].  For OBJ and VRML
             format only, the model will be translated and uniformly
             scaled so as to best fit into the box.

   Equivalent GUI operations: the "Save model..." button (saves as MAT
   file) or the "Save script...", "Save OBJ...", or "Save FIG..." menu
   commands on the "Mesh" menu.

   Topics: Project management.


[m,ok] = leaf_savemodel( m, modelname, projectdir, ... )
   Save the model to a model directory.

   MODELNAME is the name of the model folder.  This must not be a full
   path name, just the base name of the folder itself.  It will be looked
   for in the folder PROJECTDIR, if specified, otherwise in the parent
   directory of m, if any, otherwise the current directory.

   If MODELNAME is not specified or empty, the user will be prompted for a
   name using the standard file dialog.  

   The model directory will be created if it does not exist.

   If the model is being saved into its own model directory:
       If it is in the initial state (i.e. no simulation steps have been
       performed, and the initialisation function has not been called) then
       it is saved into the file MODELNAME.mat.
       If it is in a later state, it will be saved to MODELNAME_Snnnn.mat,
       where nnnn is the current simulation time as a floating point
       number with the decimal point replaced by a 'd'.

   If the model is being saved into a new directory:
       The current state will be saved as an initial state or a later
       stage file as above.
       If the current state is not the initial state, then the initial
       state will be copied across.  Furthermore, the initial state of the
       new project will be loaded.
       The interaction function and notes file will be copied, if they
       exist.  If the notes file exists, the new notes file will also be
       opened in the editor.
       Stage files, movies, and snapshots are NOT copied across.

   If for any reason the model cannot be saved, OK will be false.

       new:   If true, the mesh will be saved as the initial state of a
              project, even if it is not the initial state of the current
              simulation.  The default is false.
       strip:    If true, as many fields as possible of the mesh will be
              deleted before saving.  They will be reconstructed as far as
              possible when the mesh is loaded.  The only information that
              is lost is the residual strains and effective growth tensor
              from the last iteration.  The default is false.
       static: If true, the static file of the project will
               also be written.  If false, not.  The default is the value
               of ~m.globalDynamicProps.staticreadonly.

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Save As..." button prompts for a
   directory to save a new project to; the "Save" button saves the current
   state to its own model directory.  The "strip" option can be toggled
   with the "Misc/Strip Saved Meshes" menu command.

   Topics: Project management.


m = leaf_saverun( m, ... )
   Save all the current stage files to a new directory runs/NAME/meshes,
   where NAME is supplied in the arguments.  In addition, the directory
   will contain a file called CommandLine.txt, containing a one-line
   description of the set of files.

       name:   The name of the directory to store this run.
       desc:   A one-line description of the run.  This is used by
               the "Import Experimental Stages..." menu command, which
               reads all of the CommandLine.txt files and displays their
               contents in a listbox for the user to select one.  desc
               defaults to name.
       verbose:    In case of error, if this is true then error messages
               will be written to the console.  The default is true.

   The result OK is true if it succeeded, false if it failed for any


[m,ok] = leaf_savestage( m )

   Save the current state of the mesh as a stage file.

   Options: none.


m = leaf_semicircle( m, ... )
   Create a new semicircular mesh.  Parameters are as for leaf_circle.

   Equivalent GUI operation: selecting "Semicircle" in the pulldown menu
   in the "Mesh editor" panel and clicking the "New" button.


   Topics: Mesh creation.


m = leaf_set_seams( m, f_seam_p )
   Create seems between the nodes in a given set.

   OBSOLETE: use leaf_addseam instead.

       f_seam_p: an array giving a real number for every node.  Every edge
                 joining nodes for both of which this value is greater
                 than 0.5 will be made a seam edge.

   See also: leaf_addseam.

   Topics: Mesh editing, Seams.


m = leaf_set_userdata( m, ... )
   Set fields of the userdata of m.  The arguments should be alternately a
   field name and a field value.

   You can store anything you like in the userdata field of the canvas.
   The growth toolbox will never use it, but your own callbacks, such as
   the morphogen interaction function, may want to make use of it.


   Equivalent GUI operation: none.

   Topics: User data.


m = leaf_setbgcolor( m, color )

   Set the background colour of the picture, and of any snapshots or
   movies taken.  COLOR is a triple of RGB values in the range 0..1.

   Topics: Plotting.


m = leaf_setgrowthmode( m, mode )

   Specify whether growth is described by growth and anisotropy, or by
   growth parallel and perpendicular to the polarisation gradient.
   Allowable values for MODE are 'ga' or 'pp' respectively.


   Topics: OBSOLETE.


m = leaf_setmutant( m, ... )
   Set the mutant level of a morphogen.

   morphogen:   The name or index of a morphogen.  If omitted, the
                mutation properties are set for every morphogen.
   value:       The value the morphogen has in the mutant state, as a
                proportion of the wild-type state.

       m = leaf_setmutant( m, 'morphogen', 'div', 'value', 0 );
           % Set the mutated level of the 'div' morphogen to zero.

   Topics: Morphogens.


m = leaf_setproperty( m, ... )
   Set global properties of the leaf.
   The arguments are a series of name/value pairs.

   The property names that this applies to are:
       'poisson'       Poisson's ratio.  The normal value is 0.35 and
                       there is little need to change this.
       'bulkmodulus'   The bulk modulus.  The normal value is 3000 and
                       there is little need to change this.
       'validate'      Whether to validate the mesh after every iteration.
                       This is for debugging purposes and should normally
                       be off.
       'displayedgrowth'    Specifies which morphogen to plot.

       ...and many others I have omitted to document.

       m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'poisson', 0.49 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: several GUI elements are implemented by this
       poisson:        Text box in "Mesh editor" panel.
       bulkmodulus:    No GUI equivalent.
       residstrain:    "Strain retention" in "Simulation" panel.
       validate:       No GUI equivalent.
       displayedgrowth:  "Displayed m'gen" menu in "Morphogens" panel.

   Topics: Misc.


m = leaf_setsecondlayerparams( m, varargin )

   Set various general properties of the second layer.  If the second
   layer does not exist an empty second layer will be created, and the
   properties set here will be the defaults for any subsequently created
   nonempty second layer.

   If m already has a second layer, this procedure does not affect the
   colours of existing cells, only the colours that may be chosen by
   subsequent recolouring operations.

       colors: An N*3 array of RGB values.  These are the colours
               available for colouring cells.  The special value 'default'
               will use the array [ [0.1 0.9 0.1]; [0.9 0.1 0.1] ].
               N should be 2.  "Ordinary" cells will be coloured with the
               first colour, while "shocked" cells will be coloured with
               the second colour.
       colorvariation: A real number between 0 and 1.  When a colour for a
               cell is selected from the colour table, this amount of
               random variation will be applied to the value selected from
               colors.  A suitable value is 0.1, to give a subtle
               variation in colour between neighbouring cells.

   Topics: Bio layer.


[m,ok] = leaf_setthickness( m, thickness )
   Set the thickness of the leaf everywhere to the specified value.
   This only affects the current mesh and does not modify any of the
   static mesh properties.

   If thickness is being handled non-physically, the effect of this
   command will be overridden on the next simulation step.  In that case
   you should call leaf_setthicknessparams instead.

   see also: leaf_setthicknessparams.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_setthicknessparams( m, value )
   Set the thickness of the leaf, as a function of its current area.
   thickness = K*area^(P/2).
   K may have any positive value.  P must be between 0 and 1.
   When P is 1, K is dimensionless; when P is 0, K is the actual thickness
   in length units.

       'scale'     K.  Default is 0.5.
       'power'     P.  Default is 0.

   Topics: Mesh editing, Simulation.


m = leaf_setzeroz( m )
   Set the Z displacement of every node to zero.

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Zero Z" button on the "Mesh editor"

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_shockB( m, amount )
   AMOUNT is between 0 and 1.  Mark that proportion of randomly selected
       cells of the A layer with random colours.  At least one cell will
       always be marked.  If there is no A layer, the command is ignored.
       m = leaf_shockA( m, 0.3 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: "Shock cells" button on the Bio-A panel.
   The accompanying slider and text box set the proportion of cells to shock.

   Topics: Bio layer.


m = leaf_shockB( m, amount )
   AMOUNT is between 0 and 1.  Mark that proportion of randomly selected
       cells of the B layer with random colours.  At least one cell will
       always be marked.  If there is no B layer, the command is ignored.
       m = leaf_shockB( m, 0.3 );

   Equivalent GUI operation: "Shock cells" button on the Bio-B panel.
   The accompanying slider and text box set the proportion of cells to shock.

   Topics: OBSOLETE, Bio layer 2.


m = leaf_showaxes( m, axeson )

   Make the axes visible or invisible, according as AXESON is true or false.

   Topics: Plotting.


m = leaf_snapdragon( m, ... )
 Make an early stage of a snapdragon flower.  This consists of a number of
 petals, each of which consists of a rectangle surmounted by a semicircle.
 The rectangular parts of the petals are connected to form a tube.
 The mesh is oriented so that the cell normals point outwards.

       M is either empty or an existing mesh.  If it is empty, then an
       entirely new mesh is created, with the default set of morphogens
       If M is an existing mesh, then its geometry is replaced by the new
       mesh.  It retains the same set of morphogens (all set to zero
       everywhere on the new mesh), interaction function, and all other
       properties not depending on the specific geometry of the mesh.

       'petals'        The number of petals.  Default 5.
       'radius'        The radius of the tube.  Default 1.
       'rings'         The number of circular rings of triangles to divide
                       the semicircular parts into. Default 3.
       'height'        The height of the rectangle, as a multiple of the
                       semicircle's diameter.  Default 0.7.
       'base'          The number of divisions along half of the base of
                       each  petal. By default this is equal to rings,
                       i.e. the same as the number at the top of the tube.
       'strips'        The number of strips of triangles to divide the
                       tubular part into.  If 0 (the default), this will
                       be calculated from the height so as to make the
                       triangles similar in size to those in the lobes.
       m = leaf_snapdragon( [], 'petals', 5, 'radius', 2, 'rings', 4 );

   Topics: Mesh creation.


[m,ok] = leaf_snapshot( m, filename, ... )
 Take a snapshot of the current view of the leaf into an image file.
 A name for the image file will be automatically generated if none is
 given.  If the snapshot cannot be taken or the arguments are invalid then
 ok will be returned as false.

       1: The name of the file to write.  The extension of
          the filename specifies the image format.  This may be
          any format acceptable to the Matlab function IMWRITE.
          These include 'png', 'jpg', 'tif', and others.

       'newfile': if true (the default), the file name given will be
           modified so as to guarantee that it will not overwrite any
           existing file. If false, the filename will be used as given and
           any existing file will be overwritten without warning.
       'thumbnail': if true (the default is false), the other arguments
           and options will be ignored (the filename must be given as the
           empty string), and a snapshot will be saved to the file
           thumbnail.png in the project directory.
       'resolution': Dots-per-inch value.  Passing this option will cause
           the procedure to use the Matlab function print() instead of
           imwrite(), so as to take a picture at whatever resolution you
           require.  This also has the advantage that as the snapshot is
           not performed by grabbing the screen buffer, it does not matter
           whether the window is entirely visible on the screen.  However,
           the image obtained will be of the entire figure window, instead
           of just the picture part.  If this option is specified with
           the empty array as its value, the value currently stored
           in m.plotdefaults.hiresdpi will be used. Specifying a value for
           resolution does not update m.plotdefaults.hiresdpi: for that,
           use leaf_plotoptions( m, 'hiresdpi', ... ).

   All remaining arguments will be passed as options to IMWRITE.  Any
   arguments taken by IMWRITE may be given.  If any such arguments are
   provided, the filename must be present (otherwise the first argument
   for IMWRITE would be taken to be the filename).  If you do not want to
   provide a filename, specify it as the empty string.  The image will be
   saved in the 'snapshots' folder of the current project folder, if any,
   otherwise the current folder.  You can override this by specifying an
   absolute path.

       m = leaf_snapshot( m, 'foo.png' );

   Equivalent GUI operation: clicking the "Take snapshot" button.  This
   saves an image in PNG format into a file with an automatically
   generated name.  A report is written to the Matlab command window.
   The 'thumbnail' option is equivalent to the "Make Thumbnail" menu

   If stereo mode is turned on, snapshots will be stereo, with the two
   images arranged according to the stereo parameters.

   See also:

   Topics: Movies/Images.


m = leaf_splitsecondlayer( m )
   Split every cell in the second layer.  Reset the splitting threshold
   to make the new cell sizes the target sizes.

   Equivalent GUI operation: "Split L2" button.

   Topics: Bio layer.


[m,ok] = leaf_splitting_factor( m, factorname )
   Specify the name of a morphogen to use to control edge-splitting,
   edge-flipping, and retriangulation.  Edges will only be modified by
   these transformations if the value of the morphogen is at least 0.5 at
   both ends.  Specify the empty string as the name to turn this off.

   Topics: Morphogens, Simulation.


m = leaf_stereoparams( m, ... )
   Turn stereo on and off, and change associated parameters.
   In stereo mode, the mesh is displayed simultaneously in two different
   windows, from the viewpoints of the left eye and the right eye.  When
   running from the GUI, the main GUI window shows the left eye view and
   the second window which appears when stereo is enabled shows the right
   eye view.  When using a 3D screen that operates by superimposing both
   screens in the user's view using polarisers to separate the left and
   right eye views, the two windows should automatically appear to be
   superimposed on each other.

   When stereo is enabled, all snapshots and movies taken will be recorded
   in stereo, with the two views composited into a single frame, either
   side by side or one above the other.

       'enable'    Boolean, turns stereo on or off.
       'vergence'  The number of degrees each image is rotated.  A
                   positive value (the usual case) means that the image
                   view directions are what they would be if the eyes
                   turned inwards to converge on the real 3D object. (This
                   value is independent of the actual convergence of the
                   eyes when viewing the stereo images. A typical 3D
                   display does not require any convergence of the eyes.)
       'windowsize'  The size in pixels of both of the windows.  If the
                   first window already exists, do not supply this
                   argument: the second window will automatically be sized
                   so that its picture is the same size as that in the
       'spacing'   The number of
                   pixels separating the centres of the two images in the
                   combined image.  Pass 0 to have the two images abutted.
                   Pass -1 to specify the screen width or height, as
                   appropriate to the value of 'direction'.  Any empty
                   space between the images will be filled with the
                   current background colour.
       'direction' A string specifying how the two windows
                   are placed relative to each other in the
                   composite frame.  The value is one of these strings:
                       '-h'  Right-eye window is placed to the left.
                       '+h'  Right-eye window is placed to the right.
                       '-v'  Right-eye window is placed below.
                       '+v'  Right-eye window is placed above.
                   The initial default is '-h'
       'imagespacing', 'imagedirection'  Like spacing, but refers to the
                   spacing between the two halves of snapshots and movie

   The default for all options is to leave the previous value unchanged.
   The initial defaults are 'enable' = false, 'vergence' = 2.5 degrees,
   'spacing' = 0, 'direction = '-h', 'imagespacing' = 0, 'imagedirection =
   '-h' (which means you have to cross your eyes to fuse the images in
   snapshots and movies).

   Topics: Movies/Images, Plotting.


m = leaf_stitch_vertex( m, dfs )
   Constrain sets of vertexes of the mesh so that they move identically.

       dfs: a cell array of vectors of degree of freedom indexes.  Dfs in
            the same vector will be constrained to change identically.
            No index may occur more than once anywhere in dfs.

   Equivalent GUI operation: none.

   Topics: Mesh editing, Simulation.


m = leaf_subdivide( m, ... )
   Subdivide every edge of m where a specified morphogen is above and/or below
   thresholds, and the length of the current edge is at least a certain

   NB. This function is currently NOT suitable for calling from an
   interaction function.  It will go wrong.

   Note that this command will subdivide every eligible edge every time it
   is called.  It does not remember which edges it has subdivided before
   and refrain from subdividing them again.

       'morphogen': The name or index of the morphogen
       'min':       The value that the morphogen must be at least equal to.
       'max':       The value that the morphogen must not exceed.
       'mode':      'all' [default], 'any', or 'mid'.
       'minabslength': A real number.  No edge shorter than this will be
       'minrellength': A real number.  This is a fraction of the current
                    threshold for automatic splitting of edges.  No edge
                    shorter than this will be subdivided.  The current
                    threshold value is returned by currentEdgeThreshold(m).
       'levels':    The levels of morphogen the new vertices will adopt
       'force':     If true (the default), all of the requested
                    subdivisions will happen.  If false, edges will not be
                    split where this would result in excessively small
                    cells or cell angles.

   An edge will be subdivided if and only if it satisfies all of the
   conditions that are specified.  Any combination of the arguments can be
   given.  No arguments gives no subdivision.

   'mode' is only relevant if 'min' or 'max' has been specified.
   If mode is 'all', then each edge is split for which both ends satisfy
   the min/max conditions.
   If mode is 'any', each edge is split for which either edge
   satisfies the conditions.
   If mode if 'mid', each edge is split for which the average of the
   morphogen values at its ends satisfies the conditions.

   This command ignores the setting, that can be set through the GUI or
   leaf_setproperty(), that enables or disables automatic splitting of
   long edges.

   Topics: Mesh editing.


m = leaf_unshockA( m )
   Restore all cells of the Bio-A layer to their unshocked state.
       m = leaf_unshockA( m );

   Equivalent GUI operation: "Unshock all cells" button on the Bio-A panel.

   Topics: Bio layer.


function  m=leaf_vertex_set_monitor(m,realtime,RegionLabels,Morphogens,start_figno)
monitor morphogen levels at a set of vertices. 
Several morphogens can be monitored simultaneously. 
The results can be recorded and an output in opne figure given over
time. The pattern is saved automatically in the model directory.


   monitor morphogen levels at individual vertices

m, mesh
realtime, time starting at 0
RegionLabels, vertices to be monitored as designated by cell array of strings, i.e. region labels
Morphogens, cell array of strings, i.e. uppercase morphogen names to
   be monitored
figno, figure number ... one figure per morphogen


   Topics: Simulation.


function  m=leaf_vertex_set_monitor(m,realtime,RegionLabels,Morphogens,start_figno)
monitor morphogen levels at a set of vertices

m, mesh
realtime, time starting at 0
RegionLabels, vertices to be monitored as designated by cell array of strings, i.e. region labels
Morphogens, cell array of strings, i.e. uppercase morphogen names to
   be monitored
start_figno, first figure number ... one figure per morphogen

 the  'REGIONLABELS' can be 'SEAM' in which case m.seam is used

   Topics: Simulation.


   Generate a movie from the currently stored waypoints in m.
   The options are the same as for leaf_movie.

   See also leaf_movie, leaf_addwaypoint, leaf_clearwaypoints.

   Topics: Movies/Waypoints.


result = compareWithOBJ( m, fn, varargin )
   m is a mesh.  fn is the name of an OBJ file which is expected to
   contain the node and triangle data for a mesh isomorphic to m.
   The remaining arguments are strings naming the comparisons between the
   mesh and the OBJ data that are to be returned.  Possibilities are:
   'distance'    The distances between corresponding vertexes.
   'area'  The ratios of areas of corresponding finite elements are
   ...other possibilities may be added if needed.


[bn,ba] = componentBoundary( m, vi )
   Given a mesh m and a vertex vi, assumed to be a boundary vertex, set bn
   to the sequence of vertexes around the boundary starting from v.  Set ba to
   the external angles at those vertexes, i.e. pi minus the sum of the internal
   angles of the triangles at each vertex.  Set be to the lengths of the


[bn,ba] = componentBoundary( m, vi )
   Given a mesh m and a vertex vi, assumed to be a boundary vertex, set bn
   to the sequence of vertexes around the boundary starting from v.  Set ba to
   the external angles at those vertexes, i.e. pi minus the sum of the internal
   angles of the triangles at each vertex.  Set be to the lengths of the


 m = computeAltitudes( m )
   Set m.altitudes to an N*3*3 array such that m.altitudes(ci,cei,:) is
   the altitude vector in element ci perpendicular to edge cei.
   m.altratios is set to an N*3 array in which m.altratios(ci,cei) is the
   ratio in which the foot of the corresponding altitude vector divides
   the edge.


gnGlobal = computeCellGNGlobal( v, gaussInfo )
   Compute the gradients of the shape functions in the global frame, at
   every gauss point.  v is the set of vertexes of the cell, gaussInfo is
   the globally constant Gauss point information in isoparametric


gnGlobal = computeCellsGNGlobal( v, gaussInfo )
   Compute the gradients of the shape functions in the global frame, at
   every gauss point of every cell.  v is the set of vertexes of all
   cells, as a 3*6*n array: v(:,:,i) is the set of 6 vertexes of cell i.
   the globally constant Gauss point information in isoparametric


mesh = computeGNGlobal( mesh )
   Compute the gradients of the shape functions in the global frame, at
   every gauss point in every cell.


mesh = computeGaussInfo( mesh )
   Compute the gauss points in barycentric coordinates, and the values and
   gradients of the shape functions there.


m = computeResiduals( m, retainFraction )
   Given m.displacements, this computes the following components of
   If required (i.e. if celldata.actualGrowthTensor exists), it also



cis = connectedComponent( m, ci )
   ci is the index of a cell of m.  Find the set of all cells in the
   strongly connected component of ci, i.e. those cells reachable from ci
   by traversing edges.


cc = connectedComponents( m )
   Find the connected components of m.  The result is a cell array of
   arrays of cell indexes, one for each component, and an array listing
   for each FE its component.
   Connected components are defined as being connected across at least an
   edge.  Thus parts connected only at corners will be regarded as separate
   components, even though they may have one or more vertexes in common.

   If it is desired to eliminate corner contacts, call SPLITCORNERTOUCH


[nodeindexes,nodesets,edgeindexes,edgesets,cellindexes,cellsets] = connectedComponentsE( m )
   Find the connected components of m by following the edges.
   nodeindexes will be an array mapping each node to the index of its
   component, and nodesets will be a cell array of the connected
   components.  For every node n, n occurs in nodesets{nodeindexes(n)}.




function MakeVideosAndFLV( max_width, pngs, input_video_folder,input_video_name,finalPicFileName)

 based on ---=== VIDEO2FLV ===---

 	Vincent Garcia and Sylvain Boltz

 	1. Convert a video (MPEG, WMV, AVI) into a Adobe Flash Video (FLV). The
 	   conversion process is performed using the FFMPEG application.

 max_width, default 0 same as input file, else say 250 for small files
 pngs, default 0 none, else 1 for just first and 2 for first and last
              frames as pngs
 output_pngs, default 0, value 1 and it outputs first frame, 2 and it
              outputs both the first and last frames

 MakeVideosAndFLV( 400, 0, moviefilepath  ,[moviefilename,'.avi'],finalPicFileName );
 J. Andrew Bangham, 2011


m = copyAtoB( m );
   Copy the A morphogens to the B side.
   Does nothing if the morphogens are K/BEND style.



 mkparams( internal name, user name, default value, x, y )







m = cutCells( m, cis )
   cis is a set of indexes of cells of m.  Split m into two pieces,
   consisting of the cells cis, and the rest.

   This does not yet deal with places where the cells may be connected to
   the rest of the mesh through nodes only and not vertexes.


m = cutCellsMulti( m, cs )
   cs is a cell array of arrays of cell indexes.  cutCells will be called
   for each member array of cs.


CYCLE( X, N ) return a cyclic permutation of x.
  N is the amount to rotate x by: cycle(x,1) will return
  the list resulting from moving the first element of x
  to the end.  N can be any integer.





   This defines some tables of mesh properties, mainly gGlobalProps (the
   default value of m.globalProps), gGlobalDynamicProps (the default value
   of m.globalDynamicProps), and gDefaultPlotOptions (the default value of
   m.plotdefaults).  Documentation is interspersed with the definitions
   which can be automatically extracted and used to populate a Help menu.






m = deletecell(m,cellstodelete)    Delete finite elements from the mesh.




m = derotate( m )


 m = diffusegrowth( m )    Perform one diffusion step for all the
 diffusible morphogens.  This includes decay and clamped values.


function newg = dilateSubstance( mesh, u, g )
   Given a set of vertex displacements u and a vector g of the
   concentration of a substance at each vertex, calculate the
   concentration at each vertex after performing the displacements.


m = dilateSubstances( m, u )
   Apply dilateSubstance to each growth factor for which mgen_dilution is
   true, using the displacements u.  Clamped values are not changed.


function d = dilations( m, u )
   Given a set of vertex displacements u, calculate the
   dilution at each vertex after performing the displacements.


m = disallowNegativeGrowth( m )
   If m.globalProps.allowNegativeGrowth is false, force all growth
   morphogens to be non-negative.



displayOutlines( m )
   Display the outlines of the flattened connected components of m.


m = dissect( m, separation )
   Cut m along all its seam edges.
   Determine the connected components and separate them.


 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT





drawColorbar( h, cmap, crange, cmaptype, backgroundColor )
   Draw a color bar filling the axes object h, displaying the colormap
   cmap, annotated with scale crange.  The colorbar is drawn along the
   longer dimension of h.  Does nothing if h is not a handle.
   The parameters are stored in the userdata, in order to allow for
   erasing and then restoring the colorbar without requiring a replot.
   If no parameters are given, the parameters are retrieved from the
   userdata and the colorbar is redrawn.




 [edges,bc2s,endcell,endbc] = drawLineOnSurface( nodes, edges, startcell,
                                   startbc, heading, distance )
 Given a surface defined by a mesh of triangles (nodes,edges



m = duplicatenode( m, vi, vis )
   vis is the set of indexes of duplicates of vertex vi that are to be
   created.  Replicate all of the per-vertex information for vertex vi,
   for each of the new vertexes.



 This should only be called when the simulation is not running.


[ edgeVxs, edgeEdges, edgeCells ] = edgeData( m, vi )
   If vi is a vertex on the edge of the leaf, find the two edges incident
   on that vertex, and the vertexes at the other ends of those edges, and
   the cells that the edges belong to.


es = edgeListFromNodeList( m, vs )
   Find all the edges of the mesh m, both of whose ends are in the set
   vs.  vs must be a vector of vertex indexes of m.  es will be a list of
   edge indexes.

   See also: edgeMapFromNodeMap


emap = edgeMapFromNodeMap( m, vmap )
   Find all the edges of the mesh m, both of whose ends are in the set
   vmap.  vmap must be a vector of booleans of the same length as the
   number of vertexes of m.  emap will be a similar boolean map of the

   See also: edgeListFromNodeList


cei = edgeincell( m, ci, ei )
   Return the index of edge ei in cell ci of m.  If ei is not an edge os
   ci, return zero.  ci and ei can be vectors of the same length.


lensq = edgelengthsq(mesh,ei)    Return the squared length of edge
    ei of the mesh.


lengthsqs = edgelengthsqs(mesh)    Find squared lengths of all edges.



m = elideCells( m, ei, threshold, force )
   Shrink the cells on either side of edge ei down to ei, splitting ei in
   the middle.
   Threshold is a value of triangle quality such that if any triangle has
   its quality decreased to a value below the threshold, the
   transformation will not be done.  The default is 0.1.
   If force is true, the quality criterion will be ignored and the
   transformation will always be done unless it would make the mesh
   invalid.  The default is false.


[m,elided,newedgeindex] = elideEdge( m, ei, threshold )
   Shrink the edge ei to a point, and the cells on either side to single
   edges.  The transformation will not be done if it would make the mesh
   invalid, or if it would reduce the quality of any cell below the
   threshold.  elided is true if the transformation was done.
   The mesh is not validated afterwards: this should be done after a batch
   of calls to elideEdge.
   newedgeindex is the mapping from old edge indexes to new.


es = eligibleEdges( m )
   Return a bitmap of all edges, both ends of which have a corresponding
   value of splitting morphogen of at least 0.5.  If there is no splitting
   morphogen, all edges are returned.


(K,f] = eliminateEquations( K, f, rowsToElim, stitchrows, oppositePairs, stitchPairs, oppMoves )
    For each i in rowsToElim, delete row i of f and row and column i of K.
    For each array in stitchrows, impose the constraint that the
    corresponding set of variables are all equal.
    For each pair [i,j] in oppositePairs, impose the condition that the
    corresponding variables x and y have the property that o-x = o+y,
    where o is the corresponding member of oppMoves.  When o=0, this is
    the condition that x and y are equal and opposite.
    For each pair [i,j] in stitchPairs, impose the condition that the
    corresponding variables are equal.  If any vertex appears in both
    oppositePairs and stitchPairs, remove it from stitchPairs and ensure
    that its partner in stitchPairs appears in oppositePairs.


remainingVals = eliminateVals( nvals, valsToElim )
    Make a list in ascending order of all the integers from 1 to nvals
    excluding all values in valsToElim.




enableMenus( handles )
   Set the enabled/disabled state of every menu and menu item, depending
   on the state of the simulation.



p = equivSR( q, T )
   Find the continuous strain retention that is equivalent to a discrete
   strain retention of q with time step T.


r1 = equivStrainRetention( t0, t1, r0 )
   Compute the value of strain retention for a time step t1 that is
   equivalent to having strain retention r0 (default zero) at time step
   t0.  t1 must be less than or equal to t0.


g = estimateGrowth( oldpts, newpts )
   oldpts and newpts are N*K matrices (with N > K) containing two sets of
   N points in K dimensions.
   estimateGrowth calculates the best-fit growth tensor that will grow
   oldpts into the shape of newpts in one time unit.  Its eigenvectors and
   eigenvalues are returned as the column matrix v and the columnvector d.
   g is returned in the frame of reference of newpts, i.e. the best-fit
   linear transformation of oldpts to newpts is decomposed into g*q where
   q is a rotation and g is symmetric.  This is either the left or right
   polar decomposition.

   g and v will be K*K symmetric matrices, and d will be a K*1 vector. 

   oldpts and newpts can be N*K*M matrices, in which case
   g and v will be K*K*M and d will be K*M.



FAKEMYCGS   Same arguments and results as MYCGS, but does nothing.
    Intended for timing tests of the rest of the program.


a = feAngle( m, ci, cei )
   Compute one angle of the finite element ci.


a = feAngles( m, ci )
   Compute the angles of the finite element ci.



[k,f] = cellFEM( cell, v, gaussInfo, C, eps0, residualScale )
    Calculate the K matrix and force vector for a finite element cell.
    Calculate also the pre-strain at each Gauss point (by interpolating eps0).
    v: cell vertexes. 3*6 matrix, one column per vertex.
    gaussInfo: Gauss quadrature structure in isoparametric coordinates.  Includes
       the points, and the values and gradients of the shape functions there.
    C: compliance matrix. 6*6.
    eps0: pre-strain at each vertex (calculated from thermal expansion).
        6*6, one column for each vertex.  Each column is a 6-vector
        representing a 3*3 symmetric tensor.
    This also returns in the cell structure the interpolated strains, the
    Jacobian of the isoparametric coordinates at each Gauss point, and the
    gradients of the shape functions with respect to the global
    coordinates at each Gauss point.


cell = computeDisplacementStrains( cell, displacements )
   Set cell.displacementStrain equal to the strain at each Gauss point
   resulting from the given displacements of the vertexes.


cell = computeResidualStrains( cell, retainFraction, vorticities )
   Compute the residual strains remaining after applying the given
   displacements to the vertexes of the cell.
   We average this over the cell, since for a single FEM element
   constrained to act linearly, there is no physical meaning to a strain
   field that varies over the cell.


cell = computeResidualStrainsAA( cell, scale )
   Compute the residual strains remaining after applying the given
   displacements to the vertexes of the cell.
   We average this over the cell, since for a single FEM element
   constrained to act linearly, there is no physical meaning to a strain
   field that varies over the cell.









cells = findBioCell( m, pts )
   pts is an N*3 array of N points.  This function returns an N*1 array
   specifying for each point, which biological cell it lies within.  If it
   does not lie within any bio cell, the corresponding value will be zero.


[a,n] = findCellAreaAndNormal( m, ci )
   Compute the normal vector and area of finite element ci of mesh m.  We
   do these together, since this is faster than computing them separately.



 eis = findEdgesToElide( m )
   An edge can be elided if the triangles on both sides have a narrow
   angle opposite to the edge, and if eliding the edge does not have a bad
   effect on any triangles.



m = findFEareas( m )
   Calculate the area of every cell of the mesh.



 [hitBC,hitPoint] = findHitBC( m, ci, hitLine, normalise )
   Given a click on cell ci with the given hitLine, find the barycentric
   coordinates of the hit point on the cell.  If normalise is true (the
   default), the barycentric coordinates are forced to lie within the


[pi,paramcoordshitPointpt] = findHitPatch( p, hitLine )
   Given a patch handle p and a hit line, find which polygon of the path
   is hit by the line.  The polygons are assumed to be either all
   triangles or all quadrilaterals.



vdfs = findNodeFixedDFs( m, vi )
   Find which degrees of freedom of the triangular mesh node vi are fixed.


[ns,c1s,bc1s,c2s,bc2s,e1s,e2s] = findNodesToSplit( m )
   Find nodes of the mesh that require splitting.
   If no nodes are selected, n will be empty and the other outputs should
   be ignored.


w = findPerpVector( v )  Returns a unit vector perpendicular to v.
   v can be a row vector of length 3 or an N*3 matrix of row vectors.


gp = findPolGrad( m, cis )
   Calculate the polarising gradient for growth in the specified cells of
   the mesh, by default all of them.



dirstruct = findProjectDirs( dname )
   If dname is not a project directory and contains no project
   directories (including the case where dname does not exist), return an
   empty array.
   Otherwise, return a struct whose elements are:
       isprojectdir: boolean, true if the node is a project directory.
           When this is true, there should be no children.
       name: the full pathname of this directory.
       children: a struct array describing the children.


b = findStopButton( m )
   Find the stop button in the GUI, if present.



m = findVisiblePart( m )
   Set m.visible to a structure having the fields 'nodes', 'edges',
   'cells', 'borderedges', and 'bordercells'.  Each of the first four is a
   boolean array. The first three indicate which of the respective objects
   are visible, and the fourth defines the set of edges bordering the
   visible region.  The 'bordercells' field is a column vector of cell
   indexes, listing the visible cell index bordering each border edge.
   This is used to implement clipping in leaf_plot and writemeshvrml.



[v1,v2,v3] = findvertexes( p1, p2, f )  Find where nodes p1 and p2 occur in face f.
    We require that p1==f(v1), p2==f(v2), and f(v3) is the third vertex.
    Used in the edge-splitting routine SPLITEDGE.


m = fitmat( p0, p1 )
   P0 and P1 are N*2 or N*3 arrays of 2D or 3D vectors.
   [M,T] are the linear transformation and translation that best
   approximate the transformation of P0 to P1.
   T is P1mean-P0mean, and M is chosen to minimise the squared error of
   (P1-P1mean) - (P0-P0mean)*M.


mesh = fixNodeDFs( mesh, fixedDFs )    Fix all the given degrees of
   freedom.  fixedDFs is an N*s array in which each row contains the index
   of a node of the triangular mesh and a degree of freedom (1=X, 2=Y, 3=Z).
   MODE is 'add' to add the constraints to the existing constraints,
   'replace' to replace all the existing constraints, and 'delete' to
   remove these constraints from the existing constraints.  The default is


m = fixOrientations( m )
   Reorder the vertexes of the cells of m so as to give them all a
   consistent orientation.


handles = fixVertexDF( handles, vxs, x, y, z )
   Fix or unfix the degrees of freedom of a vertex.


handles = fixVertexMgen( handles, vi )
   Fix or unfix a morphogen at a vertex.


m = flattenComponents( m, interactive, method, cpt, bsiters )
   Flatten the indicated components of m.  cpt is the index of a component
   of m, in the arbitrary order in which those components are discovered.
   It may also be a list of such indexes.  By default, it is all of them.
   As this is quite a time-consuming operation, the process is animated on
   the screen (provided that INTERACTIVE is true), with progress indicators.

   If cpt is out of range, it is ignored.

   BSITERS is a parameter determining how hard it tries to flatten each
   component.  Setting it to zero eliminates the phase of the
   flattenng process in which, after having laid out the whole mesh in the
   plane, it tries to adjust the edge lengths to be as close as possible
   to their lengths in the unflattened mesh.



m = flipedge( m, eis )
 For each ei in eis, ei is the index of an edge that has a triangle on
 both sides. 
 Those two triangles form a quadrilateral of which the given edge is a
 diagonal.  flipedge replaces that edge by the other diagonal.


m = flipedges( m )
   Find every place where it would improve the mesh to flip an edge, and
   flip it.


class foo {
    int bar;
    foo() { bar = 17; }


m = forceFlatThickness( m )
   Set m.prismnodes from m.nodes, assuming a thickness of
   m.globalDynamicProps.thicknessAbsolute and that the mesh is flat in the XY


m = forceflat( m )
   Force m to be flat and contained in the XY plane.  The method first
   chooses a point on the boundary of m.  (If m has no boundary, it isn't
   flattenable.)  That point is mapped to (0,0,0).  Its neighbour vertexes,
   in order, are mapped to points (1,y,0) for value of y in the same order.
   Their neighbours that we haven't seen already are mapped to (2,y,0), and
   so on until an entire connected component of m has been mapped.  Repeat
   for every other component, mapping them to the planes z=1, z=2, etc.



fe = completeFEconnections( fe )
   Given a standard FE with just vertexes, edgeends and faceedges defined,
   construct all the other connectivity data.


fe = standardFEpentahedron()
   Create a standard pentahedral FE.


m = generateCellData( m, cis )
   Create the per-cell data structures for the cells listed in cis.  The
   mesh and its globalProps are assumed to have already been computed.
   If cis is omitted it defaults to all the cells.




m = getAllRealGrowth( m )



J = getCellFrame( n, p )
   J is set to a right-handed unit basis whose first column is parallel to
   the polarisation gradient P, and whose third is parallel to the cell
   normal N.
   If the polarisation gradient is zero, an arbitrary unit vector
   perpendicular to the cell normal will be chosen instead of the
   polarisation gradient.




m = getDraggedView( m )
   Called by the button-up function after a click-drag to change the view.
   m has its view parameters updated from the picture.


--- help for BioMap/getFlag ---
GETFLAG retrieve the 'Flag' property of a BioMap object.

   OUT = GETFLAG(OBJ) retrieves the 'Flag' property  in a BioMap object.
   OUT is an array of integers. 

   OUT = GETFLAG(OBJ, X) retrieves the 'Flag' property for the elements
   indexed by X in a BioMap object. X must be a vector of positive
   integers, a logical vector, or a cell array of strings corresponding to
   valid 'Header' values. OUT is an array of integers. 
 Note: Each flag must be interpreted bitwise (0 = false, 1 = true) to
 obtain the following information:
     0x001: the read is paired in sequencing
     0x002: the read is mapped in a proper pair
     0x004: the read is unmapped
     0x008: the mate is unmapped
     0x010: strand of the read (0 = forward, 1 = reverse)
     0x020: strand of the mate (0 = forward, 1 = reverse)
     0x040: the read is the first in a pair
     0x080: the read is the second in a pair
     0x100: the alignment is not primary
     0x200: the read fails platform/vendor quality checks
     0x400: the read is a PCR or optical duplicate


   % Create a BioMap object.
   s = samread('ex1.sam');
   obj = BioMap(s);

   % Retrieve the 'Flag' value of the second element in the object.
   getFlag(obj, 2)
   getFlag(obj, {s(2).QueryName})
   getFlag(obj, [false true])

   % Retrieve the 'Flag' value of the first and third elements in the
   % object.
   getFlag(obj, [1 3])
   getFlag(obj, {s([1 3]).QueryName})
   getFlag(obj, [true false true])

   % Retrieve the 'Flag' values of all elements in the object.

   Reference page in Help browser
      doc BioMap/getFlag


h = getGFtboxHandles( m )
   If m is being run from GFtbox, return the GUI handles, otherwise return


 Read the GFtbox configuration file and return the config as a struct.


fig = getGFtboxFigure( m )
   If m is being run from GFtbox, return a handle to the GFtbox figure,
   otherwise return empty.


h = getGFtboxHandles( m )
   If m is being run from GFtbox, return the GUI handles, otherwise return





ax = getMeshAxes( m )
   Return an array of all of the axes in which m is plotted.


J, = getMeshCellFrame( m, ci )
   J is set to a right-handed unit basis whose first column is parallel to
   the polarisation gradient, and whose third is parallel to the cell normal.
   If the polarisation gradient is zero, the first column will be an
   arbitrary unit vector perpendicular to the cell normal.


mp = getMeshParams( h )
   Get the currently selected mesh type and read all of its parameters
   from the GUI.






gp = getRealGrowth( m, ci )
   This function computes the equivalent growth parameters from the
   displacements of cell ci.
   The result is a 6-element vector consisting of major growth, minor
   growth, growth angle, major bend, minor bend, and bend angle.


r = getRotations( m )
   Compute for each finite element the rotation that best approximates the
   displacements of its vertexes.



t = getThickness( m )
   Return the thickness of the mesh at every vertex.


[ourViewParams,matlabViewParams,s] = getViewParams( s )






locgrad = globalToLocalGradient( globgrad, trinodes )
   Compute the barycentric coordinates of the given global vector with
   respect to the given triangle.



gn = gradN( p )    Calculate the gradient of all the
    shape functions for a triangular prism at isoparametric
    coordinates p.
    p is a 3x1 column vector.
    The result gn is a 3x6 matrix, one column for each shape function.
    If p is a 3xN matrix, gn is a 3x6xN matrix.


MESH = GROWMESH(MESH,DT)    Grow the mesh.



[m,U,G,K,F] = growthDisplacements( m )
   Calculate plastic growth.





 Given an N*6 matrix of N growth tensors as row 6-vectors, compute N*1
 arrays of the major growth, minor growth, and angle.  The growth tensors
 are assumed to be given in the plane of the cell, i.e. one principal axis
 is the local z axis.



[ gmajor, gminor ] = growthRateFromGrowthAmount( doublingtime, anisotropy )
	Given the time to double in area, and the ratio of the major and minor
   axes when the area has doubled, compute the growth rates along the
   major and minor axes.






m = HEXCIRCLE(r,n,c)  Make a circle triangulated into a hexagon of
   R           Radius
   N           Number of concentric circles of triangles
   C           Centre


ci = hitmesh( m, hitLine )
   Return the element of m that is first intersected by the hitline, 0 if
   there is no such cell.

   This is rather slow: it tests every element of m for intersection.
   There are more efficient ways of doing this, but they're not worth the
   effort of programming.




m = inflatemesh( m )
   Reconstruct all the information that was removed from m by stripmesh.

   See also: STRIPMESH.


m = initProperties( m )
   Set to a default state many fields of m that affect the simulation.
   This is convenient to call from your interaction function at time zero,
   before initialising the mesh with the values you want.

   The following fields are set:
       morphogens              all set to 0
       mgen_production         all set to 0
       mgen_absorption         all set to 0
       mgen_dilution           all set to 0
       mgenswitch              all set to 1
       mutantLevel             all set to 1
       allMutantEnabled        true


v = insertFixedDFS( v, renumber, numfulldfs, stitchDFs,  oppositePairs, )
    v is a vector indexed by reduced degrees of freedom.
    Insert zeros into v so that it is indexed by the full degrees of


M = insertFixedDFS2( M, renumber, numfulldfs, stitchDFs )
    M is a matrix indexed by reduced degrees of freedom.
    Insert zeros into M so that it is indexed by the full degrees of


handles = installNewMesh( handles, m )
   Install a new, fully constructed mesh into the handles.
   m is copied to handles.mesh.
   Various other cross-references between the mesh, the handles, and the
   GUI are set up.

   This routine assumes that the simulation is not running.


m = interpolateVertex( m, v0, v1, v01 )
   v01 is a new vertex that has been created at the midpoint of v0 v1.
   Set all the data for that vertex by suitably interpolating the data for
   v0 and v1.
   v0, v1, and v01 may be equal-sizes vectors, in which case the operation
   is performed for all corresponding elements.


[ns,ws] = interpolationStencil( m, c, bc )
   Given a cell C and barycentric coordinates BC in C, determine the 
   corresponding point on the subdivision surface, in terms of a set of
   nodes of M and weights.
   Not fully implemented: this returns the flat subdivision scheme and
   needs to be revised to use the butterfly.


isCurrentStage( m )
   Test whether M is currently at a stage time, to within 0.1 of the time


d = isDiffusible( m, morphogenindex )
d = isDiffusible( c )
   The first type of call translates to the second:
       d = isDiffusible( m.conductivity(morphogenindex) )
   Determine whether the given morpohgens have any non-zero diffusion


isBusy = isGFtboxBusy( handles )
   Determine whether the busy flag is set.


result = isGFtboxProjectDir( pathname )
   Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether PATHNAME is a path to a
   GFtbox project directory.  The test is that the directory contain a
   MAT-file whose basename is identical to the name of the directory.



isint = isinteractive( m )
   Determine if m is being processed interactively from within GFtbox.
   This is deemed to be true if is nonempty, is a
   figure handle, and its tag is 'GFTwindow'.


 Convert a stage suffix to a pattern that will match any equivalent stage
 suffix when used as an argument to ls() or dir().



[MESH,vels,force] =
Perform a single iteration step of a spring graph.
 PTS is the set of points, VELS is the set of their velocities, and EDGES is
 the edge data matrix.


[k,bend] = kbend_from_ab( a, b )
   Given surface growth A and B, compute the equivalent
   growth and bend factors K and BEND, such that K-BEND = A and
   K+BEND = B.  If ALLOWNEGATIVE is false, force K to be non-negative, at
   the expense of violating these equalities.


[k,bend] = kbend_from_kab( k, a, b )
   Given general growth K and surface factors A and B, where the growth on
   side A is K*A and the growth on side B is K*B, compute the equivalent
   growth and bend factors K1 and BEND, such that K1-BEND = K*A and
   K1+BEND = K*B.





m = loadmesh_anyfile( m, filename, staticdata, interactive )
   Load a leaf from a file.
   The expected format depends on the extension of the filename:
       .OBJ    Contains only nodes and triangles, in OBJ format.  All
               other properties of the mesh will be set to their default
       .MAT    The leaf is contained in the file as a Matlab object called
               m.  If staticdata is supplied, data from these overwrites
               data loaded from filename.  If staticdata is a string, it
               will be assumed to be a MAT-file containing the static
       .M      The file contains Matlab commands to create or modify a
               leaf.  These commands will be executed.
   All of these formats can be generated by leaf_save.
   In the case of .OBJ and .MAT files, the existing leaf will be
   discarded.  A .M file will discard the current leaf only if it contains
   a command to create a new leaf.


[l,r] = lobeedges( nrings, nrows )
 Return two column vectors containing the indexes of the nodes on the left
 and right edge of the rectangular part of a lobe mesh.


m = LOBEMESH(radius, nrings, rectht, nrows, nbase )
   Make a mesh in the shape of a semicircle atop a
   rectangle.  RADIUS is the radius of the semicircle.  RECTHT is the
   height of the rectangle.  NRINGS is the number of rings of triangles
   the semicircle is divided into.  NROWS is the number of rows of
   triangles in the rectangle.  NBASE is half the number of edges the base
   of the rectangle is divided into.  By default this is NRINGS.

   The bottom edge of the lobe consists of the last 2n+1 nodes.

   The nodes on the right edge are the nth node, and nrows nodes at
   intervals of 2nrings+1, ending at the last node.

   The resulting mesh contains only the following components:
   nodes, tricellvxs, globalProps.trinodesvalid,
   globalProps.prismnodesvalid, and borders.{bottom,left,right}.



handles = locateVertexDF( handles, vxs, x, y, z )


v = make6vector( m )  Convert a symmetric 3*3 matrix into a 6*1 vector.
If m is 2*2 it will be treated as a 3*3 matrix with row 3 and column 3 all


m = makeAreasAndNormals( m, cells )
   Compute the normal vector and area of the given finite elements, by
   default all of them.  We do these
   together, since this is faster than computing them separately.


fig = makeCanvasPicture( msg, varargin )
   Create a figure window containing a canvas picture, legend, report
   text, colorbar, etc.

   'figure':   An existing figure can be supplied, instead of creating a
               new one.
   'fpos':     The position of the figure on the screen, given as a
               four-element array of integers [x y width height].  If a
               two-element array is given, it will be interpreted as
               [width height], and the figure will be automatically
               centered on the screen.
   'ppos':     The relative position of the picture content elements
               within the figure.  This is also a four-element array. The
               picture elements will be automatically laid out within this
               rectangle.  If ppos is supplied, fpos is omitted, and a new
               figure is being created, then the new figure will be
               automatically sized to fit the contents.
   'black'     A boolean, by default false.  If true, the picture will
               have a black background, otherwise white.
   'add'       A boolean, by default true.  If false, any existing picture
               will be deleted, otherwise it will be retained.
   'stereooffset'  A real number, by default zero.  The number of degrees
               of azimuth by which the view will be changed relative to
               that indicated by the scrollbar.
   'properties'   A structure containing any other attribute of the
               figure that should be set.
   'uicontrols'   If true, sliderbars and text items will be created,
               otherwise not.

   The UserData of the figure will be set to a structure containing
   handles to all of the created components, and the Position attribute of
   the figure.  The latter is needed because when the figure is resized,
   this is the only way the resize function has of knowing what the old
   size was.

   This procedure is also used by the resize callback (ResizeFcn).
   If a figure is given to it which already has a nonempty UserData
   component, then the UserData is assumed to be a structure as above, and
   the components are resized and repositioned as required, instead of
   being created.  If the figure is found not to have actually changed its
   size, the resize function does nothing.


m = makeCellFrames( m )
   Calculate the preferred frame of reference of every cell.  Column 1 is
   the polarisation gradient, column 2 the perpendicular in the plane of
   the cell, and column 3 the normal to the cell.


m = makeCircularCrossSection( m, rel_thickness_upper, rel_thickness_lower )
   Force the mesh m to have a circular or elliptic cross-section in the XZ
   plane, assuming the mesh is initially more or less flat in the XY

   If the semi-diameter of the mesh in the X direction at some point Y is
   r, then the height of the upper surface of the mesh in the Z direction
   at X=0 will be r*rel_thickness_upper, and the depth of the lower
   surface in the -Z direction will be r*rel_thickness_lower.  If
   rel_thickness_lower is not specified, it defaults to
   rel_thickness_upper, giving elliptical cross-sections symmetric in the
   plane Z=0.

   If the original mesh is flat in the XY plane, the resulting mesh will
   be flat if and only if rel_thickness_upper is equal to


m = makeCircularCrossSection( m, rel_thick_upper, angle_upper, rel_thick_lower, angle_lower )
   Force the mesh m to have a circular or elliptic cross-section in the XZ
   plane, assuming the mesh is initially more or less flat in the XY



makeDefaultThumbnail( m )
   Make a default thumbnail for a mesh.
   This only does something if m is part of a project and the project has
   no thumbnail file already.



axes = makeThDiffGlobalTensor( localAngle, xiV, etaV, zetaV )
    Construct the set of axes resulting from rotating xiV and etaV about
    zetaV by localAngle.  xiV, etaV, and zetaV are assumed to be unit
    column vectors.


t = makeGrowthTensor2( majoraxis, majorgrowth, minorgrowth )
   Return a 2*2 matrix containing a growth tensor in two dimensions having
   MAJORGROWTH along MAJORAXIS and MINORGROWTH perpendicular to that.



ifname = makeIFname( modelname )
   Turn an arbitrary string into something that can be a valid Matlab
   function name or struct field name.

   The string is mapped to lower case, all non-alphanumerics are replaced
   by underscore, and if the string does not begin with a letter, it is
   prefixed by 'IF_'.


G = makeLocalGrowthTensor( gpar, gper, gradpol, gthick, ...
                           bendpar, bendper )
Compute a growth tensor in the local frame.


G = makeLocalGrowthTensorNEW( apar, aper, bpar, bper, ...
                              gthick, gradpol, gradpolthresh )
   Construct growth tensors for a pentahedral element, given the values of
   the growth-determining morphogens at the three vertexes of its midplane.
   The result is returned in the frame of its own principal axes, and
   therefore the skew components are omitted.  A growth tensor is returned
   for each vertex; these all have the same principal frame.

   apar, aper, bpar, bper are the absolute growth rates on the A and B
       sides of the pentahedron.
   gradpol is the polarisation gradient.
   gthick is the growth in thickness.  If this is empty, then thickness is
       being handled non-physically, and for the purposes of constructing
       growth tensors we use the average of major and minor growth on the
       top and bottom.

   The result is a set of growth tensors in the global frame of
   reference, one for each vertex of the pentahedron.  If the triangular
   vertexes are v1, v2, and v3, the growth tensors are listed for the
   prism nodes in order: v1*2-1, v2*2-1, v1*2, v3*2-1, v2*2, v3*2.


m = makeMeshGrowthTensors( m )
   Calculate the growth tensors at every vertex of every cell.


gt = makeMeshGrowthTensor( m, ci )
   Calculate the growth tensors at the vertexes of the cell ci in the
   local frame of ci.


m = makeModelNamesConsistent( m )
   Update all of the following data so as to be consistent with the folder
       The internal model name, m.globalProps.modelname.
       The internal projects directory name, m.globalProps.projectdir.
       The name of the static file.
       The name of the file containing the interaction function.
       The name of the notes file.


 make new figure of suitable size


name = makeNotesName( modelname )
   Make the name of the notes file for a model m.


vxs = makePolygon( mesh, cells )
   Assuming that the given FEM cells form a connected region of the mesh
   with no holes, list the vertexes and edges of the polygon that they form.
   CELLS is the list of cell indexes.  CELLMAP is a bitmap thereof.




m = makeVertexConnections( m )
   Construct m.nodecelledges, given that all of trinodevxs, edgecells,
   edgeends, and celledges are valid.

   m.nodecelledges is a cell array indexed by vertexes.
   m.nodecelledges{vi} is a list of all of the edges and cells contacting
   vertex vi, listed in the same order as are the vertexes of each cell.
   Edges and cells alternate; in the sequence e c e', e and e' are edges
   of c.  Where there is no cell between e and e' (because they are on the
   edge of the mesh, c is zero.  If the node is on an edge of the mesh,
   m.nodecelledges{vi} begins with an edge on the edge of the mesh and
   ends with zero.


m = makeZeroGrowthTensors( m )
   Set the growth tensors at every vertex of every cell to zero.


J = makebasis( v1, v2 )    Set J to an orthonormal matrix whose column
vectors j1, j2, j3 are given by:
    j1 is parallel to v1.
    j2 is in the plane of v1 and v2, and has a positive dot product with
    [j1 j2 j3] is a right-handed basis.
 v1 and v2 must be linearly independent non-zero three-element row vectors.
 If v2 is not supplied, an arbitrary suitable value will be chosen.


m = makebendangles( m, es )
   Calculate the angle between element normals across the edges es, by
   default all of them.  For boundary edges this is set to zero.  


m = makecelledges( m )
   Reconstruct the edgecells array, assuming that all the
   other connectivity information is valid.


m = makecylindermesh( x, y, centre, height, nx, ny, topcap, basecap, etc... )
    Make a cylindrical surface divided into triangles.
    x is the radius and y the height.
    There are nx cells around and ny cells vertically.
    nx must be at least 3 and ny at least 1.
    topcap and basecap are booleans: if true, a hemispherical end will
    be added to the top or base.

 All arguments must be positive.


m = makeedges( m, ee, ec, ce )
   Construct m.edgeends, m.edgecells, m.celledges, and m.seams
   from m.tricellvxs.




mesh = makeleafmesh( xwidth, ywidth, xdivs )  Make a leaf-shaped surface.


m = makeprismsvalid( m )
    Convert 2Dmesh to 3D set of prisms.


m = makerectmesh( x, y, c, nx, ny )
    Make a rectangular plate divided into triangles.
    If x is a single number, it is the diameter of the mesh along the x
    axis.  If it is a pair of numbers, it is the minimum and maximum x
    value.  y is similar.
    nx and ny are the number of cells it is subdivided into each way.
    nx may be a pair of numbers: in this case the first number is the
    number of divisions along the lower edge (lesser y value) and the
    second is the number of divisions along the upper edge.
    c is the position of the centre of the rectangle.


s = makestagesuffixf( t )
 Convert a number T to a stage suffix S.  T is converted to a stage label,
 and the stage prefix prepended.




isat = meshAtOrAfterTime( m, t, tolerance )
   Test to see if the current simulation time is after the time T,
   allowing for numerical rounding error.  The tolerance is a fraction of
   the current timestep, and defaults to 0.01. To be counted as after T,
   the current time must exceed it by at least this amount.

   meshAfterTime( m, t, tolerance ) is exactly equivalent to
   ~meshAtOrBeforeTime( m, t, tolerance ).

   SEE ALSO: meshAtTime, meshBeforeTime, meshAtOrAfterTime,


isat = meshAtOrAfterTime( m, t, tolerance )
   Test to see if the current simulation time is at or after the time T,
   allowing for numerical rounding error.  The tolerance is a fraction of
   the current timestep, and defaults to 0.01.  Thus function returns true
   if the current time does not fall below T by this tolerance or more.

   meshAtOrAfterTime( m, t, tolerance ) is exactly equivalent to
   ~meshBeforeTime( m, t, tolerance ).

   SEE ALSO: meshAtTime, meshAfterTime, meshBeforeTime,


isat = meshAtOrAfterTime( m, t, tolerance )
   Test to see if the current simulation time is at or before the time T,
   allowing for numerical rounding error.  The tolerance is a fraction of
   the current timestep, and defaults to 0.01.  This function returns true
   if the current time does not exceed T by this amount or more.

   meshAtOrBeforeTime( m, t, tolerance ) is exactly equivalent to
   ~meshAfterTime( m, t, tolerance ).

   SEE ALSO: meshAtTime, meshAfterTime, meshBeforeTime,


isat = meshAtTime( m, t, tolerance )
   Test to see if the current simulation time is close to the time T.  The
   tolerance is a fraction of the current timestep, and defaults to 0.01.
   The function returns true if the simulation time is within this
   interval of T.

   SEE ALSO: meshAfterTime, meshBeforeTime, meshAtOrAfterTime,



isat = meshBeforeTime( m, t, tolerance )
   Test to see if the current simulation time is after the time T,
   allowing for numerical rounding error.  The tolerance is a fraction of
   the current timestep, and defaults to 0.01. To be counted as before T,
   the current time must fall short of it by at least this amount.

   meshBeforeTime( m, t, tolerance ) is exactly equivalent to
   ~meshAtOrAfterTime( m, t, tolerance ).

   SEE ALSO: meshAtTime, meshAfterTime, meshAtOrAfterTime,




mesh = meshFlatStrain( mesh, scale )
   Set the residual strain to be the strain the mesh must have, for its
   relaxed state to be flat.  If scale is supplied, the strain is
   multiplied by that amount


m = meshFromCells( vvxs, vcells )
   Create a mesh from a set of biological cells.

   vvxs is an N*3 array of N vertexes, and vcells is a C*1 cell array
   listing the vertexes of each cell.  centroids, if supplied, is a C*3
   array giving the position of a point within each cell.  If not
   supplied, it defaults to the average of all the vertexes belonging to
   that cell.


m = meshFromTriangles( m )
   Given a mesh of which the only fields known to exist are m.nodes and
   m.tricellvxs, build all of the connectivity information:




result = meshQueryDialog( m, numbuttons, format, varargin )
   If m is being run interactively, ask the user the question and return
   the user's response.  Otherwise, don't ask, and return 1 (the OK button).


ts = meshThickness( m, vis )
   Compute the thickness of the mesh at each vertex in vis.  If vis is
   omitted, the thickness at every vertex is returned, as a column vector.


mesh = meshZeroStrain( mesh )    Set all residual strains to zero.





g = meshgrad( m, f )
   m is a mesh of which at least m.nodes and m.tricellvxs exist, and f is
   a column vector containing one value for each node.
   Calculate a N*D matrix g, where N is the number of nodes and D the
   number of dimensions, in which row i is the gradient vector of f
   over cell i.


g = mgenCellGradient( m, mgen, cis )
   For a mesh m, and morphogen field mgen defined at each vertex of m,
   compute the gradient of mgen for each cell.  mgen can be either a
   morphogen index, a morphogen name, or a row or column vector of values,
   one for each vertex.  This is calculated in the global frame.




g = mgenVertexGradient( m, mi )
   For a mesh m, and morphogen field mgen defined at each vertex of m,
   compute the gradient of mgen for each vertex.



 fraction is assumed not to be equal to 0 or 1, as these special cases
 will have been dealt with outside this function.
 For the interpolable plot options, set those fields in both p0f and p1f
 to the interpolation of their values from p0 and p1.
 For non-interpolable fields, set ths of p0f to their values on p0, and
 those of p1f to their values in p1.


[cmap,range] = monoColormap( range, hues )
   Create a monochromatic colour map.  Hues can be a single colour or a
   pair of colors.  The colors can be specified either as single-letter
   names: b, w, r, g, b, c, m, y, o; or as hues (single values in the
   range 0..1); or as rgb colours (a 1*3 or 2*3 matrix).



g = morphogenInteractions( g )    Calculate the effect of morphogen
interaction over a single time step.  g is the matrix of morphogens, with
one row for every vertex and one column for every morphogen.


 --- Executes on selection change in mouseeditmodeMenu.


moveOldRunsToNewRuns( modeldir )

   Move every subdirectory of modeldir/movies which contains a file called
   "CommandLine.txt" to modeldir/runs.





m = multiplyLayers( m, nlayers )
   Replace the mesh of m by nlayers copies, stacked up and with the B
   surface  of one layer glued to the A surface of the next.


 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT


cis = nbcells( m,  ci )
   Find all finite elements that share a vertex with any element in cis.



vis = neighbourVxs( m, vi )
   Find the vertexes that are the neighbours of vertex vi.


t = neighbourhoodTension( v )
   v is an N*2 matrix of row vectors.  If each of these represents a
   tension acting at a point, calculate the stress tensor resulting from
   the combination of all of them.


a = newArchiveDirectory( adir, basename )
   Create a directory whose name has the form basename_Annn.
   nnn is chosen to be 1 if no such directory exists, or 1 more than the   
   highest number for which such a directory does exist.


[m,rimnodes] = newcirclemesh( sz, circum, nrings, centre, inner, dealign, sector, coneangle )


m = newicosmesh()


v = newversioninfo( version )
   Create version info.


[e,v] = nextborderedge( m, ei, vi )
   If ei is the index of a border edge of m, and vi is the index of the
   vertex at one end of ei, find the index of the other border edge
   impinging on vi, and the vertex at its other end.


notifyPlotChange( handles, varargin )
   Set a flag to indicate that the mesh needs to be replotted.
   Replot the mesh if the simulation is not currently running.


 Pierre's code goes here.




MESH = OCTAGADJ(L) Create connection graph of trangulated octagon.
  L is the radius of the octagon.


OCTAGON(L)  Draw a triangulated octagon.
  L = radius of octagon.  The octagon is centred at the origin.


mesh = onecell( x, y )
   Make a mesh consisting of a single triangle with vertexes at
   [0,0,0], [x,0,0], and [0,y,0].


[m,ok] = onestep( m, useGrowthTensors )
   Run one step of the iteration:
   * Calculate the polarisation gradients.
   * Perform a FEM calculation.
   * Restore flatness/thickness.
   * Perform dilution-by-growth.
   * Generate the FEM cell normal vectors.
   * Split large FEM cells.
   * Recalculate FEM cell areas.
   * Recalculate the second layer global positions and split large
     second layer cells.
   The result OK will be false if the user interrupts in the middle of a
   simulation step or there is an error in the interaction function.


openManual_Callback(hObject, eventdata)
   Callback for the Help/Open Manual menu item.
   Open the PDF manual.


 For testing purposes, MOVIES is a struct array of movies, MI is the index
 of a movie, and wpi is the index of a waypoint of that movie.
 In production, the argument will be a mesh from which the waypoints are
 read, and the indexes will be determined...somehow.


m = orientMesh( m )
   Force m to be oriented.


ci1 = othercell( m, ci, ei )
   If ci is the cell on one side of edge ei, return the cell on the other
   side, or zero if there is no such cell.
   ei can be a vector, and ci1 will be a vector of the same length.


vi1 = otherend( m, vi, ei )
   If vi is the vertex at one end of edge ei, return the vertex on the other
   ei can be a vector, and vi1 will be a vector of the same length.



 if strcmp( selectionType, 'open' ), return; end


paintmesh( V, I, res )  Paint the surface through the vertexes V with
the image I.  res is the grid interval in units of the maximum diameter of
The vertexes are the rows of V.


mgens = parseMgenList( s )
   s is a string containing a list of morphogen names and possibly
   morphogen properties.  The general syntax is:
       mgenname ( propertyname = propertyvalue, ... )
   The property names that can be specified are:
       d, diff: diffusion constant (default value 0)
       dec, decay: decay constant (default value 0)
   The result is a struct array with fields 'mgen', 'diff', and


 Take a file name without extension, and look for a stage file suffix.
 If there is none, return basename as the original name, stagestring as
 empty, and stagetime as zero.  Otherwise, return the stage segment as a
 string in stagestring (without the leading '_s'), and the corresponding
 real number in stagetime.  If the suffix fails to parse as a number,
 return stagestring as -1 and stagetime as zero.


a = partialArea( m, vs )
   Calculate the total area of all cells, all of whose vertexes are in the
   set vs.


[Uplanar,Ubending] = partitionCellStrain( U )
   U is a 6*3 matrix of the displacements of the vertexes of a cell.
   Rows 1:3 are one side, and rows 4:6 the other side.
   This function returns a pair of such matrices, such that
   U = Uplanar + Ubending
   and Ubending has equal and opposite components for the top and bottom
   vertexes of the cell.


perVx = perFEtoperVertex( m, perFE )
   Given a quantity that is defined for each finite element, calculate an
   equivalent quantity per vertex.

   The per-element quantity can be a vector.  If m has numVx vertexes and
   numFEs finite elements, then perVx has size  [numVxs,K] for some K, and
   perTri has size [numFEs,K]. 

   Note that this is an approximation: some smoothing is unavoidable in
   the calculation.  The function perVertextoperFE translates the other
   way, but these two functions are not inverses.  Converting back and
   forth will have the side-effect of spreading out the distribution of
   the quantity.


perVx = perVertextoperFE( m, perVx, fes )
   Given a quantity that is defined for each vertex, calculate an
   equivalent quantity per finite element.

   The per-vertex quantity can be a vector.  If m has numVx vertexes and
   numFEs finite elements, then perVx has size  [numVxs,K] for some K, and
   perFE has size [numFEs,K]. 

   Note that this is an approximation: some smoothing is unavoidable in
   the calculation.  The function perFEtoperVertex translates the other
   way, but these two functions are not inverses.  Converting back and
   forth will have the side-effect of spreading out the distribution of
   the quantity.




Uplanar = planarCellStrain( U )
   U is a 6*3 matrix of the displacements of the vertexes of a cell.
   Rows 1:3 are one side, and rows 4:6 the other side.
   Uplanar is set to the planar component of the strain, ignoring the
   bending at the edges of the cell.


 Erika 30.01.2009
 This tools takes the collected concentration profiles over time from
 leaf_vertex_follow_mgen.m to create a separate graph for each morphogen
 with the Distance from the base on the x-axis and the
 Concentration for morphogens or growth rate in cases of kpar and kper on
 the y-axis. In leaf_vertex_follow_mgen.m an indivisdual starttime does
 not seem settable, so that records are always taken right from the start of the






plotMinMesh( m )
   Minimal plotting routine that assumes only the node and tricellvxs


plotMinMeshClip( m, n, a )
   Minimal plotting routine plus clipping plane.  N is a column vector and A
   is a real number.


ph = plotSecondLayer( m )
   Draw the second layer.


PLOTADJ( MESH, VELS, FORCE ) Draw vertexes and edges of a graph.
  PTS is a 2*n matrix containing the X and Y components
  of the vertexes of the graph.
  ADJ is the adjacency matrix: when ADJ(a,b) is nonzero,
  a line will be drawn from [X(a),Y(a)] to [X(b),Y(b)].
  The result is a plot structure.


plotbaremesh( m )
   Plot a mesh which only contains m.nodes and m.tricellvxs.


h = plotmeshsurface( theaxes, vxs, triangles, data, pervertex, edgethickness, s )
   Plot a triangular mesh.



plotspringmesh(MESH,COLOR,VELS,FORCES)  Plot a mesh as a surface.


PLOTTEMPS(MESH)  Plot a mesh as a surface.


plottrimesh( ... )
   Simple plot of a mesh.

   plottrimesh(FILENAME) will read the obj file FILENAME and plot it in
   the current figure.

   plottrimesh( V, F ) will plot the triangles specified by V and F.  V is
   an N*3 array of vertexes and F is an M*3 array of vertex indexes.

   plottrimesh(R), where R has fields V and F will plot R.V and R.F.

   plottrimesh(M), where M has fields NODES and TRICELLVXS will plot


m = polariseFELayer( m )
   Create polarisation vectors for the FE layer.
   Each vector is a unit vector in the plane of the cell.  The directions
   are chosen randomly.







p = prismIndexes( n )
   Calculate the set of prism node indexes corresponding to the given
   triangle node vertexes.






w = projectVecToLine( v, n )
   Find w such that v-w is parallel to n and w is perpendicular to n.
   n need not be a unit vector.
   v and n must be row vectors; w will be a row vector.


r = randInFEMcells( m, cellIndexes, n )
   Select n random points from within the given FEM cells.


 newdir = randomDirection( curstart, radius, curdir, maxangle, surfnormal, insurface, usemaxangle, N )
   Generate a random direction that deviates by not more than maxangle
   from currentdir, and which is uniformly distributed over the spherical
   cap that is the space of all permitted directions.  If surfnormal is
   supplied, nonempty, and nonzero, limit the new vector to the subset making an
   angle with surfnormal of more than 90 degrees.

   If maxangle is empty, all directions are permitted, the same as if
   maxangle were pi or more.

   insurface is a boolean.  If false, the above happens, but if true, the
   new direction is constrained to lie parallel to the surface, i.e.
   perpendicular to surfnormal.  (surfnormal must be supplied and nonzero
   in this case.)  The new direction is randomly uniformly distributed
   over the range of permitted angles in the surface.

   curdir must be a row vector.

   newdir will be a unit length row vector.

   The default value of N is 1.  A larger value can be supplied to
   generate any number of random directions as an N*3 matrix.




mesh = readMeshFromOBJ( dirname, basename )
    Read a mesh from the set of OBJ files in the given directory having the
    given basename.  If basename is the name of a subdirectory, read the mesh
    from the set of files contained in that subdirectory.
    It does not matter whether dirname has a trailing '/' or not.
    Basename should not contain wildcards.

    If basename is empty, dirname will be taken to be the full file name
    or directory name.

    In each file, comments begin with a #, extend to the end of the
    line, and are ignored.  Empty lines are ignored.  Leading and trailing
    space is ignored.  Each remaining line is expected to begin with a
    token, made of letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens (but hyphens
    will be taken as equivalent to underscores).  The token is followed by
    series of numbers separated by whitespace.  The same token must always
    be followed by the same number of numbers.  Extra numbers will be
    ignored and missing numbers set to zero, with a warning printed.
    In addition, a line consisting entirely of numbers is allowed: in this
    case the implied token name is the file extension (with invalid
    characters removed).  If the file has no file extension, the basename
    of the file is used.

    The result of reading the raw data is a structure containing a field
    for each different token that was seen.  The value of that field is a
    matrix in which each row corresponds to a line of data readin from the
    files.  When reading multiple files, it does not matter which file any
    piece of data came from.

    2008 Feb 27: readMeshFromOBJ cannot be used to read prim meshes, only
    triangular meshes.


o = readobj( filename )


rawmesh = readrawmesh( dirname, basename )
    Read a mesh from the set of files in the given directory having the
    given basename.  If basename is the name of a subdirectory, read the mesh
    from the set of files contained in that subdirectory.
    It does not matter whether dirname has a trailing '/' or not.
    Basename should not contain wildcards.

    If basename is empty, dirname will be taken to be the full file name
    or directory name.

    In each file, comments begin with a #, extend to the end of the
    line, and are ignored.  Empty lines are ignored.  Leading and trailing
    space is ignored.  Each remaining line is expected to begin with a
    token, made of letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens (but hyphens
    will be taken as equivalent to underscores).  The token is followed by
    series of numbers separated by whitespace.  The same token must always
    be followed by the same number of numbers.  Extra numbers will be
    ignored and missing numbers set to zero, with a warning printed.
    In addition, a line consisting entirely of numbers is allowed: in this
    case the implied token name is the file extension (with invalid
    characters removed).  If the file has no file extension, the basename
    of the file is used.

    The result of reading the raw data is a structure containing a field
    for each different token that was seen.  The value of that field is a
    matrix in which each row corresponds to a line of data readin from the
    files.  When reading multiple files, it does not matter which file any
    piece of data came from.

    2008 Feb 27: readrawmesh cannot be used to read prim meshes, only
    triangular meshes.




m = recalc3d( m )
   Call this after the shape of a mesh has been changed, to recalculate
   various things that depend on the shape.





m = rectifyMeshFOV( m, fov )
   Set the field of view to the given value (default 10 degrees), and
   adjust the camera distance so that in orthographic projection, the
   visible scene remains unchanged.  In perspective projection, the
   intersection of the view frustum with the target plane will remain


m = rectifyVerticals( m )
   Adjust the positions of the prism nodes on either side of each triangle
   node, so that the line joining them is parallel to the average of the
   cell normals of the adjoining cells.  The thickness of the mesh at each
   point is left unchanged.


m = refineall( m )
   Split all edges of m, giving a mesh with four times as many cells.


mesh = refinemesh( mesh, frac )    Refine a mesh by splitting every edge
   which is at least as long as the shortest of the longest frac of the




 m has had vertexes, edges, and cells merged or deleted.
 rnodes is an array whose length is the number of vertexes of the old
 version of m.  If vi is the index of such a vertex, then rnodes(vi) is
 the index of the same vertex in the current mesh.  If vi has been
 deleted, rnodes(vi) is zero.
 Similarly for redges and rcells.  The ordering of indexes is assumed to
 be unchanged.
 rnodesmap, redgesmap, rcellsmap are boolean maps of the same information
 in rnodes, redges, rcells.
 At least one of rnodes or rnodesmap must be supplied; if only one is, the
 other will be computed from it.  The same applies to redges and
 redgesmap, and rcells and rcellsmap.


m = replaceNodes( m, newm )
   Replace m.nodes and m.tricellvxs by newm.nodes and newm.tricellvxs.
   If newm has prismnodes, replace that also.



m = rescaleSpaceTime( m, spaceunitname, spacescale, timeunitname, timescale )
   Choose new units for space and time.  m is physically unchanged by
   this, and therefore its growth behaviour should be unaltered.  We could
   refrain from changing m at all, and merely store the factors that
   convert between internal units and units displayed to the user.
   However, it is useful to actually rescale m itself, as a check on the
   invariance of our calculations to such rescaling.

   The new space unit is spacescale old units.  Therefore all of the
   numbers that represent distances or positions must be divided by
   spacescale.  Areas must be divided by spacescale^2.  Gradients must be
   multiplied by spacescale.

   The new time unit is timescale old units.  Therefore every
   numerical time must be divided by timescale.  Every rate of change must
   be multiplied by timescale.  Every decay rate must be raised to the
   power timescale.  Every growth rate g should in principle be replaced
   by (1+g)^timescale - 1; when g is small, this is close to g*timescale.

   Elasticity coefficients are scale-free.

   Diffusion constants must be multiplied by timescale/spacescale^2.



m = resetInteractionHandle( m, msg )
   Get a handle to the interaction function.  This should be called
   whenever M has been loaded from a file or a new interaction function
   has been created.


 fprintf( 1, '%s\n', mfilename() );



resetVisibility( handles )
   Set the proper visibility of all GUI items.  Required when print()
   corrupts the GUI by making everything visible.




q = retimeSR( q0, T0, T )
   Solve 2(1-q)/T(1+q) = 2(1-q0)/T0(1+q0) for q.



ok = rewriteInteractionSkeleton( m, newIFname, newIFdir, msg )
   Regenerate the interaction function for M.

JAB removed requirement for a leading \n since some editors insert spaces
Also, it seems that some versions of Matlab return tokenExtents as a cell
array of one element from which the matrix must be extracted.


re = rimEdges( m )
   This returns information about the edges on the rim of the mesh.
   re is an N*2 array of the vertex indexes of those edges.
   ei is a list of the edge indexes.
   ci is a list of the indexes of the cells they belong to.
   For each pair of vertexes in ri, they are ordered consistently with
   their ordering as vertexes of the corresponding cell.
   The edges are listed in no particular order.




rotD = rotateElastMatrix( D, J )    D is an elasticity tensor in
6-matrix form.  The result is the rotation of D by J, a rotation matrix.


g = rotateGNglobal( g, R )
   g is a set of 36 vectors as a 3*6*6 matrix, as returned by
   computeCellGNGlobal.  R is a 3*3 rotation matrix.  This procedure
   rotates all the vectors in g by R.


rotD = rotateGrowthTensor( D, J )
   D is a rank 2 tensor in either 3*3 matrix or 1*6 vector form.  The
   result is the rotation of D by J, a 3*3 rotation matrix in column
   vector form.
   Otherwise put, D is the expression of the growth tensor in the frame J,
   and the result is the growth tensor represented in the global frame.
   D may also be 3*3*N or N*6, in which case the transformation is applied
   to every component 3*3 or 1*6 slice.


k = rotateK( k, R )
   Rotate the K matrix by a rotation R in column vector form.



m = rotatemesh( m, rotmatrix, euleraxes )
    Rotate the mesh about the origin by the given matrix.
    If ROTMATRIX is a 3*3 matrix, EULERAXES is ignored.  
    If ROTMATRIX is a vector of one, two, or three numbers, it is
    interpreted as a set of Euler angles, about axes specified by
    EULERAXES.  EULERAXES is a string of characters of the same length as
    rotmatrix, consisting of 'X', 'Y', or 'Z'.


J6 = rotmatTo6mat4( J )
   Convert a 3*3 rotation matrix to 6-matrix form, suitable for rotating
   elasticity tensors in 6-matrix form.

   The following two expressions should give identical results (apart from
   rounding error), where s is a symmetric 3*3 matrix and m is a 3*3
   rotation matrix:

       make6vector( s ) * rotmatTo6mat4( m )
       make6vector( m' * s * m )

   In fact, they give identical results when m is any 3*3 matrix, although
   the interpretation of m'*s*m as a transformation of a symmetric tensor
   no longer applies.


 stolen from Peter J. Acklam 
 Erika 30.01.2009





c1 = saturate( v, c )
   c is an RGB colour.  v is a vector of N reals.  The results is an N*3
   array of N colours, being copies of c saturated by each element of v.
   Where v is 0, the colour is [1,1,1] (white), and where v is 1, the
   colour is c, with linear interpolation between.  There is no check that
   v or c are within the range 0..1




saveStaticPart( m )
   If m is the mesh of a project, save its static part.


stageTimes = savedStages( m )
   Return a cell array of the time suffixes of all the stages for which
   there is a saved state of the mesh, excluding the initial state.


MESH = SCALEGRAPH(MESH,SCALE)  Scale a mesh by a real number.


v = scalevec( v, newmin, newmax )
    Scale the entries of the vector so they span the range between
    min and max.  If all the entries are equal, they are all set to


vs = scalevecs( v, len )
   Scale the row vectors in vs so that the longest has length len.



mesh = addRandomSecondLayerCell( mesh, ...
                       diameter, axisratio, numsides, cloneindex, ...
                       ci, newci, allowoverlap, cellcolor )
   Add a second layer cell at a random position within the FEM cell ci. If
   ci is omitted, a random FEM cell will be chosen.
   The index of the new cell will be newci; by default, this will be 1
   more than the number of existing second layer cells.
   The new cell will have NUMSIDES sides.  DIAMETER is the diameter of the cell,
   in absolute units.
   If allowoverlap is false, it will not create the new cell unless it does
   not overlap any existing cell.


mesh = addRandomSecondLayerClump( mesh, sz, ci, newci )
   Add a second layer clump of seven cells at a random position within the
   finite element ci. If ci is omitted, a random finite element will be chosen.
   The index of the new cells will start at newci; by default, this will be 1
   more than the number of existing second layer cells.



m = calcCloneVxCoords( m, vxs )
   Calculate the 3D coordinates of a list of clone vertexes and install them
   in the mesh.


secondlayer = calcEdgeData( secondlayer )
   Calculate secondlayer.edges and secondlayer.cells(:).edges from the
   other information in secondlayer.
   This requires:
       secondlayer.vxFEMcell (only to get number of vertexes)
   This produces:


ok = checkclonesvalid( secondlayer )
   Make consistency checks of secondlayer.


m = completesecondlayer( m )
   This takes a mesh having a second layer containing only the components
   and calculates all the rest.


secondlayer = deleteBoringCells( secondlayer )
   Delete all second layer cells which are not either shocked or share an
   edge with a shocked cell.


secondlayer = deleteCellsInFEs( secondlayer, badFEmap )
   This deletes every second layer cell, any vertexes of which lie in any
   of the finite elements listed in badFEs.  This is called by deletecell,
   which deletes finite elements.


m = deleteCellsOnBadEdges( m, badedges )
   Delete every biological cell which crosses any edge of the finite
   element mesh listed in badedges.  badedges can be a bitmap or an array
   of indexes.

   We use a conservative test: every biological cell that has vertexes
   in two cells joined by a bad edge is deleted.  It is possible that a
   cell is deleted unnecessarily.

   WARNING: this test is not conservative enough.  It is possible for a
   bio cell to contain vertexes straddling a seam edge, but without it
   containing vertexes in both of the cells directly bordering the edge.


secondlayer = deleteFemToSecondLayer( secondlayer, oldToNewFEMCell )
   After deleting cells from the FEM layer of a mesh, call this to delete
   every secondlayer cell which has a vertex in any of the deleted FEM cells.
   oldToNewFEMCell maps old FEM cell indexes to new FEM cell indexes,
   mapping the deleted cell indexes to zero.


secondlayer = deleteSecondLayerCells( secondlayer, cellsToDelete )
   cellToDelete is a bitmap of the cells to delete from the second layer.




[ ci1, bc1 ] = findBaryPoint( mesh, ci, bc )
   Given barycentric coordinates bc in cell ci, with one or more negative
   values, find a point in a neighbouring cell which most closely
   approximates the given point.


mesh = calcFEMcoords( mesh, vxs, mode )
   Calculate the 3D coordinates of a list of clone vertexes.
   If mode==0, the calculation is done on the mid-plane of the FEs.
   If mode==-1 it is done on the A side, and if mode==1, the B side.


[ ci, bc, bcerr, abserr ] = findFEMCell( m, p, hint )
   Find the FEM cell which p is closest to lying inside, and the barycentric
   coordinates of p in that cell.  err is the difference between the
   resulting point and p.  hint is a list of FEM cells to try first.  If p
   does not appear to be in any of them (i.e. its barycentric coordinates
   are not all positive), then all cells sharing any vertexes with the
   hint cells are tried.


p = findbioedgepoint( m, ci, edgepoint )
   m is a mesh and ci is the index of one of its biological cells.
   ei is an index of an edge of ci.  If the vertexes of the endpoints of
   the edge are at v1 and v2, then p is set to v1*r2 + v2*r1.
   r2 defaults to 1-r1, giving a weighted average of the two points.
   If r1=-1 and r2=1, this gives v2-v1, the vector along the edge.


m = fixSecondLayer( m, biovxs, hint )
   biovxs is a list of biological vertexes lying in cells of m that have
   just moved.  This function recomputes their coordinates, using hint as
   a list of places to look in first.



bc6 = hexbc( bc, d )
   Return the barycentric coordinates of a hexagon centred on bc with
   radius d.


m = loadsecondlayer( x, fi )
   Load the Bio-A layer from Andy's data structure.


m = makeCellGrid( m, spacing )
   Create a cellular layer in the form of a regular square grid.  The mesh
   m is assumed to be flat or nearly so.


m = makeExternCells( m, vertexdata, celldata, add )
   Create the biological layer from vertexdata, an N*3 array giving the
   three-dimensional positions of all the vertexes, and celldata, a cell
   array, each member of which is the list of vertex indexes for one cell.
   If add is true then the cells will be added to any existing biological
   layer, otherwise they will replace it.


m = makeFullSecondlayer2( m, r )
   Create a new second layer for a mesh.  R is the refinement, but is not


m = makeVoronoiBioA( m, numpoints )
   Generate a bio-A layer by the Voronoi method.  This only applies if
   the mesh is flat in the XY plane or nearly so.  The layer will contain
   numBioCells cells.


s = makeedgedata( s )
   Given a second layer s containing just the cell vertex index data,
   construct the cell edge data.


cp = makesecondlayercolorparams( colors, colorvariation )
   Given an N*3 array of RGB colours and an amount of colour variation
   expressed in HSV space, calculate an N*6 array, each row of which
   contains two HSV colours, being the original colours converted to HSV,
   plus and minus the variation.


 Calculate the average value of the given named morphogen over a given
 biological cell.


sl = newemptysecondlayer()
   Create a second layer containing no cells.


n = numcells( sl )
   Find the number of cells in the bio-A layer.


bc1 = perturbBaryCoords( bc )    Randomly perturb the given barycentric
coordinates, while keeping them all in the range 0..1 with sum equal to 1.


m = perturbSecondLayer( m, amount )
   Randomly move every second-layer vertex by the given amount.
   The amount is a proportion of the barycentric coordinates.


ph = plotSecondLayerCell( ci, cellpts, ax, cellcolor )
   Plot a single cell of the second layer and return its handle.
   Arguments are the index of the cell, its vertexes, and its colour.


e = replaceVertex( e, v1, v2 )
   e contains a pair of vertexes.  v1 is assumed to equal one element of e.
   Its occurrence is replaced by v2, and the result is sorted.  All other
   elements of e are undisturbed.


bcs = ringbc( bc, r, n )
   Return the barycentric coordinates of an n-gon centred on bc with
   radius r.


secondlayer = secondlayerSplitFE( secondlayer, splitinfo )
   The positions of second layer vertexes are defined by the finite
   element they lie in, and their barycentric coordinates within the
   element.  When a finite element is split by splitalledges, each second
   layer vertex lying within it must be assigned to one of the descendant
   finite elements, and its barycentric coordinates with respect to that
   cell computed.  That is done by this function.

   splitinfo is an array built by splitalledges.  It contains one row for
   every finite element vertex, with six elements [ ci1, ci2, ci3, nc1,
   nc2, nc3 ].  ci1, ci2, and ci3 are the indexes within the cell of the
   edges of that cell that were split.  If only two edges were split, ci3
   is zero, and if only one edge, ci2 is also zero.  nc1, nc2, and nc3 are
   the indexes of the new cells.  If only two edges were split, nc3 is
   zero, and if only one edge, nc2 is also zero.  The edges and cells are
   listed in a canonical order, for which see how they are computed in




mesh = setSplitThreshold( mesh )
   Set the split threshold to be the given multiple of the maximum cell


secondlayer = splitFEMcell( secondlayer, femCell, newFemCell, edge )
   Recalculate the parent cell and barycentric coordinates when the FEM
   cell with index femCell splits on the specified edge, with the new cell
   index newFemCell.  The edge is specified by splitv1 and splitv2, which
   are the FEM vertexes at either end of the split edge, with splitv1
   belonging to the old FEM cell and splitv2 belonging to the new FEM cell.


m = splitSecondLayer( m )
   Split the second layer components where necessary.
   If m.globalProps.bioAsplitcells, cells larger than a certain size will
   be split; otherwise, edges longer than a certain amount will be split.


m = splitSecondLayerCells( m )
   Split all second layer cells satisfying certain criteria.
   If SPLITALL is true, all cells will be split.  Otherwise, the choice depends
   on cell size.


m = splitSecondLayerEdges( m )
   Split edges of the second layer that are longer than a certain amount.


m = splitclonecell( m, ci, v )
   Split cell ci perpendicular to direction v, through splitpoint.
   splitpoint defaults to the centroid of the vertexes.


[ vi, bc ] = splitcloneedge( mesh, ei, a, b )
   Given a second layer edge ei that is to be split, return the FEM cell
   and barycentric coordinates of the new point.


m = spreadBioAtoEdge( m )
   Assuming that the bio-A layer is intended to cover the entire mesh,
   force it to do so by moving every vertex on the edge of the bio-A
   layer to the nearest edge of its cell.

   This is just a special hack to fix a particular mesh and should not be
   generally used.






[x,y,z] = separateDFs( dfs )


m = setAbsoluteThickness( m, thickness )
   Set the current absolute thickness of the mesh everywhere.
   The thickness parameters are not affected.  This procedure should only
   be used when thickness is implemented physically.






--- help for BioMap/setFlag ---
SETFLAG set the 'Flag' property of a BioMap object.

   SETFLAG(OBJ, Y) sets the 'Flag' property of a BioMap object OBJ to Y. Y
   must be a numeric array.

   SETFLAG(OBJ, Y, X) sets the 'Flag' property of the elements indexed by X
   in a BioMap object OBJ to the value Y. Y must be a numeric array. X can
   be an array of positive integers, a logical array, or a cell array of
   strings corresponding to valid 'Header' values.

   NOTE: SETFLAG(OBJ,...) without assigning to a variable does not
   modify the object's property.  Use OBJ = SETFLAG(OBJ,...) to
   modify OBJ.

   % Create a BioMap object with the first 10 elements of the structure s.
   s = samread('ex1.sam');
   obj = BioMap(s(1:10));

   % Create copies of obj and set the 'Flag' value of the second element to zero.
   out1 = setFlag(obj, 0, 2)
   out2 = setFlag(obj, 0, {s(2).QueryName})
   out3 = setFlag(obj, 0, [false true])

   % Set the first and third values of 'Flag' in obj.
   obj = setFlag(obj, [0 0], [1 3])

   % Set all 'Flag' values in the object to 1.
   y = ones(1, obj.NSeqs);
   obj = setFlag(obj, y)

   Reference page in Help browser
      doc BioMap/setFlag


wasBusy = setGFtboxBusy( handles, isBusy )
   Set the busy flag and return its previous value.
   To ensure that the busy flag displays during execution of a block of
   code, bracket it like this:

       wasBusy = setGFtboxBusy( handles, true );

       ...your code...

       setGFtboxBusy( handles, wasBusy );

   This ensures that whatever value it had previously is restored.


setGUIColors( h )
   h is a handle to a GUI object.  This routine crawls over h to
   determine the parent-child relations, then colours the background of
   items according to their depth in the tree.  The figure background is
   given the backColor, and successively nested panels are given colours
   tending towards the foreColor.


setGUIMgenInfo( h )
   Cause the GUI to display values relating to a given morphogen.
   If no mgenIndex is specified, get it from the displayedGrowthMenu item.
   If there is no mesh, restore default values.




 m.globalProps.thicknessRelative = 0.5; % ...
 m.globalProps.initialArea^((1 - m.globalProps.thicknessArea)/2) ...
 / size(m.tricellvxs,2);




m = setMeshDefaultFields( m )
   Given a mesh which may be lacking some of its fields, fill in all the
   missing ones with default values.
   There are two reasons for fields to be missing.  The mesh may be an old
   one that needs to be upgraded to the current version of GFtbox, or it
   may be a newly created one, that has nothing but its geometry present.




 fprintf( 1, '%s\n', mfilename() );






m = setNewThickness( m, th )
   th is a vector of real numbers, one per vertex of the mesh.
   This routine sets the thickness of the mesh at each vertex to be the
   corresponding value of th.  For this to be effective,
   m.globalProps.physicalThickness should be set to true.


mesh = setNumMorphogens( mesh, n )
   Set the number of morphogens of the mesh, either discarding excess
   morphogens or creating new ones.




m = setPictureColor( m, c )
   Set the background colour to c, and the foreground colour (the colour
   of the axes, the legend, etc.) to a colour contrasting with c.


setPictureColorContract( pichandles, c )
   Set the background colour to c, and the foreground colour (the colour
   of the axes, the legend, etc.) to a colour contrasting with c.






m = setSecondLayerColorInfo( m, colors, colorvariation )
   Set the colour range for the second layer.  This information must be
   stored in m.globalProps, not m.secondlayer, since it needs to exist
   even when there is no second layer.
   colors must be either empty (to get the default green/red colours), a
   single colour (which will be complemented to get the shocked color), or
   a pair of colours as a 2*3 matrix.
   colorvariation is a real number, expressing the amount of random
   variation allowed for cells nominally of the same colour.  The default
   is 0.1.




setVertexThicknesses( m, vt )
   Set the thickness of m at every vertex.  vt is an N*1 array, where N is
   the number of vertexes of the finite element mesh.

   SEE ALSO: vertexThicknesses





M = SETBOWLZ(M,Z)  Apply bowl-shaped z-displacement of the mesh.


mesh = setconstantfield(mesh,amount,whichGrowth, add)
   Set or add constant growth factor for all points.




m = setinternalrotation( m, angle )


MESH = SETLENGTHS(MESH)  Set the lengths of all the edges.


mesh = setlengthscale( mesh )    Set mesh.globalProps.lengthscale to the
largest diameter of the mesh along the x, y, or z dimensions.  This uses
the prismnodes data if it is valid, otherwise the nodes data.


mesh = setlinearfield( mesh, maxgf, whichGrowth, direction, add )    Set a field of
growth factor with a linear gradient in a given direction.


m = setmeshfromnodes( newmesh, oldmesh )    Complete a mesh structure
    which only has tricellvxs and either nodes or prismnodes defined.
    If oldmesh is provided, it is assumed to be a complete mesh structure,
    and as much information as possible is reused from it.


m = setmeshgeomfromnodes( m )
   Given a mesh containing only nodes and tricellvxs, construct the rest
   of its geometrical and topological information.


MESH = SETRADIALFIELD(MESH,INCR,CENTRE)  Set growthfactor for all points.


mesh = setrestlengths(mesh)    Set resting lengths to current values.


m = setrestsprings( m )
   Set the rest lengths and angles of all the springs to their current
   values.  If onlylength is supplied and is true (the default is false),
   then rest angles and hinge strengths will be set to zero.


MESH = SETSADDLEZ(MESH,Z)  Apply saddle-shaped z-displacement of the points in




m = setzeroz( m )
   Set z coordinates of the mesh to zero.


n = shapeN( p )    Calculate the shape functions for a triangular prism
    at isoparametric coordinates p.  p can be a column vector for a single
    point, or a matrix with one column for each point.


[ eci1, eci2 ] = sharedEdge( mesh, ci1, ci2 )
   Determine the cell-edge indexes of the edge common to the two cells.
   Zero if no common edge.



s = simStatusString( m )
   Make the report of leaf size, number of iterations, etc. and return it
   as a string.


fn_arclen( maxs )
   Simulated trumpet growth.


 --- Executes on button press in singlestep.
 hObject    handle to singlestep (see GCBO)
 eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
 handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)


 M6 = sixMatrix( M3 )
    M3 is assumed to be a 3*3 rotation matrix.  This function returns
    the corresponding 6*6 matrix for transforming a tensor written in
    6-vector form.
  NEVER USED.  Not known if this is correct regarding the issue of doubling
  the off-diagonal elements.



m = snapdragonmesh( petals, radius, rings, height, nbase, nrows )
 Make a snapdragon flower.
   The resulting mesh contains only the following components:
   nodes, tricellvxs, prismnodes, globalProps.trinodesvalid,
   globalProps.prismnodesvalid, and borders.{bottom,left,right}.


s = solve22( A, B, C, D, E, F )    Solve the equations
 ( A B )     ( E )
 (     ) s = (   )
 ( C D )     ( F )


split2dinterior( edges )
   Given a set of unit 2D vectors listed in clockwise order, determine
   whether this is an opportunity to split the vertex at the centre.


m = splitAlongEdges( m, eis )
   Split every triangle containing any of the edges in eis into four.


m = splitBadNodes( m, ang )
   Find nodes with incident angles of less than ang, and split as many as


m = splitSeams( m )
   Split the mesh along its seams.
   Each vertex on the seam gets S-E new copies, where S is the number
   of seam edges it lies on and E is 0 for vertexes on the edge of the
   mesh and 1 elsewhere.  Each seam edge becomes two edges, except for
   seam edges, both of whose ends fail to split.  Those seam edges don't
   split at all and should be removed from the seams.


m = splitalledges( m, es, force )
   Split all the edges in the list es.  If force is true, all the
   specified edges are split, otherwise an edge will not be split if doing
   so would make either a cell or an angle too small.


[ch1,ch2] = splitchain( ch, e1, e2 )
   CH is the chain of edges and cells around a node of a mesh.  E1 and E2
   are edges occurring in that chain.  CH1 is set to the subchain from E1
   to but not including E2, while CH2 is set to the rest of the chain.


m1 = splitcornertouch( m )
   Wherever there is a node that belongs to cells that share no edges,
   split that node into as many copies as it takes to eliminate such
   corner contacts.


m = splitnode( m, v1, cp1, bc1, cp2, bc2, e1, e2 )
   Split node vi of mesh m.  The new points are at barycentric coordinates
   of bc1 in cell cp1 and bc2 in cell cp2.  e1 and e2 are the edges of vi
   which are to be split.  e2 is zero if and only if v1 is on the edge of
   the mesh.  If cp1==0, then bc1 is ignored and the first new point
   coincides with the old point.  If cp2==0 then bc2 is ignored and the
   second new point coincides with the old point.


 m = springEquilibrate( m, iters, frac )


d = springdisplacementR0( nodes, edgeends, restlengths, springconst, dt )
   Given a set of balls and springs described by NODES, EDGEENDS,
   RESTLENGTHS, and SPRINGCONST, calculate the displacement of the balls
   in time DT, assuming that they are immersed in aviscous medium in which
   the effect of a constant force is to produce a constant velocity equal
   to that force.
   The midpoint method is used for the numerical integration.


asd = springforces( m, onlylength )
   Calculate the force on each node resulting from the springs of m.


[nodeforces,stretches] = springforces2D( nodes, edgeends, restlengths,
springconst )
   NODES is the set of 2D positions of a set of nodes.
   EDGEENDS is a list of pairs of nodes.
   RESTLENGTHS is a vector of floats one for each edge, defining the rest
   length of that edge.
   SPRINGCONST is a single number, the spring constant of all the springs.
   NODEFORCES is the set of resulting forces on the nodes.
   STRETCHES is a vector of floats, one for each edge, which is the amount
   by which each edge is stretched from its rest length.


MESH = SQUAREADJ()   Make a triangulated square.


 Find and load the state corresponding to the menu item




t = stageTextToTime( s )
   Convert a stage suffix of the form 0123d456 to a number 123.456.
   s may be a cell array, in which case t will be an array of floats.

   See also: stageTimeToText.


s = stageTimeToText( t )
 Convert a number T to a stage label S.  T is converted to a string,
 and padded out to a fixed length with leading and trailing zeros.  The
 decimal point is replaced by a 'd'.
 If T is a list of numbers, s will be a cell array of strings.

   See also: stageTextToTime.


s = staticBaseName( m )
   If m is a string, return m concatenated with the static suffix and
   '.mat.'  If m is a mesh, do the same with the model name, provided that
   m belongs to a project; if not, return the empty string.


m = stepinternalrotation( m )


 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT


[m,remapnodes] = stitchmesh( m, is, js )
   m contains only m.nodes and m.tricellvxs.
   Make corresponding nodes in is and js identical.
   remapnodes is set to the renumbering function: remapnodes(i) is the
   index in the new m of node i of the original m.

   The nodes being identified with each other will be moved to their

   WARNING: All of the other 3D geometrical information will be


[m,renumber] = stitchmeshes( m1, m2, b1, b2 )
   Stitch the two meshes together along b1 and b2.
   b1 and b2 are lists of node indexes of the same length, of m1 and m2
   respectively.  The mesh m2 will be translated, rotated and scaled to
   bring the b2 nodes into coincidence with the b1 nodes.
   renumber will be set to an array such that renumber(i) is the index in
   the stitched mesh of node i of m2.  The indexes of nodes in m1 are


 --- Executes on button press in stopButton.




e = strainEnergy( strain, elasticity )
   Compute the energy resulting from the strain and elasticity.
   Strain is a column 6-vector representing a 3*3 matrix, and elasticity is a 6*6
   matrix.  The result is strain'*elasticity*strain.



m = stripmesh( m, level )
   Remove from m all data that can be reconstructed from the
   remainder.  LEVEL can take three values:
       0: (the default) Only delete information that is perfectly
       1: In addition, delete certain information that will be zeroed out
          when the mesh is reinflated.  This information consists of:
               residual strain
       2: Delete as much information as possible, on the assumption that
          the resulting data structure will only be used for visualising
          this state of the mesh, and will not be used for further

   See also: INFLATEMESH.





 copy project to cluster (without movie directory)


temperatures = tempdiff( nodecoords, cellvertexes, conductivity, ...
        absorption, production, temperatures, transportfield, dt, ...
        lengthscale, fixednodes, cellareas )
    Perform a finite-element computation of thermal diffusion.
    nodecoords is a numnodes*3 array of coordinates.
    cellvertexes is a numcells*3 array of node indexes: each row
        lists the node indexes of the three vertices of the cell.
    conductivity is one of the following:
       * A single number.  This is the uniform isotropic thermal
         conductivity (divided by the specific heat).
       * A vector of numbers, equal in length to the number of finite
         elements.  This is the non-uniform isotropic thermal
       * A 3*3*N matrix, where N is the number of finite elements.  This
           is the anisotropic thermal conductivity for each finite
           element, expressed in the global frame of reference.
    temperatures is a vector of numnodes elements, giving the
        current temperature at each node.
    transportfield contains a vector for every finite element, giving the
        direction and rate of flow of the substance in that element.  If
        this is empty, there is no transport.
    dt is the time interval: the result is the vector of new
        temperatures after a time dt has elapsed.
    lengthscale (UNUSED) should determine the distance the substance
        diffuses for a given conductivity and time interval.
    fixednodes is a list of those elements of the temperature vector whose
        values are assumed to be fixed.


temperatures = tempdiff3D( nodecoords, cellvertexes, conductivity, ...
        absorption, production, temperatures, transportfield, dt, ...
        lengthscale, fixednodes, cellareas )
   Perform a finite-element computation of thermal diffusion on a 3D mesh.
   nodecoords is a numnodes*3 array of vertexes.
   cellvertexes is a numcells*6 array of node indexes.  Each row lists the
       vertexes of one FE in a standard ordering.  The A side is [1 2 3],
       the B side is [4 5 6], the edges from A to B are [1 4], [2 5], and
       [3 6], and the sense is such that the outward normal from B
       satisfies the right-hand rule.


[Glocal,J] = tensorComponents( Gglobal )
   Gglobal is a growth tensor represented as a 3-vector or a 6-vector.
   Glocal is set to the three principal components of growth in descending
   order and J to the corresponding orthonormal frame.  The columns of J
   are the principal axes of the tensor.


tensorsFrom3Displacements( vxs, d )
   vxs in an array of three row vectors, being points in 3D space.
   d is a set of displacements of these points.
   G is set to a pair [g1,g2] of the principal growth components of the
   displacements, and J is a frame whose first two axes are the principal
   directions of growth and whose third is perpendicular to the triangle.


[G,Gbend,J] = tensorsFromDisplacements( vxs, d )



stop = testcallback(m)
   Callback function for passing to mycgs().


valid = testfeapfile(filename)  Load the FEAP file and check its validity.




TESTRKMESH(N)  Run RKMESH with a predefined set of arguments.



    profile on;



 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT


 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT




g = totalGrowth( G )    Return the total growth given by the growth tensor G
in 6-vector form. This is the determinant of the matrix representation of


[m,U,K,F] = totalK( m, useGrowthTensors )
    Solve the FEM model for the mesh.
    The mesh already contains the temperature at each node and the residual
    displacements of the nodes.  After the computation, the mesh will contain
    the new positions of all the nodes.
    The additional results are:
    U: the displacements applied to all the nodes.  If the computation
    fails in a manner that renders U non-meaningful, U will be returned as
    K: The assembled K matrix for the FEM computation.
    F: The assembled force vector for the FEM computation.
    The mesh is additionally assumed to have the following components:
    m.gaussInfo: the Gauss quadrature points for a single cell in isoparametric
       coordinates, and the values and gradients of the shape functions at those points.
    m.D: the compliance matrix in global coordinates.  This will
        eventually be replaced by data per cell.
    If useGrowthTensors is true (default is false) then growth
    tensors have been specified for each cell.  Otherwise they are
    calculated from the morphogens.


e = totalStrainEnergy( m )
   Compute the total strain energy due to the residual strains in the mesh m.


m = traceStreamline( m, ci )
   Start a streamline from the centre of the finite element ci. Continue
   it in both directions until it either hits the edge of the mesh, is
   reflected back into the FE it just came from, or hits a cell with no


[cj,bc] = transferEdgeBC( m, ci, bc )
   Given barycentric coordinates bc of a point on an edge of a cell ci of
   m, find the barycentric coordinates of the same point relative to the
   cell on the other side of the same edge.  If there is no such cell, cj
   is returned as zero.



tv = transportvectors( m, mi )
   Calculate the global transport field for morphogen mi, from the local
   transport field stored in m.transportfield{mi}.



n = triangleIndexes( p )
   Calculate the set of triangle node indexes corresponding to the given
   prism node vertexes.


g = gradient( vertexes, values )    vertexes is a 3*3 matrix of
   vertex coordinates of a triangle, one vertex in each row.  values is a
   vector of the values that a variable has at each of those vertexes.
   The result is the gradient vector of that quantity over the triangle,
   in the global frame.


f = trimframe( f, sz )
   Force the movie frame f to have the given size sz (a two-element
   If the frame is too big, chop pixels off the edges.
   If it's too small, pad it out with bgcolor.
   Maintain the centering of the frame.


[vvxs,vcells] = truncateCells( mesh, vvxs, vcells )
   Modify the Voronoi tessellation representated by [vvxs,vcells] so that the
   cells are confined to the FEM cells containing the Voronoi generators.
   We ignore all cells that include the point at infinity (since we cannot
   determine the direction of any edge from a finite point to [Inf Inf]).
   The point at infinity is assumed to be the first vertex in vvxs.


[m,numElided] = tryElideEdge( m )
   Attempts to find an edge of m to elide.  It first assesses the quality
   of each edge (the minimum angle of the cells incident on it), arranges
   those falling below a threshold in increasing order, and then attempts
   to elide each one in turn until one succeeds.  Elision fails if either
   it would result in an invalid mesh, or if it would reduce the quality
   of any cell to a value below the threshold.


[ m, didsplit ] = trysplit( m )    Split all edges which are
longer than the threshold for splitting.  Split them in descending order
of length.  Also split cells bordering an edge where the angle has changed
by too much.



vxs = unfinishedSeams( m )
   Find the ends of unfinished seams of m.  These are the vertexes lying
   on exactly one seam and not on the edge of the mesh.


m = unionmesh( varargin )
   Set m to be the union of the given meshes.
   The meshes are assumed to be raw, i.e. only nodes and tricellvxs are
   defined.  The same will be true of the result.


unitnormal = unitcellnormal( m, ci )
   Calculate the unit normal vector to element ci of the mesh.  The length of
   the vector is twice the area of the cell.  ci can be a vector; the
   result will be an N*3 array.


 Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT


  Issue the unix command s to the cluster, annotated with the message m.
  If the command contains the string 'pscp', and copymove is 'move', then
  filename will be deleted from the cluster.  Otherwise, copymove and
  filename are ignored.
  J.A.Bangham, 2008






m = updateFEpolarisation( m, w, normalise, alph, generalV )
   Replace each polarisation vector by a weighted average of it, its
   neighbours, and GENERALV.  w is the amount of neighbour influence,
   and alph the amount of general influence, both in the range 0..1.


h = updateGUIFromMesh( h )
   Updates every GUI element that displays a property of the mesh, to be
   consistent with h.mesh.  When h.mesh is empty, it clears all settings
   to their defaults.

   If h is a mesh then h will be set to guidata(h.plotdefaults.hfigure).
   h.plotdefaults.hfigure is assumed to be a GFtbox window.

   If it does not recognise what h is, it will do nothing.



updateProjectMenuHighlights( handles, selectedDir )
   Update the peoject menu highlights so the the path leading to
   selectedDir is highlighted and all other items are unhighlighted.


handles = updateRecentProjects( handles )
   A project has just been loaded.  Add its project directory to the
   Recent Projects menu.


m = updateSelection( m, vis, cis, eis, selecting )
   Update the selection with the given cell, vertex, and edge indices.
   If SELECTING is 2, replace the selection by the given objects.
   If SELECTING is 1, add all the given objects to the selection.
   If SELECTING is -1, remove all the given objects from the selection.
   If SELECTING is 0, toggle the state of all the given objects.



[fes,bcs] = updateptsSplitFE( fes, bcs, splitinfo )
   The positions of a set of points on the surface are defined by the finite
   element they lie in, and their barycentric coordinates within the
   element.  When a finite element is split by splitalledges, each point
   lying within it must be assigned to one of the descendant
   finite elements, and its barycentric coordinates with respect to that
   cell computed.  That is done by this function.

   splitinfo is an array built by splitalledges.  It contains one row for
   every finite element vertex, with six elements [ ci1, ci2, ci3, nc1,
   nc2, nc3 ].  ci1, ci2, and ci3 are the indexes within the cell of the
   edges of that cell that were split.  If only two edges were split, ci3
   is zero, and if only one edge, ci2 is also zero.  nc1, nc2, and nc3 are
   the indexes of the new cells.  If only two edges were split, nc3 is
   zero, and if only one edge, nc2 is also zero.  The edges and cells are
   listed in a canonical order, for which see how they are computed in



s = upgradeStaticData( s, m )
   Upgrade any old version of static data to the current version.
   m, if present, is assumed to be already upgraded to the current
   GFtbox version.  Missing components of s should be defaulted from m,
   and failing that, from gGlobalProps and gDefaultPlotOptions.


m = upgradeVeryOldMesh( m )
   Bring the mesh up to version 0.


m = upgrademesh( m )
   Ensure the mesh M is compatible with the current version of the software.



m = clearInteractionMode( m )
   Clear the interaction mode.


compat = compatibleInteractionMode( m, clickMode, varargin )
   Determine whether the interaction mode specified by the arguments is
   compatible with the current mode.  In general, compatibility requires
   that the clickMode, and where applicable, the extra arguments, have not
   The extra arguments have the same significance as in


m = establishInteractionMode( m, clickMode, varargin )
   Set the interaction mode.  If the current mode is compatible with the
   new mode, is should be updated as necessary with the extra arguments.
   Otherwise, it should be replaced by the new mode.
   The extra arguments have the same significance as in


m = setInteractionMode( m, clickMode, varargin )
   Replace the current interaction mode by that specified by the arguments.
   When clickMode is 'Current mgen' or 'Fixed mgen', varargin{1} is the index
   of the selected morphogen, and varargin{2} is the amount.


ui = userinterrupt( sb )
   Detect that the user has clicked the stop button.  sb is the stop
   button's graphics handle.


ok = validateChains( m )
   Check the validity of m.nodecelledges, if it exists.


RESULT = VALIDMESH(M,VERBOSE)  Determines whether the mesh is valid.
  All the connectivity information is checked for consistency.
  Triangles with very small angles are detected.
  The morphogen array must be the right size.
  If VERBOSE is true (default false), messages will be printed to the
  command window in case of flaws.
  RESULT will be FALSE if the mesh has fatal errors in it.


theta = vecangle( a, b )
   Return the angle between two row vectors.  If
   n is not supplied, the answer will always be in the range 0..pi.  If n is
   supplied then the answer will be in the range -pi..pi, with the sign
   positive if the triple (a,b,n) is right-handed and negative if
   a, b, and n can also be N*3 matrices, and theta will be an N*1 vector
   of angles.


[lensq,len] = veclen(v)
   Euclidean length and squared length of a vector.


 This should only be called when the simulation is not running.


vt = vertexThicknesses( m )
   Calculate the thickness of m at every vertex.  The result is an N*1
   array, where N is the number of vertexes of the finite element mesh.

   SEE ALSO: setVertexThicknesses


cellStuff = vertexToCell( mesh, vertexStuff )
   Convert a quantity defined per vertex to a quantity defined per cell.
   The cell value is the average of all the vertex values for vertexes
   belonging to the cell.



dragged = viewWasDragged( m )
   Discover if the view was changed by dragging in any of m's pictures.
   If so return true, and set all the drag flags to false.


 function webify_interaction_function(filename)

 filename, interaction function filename including suffix

 J.Andrew Bangham 2011


WHOAMI	display user id and retrieve system properties

	WHOAMI displays a long user id (LID) in the form


	WHOAMI optionally returns various system properties including
	a short user id (SID), which only contains static information
	about the current system
	programmers can easily create their own IDs
	    WHOAMI;	shows LID in the command window
	W = WHOAMI;	retrieves user/net/cpu IDs only
	W = WHOAMI(X);	retrieves user/net/cpu IDs and system properties

 X	any number or character

 W	structure with contents according to calling syntax
	selected fields
	.sid		= short ID without time stamp
	.lid		= long  ID with    time stamp
	.res		= char array with all system information
			  format: 'fieldname(s):  entry'
	.(fld1:n)	= structures of single system properties
			  format: .fieldname(s) = entry

	- the JAVA engine must be loaded
	- system properties are retrieved from java sources

 %18-Jun-2008 13:47:52|us|USZ|ws-36362|x86|Windows XP|5.1|

 %	xxx.yyy.192.244
 %	 encoding: 'Cp1252'
 %	separator: '\'


m = wrapmesh( m, r )
   m should not contain any components except nodes, prismnodes,
   globalProps.trinodesvalid, globalProps.prismnodesvalid, and borders.
   None of these are required.
   The resulting mesh will have the same components as m.



 Write out the morphogen properties: diffusion, decay, and mutation.


status = writemeshmsr( filedir, filename, m )
    Write the mesh to a file in MSR format.


writemesh( mesh, filedir, filename, surface, minimal )
    Write the mesh to a file in extended OBJ format.
 If minimal is true (default is false), then only the nodes and cells will
 be written, otherwise everything in the mesh is written.
 If surface and minimal are both true, the resulting file should be a
 standard OBJ file, readable by any software that reads OBJ files.


status = writemeshstl( filedir, filename, m )
    Write the mesh to a file in STL format.


status = writemeshvrml( m, filedir, filename )
    Write the mesh to a file in VRML 97 format.


mesh = zerogrowth( mesh, mi )
   Set the specified growth factors (by default, all of them) to zero, and
   their production rates and clamp settings.


[vxs,edgeends,colors] = zsection( m, w, windex )
   Determine the intersection of m with a plane perpendicular to one of
   the axes at value w.  windex specifies which axis (1=X, 2=Y, 3=Z), by
   default 3.



















 function calculateOPTVoxelSize


 function [chi2Stat, expectedValues, testBins] = chi2TestForHomogeneity(observedValues, bins)

 Performs a chi-squared test for homogeneity on the input matrix. Each row is
 assumed to be an experiment containing a number of multinomial trials
 whose outcomes are recorded in the columns which represent the categories
 outcomes can fall in. The matrix must have at least two rows. Note that
 this function requires the statistical toolbox to compute the p-value. If
 the statistical toolbox is not installed a warning is issued and the p-value
 is empty.
 Note that the centreBins is assumed to contain the centres of bins and
 not the edges. This is relevant only if the called function has to
 combine bins, because it calculates a new centre for combined bins. If on
 the other hand edges are passed, the result in the testCentreBins will
 not be correct, however the statistical test is still valid as the bin
 vector itself is not used in the test. It is only returned to provide
 additional information.
 Author: Johann Strasser

 Date: 2009/06/26


 function [pValuesForPairs, chi2StatsForPairs, expectedValuesForPairs, ...
     testObservedValuesForPairs, testBinsForPairs] =
     chi2TestForPairwiseHomogeneity(observedValues, centreBins)

 Performs a chi-squared test for homogeneity on all pairs of rows in the input matrix.
 Each row is assumed to be an experiment containing a number of multinomial trials
 whose outcomes are recorded in the columns which represent the categories
 outcomes can fall in. The matrix must have at least two rows. Note that
 this function requires uses a function that requires the statistical toolbox 
 to compute the p-value. If the statistical toolbox is not installed, 
 the p-values variable is empty. 
 Note that the length of the last three output variables might not be
 equal due to bins being combined by a lower level function to ensure all
 expected values are >= 5

 Author: Johann Strasser

 Date: 2009/06/26


 function [chi2Stat, testObservedValues, expectedValues, testCentreBins] = chi2TestStatisticForHomogeneity(observedValues, centreBins)

 Computes the chi-squared test statistic from a matrix. Each row is
 assumed to be an experiment containing a number of multinomial trials
 whose outcomes are recorded in the columns which represent the categories
 outcomes can fall in. The matrix must have at least two rows.
 The function checks iteratively from the tails inward whether any
 expected values along a column is not >= five and combines bins if this
 is the case. Note that although it checks two adjacent columns at the
 same time, a broad spike in the tail might prevent it from proceeding
 further inward to a bin which has expected values smaller than 5. Hence no
 bins in the interior are being merged. The bin merging procedure was 
 inspired by the poolbins function in file chi2gov. The function returns
 the chi-squared statistic and the associated test data, which might have
 bins combined. If bins have not been combined, the returned observed
 values and bins are identical to the passed arguments. Note that the bins
 vector is assumed to contain centres and not edges.
 Other strategies for ensuring the expected values are greater than 5 are
 to use larger bins before calling this function or to truncate the
 data/bins before calling this function. Though those approaches are
 valid they have drawbacks. For instance the former reduces resolution 
 as it smoothes out the distribution and the latter ignores data. Hence it
 is usually best to rely on the bin mergin procedure in this function.

 Author: Johann Strasser

 Date: 2009/06/26




C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Toolboxes\HapticToolbox\src\demoData\drosophila (291gfp1+txr+vis)_256Cubed



 function varargout = editHapticVolumePointSet(varargin)

 Edit points in a volume using hapticTool. Point coordinates
 are in the volume's local frame

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 090330










 function [varargout] = bezcurve(varargin)

 Calculates the points along a Bezier curve.

  ctrl_pts - the control points for the Bezier
    t      - the parameterization (time in this case)

  bpts - the xy points along the Bezier curve defined by ctrl_pts at time t.

 x = linspace(-1,1,100);
 y = x.^3 + randn(size(x))/5;
 pts = [x(:), y(:)];
 cpts = bezierfitlms('pts', pts, 'order', 4);
 bpts = bezcurve('ctrl_pts', cpts, 't', [0:0.001:1]);

 See also: bezierfitlms

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)

 Revision 1: 070821 by Johann Strasser
 Extended to provide 3D output in case of 3D control points.


 function [varargout] = bezierfitlms(varargin)

 Calculates the control points for a Bezier curve given some data using a
 least mean square approach. Note it is important that the point be
 ordered in terms of a parameterization, i.e. arc length or time.
 Unordered points will result in a poor fit.

  pts - the Nx2 data that the Bezier should fit to (default = 100 points for a cubic polynomial)
  order - the order of the Bezier curve (default = 3)
  verbose - display any output (default = 0)

  cpts - a set of Mx2 control points

 bezierfitlms('verbose', 1);

 x = linspace(-1,1,100);
 y = x.^3 + randn(size(x))/5;
 pts = [x(:), y(:)];
 cpts = bezierfitlms('pts', pts, 'order', 4, 'verbose', 1);
 plotbezslopes('cpts', cpts, 'parent', gca);

 See also: bezcurve
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)

 Revision 1: 070821 by Johann Strasser
 Extended to cater for the case of 3D control points.


 function varargout = plotbezslopes(varargin)

 Plots the slopes of the control points for a bezier curve

  'cpts' - the control points
  'parent' - the axis to draw to (default = gca)

  'ph' - the plot handles to the slopes

 cpts = bezierfitlms('verbose', 1);
 plotbezslopes('cpts', cpts, 'parent', gca);

 See also: bezierfitlms, bezcurve

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
 Revision 1: 070821 by Johann Strasser
 Extended to cater for the case of 3D control points.


 function quadFaces = getCubeQuadFaces()
 Returns the 6 x 4 matrix containing indices into a vertex array.


 function vertices = getCubeVertices(sideLength)

 Returns the m x 3 matrix of vertices of a cube with a given side length.
 The cube is centred around its local coordinate centre



 Set up transformation structures that enables us to specify random 
 translations in x, y and z and random rotations around x, y and z. 
 We use four transformations, one for the translations and three for the
 rotations. Note that H3D would allow us to make due with only one
 transformation if we use the rotation around any axis field 
 (Euler axis and angle, also called rotation vector) of the
 Transform object. However to make initial orientation and finding/setting
 limits easy we use 3 separate Euler rotations. Also converting Euler
 angles to a rotation matrix (Direction Cosine Matrix) is trivial,
 allowing us to easily transform the local points to world space points in
 Matlab. The order of rotations is x, y, z
 An initial orientation of 45 degrees around x, -45 around y and 0 around
 z puts the right top front corner into the middle of the view aligned space
 Centre screen is x = 45, y = -45 and z = 0


 [cp] = getHTClipPlane()
 Utility function to obtain a clip plane structure to be used with
 the function hapticTool. hapticViewer internally uses hapticToolMex which 
 in turn uses the h3d scene graph api 
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070410 (YYMMDD)
 Revision #1



 [ils] = getHTIndexedLineSet()
 Utility function to obtain an indexed line set structure to be used with
 the function hapticTool. hapticViewer internally uses hapticToolMex which 
 in turn uses the h3d scene graph api 
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070402 (YYMMDD)
 Revision #1


 [vs] = getHTPointSet()
 Utility function to obtain a  point structure to be used with
 the function hapticTool. hapticViewer internally uses hapticToolMex which 
 in turn uses the h3d scene graph api 
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070129 (YYMMDD)
 Revision #1 090323 Changed native implementation to be similar to indexed
 line set


 [ts] = getHVTransform(name, parent, matrix)
 Utility function to obtain a sample transform structure to be used with
 the function hapticViewer. HapticViewer calls hapticTool which internally
 uses the scene graph api h3d which. In order to provide user interaction
 with objects in the scene, transformations are specified intividually.
 Note that we do not specify a single transformation matrix, due to the
 H3D's transformation class being a composite transformation. Hence we
 specify the corresponding components. Below is an excerpt from the H3D
 reference concerning its transformation class


 [vs] = getHTVolume()
 Utility function to obtain a  volume structure to be used with
 the function hapticTool. hapticTool internally uses hapticToolMex which 
 in turn uses the h3d scene graph api 
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070129 (YYMMDD)
 Revision #1


 function transforms] = getHorizontalDistributionTransforms(volumes)
 Function to obtain transforms that distribute volumes horizontally with a
 given spacing. The number of transforms obtained equals the number of
 volumes passed
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070326


 function [filterSpec] = getImreadSupportedFilterSpec()

 Returns the filterSpec containing all file types supported by function
 imread. As opposed to getImreadSupportedTypesListFilterSpec this
 function returns a one-element filter containing all the supported
 graphics file types at once.
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070312


 function [filterSpec] = getImreadSupportedFilterSpec()

 Returns the filterSpec listing all file types supported by function
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070312


 function varargout = getVoxelsizeFromString(varargin)
 Given a string, typically a directory- or filename return
 a vector containing the voxel size as given in the string

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071105


 function hapticPlacementTest


 Tests the speed and accuracy of placing a single point using hapticTool
 under different combinations of haptics and stereo switched on or off

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 090330


 Make a dummy volume, a 256 cube with full intensity and save it


 function [transformsOut, volumesOut, pointSetsOut, indexedLineSetsOut, ...
     clipPlanesOut] = ...
     hapticTool(transforms, volumes, pointSets, indexedLineSets,
     clipPlanes, options)

   A 3d haptic viewer based on H3DApi. 
   Author: Johann Strasser
   Date: 061123 (YYMMDD)


   Date: 090320

   Added options structure and therefore changed the calling method
   to variable argument list to enable code calling hapticTool
   with 5 argument to remain unchanged. Note, however, that we still
   assume the same order of arguments as in the old conventional
   5 argument interface.


 function hapticToolDemo()






















 dydt = 2 * y;
 dydt = y .^2;


 % plot original data, interpolated data, control points of bezier curve
 Mat: original data
 MatI: approximated (fitted) data
 p0mat,p1mat,p2mat,p3mat: control points



 function [smoothedVertices] = smoothIntermediates(vertices, indices)


 Input path points and save



 function viewVolume(varargin)

 Utility function that enables users to view a volume given the path
 and name of a volume directory containing the image slices in any image format
 known to Matlab. If no volume directory is given users are presented
 with an open file dialog to choose a volume slice. All images with the
 same extension in the same directory are assumed to compose the volume.
 Specifying path in this case causes the file dialog to open in that
 location which. Keeping the volume directory and the path to it separate
 increases reusability of the function as it makes it useful in the
 context of other programs that maintain the notion of a project.
 Furthermore if both the path and the volume directory are specified, a
 third parameter stipulating the image file type has to be present. For
 instance to invoke the viewer without presenting a file dialog use the
 following function call syntax:



 function varargout = clipVolume(varargin)
 Clip a volume (single or rgb) given one or more plane equations in volume

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071111


 function varargout = clipVolumeTool(varargin)


 GUI tool for clipping a volume

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080103


 function equation = getPlaneEquationFromPointAndNormal(point, normal)


 Get coefficients of plane equation. Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 is the
 plane equation. Refer to on
 how to derive the plane equation from a point and a normal (dot

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080107


 function l = getPolylineLength(vertices)

 Calculate the length of a polyline which is defined as a series of
 vertices. Each row is assumed to be a vertex, i.e. for 3D vertices the
 argument must be an m x 3 array.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071122


 IMBATCHCROP crops a batch of image files of type JPG, TIF, GIF, BMP
 and PNG.
       imBatchCrop crops batch of images to a specified rectangle. Images
       are saved in the same format as the original file and in a
       subdirectory named CroppedImage. A postfix '_cropped' is added to
       the original name of the file.
       rect is a four-element vector with the form [xmin ymin width height];
       these values are specified in spatial coordinates.
       fmt is the image format of the ouput images.
  Note: to obtain 256x256 images with top left corner at position (100,50)
  the parameter rect should be rect = [100 50 255 255].
 see also imcrop
 Dr. Blot (Dec. 2006)


 IMBATCHRESIZE resises a batch of imsge files of type JPG, TIF, GIF, BMP
 and PNG.


       resizes images using opiton arguments of the imresize function of
       matlab. Images are saved in the same format as the original file
       and in a subdirectory named ResizedImage. A postfix '_resized' is
       added to the original name of the file

 see also imresize

 Dr. Blot (Dec. 2006)


 function varargout = indexedLineSet2PolylineStructs(varargin)


 Convert an indexed line set into a polyline structures.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071122


 function varargout = loadVolumeFromSlicesDir(varargin)
 Function to load slices given the directory where the slices reside. The
 matlab supported image formats are tried in turn to load a volume
 comprising image slices in the given directory. As soon as one or more
 image files of a given type are encounterd, all the images with the given
 extension are assumed to comprise the volume and image search stops.
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070326


 function varargout = loadVolumeFromSlicesDir(varargin)
 Function to load slices given the directory where the slices reside and
 the extension of the graphics file type.
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070312


 imreadSupportedFileTypes = getImreadSupportedTypesFilterSpec();    
 [f, p] = uigetfile('bmp', 'Choose volume slice'); 
 if isequal(fileName, 0)
     disp('User selected cancel.'); 
     userCancel = 1;
     [fullVolumePath, name, extension, versn] = fileparts(fullfile(p, f));


 function varargout = measureVolumeTool(varargin)


 GUI tool for taking simple polyline measurements in volumetric data

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071120


 function varargout = resizeVolume(varargin)
 Resize a volume given one or three scale factors 
 using one of two algorithms:
 Algorithm 1:
 A simple nearest neighbour implementation in the z dimensions. Matlab's
 imresize function is used to resize in the x and y dimensions. Note that
 choosing the simple algorithm and specifying cubic interpolation will
 result in nearest neighbour interpolation in the z dimension and cubic
 interpolation in the x and y dimensions.
 Algorithm 2;
 Utilises Matlab's n-dim spatial transformation function. Note that in
 contrast to imresize this method does not seem to take into account
 neighbouring pixels when the resize factor is 1/someInteger , i.e. 0.5, 0.25, etc., 
 even though cubic interpolation was specified. For scaling up or non
 1/someInteger factors this method in conjunction with cubic interpolation
 is recommended.
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071111


 function resizeVolumeDemo


 function varargout = resizeVolumeTool(varargin)


 GUI tool to resize a volume

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071111































Tool to analyse EB1 spots in sequences of microtubule images

 see also (first get to a position where has been populated
 checkSpotPairs used to compute probability of an edge between two spots using correlation
 histoSpotProperties.m to histogram properties of spots that are in chains < and >= a particular length

 Paul Southam and Andrew Bangham, 2011



 function makeMTfigure(figno,ScottsData)

 figno, default 1

 copy the Data and DiffData directories into a new project



 first get a set of refined chains then use this


 improved by allowing weighting by spot separation and weighting by spot intensity

 spots, two spots (from allspots) each spot has a number of points with associated image/spot values
 type, default 0, i.e. do not use either spot or point intensity,
               1 use point intensity i.e. wXY see regionprops_improved
               2 not point intensity, but use spot intensity
               3 use point intensity and spot intensity
 separation_weight, default 1, if zero then spot separation has no effect
 first get a set of refined chains then use this



methodType is either 'spotAngles' (used spot angles to calc prob) or
'noSpotAngles' (does not use spot angles in prob)


 loop through the points
     if nargin<5
         gaussProbWidth = 13;
         minMove = 5;
         maxMove = 18;


 loop through the points
     if nargin<5
         gaussProbWidth = 13;
         minMove = 5;
         maxMove = 18;


 loop through the points
     if nargin<5
         gaussProbWidth = 13;
         minMove = 5;
         maxMove = 18;


 Consider this one spot (eb1Coords(index,1:2)) and visit all 
 other spots in the NEXT frame and start a chain if the transition is probable

eb1Coords - the array of xy postions and frame number for every eb1head
index - the index into eb1Coord of the start coord



     if(nargin < 5)
         gaussProbWidth = 13;
         minMove = 5;
         maxMove = 18;


 function [out,minchainlen]=bwL2chL(bwLabelList,eb1Coords,siz,parsedListProb,minchainlen)
 bundle chain information into a data structure that keeps all the relevant data in the
 same structure
 essential to maintain the chain ID as it is output per frame.
 in this structure the first element of Chain and Inds is the start of the chain

eb1Coords x,y coordinates are converted in single number indices


 function [bwL,frames,probs,eb1Cds]=chL2bwL(chL)
 convert a chainlist structure (array) to bwLabelList, frames, probabilities
 and, if given the entire chainlist, reconstruct eb2Coords - actually, this
 is probably not possible since some spots might not be a part of any chain
 that has been accepted so far.



 ensure that there refined chains, View spots
 make data global
 global data
 select a chain (right click and note chain number, e.g. 14)
 de-select chains









 DISTANCE - computes Euclidean distance matrix

 E = distance(A,B)

    A - (DxM) matrix 
    B - (DxN) matrix

    E - (MxN) Euclidean distances between vectors in A and B

 Description : 
    This fully vectorized (VERY FAST!) m-file computes the 
    Euclidean distance between two vectors by:

                 ||A-B|| = sqrt ( ||A||^2 + ||B||^2 - 2*A.B )

 Example : 
    A = rand(400,100); B = rand(400,200);
    d = distance(A,B);


 DISTANCE - computes Euclidean distance matrix

 E = distance(A,B)

    A - (DxM) matrix 
    B - (DxN) matrix

    E - (MxN) Euclidean distances between vectors in A and B

 Description : 
    This fully vectorized (VERY FAST!) m-file computes the 
    Euclidean distance between two vectors by:

                 ||A-B|| = sqrt ( ||A||^2 + ||B||^2 - 2*A.B )

 Example : 
    A = rand(400,100); B = rand(400,200);
    d = distance(A,B);



getAllChainsInFrame, given a frame it finds indexes to all the chains present in that frame

 bwLabelList, a full list of all (N) labelled chains
 eb1CoordsM,  a full list of all vertex coordinates (i.e. points)
 FrameNumber, image frame of interest
 NotProcessedLabelList, a list of N flags one per entry in bwLabelList

 indChainWanted, indexes (into bwLabelList) of chains represented in the frame of interest
 bwLabelListWanted, list of chains extracted from bwLabelList
 NotProcessedLabelList, modifed to clear indChainWanted flags

 J.Andrew Bangham, 2011


getAllChainsInFrame, given a frame it finds indexes to all the chains present in that frame

 bwLabelList, a full list of all (N) labelled chains
 eb1CoordsM,  a full list of all vertex coordinates (i.e. points)
 FrameNumber, image frame of interest
 NotProcessedLabelList, a list of N flags one per entry in bwLabelList

 indChainWanted, indexes (into bwLabelList) of chains represented in the frame of interest
 bwLabelListWanted, list of chains extracted from bwLabelList
 NotProcessedLabelList, modifed to clear indChainWanted flags

 J.Andrew Bangham, 2011


 getAllFramesInChain, given a list of chains it looks through them to find the range of frame
 numbers that could contain chains that intersect with the input chains
 The range is MinFrame:MaxFrame

 bwLabelList, a full list of all (N) labelled chains
 eb1CoordsM,  a full list of all vertex coordinates (i.e. points)
 MinFrame, frame containing chains of interest
 indChainWanted, indexes (into bwLabelList) of chains represented in the frame of interest

 crosscheckStartList, list of chains against which chains in a frame of interest (MinFrame) must 
                      be tested to make sure they don't coincide (see refineListFunc2)
 MaxFrame, last frame of the range over which we need to analyse for intersecting chains

 J.Andrew Bangham, 2011









 chainList, from
 titleString, i.e. 'All frame in random order'

 first load a microtubule project, ensure that it has loaded 'Refine_*' then ...
 global data




 histogram spot paramenters for spots <minChainLength and >=minChainLength

 data, from data
 minChainLength, default 3
 verbose, default false

 first load a microtubule project, ensure that it has loaded 'Refine_*' then ...
 global data










figure(1); hold on;




 if(nargin < 6)
     maxMoveDist = 18;
     minMoveDist = 5;
     %maxMoveDist = 15;
     %minMoveDist = 8;


function prob = probFunction2_withAngles2(p1, p2, v, sigma,minMoveDist,maxMoveDist,AnglePt2,AnglePt1, EccentricityPt2)


function prob = probFunction2_withAngles2JAB

This starts to work on a completely different principle. The idea is ...
 1) each spot is represented by a set of values, in regionprops_improved
    these are weighted according to the spot intensity
    these weighted valuas are now available in spot.wXY
    plot column 2 against col. 1 and ...
 2) if there is no correlation (i.e. slope = 0) then the correlation coefficient
    can be calculated and the probability that the slope is meaningful is given in
    and the slope in spot.slope
 3) We can see whether spot 1 and spot 2 have the same orientation and whether 
    the combined slope is significant by concatenating the two spots
    and repeating the steps now in regionprops_improved. e.g.
    This will give a 
    combined slope and probability that it is meaningful.
 4) In a similar way we can do (I think) include
    how they relate to the S where S is the observed slope between the two spots
    The idea is to assume that the spots have the same slope as S so we 
    subtract this slope from wXY2. If the slopes were the same, then 
    a plot of wXY2 should show them randomly distributed about 0 (remember we have
    subtracted the mean). So the corrcoef yield prob_slope_significant which is low
    come to think of it, p (from [r,p]) will be high. Conversely, if S differed from
    from the individual spot slopes (actually the combined spot slopes) then p will be low.
    If the slope of one spot agreed with S then p will be midway
    In other words, we will have progressively removed our estimates from the data
    (a) removed two means - making the spots overlap
    (b) removed the expected slope - leaving us to see whether the residual values
    are correlated. Then we are testing to see if what remains is random (i.e. we have
    accounted for everything) or contains a residual slope (so we have not and our
    hypothesis is less probable).













randomType 1 randomly permutes the xy coords of the spots
ransomType 2 generates a random number for xy coords


 function [eb1Coords,bwLabelList,parsedListProb,startFrame,endFrame] = refineListFunc1(...


 function [eb1Coords,bwLabelList,parsedListProb,startFrame,endFrame] = refineListFunc1(...


 function [chainList,chainsInFrame] = refineListFunc3(bwLabelList,parsedListProb,eb1Coords,siz)    

 should remove all chains that are completely contained by another chain

 should do the same thing as refineListFunc1 - it is not frame based like refineListFunc2

bwLabelList, Either (for backwards compatibility) each element (indexed by ChainIndex) 
                     is a chain and contains a list of indices (INDICES) into eb1Coords
             Or is a structure containing a chainList
parsedListProb, chain probabilities indexed with ChainIndex
eb1Coords,one row per spot, x,y,framenumber, rows indexed by INDICES
siz, size(im) size of the image into which x,y are subscripts

chainList, array of structures, one element per chain - see bwL2chL for structure
chainsInFrame, list of cells indexed by frame number each containing a list of ID's visible in the frame

J. Andrew Bangham, 2011


 function [chainList,chainsInFrame] = refineListFunc4(bwLabelList,parsedListProb,eb1Coords,siz)    

 NEW IN ver 4 Deletes initial part of chains that overlap another chain
 should remove all chains that are completely contained by another chain

 should do the same thing as refineListFunc1 - it is not frame based like refineListFunc2

bwLabelList, Either (for backwards compatibility) each element (indexed by ChainIndex) 
                     is a chain and contains a list of indices (INDICES) into eb1Coords
             Or is a structure containing a chainList
parsedListProb, chain probabilities indexed with ChainIndex
eb1Coords,one row per spot, x,y,framenumber, rows indexed by INDICES
siz, size(im) size of the image into which x,y are subscripts

chainList, array of structures, one element per chain - see bwL2chL for structure
chainsInFrame, list of cells indexed by frame number each containing a list of ID's visible in the frame

J. Andrew Bangham, 2011


 function [chainList,chainsInFrame] = refineListFunc4(bwLabelList,parsedListProb,eb1Coords,siz)    

 NEW IN ver 5 replace the arbitrary choice of the i'th chain as the
 one to keep as a full length chain - by - the chain with the minimum
 bend at the possible break point

 NEW IN ver 4 Deletes initial part of chains that overlap another chain
 should remove all chains that are completely contained by another chain

 should do the same thing as refineListFunc1 - it is not frame based like refineListFunc2

bwLabelList, Either (for backwards compatibility) each element (indexed by ChainIndex) 
                     is a chain and contains a list of indices (INDICES) into eb1Coords
             Or is a structure containing a chainList
parsedListProb, chain probabilities indexed with ChainIndex
eb1Coords,one row per spot, x,y,framenumber, rows indexed by INDICES
siz, size(im) size of the image into which x,y are subscripts

chainList, array of structures, one element per chain - see bwL2chL for structure
chainsInFrame, list of cells indexed by frame number each containing a list of ID's visible in the frame

J. Andrew Bangham, 2011




 function result=regionprops_improved(mask,im)

 regionprops_improved computes prob_slope_significant, wXY, slope, Orientation
 associated with each spot

 mask, [0,1] image marking the extent of each spot
 im, image showing the image intensity at each spot (WARNING - this
     needs to be normalised, because the values are used as scaling factors)

 result.wXY  the weighted differences from the mean x and mean y
             where the weights are the im (spot) image values
             i.e. white weights the point more heavily

 see also
 regionprops computes orientation by fitting a first order polynomial



 renumbers the image files starting at 0

 (used to make it easy to copy a set of images from the middle of a long dataset
  and check code without having to compute the whole image set)


     if nargin<5


     if nargin<5














 mark (with a dash) chains where the first (last) coords are the same

 bwLabelList is either what it says or an array of chL structs





 this plotting stuff should be elsewhere but should not fail on the
 cluster so leave it here
 find associated plots




 function [MT,AvailableTubulin,AvailableBranch,totalAllMTlengths,nextstepAllMTlength]=ConsumeReleaseMols(...

 To control the behaviour of microtubules when the amount of tubulin and/or branching factor is limiting

 data, MTtbox data structure
 MT, a microtubule e.g. data.working.dyn.microtubule.Org(i)
 AvailableTubulin, the number of molecules of tubulin available to be consumed
 AvailableBranch, the number of molecules of branching factor available to be consumed
 totalAllMTlengths, running total of all microtubule lengths in microns
 nextstepAllMTlength, the expected length of the next step in microns



function  FactorProfilePlot(data,factornames,coordinate,rows,cols,subplotNumber)

Plot the concentration profile of a factor along one axis (the middle of the other two)
on figure(2)

data, the main data structure
factornames i.e. s_a or id_stuff or a cell array of names to be plotted on same axis
            e.g. {'s_a','cytoplasm'}
coordinate, 'x','y' or 'z' default 'x'
rows, number of rows in a subplot (default 1)
cols, default 1
subplotNumber, default 1
FigNo, default 2


 fill voxels up to wallthickness with value Label
 forming a shell



 non-space filling regions co-occupy space,
 i.e. might occupy a volume within the cytoplasm, cell_membrane or both
 the regions are specified by an xyz position, the origin or anchor point
 and a neighbourhood. The neighbourhood is specified by a geometric shape
 typically a sphere or ellipse, i.e. major axis, minor axis. A pair of
 positions, pos and neg, on the perimeter of the shape specify
 the polarity region. 
 For the current Vol, the shape is translated into a set of offsets from the origin.

 Populations of non-space occupying regions can be placed in space occupying regions

 A non-space filling region might represent a membrane channel - in which case
 it would traverse the membrane - overlapping the extracellular space and the cytoplasm.
 It would have an associated permeability - relating to its diffusion constant
 A transmembrane pump would be similar, but actively transport material
 A nucleolus could nucleate microtubules

 It is possible that these regions have the role of 'edges' in a VVE cell-cell neighbourhood graph. 
 Similarly, spacefilling organelles might combine junction-junction neighbourhoods bi-partite graph


 get values and put them into the data structure


 Defines and sets all parameters of the cell organelles that can be used in the current model

 Some fields, such as FaceColor and Static, cannot be chosen by the user
              these are returned by name
 Parameters for others can be chosen by the user,
              these default values and parameter names are returned through defaultstr,fields
 Likewise the list of organelles that are possible and whether they are to be used in the current model or not



data, primary data structure
organelle, e.g. microtubules, plasma_membrane, etc.
property, e.g. size, growthrate, etc.



function  [data,collisionlist,MT]=GrowOneDynamicOrganelle(data,name,MT)

It will grow an MT (or actin) using the local properties specified by in organelleprops

data, data structure
name, type of dynaMT organelle i.e. microtubule or actin
MT, organelle structure (usually MT for the moment)
organelleprops, copy of the MT properties - which may be default or the same as MT.Props or 
     may have been modified in some way to according to context
     (Actually, so far it is the same as MT.Props

data, data structure for project
MT, modified organelle structure
 Input: the following fields are important
MT.Growing  if true, it will grow; else it will not
MT.Verts   list of vertices
MT.Props.maxZipToMTAngle   of MT on hitting another MT
MT.Props.maxAlignToSurfAngle  of MT on hitting a membrane

 The rule is supposed to be that 
 if Growing is false nothing changes
 else it remains true unless it collides with and is unable to bend
      and align with another MT, plasma-membrane or vacuole membrane
 (it may be that the Interaction Function acts on Growing==false
  to flag the MT for destruction by the ShrinkOneDynamicOrganelle

 flags to control the future of the MT, should be cleared in the
 interaction function
MT.Growing  if collision at large angle

MT.Verts   extended list of vertices
MT.Hit a data structure with pointers to MT's that have been hit
MT.CurrentDirection  will change if MT bends


 function H=HideBoxRegion(data,bottom_right_back,commandstr,bottom_right_back,top_left_front)

 hide a portion of the cell, by default the back (low z) half
 data, data structure
 commandstr, one of 'hide',['show'],'clear'
 bottom_right_back, by default data.cellprops.cellsize
 FaceVertexAlphaData, (0,...,1) where 1 is opaque
 top_left_front, by default [0,0,0]

 H, handle to the faces of the box



function ObjOut=MTFitGaussians(Y,observedHist,N,axH)

Y, list of observed angles
N, number of Gaussions to be fitted 
   (each with mean, standard deviation and contribution to mixture)
observedHist, observed histogram of data, bins 0:180 degrees
axH, axis on which data and results are to be plotted
Circular, default false else assume X is periodic

ObjOut structure similar to that produced by

global axH


 function [] = MTShowResults(inputs)

 To display results from the cluster
 The results include both png files (which are shown) and stage files

 cd into project of interest
 and first click on the experiment parameter file (within the project)


function data=MTStats(data,varargin)

data, MT data structure
The remaining args are optional and in pairs, e.g.
'Type','Lengths' plot accumulating distributions of MT lengths and density per frame
'Type','Directions', plot accumulating distribution of MT segment directions and directions per frame

'Save','Lengths'  histogram of microtubule lengths in each frame  [time,numberMTs;time,numberMTs ...]
'Save','Directions'  histogram of microtubule segment directions in each frame  [12345, time;bin,number;bin,number ...]

 If Directions is set then ...
'NumGaus',n, default 2, number of Gaussians to be fitted to the MT segment angle data
'Method','Cyclic' fit Gaussian to augmented data to allow Gaussians to be fitted around the ends
                  it would be better to have a custom method
'Method','NonCyclic' default, Gaussian mixture fitted to histogram
'Method','AugmentedNonCyclic' Gaussian mixture fitted to augmented histogram to simulate cyclic - but faster

data=MTStats(data,'Type','Lengths','Type','Directions' );

  PRODUCES a results file in MT_layersAB_3_20130119\runs\default\results
  which after a few steps contains three columns of numbers
  the dummy numbers 12345 and 678 allow you to identify the time (in seconds) in the middle
  other rows contain: mixture-fraction, mean, standard-deviation
 12345 208.000000 678
 0.483026 46.117965 16.787653
 0.273457 17.826171 10.289600
 0.121758 139.249681 30.820787
 0.121758 139.249699 30.820780
 12345 209.000000 678
 0.105868 165.838961 10.096433
 0.167310 108.714920 28.797453
 0.459578 45.068372 14.944308
 0.267243 16.365847 9.543478
 12345 210.000000 678
 0.450218 46.068017 14.948798
 0.285971 16.806099 9.809341
 0.162995 109.043207 28.595623
 0.100816 165.469058 10.325557

J.Andrew Bangham, 2012



function ind=MT_ID2ind(data,ID)

data, MT data structure
ID, Unique identity of a microtubule ID

ind, current index to microtubule ID in data.working.dyn.microtubules.Org


data = MT_LoadStage( data, stage, runDirectory )
   Load a stage file.

   DATA can be any of the following:
       A path to a .mat file containing a data structure.
       A data structure which has been saved as a project.
       A path to a project directory.

   STAGE may be any of the following:
       Omitted or empty (treated equivalently).
       A real number.
       A string containing a canonical representation of a real number (as
           constructed by makeStageString()).

       Omitted or empty.
       The name of a directory within the "runs" directory within the
       project directory specified by DATA.

   The different forms of the arguments all have the effect of specifying
   a file to load.

   When DATA is a path to a .mat file, STAGE and RUNDIRECTORY are ignored
   and the specified file is loaded.

   When DATA is a data structure or a path to a project directory, if
   STAGE is omitted or absent, the initial state of the project is loaded.
   If STAGE is present, it specifies a stage file to be found in the
   subdirectory of the project specified by RUNDIRECTORY.

   If RUNDIRECTORY is absent or empty, the stage directory is "stages"
   within the project directory.  If RUNDIRECTORY is nonempty, it names a
   subdirectory of the "runs" subdirectory of the project directory.

   If RUNDIRECTORY is specified, STAGE must also be specified, since run
   directories do not contain initial files, only stage files.

   All cases of invalid data result in either the original data structure
   (if one was supplied) being returned unchanged, or [] returned.

   Otherwise, the data structure returned is the one read from the file,
   with all necessarily invalid data (such as graphics handles) removed.






 function parameter_string=MT_get_config_parameter(parameter_name,default_string)
 opens 'MTtbox_config.txt' if it can find it
 and looks for a string that starts with the parameter_name followed by a space
 then takes the next string i.e. starting with a space and followed by the end of line or a % character
 moviecodec Motion JPEG AVI % this is a string
 parameter_name is  'moviecodec'
 parameter_string will be 'Motion JPEG AVI'

 If the parameter_name is not found it will add it to the end of 'MTtbox_config.txt'
 together with the default_string


x = MT_haveGUI( data )
   Test to see if a GUI is present.


x = MT_havePlot( data )
   Test to see if a plotting window is present.


x = MT_haveProject( data )
   Test to see if a project is present.




data = MT_reshapeCell( data, ... )
   Change the shape and dimensions of the cell and restart the simulation.

   When the DATA argument is present, default values for all options are
   the values contained there.  Otherwise, default values are as described

   'shape': Allowed values are 'Rect' (the default), 'Sphere', or 'Disc'.
   'vacuole': a triple [X,Y,Z] or a single number X, which will be
              treated as the triple [X,X,X].  The dimensions in microns
              of the vacuole, if any.  The vacuole is always centred in
              the cytoplasm.  To specify that there is no vacuole, pass
              the number zero.  The default is no vacuole.
   'dimensions': a triple [X,Y,Z] or a single number X, which will be
               treated as the triple [X,X,X].  The dimensions in microns
               of the cell.  There is no default for this: when creating a
               new cell from scratch, its dimensions must be specified.
   'xvoxels':   A single integer, the number of voxels along the X
                dimension of the cell.  The number of voxels in the other
                dimensions will be proportional to this.
   'yvoxels', 'zvoxels': Similar to xvoxels.  Only one of these three
                options can be given.  If more than one is given, the one
                implying the smallest total number of voxels will be used.
   'voxels': A three-element array, equivalent to specifying all of
             xvoxels, yvoxels, and zvoxels.  A single integer can be
             given, implying that the three numbers are equal.
   'numvoxels': A single integer, specifying the total number of voxels in
                the cell.  The actual number of voxels will be the largest
                value of X*Y*Z less than or equal to this number,
                consistent with the voxel array being X by Y by Z.
   If more than one of 'xvoxels', 'yvoxels', 'zvoxels', or 'numvoxels' is
   specified, that one will be used which implies the smallest total
   number of voxels.  At least one of these options must be given when
   creating a cell from scratch.
   'sheetmodel': True or false (the default).  If true, microtubules will be
            constrained to a flat sheet vertically bisecting the cell,
            with vertical coordinate rounded to the height of a middle
            layer of voxels.
   'timestep': A real number, the time step of the simulation (default 1).
   'nuclspont': The probability per cubic micron per unit time of the
            spontaneous nucleation of a microtubule.
   'nuclonMT': The probability per micron per unit time of the
            branching of a new microtubule from another microtubule.


[data,ok] = MT_save_project_as( data, projectname, parentdir, ... )
   Save the project to a project directory.

   PROJECTNAME is the name of the project folder.  This must not be a full
   path name, just the base name of the folder itself.  It will be looked
   for in the folder PROJECTDIR, if specified, otherwise in the parent
   directory of DATA, if any, otherwise the current directory.

   If PROJECTNAME is not specified or empty, the user will be prompted for a
   name using the standard file dialog.  

   The project directory will be created if it does not exist.

   If the project is being saved into its own project directory:
       If it is in the initial state (i.e. no simulation steps have been
       performed, and the initialisation function has not been called) then
       it is saved into the file PROJECTNAME.mat.
       If it is in a later state, it will be saved to PROJECTNAME_Snnnn.mat,
       where nnnn is the current simulation time as a floating point
       number with the decimal point replaced by a 'd'.

   If the project is being saved into a new directory:
       The current state will be saved as an initial state or a later
       stage file as above.
       If the current state is not the initial state, then the initial
       state will be copied across.  Furthermore, the initial state of the
       new project will be loaded.
       The interaction function and notes file will be copied, if they
       exist.  If the notes file exists, the new notes file will also be
       opened in the editor.
       Stage files, movies, and snapshots are NOT copied across.

   If for any reason the project cannot be saved, OK will be false.

       new:   If true, the mesh will be saved as the initial state of a
              project, even if it is not the initial state of the current
              simulation.  The default is false.
       strip:    If true, as many fields as possible of the data will be
              deleted before saving.  They will be reconstructed as far as
              possible when the mesh is loaded.  The only information that
              is lost is the residual strains and effective growth tensor
              from the last iteration.  The default is false.

   Equivalent GUI operation: the "Save As..." button prompts for a
   directory to save a new project to; the "Save" button saves the current
   state to its own project directory.  The "strip" option can be toggled
   with the "Misc/Strip Saved Meshes" menu command.

   Topics: Project management.


data = MT_setRunName( data )
   Set the name of the current run.  The name given will be canonicalised
   so as to force it to be a legal directory name.  If the name is empty
   then it will be replaced by 'default'.


 function data = MT_set_config_parameter( data, parameter_name, default_string )

 opens 'MTtbox_config.txt' if it can find it
 and looks for a string that starts with the parameter_name followed by a space
 then replaces the next string by the default_string
 i.e. starting with a space and followed by the end of line or a % character
 moviecodec Motion JPEG AVI % this is a string
 parameter_name is  'moviecodec'
 parameter_string will be 'Motion JPEG AVI'

 If the parameter_name is not found it will add it to the end of 'MTtbox_config.txt'
 together with the default_string




 function  data=MT_wrap(data,operation,organelle)

 for use in the interaction function.
 Allows microtubules to wrap from one side to another
 by creating a new MT on the other side that grows in the same direction

 data, MTtbox structure
 operation, at startup time set to 'STARTUP' else 'RUN'
 organelle, default 'cytoplasm)

 if data.iterations==0
   % setup wrapping
   %  Wrap where needed by creating new MTs that form the wrap


 function [MTlength,NewMT]=MTlengthMicrons(data,MT)

data, MTtbox data structure
MT, microtubule e.g. from data.working.dyn.microtubule.Org(i)

MTlength, in microns (the vertices are spaced in voxels ?)
NewMT, logical 1 if MT is thought to be new else 0



data = MTtboxAddFactor( data, newnames )
   NEWNAMES is a cell array of names of new factors to be added.  they are
   checked to see if they exist already; those that do are ignored.


function [argument_list,subfileArgList]=MTtboxCommand(varargin)

For running microtubule models in batch mode. Results are filed in a
ProjectName:runs:experimentname:meshes   stores full microtubule .mat files

At the end of each stage/step the data structure is stored in a separate file.
In addition, the command line used to invoke MTtboxCommand
and a copy of the interaction function are saved in the experimentname directory.

The data structures can be viewed using MTtbox software

When running jobs on the cluster, MTtboxCommand will automatically
log the fact with a program called ClusterControl.

To run on the cluster you must have
      1) Your (UEA) Cluster username
      2) Your (UEA) Cluster username Password
      3) The (UEA) Cluster name, e.g.
      4) Path to your filespace within the cluster (excluding your
             (e.g 'gpfs/tmpscratch01/sys/')
             (or  'gpfs/sys/')
and the following programs installed on your computer
      4) WinSCP
      5) Putty
      6) pscp
      7) plink
these can be installed on a Mac from the Terminal using MacPorts (e.g. sudo port install putty)

There is an option to output a set of shell scripts (.sh files) that
enable the results to be computed on a cluster in parallel.
This is invoked by the 'Use','Cluster', command pair.

Usage, all argument pairs are optional
    'State','RunNow',...   % status of command, options are:
                           % default is 'RunNow', i.e. when 'State' is not used then
                           %     system is run on the current computer
                           % The following only apply to running on the cluster
                           % 'Run'     create and run a single command
                           % 'Begin'   to begin assembling a batch of commands
                           % 'Add'     to add to the existing batch
                           % 'Start'   to add to and then run batch of commands
    'Use','Cluster'        % use the cluster if it is accessible
                           % default is not to use the cluster
    'Name','IMotif2a',...  % project to be run
    'Path', pwd,...         % present working directory
    'DryRun', false,...    % If true, no actual invocation of MTtbox
                           % will be made.  Instead the commands that
                           % would have been issued are printed to the
                           % console.

                           % this command is used to change dt
 Using time
    'Stages',[80,120,...]  % default, output at every iteration
                           % list of stages (in hours) that are to be
                           % output.
                           % Overrides Stepsize.
                           % Overrides total_time, i.e. total_time=max(stages)
                           % stage filenumbers are time - consistent
                           % GFtbox

 Using steps
    'N_steps', 20,...      % number of steps to be run
    'Stepsize',1,...       % interval between steps that are recorded
                           % overridden by Stages
                           % defaut 1

    'param',[indices]      % it is possible to automatically
                           %create set of experiments that systematically vary parameters
                           %of the model. These have to be setup inside the interaction
                           %function. e.g. the parameter called 'param' is set up with
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.range=[0, 1.2, 5, 10]
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.index=3; % this sets the default, i.e.
                           %param=5. By setting an invalid index using
                           %on the MTtboxCommand command line, i.e. 10
                           in this case, each value of the parameter
                           will be used. If two range parameters are
                           set then the combinations will be run as
                           separate jobs, i.e. if there were 4 and 5
                           alternatives respectively, 20 experiments
                           would be created.

                           %Sensitivity testing
                           this is a reserved userdatat ranges field
                           that is recognised by MTtboxCommand. In
                           To perform a sensitivity test, there must
                           be set of obj files in a directory called
                           objs. One obj per time step.
                           It is differences between the test sensitivity values
                           and these obj files that will be computed.
                           that will
    'ExpID',name,          % not for general use. Used internally by MTtboxCommand
                           % to label experiments as they are run on
                           % the cluster

Run on personal computer
MTtboxCommand('path','D:\ab\Matlab stuff\Microtubule','Name','MT_Demo5_20120807','N_steps',[5,15,25]);
MTtboxCommand('path','D:\ab\Matlab stuff\Microtubule','Name','MT_Demo5_20120807','N_steps',[5,15,25],'spont_nucleation',[1,3]);
Run on cluster, exploring two range parameters

Run on cluster, exploring the effect of different dt and number of

Try a range of dts, run for two separate models, for all combinations
of the specified mutations
MTtboxCommand('State','Start','Name','NewFig4','dt',[0.1 0.5 1] ,'Subdiv',true,'Stages',[2,5,7],'Use','Cluster','modelname',[1 2],'Mut_List',{'mutation1','mutation1'});

J.Andrew Bangham, 2008
Jacob Newman, 2011
     if isunix
         % then assume it is running on the cluster and the paths are to be
         % setup relative to the current directory


function [argument_list,subfileArgList]=MTtboxCommand(varargin)

For running microtubule models in batch mode. Results are filed in a
ProjectName:runs:experimentname:meshes   stores full microtubule .mat files

At the end of each stage/step the data structure is stored in a separate file.
In addition, the command line used to invoke MTtboxCommand
and a copy of the interaction function are saved in the experimentname directory.

The data structures can be viewed using MTtbox software

When running jobs on the cluster, MTtboxCommand will automatically
log the fact with a program called ClusterControl.

To run on the cluster you must have
      1) Your (UEA) Cluster username
      2) Your (UEA) Cluster username Password
      3) The (UEA) Cluster name, e.g.
      4) Path to your filespace within the cluster (excluding your
             (e.g 'gpfs/tmpscratch01/sys/')
             (or  'gpfs/sys/')
and the following programs installed on your computer
      4) WinSCP
      5) Putty
      6) pscp
      7) plink
these can be installed on a Mac from the Terminal using MacPorts (e.g. sudo port install putty)

There is an option to output a set of shell scripts (.sh files) that
enable the results to be computed on a cluster in parallel.
This is invoked by the 'Use','Cluster', command pair.

Usage, all argument pairs are optional
    'State','RunNow',...   % status of command, options are:
                           % default is 'RunNow', i.e. when 'State' is not used then
                           %     system is run on the current computer
                           % The following only apply to running on the cluster
                           % 'Run'     create and run a single command
                           % 'Begin'   to begin assembling a batch of commands
                           % 'Add'     to add to the existing batch
                           % 'Start'   to add to and then run batch of commands
    'Use','Cluster'        % use the cluster if it is accessible
                           % default is not to use the cluster
    'Name','IMotif2a',...  % project to be run
    'Path', pwd,...         % present working directory
    'DryRun', false,...    % If true, no actual invocation of MTtbox
                           % will be made.  Instead the commands that
                           % would have been issued are printed to the
                           % console.

                           % this command is used to change dt
 Using time
    'Stages',[80,120,...]  % default, output at every iteration
                           % list of stages (in hours) that are to be
                           % output.
                           % Overrides Stepsize.
                           % Overrides total_time, i.e. total_time=max(stages)
                           % stage filenumbers are time - consistent
                           % GFtbox

 Using steps
    'N_steps', 20,...      % number of steps to be run
    'Stepsize',1,...       % interval between steps that are recorded
                           % overridden by Stages
                           % defaut 1

    'param',[indices]      % it is possible to automatically
                           %create set of experiments that systematically vary parameters
                           %of the model. These have to be setup inside the interaction
                           %function. e.g. the parameter called 'param' is set up with
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.range=[0, 1.2, 5, 10]
                           %m.userdata.ranges.param.index=3; % this sets the default, i.e.
                           %param=5. By setting an invalid index using
                           %on the MTtboxCommand command line, i.e. 10
                           in this case, each value of the parameter
                           will be used. If two range parameters are
                           set then the combinations will be run as
                           separate jobs, i.e. if there were 4 and 5
                           alternatives respectively, 20 experiments
                           would be created.

                           %Sensitivity testing
                           this is a reserved userdatat ranges field
                           that is recognised by MTtboxCommand. In
                           To perform a sensitivity test, there must
                           be set of obj files in a directory called
                           objs. One obj per time step.
                           It is differences between the test sensitivity values
                           and these obj files that will be computed.
                           that will
    'ExpID',name,          % not for general use. Used internally by MTtboxCommand
                           % to label experiments as they are run on
                           % the cluster

Run on personal computer
MTtboxCommand('path','D:\ab\Matlab stuff\Microtubule','Name','MT_Demo5_20120807','N_steps',[5,15,25]);
MTtboxCommand('path','D:\ab\Matlab stuff\Microtubule','Name','MT_Demo5_20120807','N_steps',[5,15,25],'spont_nucleation',[1,3]);


data = MTtboxDeleteFactor( data, selectednames )
   Delete the named factors.  Names that do not exist are ignored.


dirname = MTtboxDir()
   Find the Microtubule Toolbox directory.



runs SilentGFtbox having ensured that paths to the DArT_Toolbox 
are present.








 Scale markers in proportion to x-axis scale rather than in points.
 When active SetUnscaleMarkers stores data in the axes.userdata and redirects the
 resize callback of the axes parent figure.

 properties and values
 'State','on' the size of specified markers is in proportion to x axis (instead of in points)
         'off' default, markers are specified in points - as normal in Matlab
 'Axes',handle (default: current axes from gca)
 'Size',value  (default: 0.1) fraction of x-axis maxscale-minscale
 'Tag','name' (default all markers) name of line containing markers to be scaled

 Example usage:

 % now drag figure window to resize according to length of x axis
 % and to return things to normal

 J. Andrew Bangham, 2011


function [data]=ShrinkDynamicOrganelle(data)

Reduce the length of all the dynamic organelle (microtubule)

data, MTtbox data structure


function [data,i_MT]=ShrinkOneDynamicOrganelle(data,name,i_MT)

I'm not sure why an index into the MT of interest is passed rather
than the MT itself - but there was a reason at some stage.

Always shrinks from the tail end - irrespective of speed - 
   but catastrophes should work from the front end - likewise rescues
   - but not yet implemented   %

where MT=data.working.dyn.(name).Org(i_MT) 

 the idea is that 
 if MT.Alive==false then the MT will be deleted
 else it will shrink from the - end until it is deleted
 Input: the following fields are important
 Output: the following fields are important


 r is radius
 i,j,k indices into the sphere


 function time=SuffixToStageTime(name)


 mt, microtubule or other growing/shrinking organelle
 data, main data structure
 NameRegionTofill, name of volume in which the organelle is growing, usually 'cytoplasm'
 DynamicOrg, name of growing, nucleating or shrinking organelle, e.g. microtubule

 collision.mtHitIDs  List of all microtubules this one has hit.
 collision.staticorgHitIDs  List of static organelles it has hit, other than the one it swims in.
 collision.acollision  True if either of these is nonempty.

 J. Andrew Bangham, 2011


 This is a no-op.


[p2new,remainingdistance] = backOffLineCollision( p1, p2, o1, o2, d )
   The arguments define two line segments, one from p1 to p2, one from o1
   to o2.  d is a distance.  p2 is assumed to be closer than d to the line
   joining o1 and o2.

   This procedure calculates a point p2new which is at a distance d from
   the line through o1o2 and has the same projection onto that line as p2.
   remainingdistance is the amount by which the distance from p1 to p2new
   is less than the distance from p1 to p2.  Negative values (which should
   not happen) are replaced by 0.


[p1,n] = bestFitPlaneOneSide( vxs, pt )
   Calculate a best-fit plane to the set of vertexes vxs, and return its
   unit normal vector as N.  Consider a plane parallel to the best-fit
   plane, such that (1) all of the points in VXS lie on one side of that
   plane, (2) PT is at least as close to that plane as the centroid of
   VXS, and (3) the plane is as close to the centroid as possible.  P! is
   the intersection of that plane with the line through PTZ parallel to N.


# This functions returns points to draw an ellipse
#  @param x     X coordinate
#  @param y     Y coordinate
#  @param a     Semimajor axis
#  @param b     Semiminor axis
#  @param angle Angle of the ellipse (in degrees)


[isnear,distance,approaching,p,q] = capsuleProximity( p01, q01, dmin )
   Return true if the line segments specified by p01 and q01 are closer
   than dmin.  p01 and q01 are exactly as in lineLineDistance().


function t = cellAge( data )

t, age in seconds


checkMTvalid( mt )
   Perform validity checks on a microtubule, for debugging purposes.
   This checks that consecutive vertexes are distinct.  When they aren't,
   bad things happen.



   Generate N random unit vectors in 3D, uniformly distributed on the unit
   sphere.  N defaults to 1.  The result is an N*3 matrix of row vectors.



End_polar=[ rand*2*pi, rand*2*pi, Radius]; % polar relative to StartXYZ


 function xyz=chooseStartPosition(data,regionsToFill)
 data, main data structure of MTtbox
 ind, indexes to region to be filled (if default then it will use cytoplasm)
            regionsToFill, [default cytoplasm] list of regions e.g. {'cytoplasm','plasma_membrane'}
 xyz, coordinates of position in data.cellprops.Vol

J.Andrew Bangham 2011


function outputMovie = clipoutregionMovie( filename1, filename2 )
 narrows the gap between the two movies 

 J.Andrew Bangham, 2013


mtdata = compactMTData( mtdata )
   Eliminate all fields of mtdata that can be reconstructed from the


function    data=createCellShape(data)


data.cellprops.Vol where -1 labels non_cell region and 0 labels the cell region

J.Andrew Bangham, 2012


function data=create_cell_organelles_interactively(data)

data.cell_wall: [1x1 struct]
data.plasma_membrane: [1x1 struct]
data.cytoplasm: [1x1 struct]
data.nucleus: [1x1 struct]
data.microtubules: [1x1 struct]
data.actin: [1x1 struct]
data.vacuole: [1x1 struct]


function [data,cancelled]=create_cell_properties_interactively(data)

 data.shape: 'Rect:1:1:1'
 data.cellsize: [25 25 25]
 data.Smooth: 'None'




x = diffuse( x, k )
 X is a 3D array of concentrations defined on a spatially regular grid of
 any size.  K is either a single number or a 3D array of diffusion
 coefficients on the same grid.

 The concentration of x on the bounding surfaces is assumed to be clamped
 at whatever value it has initially.

 For the calculation to be valid, the relative change in concentration at
 every point should be below 10% on each iteration step.

 To create an impermeable barrier between two diffusion regions, their
 common boundary must be defined by a set of nodes with diffusion constant
 zero, such that every path from the interior of one region to the
 interior of the other, passing always from a node to one of its
 orthogonal neighbours, passes along a consecutive pair of nodes in the

 To make the boundary surface of the mesh impermeable, make the diffusion
 constant zero on the outermost two layers of vertices.

 All of the following computation schemes are based on the idea of
 replacing each value by a weighted sum of it and its orthogonal
 neighbours' values.

 When k is spatially constant the following simple scheme is correct:

       x' = (1-6*k)*x + k(sum of neighbouring values of x)

 If k varies from place to place, it is not correct to simply replace k in
 the above by the value of k at the point, because this will violate
 conservation of material.  Neither is the following scheme correct:

       x' = (1-6*k)*x +
            sum of( neighbouring value of k * neighbouring value of x )

 This satisfies conservation of material but violates the principle that
 if the concentration of x is spatially constant, there can be no net flow
 in any direction.  There will be a fictitious flow down the gradient of
 diffusion coefficient, proportional to its spatial rate of change and to
 the square of the mesh step size.

 The scheme that is implemented here satisfies both conditions.  It
 calculates the flow from a point A to a neighbouring point B as equal to
 (xA - xB)(kA + kB)/2.  This amount is added to B and subtracted from A.

 The relationship between k, the diffusion constant D of the underlying
 continuous system, the time step dt, and the mesh step dx is
 k = (D dt)/(4 dx^2).


vertexes = discreteCapsule( startPt, endPt )
   Imagine a 3D grid of points at integer coordinates.

   STARTPT and ENDPT are points with not necessarily integer coordinates.
   This routine returns a list, in increasing order, of the indexes of all
   grid points that lie within RADIUS of the straight line segment from

   STARTPT and ENDPT can validly be the same point.


function displays MT properties dispMTprops(ID)


 function [inds,IDs]=displayMT(data,type,num)

type, either 'Index' requires num
      or 'ID' requires num
      or 'All' (DEFAULT)
      or 'MT' i.e. all bound to other MT's
      or 'PL' i.e. all bound to plasma-membrane
      or 'Prop' requires num to be the name of a property
num, one or more indexes or ID's

if no arguments on the left hand side then display all results
else do not display
inds, indexes of all found
IDs,  ID's of all found



function data = doStep(data)

Step of the MTtbox model.
If called from the MTtbox then it displays results etc.(UsingGUI=true)
else it simply updates data

data, MTtbox data structure


if nargin<2 || ~isfield(data.cellprops,'slicenumber')




mtdata = expandMTData( mtdata )
   Restore all fields of mtdata that were removed by
   compactMTData( mtdata ).


[newdir,deflectionAngle] = findBestDeflection( dir, impactVectors, maxDeflection )
   Find a direction NEWDIR which minimises the angle between it and DIR,
   subject to its angle with each vector in impactVectors being at least

   DIR is a row vector and IMPACTVECTORS is a matrix of row vectors.
   NEWDIR is returned as a row vector.

   If there is no solution, NEWDIR and DEFLECTIONANGLE are returned as

   If there are no impactVectors, then NEWDIR is DIR and DEFLECTIONANGLE
   is 0.

   Requires the Optimisation Toolbox, for the procedure quadprog.


[displacementVec,displacementSize,ok] = findBestDisplacement( penetrations )

 A sphere at the origin penetrates several planes by amounts and in
 directions specified by PENETRATIONS.  These should be imagined to be
 small compared with the radius of the sphere, although the calculation is
 correct regardless of their sizes. Each penetration is a vector, along a
 radius of the sphere perpendicular to one of the planes, and proceeding
 from the intersection of the radius and that plane to the intersection of
 the radius and the sphere.

 This procedure calculates the vector of shortest length such that, if
 the sphere is displaced by this vector, it no longer intersects any of
 the planes.  If no such vector exists, the zero vector is returned.
 It also returns the length of the displacement vector.  In this case, OK
 will be false, otherwise true.

 PENETRATIONS is an array of row vectors, and DISPLACEMENTVEC is a row

 If PENETRATIONS is empty, then DISPLACEMENTVEC is the zero vector,
 DISPLACEMENTSIZE is zero, and OK is true


[newdir,frac,ok] = findBestRetraction( dir, vecs )
   DIR is a vector representing one step in the growth of a microtubule.
   VECS is the set of impact vectors resulting from collisions during that

   NEWDIR is the maximum step in the original direction that would avoid
   all of those collisions.  FRAC is the ratio of the length of NEWDIR to
   DIR.  OK is true if FRAC is at least 1e-3 times the length of DIR.

   Any vectors in VECS with squared length less than 1e-8 will be
   ignored.  If there are no other vectors then NEWDIR will equal DIR,
   FRAC will be 1, and OK will be true.



n = findNonMember( v )
   Find the smallest positive integer not in the given list of positive





 function slicenumber=getClipSliceNumber(data,pc)

 data, MTtbox data structure
 pc, clip position as percentage along the z- axis 


 function slicenumber=getClipSliceNumber2(data,pc)

 data, MTtbox data structure
 pc, clip position as percentage along the x- axis 


function diffk=getDiffusionK(data,factorname)

   Convert the data structure created by setupDiffusion into a 3D Vol of
   diffusion coefficients

   factorname can be a string or an index.

   If the diffusion constants are all zero, the empty array is returned.

J. Andrew Bangham, 2011


[factorIndex,factorName] = getFactorFromRole( data, role )
   Return the index and the name of the factor occupying the given role.
   If there is no such role or no such factor, the index is zero and the
   name is empty.






function [hit,hitat,hitwhen]=hasHit('what',MT)

what, 'MT' (default) or 'STATIC' (any of the following) or 'PLM' or 'VAC' or 'WLL' or 'NUC'
MT, microtubule structure

hitmt, false if nothing has ever been hit by microtubule MT
       of ID of microtubule that has been hit
       or label of static organelle that has been hit
hitat, x,y,z coordinates of collision
hitwhen, time of collision

 To cancel all previous hits 
if hasHit('MT',MT)
 then do something



function hit=hasJustHit(what,MT,data)
what, 'MT' (default) 
      or 'STATIC' (any of the following) or 'PLM' or 'VAC' or 'WLL' or 'NUC'
      or 'ANY' either MT or STATIC
MT, microtubule structure
    where MT.Userdata.type is set to e.g. 1 or 2 or 'A' or 'B' designating say, cortical or subcortical MT
    then you also require 
data, MTtbox data structure

hit, false if nothing has JUST been hit by microtubule MT
       of ID of microtubule that has been hit
       or label of static organelle that has been hit

if hasJustHit('MT',MT)
 then do something

where there are two types of MT, 
     MT.Userdata.type=1; % set according MT type (cortical, sub-cortical)
if hasJustHit('MT',MT,data)
 to test for collision between identical types

see also



 non-space filling regions (NSF) co-occupy space,
 i.e. might occupy a volume within the cytoplasm, cell_membrane or both
 the regions are specified by an xyz position, the origin or anchor point
 and a neighbourhood. The neighbourhood is specified by a geometric shape
 typically a sphere or ellipse, i.e. major axis, minor axis. A pair of
 positions, pos and neg, on the perimeter of the shape specify
 the polarity region. 
 For the current Vol, the shape is translated into a set of offsets from the origin.

 Populations of non-space occupying regions can be placed in space occupying regions

 A non-space filling region might represent a membrane channel - in which case
 it would traverse the membrane - overlapping the extracellular space and the cytoplasm.
 It would have an associated permeability - relating to its diffusion constant
 A transmembrane pump would be similar, but actively transport material
 A nucleolus could nucleate microtubules

 It is possible that these regions have the role of 'edges' in a VVE cell-cell neighbourhood graph. 
 Similarly, spacefilling organelles might combine junction-junction neighbourhoods bi-partite graph



isinside = isInCytoplasm( data, pos )
   Determine whether the given point is in the cytoplasm, by rounding it
   and looking it up in data.cellprops.Vol.


fv = isosurfaceCorrect( vol, value )
   Workaround for Matlab's perverse implementation of isosurface, which
   arbitrarily swaps the coordinates X and Y in the result.




 setup outside of volume for isosurface


fv = isosurfaceCorrect( vol, value )
   Workaround for Matlab's perverse implementation of isosurface, which
   arbitrarily swaps the coordinates X and Y in the result.



function data=listbox_experimentlist(data)

Use the Experiment name listbox to select and load an experiment



--- help for vdspdebug/loadProject ---
LOADPROJECT Load the program file.
   Overloaded methods:




 Convert s to upper case.  Replace all strings of non-word characters by
 single underscores.  If the result does not begin with a letter, prefix










[mts,mtids,ds,angles,mtAngles,impactVectors,newIgnoreMTIDs] = microtubuleCollision( data, mtID, p01 )
   mtID is the ID of a microtubule.  p01 is its last two vertices, or its
   last vertex if it has only one.

   mts is a list of the indexes, and mtids a list of the IDs, of all the
   microtubules it collides with.  ds is a list of the distances.  angles
   is a list of the contact angles.  impactVectors is a list of the
   vectors from the centre of the end of the microtubule to each of the
   contact points with other microtubules.


[newDir,collisiontype] = mtCollisionDir( previousDir, otherDir, maxAngle )
   A microtubule travelling in direction previousDir collides with a
   microtubule travelling in the direction otherDir.  This procedure
   calculates the resulting direction of the microtubule.  This will be
   parallel or antiparallel to otherDir, provided the angle between
   otherDir and previousDir is below maxAngle, otherwise it will be

   previousDir should be a unit vector.
   otherDir may have any nonzero length.
   newDir will be a unit vector.
   collisiontype is 1 if newDir is parallel to otherDir, -1 if
   antiparallel, and 0 if newDir is previousDir.


function data=mtSETprops(data,varargin)

data, MTtbox data structure

remaining arguments in pairs ('fieldname',value)
where fieldnames are:
               thicknessMicrons: 0.025000
            outerThicknessRatio: 1 % tip 'magnetic range' centred on and 1*diameter of MT tip, could be e.g. 4
                         minvox: 1.0000e-04
                     growthrate: 0.1000 % microns per sec positive end
                     shrinkrate: 0.0300 % microns per sec negative end
                catastropherate: 0.5000 % transition rate positive end
            maxAlignToSurfAngle: 40
                maxZipToMTAngle: 50
                  maxSpawnAngle: 50
                         maxAge: 0
                      nuclspont: 0.0012 % transition rate
                       nuclonMT: 1.2000e-04 % transition rate
         probCatastropheWhenHit: 0.3000 % transition rate positive end
                     rescuerate: 0.0 % transition rate from paused to growing
           probPauseOnCollision: 0.7000 % transition rate positive end
     probSpontaneousCatastrophe: 0.0300 % transition rate positive end
              backwardBranching: 0.5000 (50% forwards and 50% backwards)
              parallelspawnprob: []
                     wraparound: 0
                      FaceColor: [0 0 1]
                      FaceAlpha: 0.4000
                          Label: -6
                        isLayer: 0
                         Static: 0
                          InUse: 1
                   bendpriority: 'membrane' (default), 'mt' (microtubule),'max' (max of the two), 'min'
                 shrinkheadrate: 0.3000 ( % microns per sec positive end)


function data=mtSETindividualMTprops(data,varargin)

data, MTtbox data structure
ID, identity of microtubule(s)

remaining arguments in pairs ('fieldname',value)
where fieldnames are:

     Alive: logical
     Growing: logical
     Shrinking: logical
     ShrinkingHead: false (default)see Props.shrinkheadrate
     Catastrophe: logical
     Props: structure see below
     BoundPLM: logical
     BoundMic: logical
     BoundVac: logical
     BoundWll: logical
     HitMe: structure
     Hit: structure
     Wrapped: logical
     %Props also see help on mtSETMTprops
               thicknessMicrons: 0.5000
                         minvox: 1.0000e-04
                     growthrate: 0.1000
                     shrinkrate: 0.0300
                catastropherate: 0.5000
            maxAlignToSurfAngle: 40
                maxZipToMTAngle: 50
                  maxSpawnAngle: 50
                         maxAge: 0
                      nuclspont: 0.0012
                       nuclonMT: 1.2000e-04
         probCatastropheWhenHit: 0.3000
           probPauseOnCollision: 0.7000
     probSpontaneousCatastrophe: 0.0300
              backwardBranching: 0.5000
              parallelspawnprob: []
                     wraparound: 0
                      FaceColor: [0 0 1]
                      FaceAlpha: 0.4000
                          Label: -6
                        isLayer: 0
                         Static: 0
                          InUse: 1
                   bendpriority: 'membrane'
                 shrinkheadrate: 0.3000


function outputMovie = multiMovie( filename1, filename2 )
 Combines two movies into one with images side by side

 If one movie is longer than the other, the longer one is evenly
 subsampled to give the same number of frames as the shorter
 the width of the final movie is 1024 pixels and the height
 varies depending on the size of the input movies

 Images are scaled such that the aspect ratios of both are 
 The output file name is a concatenation of the input filenames

 J.Andrew Bangham, 2013



function [data,nucleated]=nucleateDyn(data,NameRegionTofill,...

to create a new cytoplasmic MT at the growing tip of an old one (indexed=1)

StartPosition= data.working.dyn.microtubules.Org(1).Verts(end,:);
InitialDirection== data.working.dyn.microtubules.Org(1).CurrentDirection;
[data,newID] = nucleateDyn( data, 'cytoplasm', 'microtubules', ...
     StartPosition, InitialDirection );



plotCylinderExtrusion( ax, h, vxs, radius, npts, colorspec )
   Plot a piecewise cylindrical object that passes through the vertexes in
   VXS, and whose cross-section is a regular polygon of NPTS vertexes and
   radius RADIUS.  The plotting takes place in the axes object AX.  If H
   is nonempty, it is assumed to be a graphics handle returned by a
   previous call of plotCylinderExtrusion.  In this case its properties
   will be updated instead of a new handle being made.
   COLORSPEC is a structure with fields START, MIDDLE, END, TIPS, and
   VARIATION.  START, MIDDLE, and END are the colours of the start,
   middle, and end of the extrusion.  VARIATION specifies an amount by 
   which the colour varies around the microtubule.  TIPS affects how
   much the start and end colours are localised to the tips of the
   cylinder.  The larger the value, the more the tip colours are
   localised.  Default values aredefined for each of these properties. 



 mic, microtubule/actin
 name, name of dynamic organelle, i.e. microtubule/actin




p = plotmarkers( points, sizes, color, alpha, shape, ... )
   Plot a marker at each of a set of points.
   POINTS is an N*3 array of N points.
   SIZES is a 1*N or N*1 vector of diameters of the markers.
   COLOR is an RGB triple specifying the color of all the markers.
   ALPHA is a single number, the alpha value (opacity) of the markers.  1
       is completely opaque, 0 is invisibly transparent.
   SHAPE is either 'cube', 'octahedron', or 'tetrahedron'.
   The remaining arguments are passed on to a call of PATCH.  These should
   not specify any of 'EdgeColor', 'FaceAlpha', 'EdgeAlpha', or
   'LineStyle', but may specify any other properties.

   The result is a graphics handle to a patch object.


h = previousHit( mt, data )
   Return the hit structure that records what, if anything the microtubule
   mt hit on the previous iteration.  Note that this procedure can only be
   called during a simulation step, because the iteration count will be
   incremented at the end of the step.


 initialise the model
 make an initialising call to the interaction function 


 clear the working arrays



mightBeNear = quickProximityTest( p01, q01, dmin )
   Perform a quick proximity test between the point sets defined by the
   p01 and q01, and the distance dmin.  This returns a boolean for each
   point in q01, which is true if an only if that point is within a
   distance of d1 of the axis-aligned bounding box of p01.

   If one wants to know whether the points of q01 are close to any member
   of p01, or to the convex hull of p01, or to the lines joining the
   points of p01, then this procedure can be used as a quick screening
   test.  Where it returns false, the point is certainly far, but where it
   returns true, it may or may not be near, and then a more precise test
   is needed.


[p,vi,vr] = randPosOnMT( mt )
   Choose N random positions on the microtubule, uniformly by length.


 [newdir,newstart,offsetdir] = randomSpawnDirection( ...
             curdir, maxangle, maxangleback, curstart, radius, surfnormal, insurface, parallelprob, backprob )
   Generate a random direction that deviates by not more than maxangle
   from currentdir, and which is uniformly distributed over the spherical
   cap that is the space of all permitted directions.  If surfnormal is
   supplied, nonempty, and nonzero, limit the new vector to the subset making an
   angle with surfnormal of more than 90 degrees.

   If maxangle is empty, all directions are permitted, the same as if
   maxangle were pi or more.

   insurface is a boolean.  If false, the above happens, but if true, the
   new direction is constrained to lie parallel to the surface, i.e.
   perpendicular to surfnormal.  (surfnormal must be supplied and nonzero
   in this case.)  The new direction is randomly uniformly distributed
   over the range of permitted angles in the surface.

   curdir must be a row vector.

   newdir will be a unit length row vector.

   offsetdir will be a unit vector in the plane of curdir and newdir,
       specifying the direction the spawn point should be offset.

   The default value of N is 1.  A larger value can be supplied to
   generate any number of random directions as an N*3 matrix.


 Return a random subset of k of the numbers from 1 to n.
 s will be an array of booleans the same size as n, with k randonly
 selected elements set to true.

 This is guaranteed to give exactly k numbers.  If what you need is for
 each number to be chosen independently with probability k/n, just use
 s = rand(1,n) < k/n. 


 function p=rate2prob(data,f)

 convert a transition rate in probability per (second per step)
 to a probability. (Allard et al use prob per minute)

data, MTtbox data structure
f, transition probability

p, probability


configStruct = readMTtboxConfig()
	Get config info.


function [ind,array] = region(data,factor,organellename)

data, MTtbox data structure
factor, 3D matrix of factor
organellename, string e.g. 'cytoplasm'

ind, indexes to the region selected by the intersection of the factor
and organelle regions
array, array the size of the cell containing 1's marking the region

s_a_p(region(data,id_a_p>0.5,'cytoplasm')=1; % to set s_a_p within the
cytoplasm to 1



function level=sampleFactor(factor,MT,type)

factor, volume representing the factor, e.g. id_a_p
MT, microtubule data structure
type default 'POSITIVE' or 'GROWING' the growing end

level of factor at the specified point

if sampleFactor(id_a_p,MT)>0.5
 then etc.






setAxisTicks( ax, unit, unitname )
   Set the position and labelling of the axis ticks, on the assumption
   that the unit of labelling is UNIT and not the actual values.


data = setFactorRole( data, role, factorname )
   Specify the name of the factor that occupies a given role.  If the name
   is empty or absent, the role is removed.




 Can only be called from within a callback.



function data=setupDiffusion(data,varargin)

Diffusion constant may vary from region to region
This routine sets up data structure that can be translated in to a 3D pattern of 
diffusion constants.

varargin, data,value pairs where
'Factor' is the name of the signalling factor, e.g. s_factor
'DiffK' is the diffusion constant, N values means that N regions must be specified
'ListOfVolumes', is a list of lists specifying the regions associated with each DiffK
               Regionlist i.e. {'plasma_membrane','cytoplasm'} or {'nucleus'}
               ListOfVolumes i.e. {{'plasma_membrane','cytoplasm'},{'nucleus'}}

see also

J.Andrew Bangham, 2011


 Fill a volume representing the organelle (used to create a surf for visulisation)
 save in data.cellprops.(Organelle).Vol
 Also, use this volume to contribute to the labelling of all regions of the cell
 save in data.cellprops.Vol
 This must be done by going through the Organelles from largest to smallest, followed by membranes
 data.cellprops.Vol be zero everywhere inside the cell and -1 (representing non_cell) outside







 data = spawnFromMTs( data )
   Spawn new MTs from existing MTs.


data = splitMT( data, mtID, mtIndex )
   Split the microtubule identified either by mtID or mtIndex into two
   parts at vertex i (an index into its Verts array).  That vertex will
   become the last vertex of the original mt and the first vertex of the
   new mt.


 Can only be called from within a callback.


newDir = surfCollisionDir( previousDir, surfNormal, maxAngle )
   A microtubule travelling in direction previousDir collides with a
   surface, whose surface normal at the collision point is surfNormal,
   pointing in the direction away from the microtubule.  This procedure
   calculates the resulting direction of the microtubule, which should be
   tangent to the surface, and subject to that, as close as possible to
   the original direction.

   previousDir and surfNormal are assumed to be unit vectors.

   newDir will be a unit vector.

   softCollision is true if the angle of incidence with the surface is
   below maxAngle.  The value returned for newDir is independent of
   whether softCollision is true.


[penetrationDistance,penetrationVector] = surfDistance( pt, dir, vertices, normals, normalsense, maxdist, surfsize, planeOnly )
   Determine whether the point PT is closer than maxdist to the surface,
   and if so, how close, and calculate a vector in the direction of the
   contact, whose length is equal to the penetration depth.  This vector
   always points into the collision object.  If PT is not closer than
   maxdist, then the penetration distance is returned as 0 and the
   penetration vector as the zero vector.


 Set X to be a spherically symmetric gaussian concentration field.




ijk = trimToVol( ijk, volsize )
   Force every component of ijk to lie between 1 and the corresponding
   component of volsize.




 function ok=update_Interaction_Function_Tail(data)

 to ensure that when the interaction function is next opened
 the commented parameters at the end together with any changes
 specified in the body of the interaction function represent a 
 complete description of the model






ok = validateData( data )
   Perform validity checks on the data.  These are not exhaustive, but
   just a collection of whatever tests occurred to me.




indexes = volSub2ind( volsize, ipp )
   Version of sub2ind that runs much faster than Matlab's.


[side,closestpt,normal,offset] = whichSideOfSurface( pt, surface, normals, maxdist )
   Determine whether the point PT is on the positive or negative side of
   the surface defined by VERTICES and NORMALS.  SIDE is 1 if the point is
   on the side that the normals point towards, otherwise -1.
   SURFACE is a struct containing two fields, VERTICES and FACES, as
   returned by ISOSURFACE().  Only the vertices are actually used.
   Vertexes farther away from PT than MINDIST along any coordinate are
   ignored.  If this leaves no vertices, SIDE will be zero.  Otherwise,
   the closest remaining vertex to PT will be chosen and the normal vector
   at that point used to determine SIDE.
   CHOSENPT is the closest vertex to PT.  NORMAL is the normal vector at
   that vertex.  OFFSET is the vector such that PT+OFFSET lies in the
   plane through CHOSENPT perpendicular to NORMAL.




function writeDefaultOrganelleParameters(data,fid)




 function MicrotubuleModeller(varargin)



   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007) CMP, UEA, 2007.



C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Toolboxes\MicrotubuleModeller\PyMicrotubules\Mathematica Versions

C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Toolboxes\MicrotubuleModeller\PyMicrotubules\Mathematica Versions\Library Version



C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Toolboxes\MicrotubuleModeller\PyMicrotubules\Mathematica Versions\Library Version\Test


C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Toolboxes\MicrotubuleModeller\PyMicrotubules\Mathematica Versions\Library-3D

C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Toolboxes\MicrotubuleModeller\PyMicrotubules\Mathematica Versions\OBJUnpickle

C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Toolboxes\MicrotubuleModeller\PyMicrotubules\Mathematica Versions\OldVersions


 A class to handle all the MT admin


























 Exploring ways of plotting changing patterns of orientation
 Two state machine producing 
 orientations at two angles 90 degrees apart
 sensor_type, 0 orientations at 0 to 360 degrees
              1 modulo 180 (c.f. actual measurements of microtubules
              2 modulo 90 for test purposes
 base_angle,  angle from which 90 excursions occur
 noise,       0 to 360 standard deviation of angle measurement error
 background,  0 to 1  proportion of instances with background random oriented noise


J. Andrew Bangham, 2010



 Exploring ways of plotting changing patterns of orientation
 Two state machine producing 
 orientations at four angles 0, 50 70 90
 sensor_type, 0 orientations at 0 to 360 degrees
              1 modulo 180 (c.f. actual measurements of microtubules
              2 modulo 90 for test purposes
 base_angle,  angle from which 90 excursions occur
 noise,       0 to 360 standard deviation of angle measurement error
 background,  0 to 1  proportion of instances with background random oriented noise


J. Andrew Bangham, 2010




resultsDir, directory containing the results text files
sigma,minimum distance (along time axis) between min and max
verbose, 0 no graphics, 3 full heat map graphic

results, data structure
names, names of parameters on ordinate (rows) and abscissa (cols)

used by 

J.Andrew Bangham, 2012


function HM=viewTuringHeatMap(resultsDirectory)

resultsDirectory, string giving the name of a local directory containing all the 
                  MT counts for the two layers
                 e.g. containing 
                 where a typical file two columns of MT counts per time frame, one column per layer
HM, heat map
names, names of parameters being varied - rows cols
                 it also saves a screenshot of the matrix of plots in the current directory


 Depends on 

J. Andrew Bangham, 2012

































TUTORIAL0 How to connect to the omero server and list the whole database 


TUTORIAL1 How to connect to the omero server and save a specific ImageID to the local disk 


TUTORIAL2 How to connect to the omero server and access an Image object 


TUTORIAL3 How to connect to the omero server, access an Image object,
process the image and save the results back on the server.


TUTORIAL4 How to connect to the omero server and retrieve Image objects by searching for TAGS. 


TUTORIAL5 How to connect to the omero server and perform data management.


TUTORIAL6 How to use annotations.




















































































































































 function OpticalFlowTool(varargin)

 A tool that allows the user to load and crop avi files and then compute
 the direction of flow using an optical flow algorithm.



 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, UEA, 2008.



 function returns meanTheta, the mean angle from an array of angles
 Requires upLim and lowLim which are the upper and lower
 limits of the search.


 function OpticalFlowToolPlus(varargin)

 A tool that allows the user to load and crop avi files and then compute
 the direction of flow using an optical flow algorithm.





 data is a frequency count of 180 elements (each bin is 1 degree)


 CSVIMPORT reads the specified CSV file and stores the contents in a cell array or matrix

 The file can contain any combination of text & numeric values. Output data format will vary
 depending on the exact composition of the file data.

 CSVIMPORT( fileName ):         fileName     -  String specifying the CSV file to be read. Set to
                                                [] to interactively select the file.

 CSVIMPORT( fileName, ... ) : Specify a list of options to be applied when importing the CSV file.
                              The possible options are:
                                delimiter     - String to be used as column delimiter. Default
                                                value is , (comma)
                                columns       - String or cell array of string listing the columns
                                                from which data is to be extracted. If omitted data
                                                from all columns in the file is imported.
                                outputAsChar  - true / false value indicating whether the data
                                                should be output as characters. If set to false the
                                                function attempts to convert each column into a
                                                numeric array, it outputs the column as characters
                                                if conversion of any data element in the column
                                                fails. Default value is false.
                                uniformOutput - true / false value indicating whether output can be
                                                returned without encapsulation in a cell array.
                                                This parameter is ignored if the columns / table
                                                cannot be converted into a matrix.
                                noHeader      - true / false value indicating whether the CSV
                                                file's first line contains column headings. Default
                                                value is false.
                                ignoreWSpace  - true / false value indicating whether to ignore
                                                leading and trailing whitespace in the column
                                                headers; ignored if noHeader is set to true.
                                                Default value is false.

 The parameters must be specified in the form of param-value pairs, parameter names are not
 case-sensitive and partial matching is supported.

 [C1 C2 C3] = CSVIMPORT( fileName, 'columns', {'C1', 'C2', C3'}, ... )
   This form returns the data from columns in output variables C1, C2 and C3 respectively, the
   column names are case-sensitive and must match a column name in the file exactly. When fetching
   data in column mode the number of output columns must match the number of columns to read or it
   must be one. In the latter case the data from the columns is returned as a single cell matrix.

 [C1 C2 C3] = CSVIMPORT( fileName, 'columns', [2, 3, 4], ,'noHeader', true, ... )
   This form returns the data from columns in output variables C1, C2 and C3 respectively, the
   columns parameter must contain the column indices when the 'noHeader' option is set to true.


 function [data] = ellipse_fit2d(PC)
 This function fits an ellipse to some data given by PC.

 Input Params:
  PC - this is an Mx2 matrix of x, y coordinates that specify a region

 Output Params:
  data - this is a structure that contains the information about the ellipse
  as follows:

  data.Orientation - the principle direction of the ellipse
  data.MajorAxisLength - length along the principle direction
  data.MinorAxisLength - length along the minor axis
  data.Centroid - this is an 1x2 vector of x and y coordinates
  data.Area - this is the length of the data 'PC', i.e. the number of
              pixels for that sector.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).



normalise histogram for line lengths at different angles (45 degrees line
should count for mor than a vert or hori line).


 NORMALISE - Normalises image values to 0-1, or to desired mean and variance

             n = normalise(im)

 Offsets and rescales image so that the minimum value is 0
 and the maximum value is 1.  Result is returned in n.  If the image is
 colour the image is converted to HSV and the value/intensity component
 is normalised to 0-1 before being converted back to RGB.

             n = normalise(im, reqmean, reqvar)

 Arguments:  im      - A grey-level input image.
             reqmean - The required mean value of the image.
             reqvar  - The required variance of the image.

 Offsets and rescales image so that it has mean reqmean and variance
 reqvar.  Colour images cannot be normalised in this manner.


 PLOTRIDGEORIENT - plot of ridge orientation data

 Usage:   plotridgeorient(orient, spacing, im, figno)

        orientim - Ridge orientation image (obtained from RIDGEORIENT)
        spacing  - Sub-sampling interval to be used in ploting the
                   orientation data the (Plotting every point is
                   typically not feasible) 
        im       - Optional fingerprint image in which to overlay the
                   orientation plot.
        figno    - Optional figure number for plot

 A spacing of about 20 is recommended for a 500dpi fingerprint image




critical z val for alpha=0.05, for n = inf is 2.9957. if z > 2.9957 reject


squaring the gradient vectors: Kass and Witkin
"Analysing oriented patterns" Computer Vision, Graphics and Image
Processing, vol. 37, pp. 362-385, 1987.
sigmas need to be odd


 Arguments:  im                - A normalised input image.
             gradientsigma     - Sigma of the derivative of Gaussian
                                 used to compute image gradients.
             blocksigma        - Sigma of the Gaussian weighting used to
                                 sum the gradient moments.
             orientsmoothsigma - Sigma of the Gaussian used to smooth
                                 the final orientation vector field.
 Returns:    orientim          - The orientation image in radians.
                                 Orientation values are +ve clockwise
                                 and give the direction *along* the


 RIDGESEGMENT - Normalises fingerprint image and segments ridge region

 Function identifies ridge regions of a fingerprint image and returns a
 mask identifying this region.  It also normalises the intesity values of
 the image so that the ridge regions have zero mean, unit standard

 This function breaks the image up into blocks of size blksze x blksze and
 evaluates the standard deviation in each region.  If the standard
 deviation is above the threshold it is deemed part of the fingerprint.
 Note that the image is normalised to have zero mean, unit standard
 deviation prior to performing this process so that the threshold you
 specify is relative to a unit standard deviation.

 Usage:   [normim, mask, maskind] = ridgesegment(im, blksze, thresh)

 Arguments:   im     - Fingerprint image to be segmented.
              blksze - Block size over which the the standard
                       deviation is determined (try a value of 16).
              thresh - Threshold of standard deviation to decide if a
                       block is a ridge region (Try a value 0.1 - 0.2)

 Returns:     normim - Image where the ridge regions are renormalised to
                       have zero mean, unit standard deviation.
              mask   - Mask indicating ridge-like regions of the image, 
                       0 for non ridge regions, 1 for ridge regions.
              maskind - Vector of indices of locations within the mask. 

 Suggested values for a 500dpi fingerprint image:

   [normim, mask, maskind] = ridgesegment(im, 16, 0.1)



CSV2TRACK(filename) Extract the data from a csv file create with the point_tracking
python tool and convert it for the TrackingToolbox


v-test to test whether the observed angles have a tendency to cluster
around a given angle. data is a vector of angles in degrees, modified for
axial data. for alpha = 0.05 n=1000 vScore crit val is 1.6449



















































































 function satdisp_list

 A function that lists the display functions for SAToolbox

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = satdisp_sector_coverage(varargin)

 Display method for showing the proportion of the petal covered by sectors
 in the SA toolbox

 satdisp_sector_coverage('parent', gca);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function satio_export_av_grid_data_to_excel

 A function that exports the average sector data for a grid to a file.

 See also: satio_list

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function satio_export_growth_data_to_excel

 A function that exports the growth data from an ungrowth file to excel

 See also: satio_list

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function satio_list

 A function that lists all the I/O functions for SectorAnalysisToolbox

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function satio_load_mean_shape

 A method that loads the mean shape for the current project, if the mean
 shape does not exist, the function returns an empty matrix.

 See also: satio_list

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = satio_load_ungrowth(varargin)

 IO Method for loading ungrowth data in the SA toolbox

 ungrowth_data = satlib_load_ungrowth('filename', filename);
 ungrowth_data = satlib_load_ungrowth;

 See also: satio_list

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = satio_load_warped_sector_info(varargin)

 IO Method for loading warped sector data in the SA toolbox

 warped_sector_info = satio_load_warped_sector_info('organ_directory', direc);
 warped_sector_info = satio_load_warped_sector_info;

 See also: satio_list

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function varargout = satio_opengrid(varargin)

 i/o function for loading grids in the SA toolbox

 grid = satlib_opengrid('filename', filename);
 grid = satlib_opengrid;

 See also: satio_list

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function satlib_sectorStats2Excel(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.



 function [x, n] = get_warped_stage_data(stage_dir, number_of_pixels_per_cell)

 A function that takes a stage directory and a scalar that defines the
 number of pixels per cell.

 Returns the center of the bins and the frequency of a particular sector
 size for that stage. This can then be used in a histogram plot to stage

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)






 function satlib_drawGridData(varargin)

 This method takes a grid and draws the growth information on the grid.

 grid (default = [])
 colours (default = 'g')
 axish (default = [])
 edgecolor (default = 'k')
 tensorcol (default = 'k')

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, Norwich, UK, 2008


 function figvec = satlib_drawRegions(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.



 function satlib_plot_ungrowth_data(varargin)

 Shows the areal growth real and anisotropy for ungrowth data

 example 1

 example 2
 show_region_areal_growth('ungrowthfilename', 'Staged\Data\UngrowthData\Ungrowth_aih_001.mat', 'scale', 0);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function figvec = satlib_warpRegularMesh(varargin)

 Generates and warps a regular grid according to the deformation of the
 supplied ungrown grids.

 Uses the motion coherence library to determine the warp. It has been
 proven that for sparse data sets the chosen regularizer in mctlib
 satisfies the two constraints for regularizers put forward by Yuille.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008



 show_average_ellipses_all_stages(mean_shape_dir, stage_dir)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 show_average_ellipses_for_stage(mean_shape_dir, stage_dir)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 show_average_stage_growth_rate(mean_shape_dir, grid_name)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 [ma] = show_mean_sector_area()

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 function show_region_areal_growth(varargin)

 Shows the areal growth real and anisotropy for ungrowth data

 example 1

 example 2
 show_region_areal_growth('ungrowthfilename', 'Staged\Data\UngrowthData\Ungrowth_aih_001.mat', 'scale', 0);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 stage_dir = 'Staged\P38\';
 mean_shape_dir = 'Staged\Data';


 show_stage_sector_info(mean_shape_dir, stage_dir)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);





Hanna, 2005


Copy of GridEditorTool.m

 function [value] = GridEditorTool(varargin)

 Notes: every region must have at least 4 control points so we can find an
 inverse transform for the strain matrix.
 Hanna, 2005


 function GridEditorTool(varargin)

 Notes: every region must have at least 4 control points so we can find an
 inverse transform for the strain matrix.
 Hanna, 2007



 function auto_regions(reg_x, reg_y, Xm)

 A function that takes the number of regions in the x-direction


 function grid = build_regions(grid)

 A function that takes a grid and uses the region vertices and the control
 points to build the regions.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [density, empty_regions] = calcDeficientRegions(T, pts, regions_ind, xydata)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 for each region that is not empty, merge surrounding regions if they are





 function id = findRegionContainingTri(regind, triid)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function tind = findTouchingTriangles(T, tri_in_region)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function centroid = getCentroid(r)

 Returns the centroid of a binary image.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function curr_stage_ind = getGridId(organ_grid, stage)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function [T, tri_pts] = grid2triangulation(mature_grid)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function grid = init_grid(grid)

 This function initializes the grid

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)







 function [grid] = makeSpringsFromTri(grid)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function grid = merge_regions(grid, region_ind)

 A function that takes a grid and indices to the regions to merge. The
 function returns the new grid with the regions updates and automatically
 builds the springs.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function [rpts] = order_xy_pts(pts)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).





 function ph = plot_grid(grid, axish, i)







 function [R] = pts2binim(pts)

 Given some Nx2 matrix of ordered points defining a shape this function
 call will return a PxQ binary image of the shape.

 theta = 0:.1:2*pi;
 x = 20*cos(theta) + 30;
 y = 10*sin(theta) + 30;
 R = pts2binim([x', y']);
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)




 function regind = triFindNeighbours(T, tri_in_region)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 Extract the triangulation information



Hanna, 2005



Hanna, 2005



 function SATPlotOptionsTool

 A small utility that allows the user to select some plot options before
 displaying the ungrowth data.



 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, Norwich, UK, 2008.


 function SATWarpParamsDlg

 A small utility that allows the user to select some plot options before
 displaying the ungrowth data.



 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, Norwich, UK, 2008.




 function SectorAnalysisToolbox



   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007) CMP, UEA, 2008.


Hanna, 2005
 Global figure handles



 function SectorAreaTool(varargin)

 Notes: every region must have at least 4 control points so we can find an
 inverse transform for the strain matrix.
 Hanna, 2007



 function [value] = SectorEditorTool(varargin)

 This is the sector editor tool, it allows the user to erode, dilate,
 merge, delete add sectors. You can also edit the point model for the
 organ and you can recalculate any of the sectors and organs at any time.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



Hanna, 2005






do some image normalise - (don't really need to do this tho)


do some image normalise - (don't really need to do this tho)



#function checknargin
clear all;
w = waitbar(0, 'Testing...');
im = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\post_doc\amelia\Images\StagedTestSet\S4\P10F15P1I.JPG');
im = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\post_doc\amelia\Images\StagedTestSet\S4\P7F22P1I.JPG');
im = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\post_doc\amelia\Images\StagedTestSet\S1\P12F8P1I.JPG');
im = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\post_doc\amelia\Images\StagedTestSet\S4\P12F18P1I.JPG');
im = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\post_doc\amelia\Images\StagedTestSet\S4\P10F17P1I.JPG');
im = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\post_doc\amelia\Images\StagedTestSet\S3\P12F12P1I.JPG');
im = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\post_doc\amelia\Images\P7\P21F11-2P1I_small_cluster.JPG');
im = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\post_doc\amelia\Images\P7\F33F3082_cells.JPG');
im = imresize(im, .5);



 function [w, orig, im, bim, S2] = sandra_leaf_sectors2(I, w)
 A function that takes an image and a handle to a waitbar and returns the
 waitbar handle, the original image, the image with the sectors overlayed,
 the binary image of the organ, and the binary image of the sectors.

 This script has been written for Sandra Bensmihen (JIC) for use with the 
 expression of a cell autonomous marker (anthocyanin) in Antirrhinum
 majus leaves.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function [w, orig, im, bim, S2] = antirrhinum_anthocyanin_leaves(I, w)





 function [Fpenalty, Dnew] = satlib_calcPenalty(varargin)

 Calculates the penalties for a set of points in a triangulated mesh given
 an original distance for each point to its opposite edge. THis is
 intended to stop triangles overlapping.

  Dorig - the cell array of original distances from each point to its
          opposite edges
  xyedg - the matrix of points in the mesh
  T  - the Mx3 matrix defining the triangulation of the mesh.

  Fpenalty - the matrix containing the penalties for each point
  Dnew - the  cell array of updated distances from each point to its
          opposite edges

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function [S, iter2,plotrE] = satlib_relaxSprings(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function base_grid = satlib_shrinkMesh(stage_ungrowth_tensors, base_grid)

 Shrinks the entire mesh to its new estimated size before relaxing the
 springs. This removes some error from the spring relaxation.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function [D, normVec] = satlib_triDist2OppEdge(varargin)

 Calculates the distance and normal vector to the opposite edge of a
 triangle for each point in the mesh defined by T.

  xy - the NxD matrix of points in the mesh, each point is of dimension D
  T  - the Mx3 matrix defining the triangulation of the mesh.

  D - the cell array of distances 
  normVec - the cell of unit normal vectors from the point P to the
            opposite edge.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function [ungrown_grids] = satlib_ungrow(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function to output the distances from each sector from the tip or the
 base to excel together with the size of the sector. 


Hanna, 2005



Hanna, 2005




Hanna, 2005



function y = boltzmann(bottom, top, tm, slope, x)


 function x = boltzmann_nonlinear_fit(bottom, top, tm, slope, S)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function e = boltzmannerrorfunc(x, bottom, top, tm, slope, s)

 This function calculates the error between the estimated output from the
 Boltzmann function and the input sizes.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function CompareCloneTool(varargin)

 A tool that takes a list of binary images and a corresponding list of rgb
 images and then lets the user click on sectors in any image. As the user
 clicks on a sector, the best fitted ellipse for that sector will be
 shown. If the user then clicks on another sector, the corresponding
 ellipse for that sector is displayed and the growth tensor that
 corresponds to the two ellipses is then calculated and shown in another


  'bimgfilenames' - a cell array containing the full pathnames of the
                    binary images (usually tif no compression).

  'imgfilenames' - a cell array containing the full pathnames of the
                   rgb images.

 Dr. Andrew I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, 2008.




 function CompareWarpedCloneTool(varargin)

 A tool that takes a list of binary images and a corresponding list of rgb
 images and then lets the user click on sectors in any image. As the user
 clicks on a sector, the best fitted ellipse for that sector will be
 shown. If the user then clicks on another sector, the corresponding
 ellipse for that sector is displayed and the growth tensor that
 corresponds to the two ellipses is then calculated and shown in another


  'bimgfilenames' - a cell array containing the full pathnames of the
                    binary images (usually tif no compression).

  'imgfilenames' - a cell array containing the full pathnames of the
                   rgb images.

 Dr. Andrew I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, 2008.




Hanna, 2005




Hanna, 2005




 Finds all files with the specified extension in the current directory and
 subdirectories (recursive). Returns a cell array with the fully specified
 file names.

    files = findfiles( ext )
       searches in the current directory and subdirectories.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory)
       starts search in directory specified.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory, searchSubdirectories )
       If searchSubdirectories == 0, the function will not descend
       subdirectories. The default is that searchSubdirectories ~= 0.

 Note: if this function causes your recursion limit to be exceeded, then
 it is most probably trying to follow a symbolic link to a directory that
 has a symbolic link back to the directory it came from.


    bmpfiles = findfiles('bmp')
    dllfiles = findfiles('dll','C:\WinNT')
    mfiles = findfiles('m',matlabroot)


 Finds all files with the specified extension in the current directory and
 subdirectories (recursive). Returns a cell array with the fully specified
 file names.

    files = findfiles( ext )
       searches in the current directory and subdirectories.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory)
       starts search in directory specified.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory, searchSubdirectories )
       If searchSubdirectories == 0, the function will not descend
       subdirectories. The default is that searchSubdirectories ~= 0.

 Note: if this function causes your recursion limit to be exceeded, then
 it is most probably trying to follow a symbolic link to a directory that
 has a symbolic link back to the directory it came from.


    bmpfiles = findfiles('bmp')
    dllfiles = findfiles('dll','C:\WinNT')
    mfiles = findfiles('m',matlabroot)




 function [ungrowth_tensors] = check_principal_directions(ungrowth_tensors)

 Takes a cell array where each element corresponds to a stage of ungrowth
 and contains a 3x3xN matrix where N is the number of regions on the
 organ. For each of the growth tensors, the principal direction of growth


 Given an N*6 matrix of N growth tensors as row 6-vectors, compute N*1
 arrays of the major growth, minor growth, and angle.  The growth tensors
 are assumed to be given in the plane of the cell, i.e. one principal axis
 is the local z axis.



 function [scaling_factors] = growth_tensors_to_scaling_factors(growth_params)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [smooth_growth_parameters] = smooth_growth_parameters(growth_parameters, neighbours)

 Take the average of the current regions growth tensor with those of its

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)




Hanna, 2005




 function growthstruct2obj(growthparamsfilename)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna
growthparams = load('matlabgrowthdata2.mat');


 function str = SAToolboxLibraryCheck

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)




 function SectorCompareTool(varargin)

 A tool that takes a list of binary images and a corresponding list of rgb
 images and then lets the user click on sectors in any image. As the user
 clicks on a sector, the best fitted ellipse for that sector will be
 shown. If the user then clicks on another sector, the corresponding
 ellipse for that sector is displayed and the growth tensor that
 corresponds to the two ellipses is then calculated and shown in another


  'bimgfilenames' - a cell array containing the full pathnames of the
                    binary images (usually tif no compression).

  'imgfilenames' - a cell array containing the full pathnames of the
                   rgb images.

 Dr. Andrew I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, 2008.



 not necessary, just to make a new handle and because I'm rubbish at



 [selection,value] = SelectFilesUI(varargin)

 This little tool allows you to select multiple directories (except those
 with '.' at the front.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna



Hanna, 2005



 function ShowGrowthTool

 A tool that shows the result from the ungrowth tool, a widget in the
 sector analysis toolbox.

 See also: SectorAnalysisToolbox, UngrowingTool

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function ShowWarpedEllipses

 A utility to be used with the SectorAnalysisToolbox. This tool allows the
 user to select a stage (or several) of development. It then loads and displays the
 warped ellipses for each sector for each sample in the stage onto the mean shape.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, 2008. Modified by Erika, 2009.


 function ShowWarpedSectors

 A utility to be used with the SectorAnalysisToolbox. This tool allows the
 user to select a stage of development. It then loads and displays the
 warped sectors for each sample in the stage onto the mean shape.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, 2008.












 function [R, ungrowth_params] = ungrow_aih(R, ungrowth_params, extern_iter, spr_const, recalc_flag, animate, axis_handle, error_axis_handle)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


function [UngrowthData] = ungrow_assumption_one(R, growth_params, intern_iter, intern_spr_const, extern_iter, extern_spr_const, NM, animate, axis_handle, error_axis_handle)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function [R, growth_params] = ungrow_assumption_three(R, growth_params, extern_iter, spr_const, recalc_flag, animate, axis_handle, error_axis_handle)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [UngrowthData, growth_params] = ungrow_assumption_two(R, growth_params, extern_iter, extern_spr_const, recalc_flag, animate, axis_handle, error_axis_handle)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 av_info, is a cell structure, where av_info{1} corresponds to smaller
 sectors, and so corresponds to later development, this should be used
 first when ungrowing. I.e. we use the growth factors that were calculated
 at the end of development to start the ungrow. In this way we will use
 the data from the larger sectors when then organ is nearly fully ungrown.







 function [av_info, sectorsizeinfo] = get_stage_grid_info(stages, organ_grid)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [gf] = growthTensor2growthFactor(gt, t)

 Takes a cell array of growth data and a doubling time t, and returns a
 growth rate and an anisotropy.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)







        Find an approximation to average angle, problem with being circular.
         A   : vector of angles in radians -pi/2<=theta<=pi/2

        Method: Returns Z where it minimises
                              sum((rem(A+Z,180)-90).^2)    {0<=Z<180}

        (c) Stephen Impey, 1996-8





 E = binim2SortedEdge(binim)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);



 function binmerge = bwmergeregions(I)

 This is a script that takes a binary image and then merges the seperate
 regions using a convex hull.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).


 function [density, empty_regions] = calcDeficientRegions(T, pts, regions_ind, xydata)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function L = calcWarpedSpringLength(L, s_max, s_min, theta, alpha)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005.


 function av_info = calc_average_sector_info_for_organ_grid(organ_grid, grid_ind)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [average_sector_info] = calc_average_stage_sector_info(info)

 This function takes in a cell structure (info) where each element of the
 cell array corresponds to a region in the organ being analysed.
 The output parameter, average_sector_info, is a stucture whose length is
 the same as the number of regions on the organ being analysed. Each
 element of this structure contains the following

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)





 function [region_info, areas] = calc_stage_sector_info(stage, R, centroids)

 A function to get the sector info for a particular stage in a particular
 region specified by R.

 Input Params:
   stage - the path to the stage directory to work on
   R - the MxNxR matrix where MxR is the size of the image and R is the
       number of regions + 1
   centroids - the Qx2 matrix of centroids, NOTE: centroids is of the form [y, x]

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


function [region_info, areas] = calc_stage_sector_info_for_trimesh(stage, T, regs, area_thr)

 A function to get the sector info for a particular stage in a particular
 region specified by R.

 Input Params:
   stage - the path to the stage directory to work on
   R - the MxNxR matrix where MxR is the size of the image and R is the
       number of regions + 1
   centroids - the Qx2 matrix of centroids, NOTE: centroids is of the form [y, x]

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function [SCM] = calc_strain_cross_matrix(cpts, cpts_d, REGS)

 A function that takes two sets of vertices, cpts and cpts_d together with
 a cell array that has indices to which vertices make up a particular
 region of the organ. For each region we calculate the best linear
 transform that takes one set of vertices to the other. We then return a
 matrix that contains the rotation matrices for each of the regions.

 cpts - before the ungrowth Nx2 matrix
 cpts_d - after the ungrowth Nx2 matrix
 REGS - cell array of indices to the vertices for each region

 SCM - a 3x3xR matrix where each 3x3 element is a rotation matrix

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 cbar(n, x, MAP)

 This function plots a color histogram according to its distance along the

 params:- x and n are the result of the hist call
          MAP is the desired color map, if not specified jet is used 

 [x, n] = hist(randn(10000,1), 50);
 map = copper(50);
 cbar(x, n, map);
 axis tight; grid on;

 Dr. A. I. Hanna



 Check that the directory is valid, 
 i.e. it has Original and Processed



 function stage_dir = chooseStage

 A function to allow the user to select the stage they want to process.
 Only valid for SAT projects.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 [files] = cleanup_stage_list(files)
 This function takes in a cell array of filenames, from this list it
 removes the filename '.', '..', and 'Data' as these are reserved names in
 the 'Staged' Directory of a SectorAnalysisToolbox Project.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


D  : dir to check


 function [toterr,erri] =cost_function_edge(xyEdg, nsc, dist)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005).


 [toterr,erri] = cost_function(S)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 show warped image 



function [R, corners] = deleteSmallRegions(R, corners, region_size_threshold)



 displays the grid using the order from concavity check

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 function [marker_handle, line_handle, text_handle] = display_springs(S,image_axis)



 [marker_handle, line_handle, text_handle] = display_edges(S,E,image_axis)  Display spring mesh
           S  : spring definition
           E  : Edge Definition (Actually this is the vertext information)
  image_axis  : this is the handle to the axis you want to draw to
   marker_handle : handle to the markers
     line_handle : handle to the lines
     text_handle : handle to the text

        (c)ag rolland2001
         re-written: Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 function [organ_shape_handle] = display_organ(xy_regions, image_axis)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 function [marker_handle, line_handle, text_handle] = display_springs(S,image_axis)


 function [marker_handle, line_handle, text_handle] = display_springs(S,image_axis)


 display_organ_shape(edge_petal, image_axis, color, width)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 DISTANCE - computes Euclidean distance matrix

 E = distance(A,B)

    A - (DxM) matrix 
    B - (DxN) matrix

    E - (MxN) Euclidean distances between vectors in A and B

 Description : 
    This fully vectorized (VERY FAST!) m-file computes the 
    Euclidean distance between two vectors by:

                 ||A-B|| = sqrt ( ||A||^2 + ||B||^2 - 2*A.B )

 Example : 
    A = rand(400,100); B = rand(400,200);
    d = distance(A,B);



 function [d] = ellip_vec2struct(v)

 A function to take a vector, v, and convert it to a structure suitable
 for an ellipse
 d.Centroid(1) = v(1);
 d.Centroid(2) = v(2);
 d.Area = v(3);
 d.MajorAxisLength = v(4);
 d.MinorAxisLength = v(5);
 d.Orientation = v(6);


 function [data] = ellipse_fit2d(PC)
 This function fits an ellipse to some data given by PC.

 Input Params:
  PC - this is an Mx2 matrix of x, y coordinates that specify a region

 Output Params:
  data - this is a structure that contains the information about the ellipse
  as follows:

  data.Orientation - the principle direction of the ellipse
  data.MajorAxisLength - length along the principle direction
  data.MinorAxisLength - length along the minor axis
  data.Centroid - this is an 1x2 vector of x and y coordinates
  data.Area - this is the length of the data 'PC', i.e. the number of
              pixels for that sector.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).


E=fit_ellipse(X);   Fit best ellipse to set of points.
        For set or points X returns E.
         X  : column of [x y] vectors

         X  : vector of x coordinates
         Y  : vector of y coordinates
         E  : [angle;length;width]        (angle is in degress)

        See also: sector_to_details, regress.

        (c) Stephen Impey, 1996



 function [neighbours] = find_neighbours(R)

 this function takes in a NxMxP matrix that has P layers. The first layer
 is the binary image of the whole organ, and the other layers are defined
 by the grid. This function returns a matrix that is PxP in size,
 neighbours is an adjacancy graph where each row corresponds to a region
 and its neighbours, i.e. row 1 is region 1 and any 1s in this row
 correspond to neighbours.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 function [region_num] = find_region(R, info, centroids)

 This function takes in a NxMxP matrix, where the P denotes the number of
 layers in this (mask) matrix. The second parameter info, is a structure
 for an ellipse. The centroids are the centroids of the regions defined in
 R. NOTE: that centroids are in the format [y, x] and info.Centroid [x, y]
 so we flip centroids in here.

 The function returns the region number that the centroid of info falls

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007).



 function C = getAnisotropyColours(anisotropy)

 A function that takes an Nx1 vector containing the values of anisotropy
 for a particular region. It returns the colours for those regions as
 defined in "Growth dynamics underlying petal shape and asymmetry", A. G.
 Rolland Lagan et. al., Letters to Nature, vol 422, 13th March, 2003.

 See also: getDoublingTimeColours, growthParameters2GrowthRateAnisotropy

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function C = getDoublingTimeColours(doubling_time)

 A function that takes an Nx1 vector containing the values of
 doubling time for a particular region. It returns the colours 
 for those regions as defined in "Growth dynamics underlying petal 
 shape and asymmetry", A. G. Rolland Lagan et. al., Letters to Nature, 
 vol 422, 13th March, 2003.

 See also: getAnisotropyColours, growthParameters2GrowthRateAnisotropy

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function col = getEllipColour(area)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function [theta] = get_mean_angle(angles)

 This function returns the average angle in radians for the angles given
 in the vector angles.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005).


 [parent_dir_name, parent_dir_path] = get_parent_dir(name)

 This function takes a name and performs the fileparts operation twice, it
 returns (only) the name of the parent directory, 


    >> get_parent_dir('C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\post_doc\SectorAnalysisToolbox\SAT_Matlab_files_AIH')
    ans = 
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)




  function [x, y] = get_region_vertices(E, S, r);

  This function takes a region number, the matrix of edges and the
  springs, and the region number of interest

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


         Given two nx2 (n>=6) matrices, U and X defining two polygons
         this function returns vector T the a 2nd order polynomial
         transformation coefficients.

         See also: trans2nd, warp2

         See: Digital Image Warping (George Wolberg) page 64.

         (c) Stephen Impey, March 1996


GETPROFTC Get normalised gray level difference profile from START -> END

@(#)getproftc.m	1.2 30 Aug 1996
Iain Matthews, UEA, Norwich


 function files = getstagefilenames(stage_dir)

 A function that returns the files for a given stage.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function [doubling_time, anisotropy] = growthParameters2GrowthRateAnisotropy(gp, T)

 A function thats takes a structure gp with fields, s_max, s_min and
 theta. Each of the fields is a Nx1 vector where N denotes the number of
 regions for that organ. So for an organ with 12 regions we would have 
 gp = 
    s_max: [12x1 double]
    s_min: [12x1 double]
    theta: [12x1 double]

 The other input is T, this denotes the number of hours it takes for the
 organ to double in size (default T = 20).

 Returns the doubling times and the anisotropy rates for each region.

 See also: getDoublingTimeColours, getAnisotropyColours

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function growthrates = growthParameters2GrowthRates(gp, deltaSt)

 A function thats takes a structure gp with fields, s_max, s_min and
 theta. Each of the fields is a Nx1 vector where N denotes the number of
 regions for that organ. So for an organ with 12 regions we would have 
 gp = 
    s_max: [12x1 double]
    s_min: [12x1 double]
    theta: [12x1 double]

 The other input is T, this denotes the number of hours it takes for the
 organ to double in size (default T = 20).

 Returns the doubling times and the anisotropy rates for each region.

 See also: getDoublingTimeColours, getAnisotropyColours

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 IMAGE_SORT Sorts the given data points (pixels of an image) 
            in the data_ordered array   

    Usage: [data_ordered]= image_sort(x,y)

    It is assumed that the nearest pixel is not farther 
    than sqrt(2^15)=180 pixels 

    Written and tested in Matlab R14SP1
    Date: 01.01.2005 

    Author: Atakan Varol


         Return centre of mass V=[x y] of non-zeros in image matrix X.
         If image is all zeros returns V as image centre.

         Ensure region in image is flat (equal value).

         (c) Stephen Impey, 1996


 function [tri, vertices] = interp_tri(tri, vertices, iter)
 A function to interpolate the triangulation. For each triangle, find the
 center and then add this to the set of vertices.

 Input Params: 
    tri - a triangulation e.g. delaunay
    vertices - a Mx2 matrix of vertices
    iter - the number of iterations to perfrom, (default = 1)

 Output Params:
    tri - the new triangulation with extra vertices
    vertices - the new set of points.

  Note: if you want to use this with another set of points, then you had
  better warp the interpolation pts to the new frame of reference.
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)







function [stage_info] = load_stage_sector_info(stage, arealim)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)







 function modify_extension(start_dir, old_ext, new_ext)

 >>modify_extension(pwd, '.jpg', '.JPG'); % this will change all .jpg
                                          % files to .JPG files from pwd down.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)







 Helper function for parsing varargin. 


 * ArgStruct is the structure full of named arguments with default values.
 * Flagtype params is params that don't require a value. (the value will be set to 1 if it is present)
 * Aliases can be used to map one argument-name to several argstruct fields

 example usage: 
 function parseargtest(varargin)

 %define the acceptable named arguments and assign default values
 Args=struct('Holdaxis',0, ...
        'SpacingVertical',0.05,'SpacingHorizontal',0.05, ...
        'PaddingLeft',0,'PaddingRight',0,'PaddingTop',0,'PaddingBottom',0, ...
        'MarginLeft',.1,'MarginRight',.1,'MarginTop',.1,'MarginBottom',.1, ...

 %The capital letters define abrreviations.  
 %  Eg. parseargtest('spacingvertical',0) is equivalent to  parseargtest('sv',0) 

 Args=parseArgs(varargin,Args, ... % fill the arg-struct with values entered by the user
           {'Holdaxis'}, ... %this argument has no value (flag-type)
           {'Spacing' {'sh','sv'}; 'Padding' {'pl','pr','pt','pb'}; 'Margin' {'ml','mr','mt','mb'}});


 % Aslak Grinsted 2003
   Overloaded methods:


 function [eh] = plot_ellipse(axis_handle,r)

 This function takes an axis handle and a stucture r that contains
 information about an ellipse.

 r has structure as follows:


 Uses: plot_ellipse_axis

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 function [ellipse_axis_handle] = plot_ellipse_axis(axis_handle, ellipse_info, color)

 This function takes an axis handle and a stucture r that contains
 information about an ellipse.

 r has structure as follows:


 Used in: plot_ellipse

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)






 pmalign, point model alignment tool
 [xaligned, ProcrustesAlignment] = pmalign(x, opts);
 This function takes in the raw point models and then aligns them
 according to the options in opts. These options are a 1x3 array
 containing zeros or ones. For example opts = [1 1 1] will align the
 shapes according the scale, rotation and translation, so the structure of
 opts is as follows, opts = [toggle_scale, toggle_rotation, toggle_translation];
 If you want to align your shapes to make rotations and translations
 invariant but you want to capture scaling, then use opts = [0 1 1];

 The function returns 2 parameters, xaligned which are the aligned shapes,
 and ProcrustesAlignment which is a 4x1 array of numbers, with the
 following format

 ProcrustesAlignment = [scale*cos(theta), scale*sin(theta), trans_x, trans_y]';

 It is in this format for compliance with applytrm written by Dr. Barry J.
 Theobald at the University of East Anglia.

 If you wish to get back to the origianl points from the aligned points,
 you simply use the command x_orig = applytrm(x, proc_data);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 pmalign, point model alignment tool
 [xaligned, ProcrustesAlignment] = pmalign(x, opts);
 This function takes in the raw point models and then aligns them
 according to the options in opts. These options are a 1x3 array
 containing zeros or ones. For example opts = [1 1 1] will align the
 shapes according the scale, rotation and translation, so the structure of
 opts is as follows, opts = [toggle_scale, toggle_rotation,
 If you want to align your shapes to make rotations and translations
 invariant but you want to capture scaling, then use opts = [0 1 1];

 The function returns 2 parameters, xaligned which are the aligned shapes,
 and ProcrustesAlignment which is a 4x1 array of numbers, with the
 following format

 x, one column per pointmodel (stored, x1,y1,x2,y2 ...)
 opts, flags controlling [scale, rotation, translation] 0 for off else 1
 Mean, one column representing a pointmodel to which x is to be aligned
          (by default pmalign computes the mean x and uses that instead)
 xaligned, pointmodes from x that have been aligned together
 ProcrustesAlignment = [scale*cos(theta), scale*sin(theta), trans_x,

 It is in this format for compliance with applytrm written by Dr. Barry J.
 Theobald at the University of East Anglia.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 function [warped_pts] = polytransformorder2(frommarker, tomarker, frompts)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna  (2005)



       Find range of values in X contained within mask.
       R   : [min_value max_value];

       (c) Stephen Impey, 1996

   Overloaded methods:






function [Spr,Edgs]=reinitreg(Spr,Edgs2,Rb,opt,rgmore);

 function that reinitialises regions as growth/ungrowth proceeds
 enables to recalculate distances of one region towrds an other and reset values in springs matrix
 possible to save region layers as are calculated here. not saved as not required so far
 opt: =1: reinit. all
      =0: only recenters centroids
      =2: reinit but no recenter centroids
 rolland apr 2003



[S2,toterr]=relax_springs_NM(S,animate, image_axis)
          Relax 2D springs in S indexed by n.
          uses fmins to minimise error between spring length and equilibrium 
          spring length. %used fiminunc on siganim2, but does not exist on image14pc so use fminsearch
           Finishes when no changes made, or 1000 iterations.
           S    : 2D spring description
           image_axis : handle to the axis where the image shoudl be drawn

           S2   : relaxed version of S
           iter : number of iterations used

          See also: make_springs

          (c) ag_rolland 2000
           re-written Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 modif 15/11/00 : stiffness changes
 modif 28/11/05 : changed a lot of the code to work with the toolbox.
[S2,iter]=relax_springs(S,n,opts) for now agrelax_springs2 not different from version 1.
          Relax 2D springs in S indexed by n.
          Finishes when no changes made, or 1000 iterations.
           S    : 2D spring description
           n    : numbers of springs to relax   (default: all)
           opts : Options                       (default: [0 1000])
                  [verbose max_iterations]

           S2   : relaxed version of S
           iter : number of iterations used

          See also: make_springs

          (c) Stephen Impey, 1996-7
              rolland 1999-2000
              Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


[S2,toterr]=relax_springs_NM(S,animate, image_axis)
          Relax 2D springs in S indexed by n.
          uses fmins to minimise error between spring length and equilibrium 
          spring length. %used fiminunc on siganim2, but does not exist on image14pc so use fminsearch
           Finishes when no changes made, or 1000 iterations.
           S    : 2D spring description
           image_axis : handle to the axis where the image shoudl be drawn

           S2   : relaxed version of S
           iter : number of iterations used

          See also: make_springs

          (c) ag_rolland 2000
           re-written Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)




 function triOut = removeOutsideFaces(tri, points, polygonVertices)

 tri, the original triangulation data structure, indexing into 
 points, the triangulated point cloud.
 polygonVertices, the vetex list defining the polygon which may be
                  concave. The third argument is a subset of the second
 triOut, the new triangle list which corresponds to tri with all 
         the triangles lying outside the polygon specified by
         polygonVertices removed


 Remove Duplications from the edge indices





 ROTMAT Compute a 2D rotation matrix



 function [sector_info] = sector_im2struct(sectorsim)

 A function that takes a binary image and converts it to a structure array
 that contains the ellipse information about the sectors.

 Input Params:
  sectorsim - a binary image that contains sectors

 Output Params:
  sector_info - a structure array where each element contains the ellipse
                information returned by 'ellipse_fit2d'

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)

 Uses: ellipse_fit2d



 function show_aligned_edges

 Find all the files with name 'edge_aligned_xy.mat' from the current
 directory down and plots the shape. You can right click on the shapes to
 display their names



 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 show_stage_sector_info(mean_shape_dir, stage_dir)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 show_average_ellipses_all_stages(mean_shape_dir, stage_dir)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);



 function show_layers(R)

 Given a matrix R \in NxMxQ with Q layers this script shows all the layers
 as different colours.
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 function show_library_functions
 Displays the files in the LibarayFunctions directory for SAToolbox

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 stage = 'S3';
 imagedir = 'A3';
 gridname = 'grid_data_5_by_5.mat';
 region_number = 1;
 l = load(['Staged', filesep, stage, filesep, imagedir, filesep, 'RegionData\region_info_', gridname]);










  s = strlenn(s, n) 
 This function takes a string s and if the length of s
 is greater than n then the string will place ... in the
 center to shorten the string.


SUBAXIS Create axes in tiled positions. (just like subplot)

 SETTINGS: Spacing,SpacingHoriz,SpacingVert

           all units are relative (e.g from 0 to 1)

           Abbreviations of parameters can be used.. (Eg MR instead of MarginRight)
           (holdaxis means that it wont delete any axes below.)


   >> subaxis(2,1,1,'SpacingVert',0,'MR',0); 
   >> imagesc(magic(3))
   >> subaxis(2,'p',.02);
   >> imagesc(magic(4))

 2001 / Aslak Grinsted  (Feel free to modify this code.)


U=trans2nd(T,X) Perform 2nd order transformation T on column of vectors X
         X = [x1 y1; x2 y2; ...; xn yn];
         T = [a00 b00; a10 b10; a01 b01; a11 b11; a20 b20; a02 b02];
        Perform 2nd order transformation T on column of vectors (X,Y)

        Returns column of vectors U
         U = [u1 v1; u2 v2; ...; un vn];

        See also: get_trans2nd.m

        (c) Stephen Impey, 1997




Z=turn(X,A)  Turn Vector(s) X through angle A radians clockwise.
             X should be a column of vectors.
             ie [ x1 y1;
                  x2 y2;
                  x3 y3;
                  :  :
                  xn yn ]

             Returns Z, and is of same dimensions as X.



  E added for agungrowstep212(to remove later) 04/12/00
         uses principal direction of growth
         Warp edges in Edg, using region difference in D and centroid of regions
         in S. 
          S   : springs warped
          D   : output from diffregions
		   Edg : edges info

         (c) ag rolland 2000
         Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


function [warped_edge] = warp_organ_shape(Enew, Snew, Eold, Sold, order, edge_petal)
 l = load('Staged\Data\UngrowthData\3_1_5_5.mat');
 g = load('Staged\Data\Grids\grid_data_5_by_5.mat');
 g = g.region_info;
 Enew = l.ungrown_grid(2).E;
 Snew = l.ungrown_grid(2).S;
 Eold = l.ungrown_grid(1).E;
 Sold = l.ungrown_grid(1).S;



 function [new_spring_length] = warp_springs(S, ungrowth_tensors)

   S - springs to be warped
   scaling_factors - the difference in region information

 Dr. A. I. Hanna 2007








 function varargout = alignWithTargetPoints(varargin)


 Utility function to align a surface and its associated landmarks with
 a target point set. This function may be used prior to warpSurface to
 minimise the extend of warping to be performed using MCT

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080114


 function mctj_demo(id)

 A method that demonstrates the use of the motion coherent velocity field
 estimation methods. Here we generate 

  id - 1, 2, 3 (various demos)

 Example 1:

 Example 2:
 mct_demo('id', 1);

 Example 3:
 mct_demo('id', 2);

 Example 4:
 mct_demo('id', 3);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, UEA, 2008.


 function motionCoherenceDemo(id)

 Demonstration of AIH motion coherence code (analytical solution).

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080902


 function motionCoherenceDemo(id)

 Demonstration of AIH motion coherence code (analytical)

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 081107


 Taken from AIH's mctj_demo.m. Given its own m-file to be available to
 other functions


 function varargout = warpSurface(varargin)


 Warps a surface using AIH implementation of the MCT.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080114


 function varargout = convertToRealSpaceTool(varargin)


 GUI tool to convert image space point models to real space point models
 based on the voxel size encoded in the point model name

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071218


 function volumeDirs = getVolumeDirs(croppedVolumesPath)

 function to get all the cropped volume directories in 
 a given project's cropped directory. This is required instead of looking
 for jpg files in the cropped directory as done for the
 2D case.


 function varargout = getSurfaceData(varargin)


 Returns the surface data for visualisation

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080130


 function varargout = getVoxelsizeFromString(varargin)
 Given a string, typically a directory- or filename return
 a vector containing the voxel size as given in the string

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071105


 function [value] = isProject3D(projectDir)
 A function to determine whether a project is a 3D project 
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070312


 NEWPROJECTDIALOG M-file for newProjectDialog.fig

 A hardcoded (specific purpose) question dialog. 
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070308


 function normaliseImagesToVoxelSize
 function normaliseImagesToVoxelSize

 Utility script to resize images in current directory to reflect a
 predefined voxel size. The images are assumed to have the voxel size in
 the file name following the format used for volume directory names.
 Motivation is to resize screenshots taken from viewVolume to have them to
 scale. Note that viewVolume normalises to the smallest voxel size on
 display, hence we use the minima to work out scaling. 
 Note that we assume 3 character extensions. Also not that we have only
 used this for cubic voxel sizes from OPT screenshots, hence the minimum
 dimension is the voxel size in x, y and z



 function template2DTo3D()







AAMToolbox - Copy.m

function output=AAMToolbox(arg, argoption)
Create or select a Shape Model Project
     namely a directory structure called: PRJ_*

arg, usually a string identifying what to do
     by default it initialise the GUI
argoption, additional information to be passed between calls
     by default it is empty and ignored

output, usually a copy of non-gui data
     e.g. AAM, dat

To launch the toolbox for replaying only
To launch the toolbox for model building include your initials
Within the AAMToolbox the string provides a command
The second argument provides a extra option
AAMToolbox(Data) where Data is either
       an AAMToolbox structure (prevents AAMToolbox initialising from
       a  Class structure in which case it updates the appropriate part of
       the AAMToolbox structure (prevents AAMToolbox initialising from

also see
guide('AAMToolbox.fig'); % to edit the GUI layout

AAMToolbox;        % to manage the creation and display of shape and
       appearance models
ModelGenerator; % to create/edit statistical models
PMTemplateBuilder; % to create/edit and then select a template from which
       create a new set of pointmodels (that will require dotting in)
AAMSetPicker;      % to create/edit and then select a subset of points
       from a template (i.e. set of pointmodels) from which statistical
       models will be built
ModelBuilder; % to create/edit and then select a list of pointmodels
       and associated images from which a statistical model is built
UpdateModel;       % to ripple changes in template through all derivative

Andrew I Hanna, 2005
(J. Andrew Bangham, 2005)


function output=AAMToolbox(arg, argoption)
Create or select a Shape Model Project
     namely a directory structure called: PRJ_*

arg, usually a string identifying what to do
     by default it initialise the GUI
argoption, additional information to be passed between calls
     by default it is empty and ignored

output, usually a copy of non-gui data
     e.g. AAM, dat

To launch the toolbox for replaying only
To launch the toolbox for model building include your initials
Within the AAMToolbox the string provides a command
The second argument provides a extra option
AAMToolbox(Data) where Data is either
       an AAMToolbox structure (prevents AAMToolbox initialising from
       a  Class structure in which case it updates the appropriate part of
       the AAMToolbox structure (prevents AAMToolbox initialising from

also see
guide('AAMToolbox.fig'); % to edit the GUI layout

AAMToolbox;        % to manage the creation and display of shape and
       appearance models
ModelGenerator; %  OLD - now crashes Matlab to create/edit statistical models
ModelGeneratorTool; % to create/edit statistical models
PMTemplateBuilder; % to create/edit and then select a template from which
       create a new set of pointmodels (that will require dotting in)
AAMSetPicker;      % to create/edit and then select a subset of points
       from a template (i.e. set of pointmodels) from which statistical
       models will be built
ModelBuilder; % to create/edit and then select a list of pointmodels
       and associated images from which a statistical model is built
UpdateModel;       % to ripple changes in template through all derivative

Andrew I Hanna, 2005
(J. Andrew Bangham, 2005)




 function BuildAugmentedPointModels

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)








 function N = findMaxFilesToAugment(ordered_pmfiles)

 Given a set of ordered point model files, it returns the maximum number
 to read in.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function [ordered_pmfiles, N] = getAugmentedOrderedPMFiles(augmentdir)

 Given an augmented project data directory it returns the cell structure
 of the ordered point model files, and the maximum number to read in.
 It gets the file names from an excel file created when create ordered
 point models is called.
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function segmentpoint = getAugmentedSegmentPoints(projdir)





 This is the default directory where we keep general project data















 Initially just get the data




 Uses the edge information of the binary image to place landmarks along
 the boundary





 Uses the edge information of the binary image to place landmarks along
 the boundary







 Uses the edge information of the binary image to place landmarks along
 the boundary




 [B, sorted_edge] = SegLeafFromBackground(I);

 Input params: 
            I - the input image
 Output params:
            B - the binary image
            sorted_edge - the edge of the objects in B, ordered.

  Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005.


 [B, sorted_edge] = SegLeafFromBackground(I);

 Input params: 
            I - the input image
 Output params:
            B - the binary image
            sorted_edge - the edge of the objects in B, ordered.

  Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005.


 [B, sorted_edge] = SegLeafFromBackground(I);

 Input params: 
            I - the input image
 Output params:
            B - the binary image
            sorted_edge - the edge of the objects in B, ordered.

  Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005. (and J.Andrew Bangham 2005)


 [B, sorted_edge] = SegPetalFromBackground(I);

 Input params: 
            I - the input image
 Output params:
            B - the binary image
            sorted_edge - the edge of the objects in B, ordered.

  Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005.


 [B, sorted_edge] = SegmentPetalFromBackground(I);

 Input params: 
            I - the input image
 Output params:
            B - the binary image
            sorted_edge - the edge of the objects in B, ordered.

  Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005.


 [B, sorted_edge] = SegmentPetalFromBackground(I);

 Input params: 
            I - the input image
 Output params:
            B - the binary image
            sorted_edge - the edge of the objects in B, ordered.

  Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005.


 [B, sorted_edge] = SegmentPetalFromBackground(I);

 Input params: 
            I - the input image
 Output params:
            B - the binary image
            sorted_edge - the edge of the objects in B, ordered.

  Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005.


 [B, sorted_edge] = SegLeafFromBackground(I);

 Input params: 
            I - the input image
 Output params:
            B - the binary image
            sorted_edge - the edge of the objects in B, ordered.

  Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005.


 E = entropyfile(I);
 S = stdfilt(I, nhood);
 R = rangefilt(I, ones(5));
Ic = imcrop(I);


 E = entropyfile(I);
 S = stdfilt(I, nhood);
 R = rangefilt(I, ones(5));
Ic = imcrop(I);


 function [w, orig, im, bim, S2] = segment_arabidopsis_green_on_white_sandra(I, w)
 A function that takes an image and a handle to a waitbar and returns the
 waitbar handle, the original image, the image with the sectors overlayed,
 the binary image of the organ, and the binary image of the sectors.

 This script has been written for Sandra Bensmihen (JIC) for use with the 
 expression of a cell autonomous marker (anthocyanin) in Antirrhinum
 majus leaves.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)



 function [w, orig, im, bim, S2] = segment_arabidopsis_green_on_white_sandra(I, w)
 A function that takes an image and a handle to a waitbar and returns the
 waitbar handle, the original image, the image with the sectors overlayed,
 the binary image of the organ, and the binary image of the sectors.

 This script has been written for Sandra Bensmihen (JIC) for use with the 
 expression of a cell autonomous marker (anthocyanin) in Antirrhinum
 majus leaves.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)




 re-afirm the list of image files
 files = dir([ImagesDir, filesep, '*.jpg']);
 InputFilenames = {};
 %for i=1:size(InputFilenames,1)
     for i=1:length(InputFilenames)
     if ~isempty(imagename)
      %  imagelist=strvcat(imagelist,InputFilenames(i,:));







 function [wimg, w, a] = TPS_im_warp(img, ipts, opts)

 This function implements the THIN PLATE SPLINE method of image warping.
 Input Params:
  img - the image to be warped
  ipts - the set of input pts that the image is to be warped to
  opts - the set of input pts that the image is already registered to

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).


 function [wpts] = TPS_pts_warp(pts, ipts, opts)

 This function implements the THIN PLATE SPLINE method of point warping.
 Input Params:
  pts - the set of points to be warped
  ipts - the set of input pts that the image is to be warped to
  opts - the set of input pts that the image is already registered to

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).


 function [U_r] = U_rbs(r)

 This function is a radial basis function used in thin-plate spline
 parameter estimation.
 see also: find_tps_params

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 matdistance - the Euclidean distance matrix

  x = rand(100, 2);
  y = rand(100, 2);
  d = matdistance(x,y)


 function [tps] = psi_tps(u, a, w, opts)
 This function is the approximate warping function given by the thin plate
 spline method.

 Input Params:
  u - the set of points you wish to warp
  a, w - the parameters from pts2TPS_param
  opts - the set of points that you are warping to

 Output Params:
  tps - a Mx2 matrix of points defined by the warping function.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).


 function [w, a, K] = pts2TPS_param(ipts, opts)

 This function calculates the parameters needed in the thin plate spline

 Input params:
  ipts - the set of base points for an image;
  opts - the set of points you want to warp an image to

 Output Params:
  w, a - parameters used by psi_tps
  K - the Euclidean distance matrix used by the radial basis function.

 Dr A. I. Hanna (2006).



APPLYTRM transform X by parameters in P
  XP = APPLYTRM(X,P) rotates, scales and translates X 
  by applying the transformation matrix P where,

    P(1) = s * cos(theta)
    P(2) = s * sin(theta)
    P(3) = tx
    P(4) = ty

 Barry-John Theobald,
 School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia,
 Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

 Version 1.0


BUILDSFAM builds a shape-free appearance model
  shape-free model of appearance given a labelled set of images.
  OPTIONS is a set of options given by SOPTIONS and NPIX is the
  (approximate) number of pixels to include in the model.

  V defines the percentage variance the model should retain
  (default 0.95 corresponding to 95%).

  VERB indicates whether the warped images are displayed.

  NOTE: At present, there is no image normalisation - this
  still need to be implemented! This is a cutdown version of
  sfaload.m from Matthews appearance model toolbox, adapted to use
  the options from soptions, and handle movies as input. Could later
  write a script to convert the options filenames to a filespec and
  use the appearance code - must then ensure the directories are
  correct etc!

 Barry-John Theobald,
 School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia,
 Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

 Version 1.2


CALCTRM calculate the transform parameters to align two shapes
  P = CALCTRM(S1,S2,W) calculates the translation, scale and rotation
  to align shape S2 with S1. W is a set of weights giving the 
  relative stability of each data point.


 Barry-John Theobald,
 School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia,
 Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

 Version 1.0


 GET_OPTIONS load and check an options structure 
  [OPTS, MSG] = GET_OPTIONS(TYPE, OPTS) loads an options structure 
  and checks the validity of the file. If a structure is given, 
  this is useful to check it is a valid options structure.

  The options are returned in OPTS and MSG reports the error
  encountered when checking the file.

 Barry-John Theobald,
 School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia,
 Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

 Version 1.0


 GET_PDM load and check a point distribution model 
  [PDM, MSG] = GET_PDM(FNAME) loads a point distribution model and 
  checks the validity of the file. If a structure is given, this 
  is useful to check it is a valid point distribution model.

  The point distribution model is returned in PDM and MSG contains
  any errors encountered when opening, or checking the file.

  The optional output is the path to and name of the PDM file loaded.

 Copyright (c),
 Barry-John Theobald,
 School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia,
 Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

 Version 1.1


 function recursive_covariance
 A script that employs an adaptive update of the mean and covariance

 %First set up the image
 figh = figure(1); clf; 
 I = zeros(256, 256);
 B1 = roipoly(I);
 % get the xy values of the image patch
 [yind, xind] = find(B1);
 % this is the actual covariance matrix.
 real_R = cov([xind, yind]);
 real_mu = mean([xind, yind])';
 sse_r = zeros(length(xind), 1);
 sse_mu = zeros(length(xind), 1);
 % Initialize the covariance and mean
 R = zeros(2,2);
 mu = zeros(2,1);
 % this k denotes the sample number, so we could imagine having another for loop where
 % k would not start at 1.
 k =1;
 for i=1:length(xind)
     x = [xind(i); yind(i)];
    [R, mu] = recursive_covariance(x, R, mu, k);
     k = k+1;
     sse_r(i) = sum(sum((R - real_R).^2));
     sse_mu(i) = sum((mu - real_mu).^2);
 grid on; 
 axis tight;
 title('Covariance error');
 grid on; 
 axis tight;
 title('Mean error');
 axis tight;

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


TRIWARP Use OpenGL to warp an image
  WIMG = TRIWARP(IMG,IPTS,OPTS,TRI,VERB) warps the image IMG from the
  input points IPTS to the output OPTS. The points are (x,y) pairs
  where each row in the input points corresponds to the same point in
  the output points.

  The coordinates must be offset so they exist in the OpenGL 
  coordinate space, i.e. (0, 0) is the first pixel, corresponding to 
  (1, 1) in Matlab. 

  TRI is a list of triples of indicies of the points forming the
  vertices forming the given triangle. If none are given, the delaunay
  of the input points is used.

   Returns a 24-bit RGB uint8 image.

   e.g. wimg = triwarp(img,ipts-1,opts-1,[],0);

 Version 1.0










--- help for AAM/aam_pca ---
function [Xm, P, b, pcaDat] = aam_pca(AAM, indices, filenames,FractionPCs, meanshape, in_context_flag, lda_shape_flag)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)



DISPLAY Display array.
   DISPLAY(X) is called for the object X when the semicolon is not used
   to terminate a statement. 

   For example,
     X = inline('sin(x)')
   calls DISPLAY(X) while
     X = inline('sin(x)');
   does not.

   A typical implementation of DISPLAY calls DISP to do most of the work
   and looks as follows.  Note that DISP does not display empty arrays.

      function display(X)
      if isequal(get(0,'FormatSpacing'),'compact')
         disp([inputname(1) ' =']);
         disp(' ');
         disp([inputname(1) ' =']);
         disp(' ');
   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc display


GET    Get object properties.
   V = GET(H,'PropertyName') returns the value of the specified
   property for the graphics object with handle H.  If H is a 
   vector of handles, then get will return an M-by-1 cell array
   of values where M is equal to length(H).  If 'PropertyName' is
   replaced by a 1-by-N or N-by-1 cell array of strings containing
   property names, then GET will return an M-by-N cell array of

   GET(H) displays all property names and their current values for
   the graphics object with handle H.

   V = GET(H) where H is a scalar, returns a structure where each
   field name is the name of a property of H and each field contains
   the value of that property.

   V = GET(0, 'Factory') 
   V = GET(0, 'Factory<ObjectType>')
   V = GET(0, 'Factory<ObjectType><PropertyName>') 
   returns for all object types the factory values of all properties
   which have user-settable default values.  

   V = GET(H, 'Default') 
   V = GET(H, 'Default<ObjectType>') 
   V = GET(H, 'Default<ObjectType><PropertyName>') 
   returns information about default property values (H must be
   scalar).  'Default' returns a list of all default property values
   currently set on H.  'Default<ObjectType>' returns only the
   defaults for properties of <ObjectType> set on H.
   'Default<ObjectType><PropertyName>' returns the default value
   for the specific property, by searching the defaults set on H
   and its ancestors, until that default is found.  If no default
   value for this property has been set on H or any ancestor of H
   up through the root, then the factory value for that property
   is returned.
   Defaults can not be queried on a descendant of the object, or on the
   object itself - for example, a value for 'DefaultAxesColor' can not
   be queried on an axes or an axes child, but can be queried on a figure
   or on the root.

   When using the 'Factory' or 'Default' GET, if PropertyName is 
   omitted then the return value will take the form of a
   structure in which each field name is a property name and the 
   corresponding value is the value of that property.  If 
   PropertyName is specified then a matrix or string value will be

   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc get



--- help for AAM/get_names_with_pm ---

  Verify Image List is consistent with point model list



LENGTH   Length of vector.
   LENGTH(X) returns the length of vector X.  It is equivalent
   to MAX(SIZE(X)) for non-empty arrays and 0 for empty ones.
   See also NUMEL.
   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc length


PCA Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on raw data.
   COEFF = PCA(X) returns the principal component coefficients for the N
   by P data matrix X. Rows of X correspond to observations and columns to
   variables. Each column of COEFF contains coefficients for one principal
   component. The columns are in descending order in terms of component
   variance (LATENT). PCA, by default, centers the data and uses the
   singular value decomposition algorithm. For the non-default options,
   use the name/value pair arguments.
   [COEFF, SCORE] = PCA(X) returns the principal component score, which is
   the representation of X in the principal component space. Rows of SCORE
   correspond to observations, columns to components. The centered data
   can be reconstructed by SCORE*COEFF'.

   [COEFF, SCORE, LATENT] = PCA(X) returns the principal component
   variances, i.e., the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of X, in

   [COEFF, SCORE, LATENT, TSQUARED] = PCA(X) returns Hotelling's T-squared
   statistic for each observation in X. PCA uses all principal components
   to compute the TSQUARED (computes in the full space) even when fewer
   components are requested (see the 'NumComponents' option below). For
   TSQUARED in the reduced space, use MAHAL(SCORE,SCORE).

   containing the percentage of the total variance explained by each
   principal component.

   [...] = PCA(..., 'PARAM1',val1, 'PARAM2',val2, ...) specifies optional
   parameter name/value pairs to control the computation and handling of
   special data types. Parameters are:
     'Algorithm' - Algorithm that PCA uses to perform the principal
                   component analysis. Choices are:
         'svd'   - Singular Value Decomposition of X (the default).
         'eig'   - Eigenvalue Decomposition of the covariance matrix. It
                   is faster than SVD when N is greater than P, but less
                   accurate because the condition number of the covariance
                   is the square of the condition number of X.

     'Centered' - Indicator for centering the columns of X. Choices are: 
         true   - The default. PCA centers X by subtracting off column
                  means before computing SVD or EIG. If X contains NaN
                  missing values, NANMEAN is used to find the mean with
                  any data available.
         false  - PCA does not center the data. In this case, the original
                  data X can be reconstructed by X = SCORE*COEFF'. 

     'Economy'  - Indicator for economy size output, when D the degrees of
                  freedom is smaller than P. D, is equal to M-1, if data
                  is centered and M otherwise. M is the number of rows
                  without any NaNs if you use 'Rows', 'complete'; or the
                  number of rows without any NaNs in the column pair that
                  has the maximum number of rows without NaNs if you use
                  'Rows', 'pairwise'. When D < P, SCORE(:,D+1:P) and
                  LATENT(D+1:P) are necessarily zero, and the columns of
                  COEFF(:,D+1:P) define directions that are orthogonal to
                  X. Choices are:
         true   - This is the default. PCA returns only the first D
                  elements of LATENT and the corresponding columns of
                  COEFF and SCORE. This can be significantly faster when P
                  is much larger than D.
         false  - PCA returns all elements of LATENT. Columns of COEFF and
                  SCORE corresponding to zero elements in LATENT are

     'NumComponents' - The number of components desired, specified as a
                  scalar integer K satisfying 0 < K <= P. When specified,
                  PCA returns the first K columns of COEFF and SCORE.

     'Rows'     - Action to take when the data matrix X contains NaN
                  values. Choices are:
         'complete' - The default action. Observations with NaN values
                      are removed before calculation. Rows of NaNs are
                      inserted back into SCORE at the corresponding
         'pairwise' - This option only applies when 'eig' method is used.
                      If specified, PCA switches 'Algorithm' to 'eig'. The
                      (I,J) element of the covariance matrix is computed
                      using rows with no NaN values in columns I or J of
                      X. Please note that the resulting covariance matrix
                      may not be positive definite. In that case, PCA
                      terminates with an error message.
         'all'      - X is expected to have no missing values. All data
                      are used, and execution will be terminated if NaN is
     'Weights'  - Observation weights, a vector of length N containing all
                  positive elements.

     'VariableWeights' - Variable weights. Choices are:
          - a vector of length P containing all positive elements.
          - the string 'variance'. The variable weights are the inverse of
            sample variance. If 'Centered' is set true at the same time,
            the data matrix X is centered and standardized. In this case,
            PCA returns the principal components based on the correlation

       load hald;
       [coeff, score, latent, tsquared, explained] = pca(ingredients);


       [1] Jolliffe, I.T. Principal Component Analysis, 2nd ed., Springer,
       [2] Krzanowski, W.J., Principles of Multivariate Analysis, Oxford
           University Press, 1988.
       [3] Seber, G.A.F., Multivariate Observations, Wiley, 1984. 
       [4] Jackson, J.E., A User's Guide to Principal Components, Wiley, 
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc pca




 PROCRUSTES Perform Procrustes analysis on landmark data

  The second version estimates a template.

  data(i).marks = 2D landmarks, 2-by-p matrices
  procdata(i).marks = landmarks aligned to a template, 2-by-p matrices
  theta = Global transformation parameters,
          theta(i).transl = translation
          theta(i).phi    = rotation
          theta(i).scale  = scale


--- help for AAM/read_in_pointmodels ---
 function aam=read_in_pointmodels(aam, is3D)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


SET    Set object properties.
   SET(H,'PropertyName',PropertyValue) sets the value of the
   specified property for the graphics object with handle H.
   H can be a vector of handles, in which case SET sets the
   properties' values for all the objects.

   SET(H,a) where a is a structure whose field names are object
   property names, sets the properties named in each field name
   with the values contained in the structure.

   SET(H,pn,pv) sets the named properties specified in the cell array
   of strings pn to the corresponding values in the cell array pv for
   all objects specified in H.  The cell array pn must be 1-by-N, but
   the cell array pv can be M-by-N where M is equal to length(H) so 
   that each object will be updated with a different set of values
   for the list of property names contained in pn.

   sets multiple property values with a single statement.  Note that it
   is permissible to use property/value string pairs, structures, and
   property/value cell array pairs in the same call to SET.

   A = SET(H, 'PropertyName') 
   returns or displays the possible values for the specified
   property of the object with handle H.  The returned array is
   a cell array of possible value strings or an empty cell array
   if the property does not have a finite set of possible string
   A = SET(H) 
   returns or displays all property names and their possible values for
   the object with handle H.  The return value is a structure whose
   field names are the property names of H, and whose values are 
   cell arrays of possible property values or empty cell arrays.

   The default value for an object property can be set on any of an 
   object's ancestors by setting the PropertyName formed by
   concatenating the string 'Default', the object type, and the 
   property name.  For example, to set the default color of text objects
   to red in the current figure window:

   Defaults can not be set on a descendant of the object, or on the
   object itself - for example, a value for 'DefaultAxesColor' can not
   be set on an axes or an axes child, but can be set on a figure or on
   the root.

   Three strings have special meaning for PropertyValues:
     'default' - use default value (from nearest ancestor)
     'factory' - use factory default value
     'remove'  - remove default value.

   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc set





DISPLAY Display array.
   DISPLAY(X) is called for the object X when the semicolon is not used
   to terminate a statement. 

   For example,
     X = inline('sin(x)')
   calls DISPLAY(X) while
     X = inline('sin(x)');
   does not.

   A typical implementation of DISPLAY calls DISP to do most of the work
   and looks as follows.  Note that DISP does not display empty arrays.

      function display(X)
      if isequal(get(0,'FormatSpacing'),'compact')
         disp([inputname(1) ' =']);
         disp(' ');
         disp([inputname(1) ' =']);
         disp(' ');
   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc display


GET    Get object properties.
   V = GET(H,'PropertyName') returns the value of the specified
   property for the graphics object with handle H.  If H is a 
   vector of handles, then get will return an M-by-1 cell array
   of values where M is equal to length(H).  If 'PropertyName' is
   replaced by a 1-by-N or N-by-1 cell array of strings containing
   property names, then GET will return an M-by-N cell array of

   GET(H) displays all property names and their current values for
   the graphics object with handle H.

   V = GET(H) where H is a scalar, returns a structure where each
   field name is the name of a property of H and each field contains
   the value of that property.

   V = GET(0, 'Factory') 
   V = GET(0, 'Factory<ObjectType>')
   V = GET(0, 'Factory<ObjectType><PropertyName>') 
   returns for all object types the factory values of all properties
   which have user-settable default values.  

   V = GET(H, 'Default') 
   V = GET(H, 'Default<ObjectType>') 
   V = GET(H, 'Default<ObjectType><PropertyName>') 
   returns information about default property values (H must be
   scalar).  'Default' returns a list of all default property values
   currently set on H.  'Default<ObjectType>' returns only the
   defaults for properties of <ObjectType> set on H.
   'Default<ObjectType><PropertyName>' returns the default value
   for the specific property, by searching the defaults set on H
   and its ancestors, until that default is found.  If no default
   value for this property has been set on H or any ancestor of H
   up through the root, then the factory value for that property
   is returned.
   Defaults can not be queried on a descendant of the object, or on the
   object itself - for example, a value for 'DefaultAxesColor' can not
   be queried on an axes or an axes child, but can be queried on a figure
   or on the root.

   When using the 'Factory' or 'Default' GET, if PropertyName is 
   omitted then the return value will take the form of a
   structure in which each field name is a property name and the 
   corresponding value is the value of that property.  If 
   PropertyName is specified then a matrix or string value will be

   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc get


SET    Set object properties.
   SET(H,'PropertyName',PropertyValue) sets the value of the
   specified property for the graphics object with handle H.
   H can be a vector of handles, in which case SET sets the
   properties' values for all the objects.

   SET(H,a) where a is a structure whose field names are object
   property names, sets the properties named in each field name
   with the values contained in the structure.

   SET(H,pn,pv) sets the named properties specified in the cell array
   of strings pn to the corresponding values in the cell array pv for
   all objects specified in H.  The cell array pn must be 1-by-N, but
   the cell array pv can be M-by-N where M is equal to length(H) so 
   that each object will be updated with a different set of values
   for the list of property names contained in pn.

   sets multiple property values with a single statement.  Note that it
   is permissible to use property/value string pairs, structures, and
   property/value cell array pairs in the same call to SET.

   A = SET(H, 'PropertyName') 
   returns or displays the possible values for the specified
   property of the object with handle H.  The returned array is
   a cell array of possible value strings or an empty cell array
   if the property does not have a finite set of possible string
   A = SET(H) 
   returns or displays all property names and their possible values for
   the object with handle H.  The return value is a structure whose
   field names are the property names of H, and whose values are 
   cell arrays of possible property values or empty cell arrays.

   The default value for an object property can be set on any of an 
   object's ancestors by setting the PropertyName formed by
   concatenating the string 'Default', the object type, and the 
   property name.  For example, to set the default color of text objects
   to red in the current figure window:

   Defaults can not be set on a descendant of the object, or on the
   object itself - for example, a value for 'DefaultAxesColor' can not
   be set on an axes or an axes child, but can be set on a figure or on
   the root.

   Three strings have special meaning for PropertyValues:
     'default' - use default value (from nearest ancestor)
     'factory' - use factory default value
     'remove'  - remove default value.

   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc set




DISPLAY Display array.
   DISPLAY(X) is called for the object X when the semicolon is not used
   to terminate a statement. 

   For example,
     X = inline('sin(x)')
   calls DISPLAY(X) while
     X = inline('sin(x)');
   does not.

   A typical implementation of DISPLAY calls DISP to do most of the work
   and looks as follows.  Note that DISP does not display empty arrays.

      function display(X)
      if isequal(get(0,'FormatSpacing'),'compact')
         disp([inputname(1) ' =']);
         disp(' ');
         disp([inputname(1) ' =']);
         disp(' ');
   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc display


GET    Get object properties.
   V = GET(H,'PropertyName') returns the value of the specified
   property for the graphics object with handle H.  If H is a 
   vector of handles, then get will return an M-by-1 cell array
   of values where M is equal to length(H).  If 'PropertyName' is
   replaced by a 1-by-N or N-by-1 cell array of strings containing
   property names, then GET will return an M-by-N cell array of

   GET(H) displays all property names and their current values for
   the graphics object with handle H.

   V = GET(H) where H is a scalar, returns a structure where each
   field name is the name of a property of H and each field contains
   the value of that property.

   V = GET(0, 'Factory') 
   V = GET(0, 'Factory<ObjectType>')
   V = GET(0, 'Factory<ObjectType><PropertyName>') 
   returns for all object types the factory values of all properties
   which have user-settable default values.  

   V = GET(H, 'Default') 
   V = GET(H, 'Default<ObjectType>') 
   V = GET(H, 'Default<ObjectType><PropertyName>') 
   returns information about default property values (H must be
   scalar).  'Default' returns a list of all default property values
   currently set on H.  'Default<ObjectType>' returns only the
   defaults for properties of <ObjectType> set on H.
   'Default<ObjectType><PropertyName>' returns the default value
   for the specific property, by searching the defaults set on H
   and its ancestors, until that default is found.  If no default
   value for this property has been set on H or any ancestor of H
   up through the root, then the factory value for that property
   is returned.
   Defaults can not be queried on a descendant of the object, or on the
   object itself - for example, a value for 'DefaultAxesColor' can not
   be queried on an axes or an axes child, but can be queried on a figure
   or on the root.

   When using the 'Factory' or 'Default' GET, if PropertyName is 
   omitted then the return value will take the form of a
   structure in which each field name is a property name and the 
   corresponding value is the value of that property.  If 
   PropertyName is specified then a matrix or string value will be

   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc get


SET    Set object properties.
   SET(H,'PropertyName',PropertyValue) sets the value of the
   specified property for the graphics object with handle H.
   H can be a vector of handles, in which case SET sets the
   properties' values for all the objects.

   SET(H,a) where a is a structure whose field names are object
   property names, sets the properties named in each field name
   with the values contained in the structure.

   SET(H,pn,pv) sets the named properties specified in the cell array
   of strings pn to the corresponding values in the cell array pv for
   all objects specified in H.  The cell array pn must be 1-by-N, but
   the cell array pv can be M-by-N where M is equal to length(H) so 
   that each object will be updated with a different set of values
   for the list of property names contained in pn.

   sets multiple property values with a single statement.  Note that it
   is permissible to use property/value string pairs, structures, and
   property/value cell array pairs in the same call to SET.

   A = SET(H, 'PropertyName') 
   returns or displays the possible values for the specified
   property of the object with handle H.  The returned array is
   a cell array of possible value strings or an empty cell array
   if the property does not have a finite set of possible string
   A = SET(H) 
   returns or displays all property names and their possible values for
   the object with handle H.  The return value is a structure whose
   field names are the property names of H, and whose values are 
   cell arrays of possible property values or empty cell arrays.

   The default value for an object property can be set on any of an 
   object's ancestors by setting the PropertyName formed by
   concatenating the string 'Default', the object type, and the 
   property name.  For example, to set the default color of text objects
   to red in the current figure window:

   Defaults can not be set on a descendant of the object, or on the
   object itself - for example, a value for 'DefaultAxesColor' can not
   be set on an axes or an axes child, but can be set on a figure or on
   the root.

   Three strings have special meaning for PropertyValues:
     'default' - use default value (from nearest ancestor)
     'factory' - use factory default value
     'remove'  - remove default value.

   Overloaded methods:
   Reference page in Help browser
      doc set


Copy of pdmwalk.m

PDMWALK GUI to 'walk' a PDM through each mode of variation
  PDMWALK(1,'MODEL_PDM') will read from a PDM the file 'MODEL_PDM',
  PDMWALK(1,pdm) will use the PDM struct (pdm.Xm, pdm.P and pdm.b),
  PDMWALK will prompt for a file.

cd 'C:\Documents and Settings\ab\My Documents\Matlab2004\Nicolas\Images\Modigliani2\ModelData'
See also

Iain Matthews, UEA, Norwich
J. Andrew Bangham, UEA 2005


 function selectedFilenames = CustomListDlg(arg)

 Description: A custom built list dialog that allows the user to specify a
 regular expression to filter the filenames.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 function AllPointSets=DiscoverPointSets(modelDirec)
 work through the StatisticalModels directory
 finding subdirectories associated with each model template
 and within these finding the sets of models
 and within each of these use the indices.mat and LN_*.mat
 files to capture the subset of points

AllPointSets, structure array of set names and indices

J. Andrew Bangham, 2010



 function varargout = aamdisp_plotEdges(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)






 function FigureCreator(varargin)

 Example 1:

 Example 2:

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007) CMP, UEA.


function filenames=FindFilenames(partname,startpath)

partname, string that is part or all of the file to be found
          e.g. '.mat' or '_pm' (Case sensitive)
startpath, directory from which the path is to be started
          default is pwd
dirconstraints, cell array of strings giving a set of directory
          name constraints, e.g.

filenames, cell array containing path\files (as fullfile) 
           found recursively

J.Andrew Bangham, 2005



 Find Existing Sets







 function varargout = aamio_choosePointModelFilenames

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [varargout] = aamio_getGroupPointModels(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = aamio_loadModel(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = aamio_loadPointModel(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = aamio_loadPointModels(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


function [ratio, OD, OP] = aamlib_calcDiffProjError(varargin)

 [ratio, OD, OP] = aamlib_calcDiffProjError;

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function mse = aamlib_calcPMError(varargin)

 mse = aamlib_calcPMError('verbose', 1);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


function [ratio, D, projD] = aamlib_calcProjError(varargin)

 [ratio, D, projD] = aamlib_calcProjError('verbose', 1);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [varargout] = ammlib_groupClassifier(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [varargout] = aamlib_knnClassifier(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [varargout] = aamlib_parzenGaussianClassifier(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function mse = aamlib_pointModelMSE(varargin)

 mse = aamlib_pointModelMSE('verbose', 1);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [varargout] = ammlib_groupClassifier(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function varargout = loadTemplate(varargin)

 I/O method for toolbox AAMToolbox for loading template files


 loadTemplate('filename', 'template.temp_dat');

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


find all pre-defined sets that are consistent with the current template

template, current template name, e.g. Faces11

lists, cell array of set names that contribute to the indices
indices, union of indices chosen
importable_sets, cell array of compatible point sets created using SetPicker
edit_sets, cell array of sets defined by, e.g. Faces11_place_fixed_points.m

J.Andrew Bangham, 2005


Copy of warp_to_mean_shape.m

function img2=warp_to_mean_shape(pts,ompts,img,indices);

pts, pointmodel from file (one column, x;y;x;y;...)
ompts, mean shape model points (two columns x,y;x,y;...)
img, image to be warped rgb
indices, indices of points to be used for the model

img2, image warped to mean shape (usually much smaller than img)
      NaN is used to indicate triangles that have expanded to a
      point that makes the pixels unreliable

C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Toolboxes\ShapeModelToolbox\AAMToolbox\LibraryFunctions\Modified getsfam


 function [sfam, options] = getsfam(image_folder, pt_model_folder, resolution, scale, rotate, trans, v, triangulation)

 Input Parameters
     image_folder  - the location of your images (probably Cropped)
     pt_model_folder - the folder containing your point models, _pt.mat
     resolution - the number of pixels you want to include in the
     appearance model
     scale - include scale into the procrustes
     rotation - include rotation into the procrustes
     translation - include translation into the procrustes
     v  - the amount of variance to be captured.

 Output Parameters:
     sfam - the shape and appearance structure
    options - the options file used to build the models.

 [sfam, options] = getsfam('Cropped', 'PointModels\PetalTempalte1', 200, 1, 1, 1, .95, []);
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 function MutantWildTypeError

 This function was written for a paper with S. Bensmihen. The user first
 selects a model, then they selected the point model file that corresponds
 to a mean mutant shape. They then selected the point model for the mean
 wild type (WT) shape. The script calculates the error between the
 observed mean shape and the observed mean WT. It then calculates the
 error between the observed mean shape and a reconstructed mean shape
 using the selected PCs from the model. 

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function aamlib_scaleImagesAndPointModelsInProject

 This function allows the user to rescale the images and the point models
 for a particular project. This function is not available from the GUI for
 safety reasons. To explain the reason for this method, there is an
 example of how to use it below:

 Suppose we have two projects PRJ_080516_All_species_FP-2-Max10 (images at
 60pix/cm) and PRJ_species FP changed (images at 240pix/cm). To make the
 two projects comparable or to merge the two projects we need to scale the
 images and point models in the first project by a factor of 4. To do this
 we make a new project called PRJ_080516_All_species_FP-2-Max10_240pxpcm (images at 240pix/cm) 
 where pxpcm denotes pix/cm. 

 To make this new project we first copied the original project 


 using explorer and renamed it to


 then in Matlab we changed directory to


 and at the Matlab prompt typed:


 this changed the size of the images and the point models in project.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008











 function export_eigen_data(pdm)

 A function that takes a pdm structure and saves the eigenvectors and
 eigenvalues to an excel sheet. In the excel file the sheets that contain
 the eigenvectors, each column is a vector. 

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 [Xm] = get_mean_shape_from_model(model_str)

 Parameters :
   Input - 
       model_str - this is a string pointing to the model.aam_dat that
                   stores the mean shape data

   Ouptput - 
       Xm - this is a 2xN matrix where Xm(1,:) are the x coordinates and
            Xm(2,:) are the y coordinates


       mean_shape = get_mean_shape_from_model('StatisticalModels/LeafTemplate_boundary_02/Set_1/ImageList_1/model.aam_dat');
       plot(mean_shape(1,:), mean_shape(2,:),'.');
       axis image;

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 function [sfam, options] = getsfam(image_folder, pt_model_folder, resolution, scale, rotate, trans, v, triangulation)

 Input Parameters
     image_folder  - the location of your images (probably Cropped)
     pt_model_folder - the folder containing your point models, _pt.mat
     resolution - the number of pixels you want to include in the
     appearance model
     scale - include scale into the procrustes
     rotation - include rotation into the procrustes
     translation - include translation into the procrustes
     v  - the amount of variance to be captured.

 Output Parameters:
     sfam - the shape and appearance structure
    options - the options file used to build the models.

 [sfam, options] = getsfam('Cropped', 'PointModels\PetalTempalte1', 200, 1, 1, 1, .95, []);
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


 Andy H. Instead of interpolating along edges, interpolate center of



 function [ipts,opts] = tri_interp_pts(ipts,opts)

 A function that makes a triangulation of some input points and then finds
 the center of each of these triangles. A linear conformal warp is set up
 between the input points and the output points that is dependent on the
 trianglulation. The new centers are then warped according to this warp
 giving new output points.

 Input Params:
   ipts - a Mx2 matrix of input points (this will be the one we do the
          triangulation on.
   opts - a Mx2 matrix of output points

 Output Params:
   ipts - the interpolated input points
   opts - the interpolated output points

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).


 function varargout = variance_analyser(varargin)

 This function calculates the cumulative variance for original and
 projected shapes. In this way we can somehow define how much of the
 variance of the data is captured after the projection. 

  DATA - a matrix NxM where the columns represent the dimensions and the
         rows are samples (i.e. 100x2 for a 100 2D shapes).
  EIGENVECTORS - the rows of this matrix correspond to the eigenvectors to
                 use to project. The first column is associated with the highest
                 eigenvalue. See PCA for details.
  METHOD - either 'Euclidean' or 'Mahalanobis'. This determines how to
           calculate the distance of each sample from the mean, i.e. its deviation.

  Vo - variance of the original data with respect to the mean
  Vp - variance of the projected data with respect to the mean
  Xp - the projected data


 %Some zero centered 3D data
 X = randn(100,3);
 X(:,3) = X(:,1) + randn(size(X(:,1)))/50;
 X = X - ones(size(X, 1),1)*mean(X,1);
 % Get the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
 [V, L] = eig(cov(X));
 L = diag(L);
 [val, ind] = sort(L, 'descend');
 L = L(ind);
 V = V(:, ind);
 % Take the 2 with most variance.
 P = V(:,1:2);
 [v_m_o, v_m_p, xmp] = variance_analyser('Data', X, 'eigenvectors', P, 'method', 'mahalanobis');
 [v_e_o, v_e_p, xep] = variance_analyser('Data', X, 'eigenvectors', P, 'method', 'euclidean');
 v_m_r = v_m_p./v_m_o
 v_e_r = v_e_p./v_e_o
 figure(1); clf;
 hold on;
 plot_shape('pts', xmp, 'color', [0 0 1]);
 plot_shape('pts', X, 'color', [1 0 0]);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2006.


function img2=warp_to_mean_shape(pts,ompts,img,indices);

pts, pointmodel from file (one column, x;y;x;y;...)
ompts, mean shape model points (two columns x,y;x,y;...)
img, image to be warped rgb
indices, indices of points to be used for the model

img2, image warped to mean shape (usually much smaller than img)
      NaN is used to indicate triangles that have expanded to a
      point that makes the pixels unreliable


function img2=warp_to_mean_shape(pts,ompts,img,indices);

pts, pointmodel from file (one column, x;y;x;y;...)
ompts, mean shape model points (two columns x,y;x,y;...)
img, image to be warped rgb
indices, indices of points to be used for the model

img2, image warped to mean shape (usually much smaller than img)
      NaN is used to indicate triangles that have expanded to a
      point that makes the pixels unreliable


function img2=warp_to_mean_shape(pts,ompts,img,indices);

pts, pointmodel from file (one column, x;y;x;y;...)
ompts, mean shape model points (two columns x,y;x,y;...)
img, image to be warped rgb
indices, indices of points to be used for the model

img2, image warped to mean shape (usually much smaller than img)
      NaN is used to indicate triangles that have expanded to a
      point that makes the pixels unreliable




 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2005.



 builds the point models (statistical models are build using ModelGeneratorTool)




   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2006.
   generates statistical models using PCA from point models



 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2005.


 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2005.



   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006) CMP, UEA, 2006.


 Plot model






 function selectedFilenames = CustomListDlg(arg)

 Description: A custom built list dialog that allows the user to specify a
 regular expression to filter the filenames.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)



 function DataMain=SetPicker(arg)

 This program is a bit of a shambles - it has never been used in anger and so never got refined

 It is designed to do two things
 1) to allow the user to select subsets of the points in the pointmodel template and give them logical names
    this data is stored in the template directory with the suffix .edit_sets and prefix of the template name.
    Within the SetPicker GUI, these names and associated lists of indices appear in a drop down list.
    This data also appears to be stored in the AAMToolbox data structure: DataMain.handles.dat in the fields
    and the SetPicker data structure Data
    Data.handles.dat.pointSetNumber=pointSetNumber; % index to the current AAM subdirectory (see 2 below)
    Data.handles.dat.AllPointSets=EditSetNames; % names of all the subsets
    Data.handles.dat.EditIndices=EditIndices;   % associated indexes
    Data.handles.dat.EditSetNum=EditSetNum; % index to the subset currently selected in the SetPicker dropdown
    Data.handles.dat.edit_sets_filename=edit_sets_filename; % fullname of edit_sets file

 2) to allow the user to select a named subset from the dropdown list and create a new AAM model directory in the
    hierachy: StatisticalModels:Templatename:Set_* which will contains
    indices.mat: the subset index list
    LN_name.mat: the logical name
    The statistical modelling tool will then create subdirectories for each image list and associated model
    Imagelist_*: which contains a list of images and the associated statistical models




 function [] = PointCloudProcessor(arg,option)

            >> PointCloudProcessor('init');

 This function displays point clouds in 3D and then fits a polynomial
 function to the cloud. Additionally, you can wrap a 4D surface around the
 cloud which is visualised by level surfaces.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)


   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2006.


   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2006.


   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2006.


 function aamlib_pm_classifier

 This function is used to write an excel file that contains the
 classification of point models against selected groups. The user has to
 first select the groups to classify against, then they have to pick the
 groups whose elements they want to classify.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 if strcmp(arg, 'init')



   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2006.


 function varargout = showVarianceEllipseWithAxes(varargin)

 A plotting routine that displays an ellipsoid for a particular variance
 together with its axes.

 Default params:
 variances = [1 2 3];
 xaxiscol = 'm';
 yaxiscol = 'c';
 zaxiscol = 'y';
 axiswidth = 1;
 ellipcenter = [0 0 0];
 color = [132 132 255]/255;
 axish = [];
 std_lim =2;


 h = showVarianceEllipseWithAxes;


 h = showVarianceEllipseWithAxes('variances', [1 2 3]);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 show_app_ellipsoid_walk('model_dir', 'StatisticalModels\1239_III\Set_1\ImageList_2\', 'stepsize', 0.2);

 Default params
 movie_dir = ;
 appPC = [1 2 3];
 stepsize = .1;
 pdm = [];
 sfam = [];
 model_dir = ;
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 show_shape_ellipsoid_walk('model_dir', 'StatisticalModels\1239_III\Set_1\ImageList_2\', 'stepsize', 0.2);

 Default params
 movie_dir = ;
 shapePC = [1 2 3];
 stepsize = .1;
 pdm = [];
 sfam = [];
 model_dir = ;
 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



  SmoothLandmarks    //Smooths the secondary landmarks in a given loop






 function MSRshow(MSR,AxesH)

 plot (or delete) 3D data from an MSR (shape outline) results file

 MSR, the shape information (default - select an .msr file
      if MSR == 1 (i.e. a scalar) then any existing MSR plot is deleted
 AxesH, handle to the axis in which it will be plotted

 J. Andrew Bangham, 2012




 aam = UpdateAAMFromDisk(aam);

 This function updates the AAM data structure that is passed between GUI's
 and reloads the relavent information that is written to disk.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna 2005




   Ensure that a new set is created




 Update Point Models

 Description: This tool asks the user for a revised template file and an
 old tempalte file, if the template files are similar, then the point
 models associated with the old template file are updated.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005)



 Use dimensionality of pts (point model data) in the template
 to set the GUI 3D checkbox and project*.type file

 Author: J. Andrew Bangham
 Date: 2012


 view a bud mesh model

 arg, if 's' then force a stereo display
      otherwise it should automatically produce a 
      stereo display if it detects two monitors


J. Andrew Bangham, 2008


 function [variance, meanshape] = calculatePointModelSetVariance(X)

 Takes a NxM matrix with N dimensions and M observations

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function X = centerPointModels(X, mu)

 Takes an NxM matrix where each column is a particular shape and centers
 it around zero. You can specify a Nx1 vector as the mean or you can let
 the function calculate the sample mean.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


type, 0 (default) count lines in all m files (recursively down directory)
      1 store list of filenames in toolbox_m_file_help.txt
      2 store help files in toolbox_m_file_help.txt
      3 store listings in toolbox_m_file_help.txt
cwd,  root directory (from which recursion will start)
        (default is pwd)

N,    number of lines
NC,   number of characters


 consider each primary point in turn and create a list of points to which
 it is linked up to and including the next primary point



 [type] = getProjectType(projectDir)
 A function to determine the type of the project 
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070312


 function ALLX = normalise_variance(ALLX, norm_opt)

 Takes a cell structure where each cell is a NxM matrix, where each column
 is an observation and each row is a variable, i.e. each column of the matrix
 corresponds to 1 particular shape

 norm_opt - if norm_opt is 0 (default) then the shapes are normalised to the mean
 variance amongst them, if opt = 1 then the shapes will be normalised to
 unit variance.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


PDMWALK GUI to 'walk' a PDM through each mode of variation
  PDMWALK(1,'MODEL_PDM') will read from a PDM the file 'MODEL_PDM',
  PDMWALK(1,pdm) will use the PDM struct (pdm.Xm, pdm.P and pdm.b),
  PDMWALK will prompt for a file.

cd 'C:\Documents and Settings\ab\My Documents\Matlab2004\Nicolas\Images\Modigliani2\ModelData'
See also

Iain Matthews, UEA, Norwich
J. Andrew Bangham, UEA 2005



APPLYTRM transform X by parameters in P
  XP = APPLYTRM(X,P) rotates, scales and translates X 
  by applying the transformation matrix P where,

    P(1) = s * cos(theta)
    P(2) = s * sin(theta)
    P(3) = tx
    P(4) = ty

 Barry-John Theobald,
 School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia,
 Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

 Version 1.0


CALCTRM calculate the transform parameters to align two shapes
  P = CALCTRM(S1,S2,W) calculates the translation, scale and rotation
  to align shape S2 with S1. W is a set of weights giving the 
  relative stability of each data point.


 Barry-John Theobald,
 School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia,
 Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

 Version 1.0


 pmalign, point model alignment tool
 [xaligned, ProcrustesAlignment] = pmalign(x, opts);
 This function takes in the raw point models and then aligns them
 according to the options in opts. These options are a 1x3 array
 containing zeros or ones. For example opts = [1 1 1] will align the
 shapes according the scale, rotation and translation, so the structure of
 opts is as follows, opts = [toggle_scale, toggle_rotation, toggle_translation];
 If you want to align your shapes to make rotations and translations
 invariant but you want to capture scaling, then use opts = [0 1 1];

 The function returns 2 parameters, xaligned which are the aligned shapes,
 and ProcrustesAlignment which is a 4x1 array of numbers, with the
 following format

 ProcrustesAlignment = [scale*cos(theta), scale*sin(theta), trans_x, trans_y]';

 It is in this format for compliance with applytrm written by Dr. Barry J.
 Theobald at the University of East Anglia.

 If you wish to get back to the origianl points from the aligned points,
 you simply use the command x_orig = applytrm(x, proc_data);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 pmalign, point model alignment tool
 [xaligned, ProcrustesAlignment] = pmalign(x, opts);
 This function takes in the raw point models and then aligns them
 according to the options in opts. These options are a 1x3 array
 containing zeros or ones. For example opts = [1 1 1] will align the
 shapes according the scale, rotation and translation, so the structure of
 opts is as follows, opts = [toggle_scale, toggle_rotation,
 If you want to align your shapes to make rotations and translations
 invariant but you want to capture scaling, then use opts = [0 1 1];

 The function returns 2 parameters, xaligned which are the aligned shapes,
 and ProcrustesAlignment which is a 4x1 array of numbers, with the
 following format

 x, one column per pointmodel (stored, x1,y1,x2,y2 ...)
 opts, flags controlling [scale, rotation, translation] 0 for off else 1
 Mean, one column representing a pointmodel to which x is to be aligned
          (by default pmalign computes the mean x and uses that instead)
 xaligned, pointmodes from x that have been aligned together
 ProcrustesAlignment = [scale*cos(theta), scale*sin(theta), trans_x,

 It is in this format for compliance with applytrm written by Dr. Barry J.
 Theobald at the University of East Anglia.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005);


 function [X] = pcalib_project2tangentspace(X, meanshape)
 A function that maps the aligned shapes in X to the tangent space given
 by meanshape.

          X - a MxN matrix where M is the dimension of the shape, and N is the number of samples.
              NOTE: X is of the form X = [x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, ..., x_N, y_N]'.
  meanshape - this is the meanshape in question that defines the
              projection onto the tangent space. It is a column vector with the same
              structure as the columns in X.
         X - the same structure as the input X, but the shapes have now
             been projected into the tangent space.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).





 A function to determine the type of the project

 type, either 'project2D' or 'project3D'
 Author: J. Andrew Bangham
 Date: 2012





 function [] = AAMElementConverter(class_template_file, structure_template_file)

 A tool to convert the class template file to structures used by toolbox2

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (14-07-2005)

Copy of Faces11_place_fixed_points.m

function set_faces11_borderpoints_hat_beard(t)

from AAMToolbox create a new model based on faces8.temp_dat
(This will automatically create
cd into the required project folder and run the function

set points 159 to 166 to the border of the cropped image

t, 0 or empty do not pause after each edit set is identified
verbose, default 0, otherwise report full details of assignments
                    mistakes are very easy to make

J.Andrew Bangham, 2005


function set_faces10_borderpoints

from AAMToolbox create a new model based on faces8.temp_dat
(This will automatically create
cd into the required project folder and run the function

set points 159 to 166 to the border of the cropped image


function set_faces11_borderpoints_hat_beard(t)

from AAMToolbox create a new model based on faces8.temp_dat
(This will automatically create
cd into the required project folder and run the function

set points 159 to 166 to the border of the cropped image

name, name of _pm file with no path and _pm suffix
t, 0 or empty do not pause after each edit set is identified
verbose, default 0, otherwise report full details of assignments
                    mistakes are very easy to make

J.Andrew Bangham, 2005


function set_faces11_borderpoints_hat_beard(t)

from AAMToolbox create a new model based on faces8.temp_dat
(This will automatically create
cd into the required project folder and run the function

set points 159 to 166 to the border of the cropped image

name, name of _pm file with no path and _pm suffix
t, 0 or empty do not pause after each edit set is identified
verbose, default 0, otherwise report full details of assignments
                    mistakes are very easy to make

J.Andrew Bangham, 2005


function set_faces8_borderpoints

from AAMToolbox create a new model based on faces8.temp_dat
(This will automatically create
cd into the required project folder and run the function

set points 159 to 166 to the border of the cropped image


 function [] = UpdateAllTemplates(root_dir)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (14-07-2005)


 function [] = UpdateAllTemplates(root_dir)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (14-07-2005)



 function [] = md2temp(structure_template_file, class_template_file)

 A tool to convert the class template file to structures used by toolbox2

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (14-07-2005)


function set_faces10_borderpoints

from AAMToolbox create a new model based on faces8.temp_dat
(This will automatically create
cd into the required project folder and run the function

set points 159 to 166 to the border of the cropped image


function set_faces11_borderpoints_hat_beard

from AAMToolbox create a new model based on faces8.temp_dat
(This will automatically create
cd into the required project folder and run the function

set points 159 to 166 to the border of the cropped image


function set_faces8_borderpoints

from AAMToolbox create a new model based on faces8.temp_dat
(This will automatically create
cd into the required project folder and run the function

set points 159 to 166 to the border of the cropped image


function set_faces8_borderpoints

from AAMToolbox create a new model based on faces8.temp_dat
(This will automatically create
cd into the required project folder and run the function

set points 159 to 166 to the border of the cropped image



 modelBuilder3DTool M-file for modelBuilder3DTool.fig


 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070312


 modelBuilder3DTool M-file for modelBuilder3DTool.fig


 Author: Andrew Bangham
 Date: 2012




 templateBuilder3DTool M-file for templateBuilder3DTool.fig


 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070312


 templateBuilder3DToolVolViewer M-file for templateBuilder3DTool.fig


 Author: Andrew Bangham
 Date: 2012
 get the data structure from the main work flow control window



 function str = AAMToolboxLibraryCheck

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2005.



 function figure_1_points_around_leaf


 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


modeldir = 'C:\Documents and Settings\aih\My Documents\PostDoc\Shape_models\ModelsPrjs\Plants\Sandra\PRJ_Arabid_Antirrh\StatisticalModels\LE50Template_04_05_06\Set_1\ImageList_3';


 function figure_compare_selected_pcs



 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 this function generates a figure where each of the original shapes are
 shown and next to that is the modelled shape using a number of PC's


 function generateMeanAugmentedShapes

 A. I. Hanna + A. Green, 2007



 Finds all files with the specified extension in the current directory and
 subdirectories (recursive). Returns a cell array with the fully specified
 file names.

    files = findfiles( ext )
       searches in the current directory and subdirectories.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory)
       starts search in directory specified.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory, searchSubdirectories )
       If searchSubdirectories == 0, the function will not descend
       subdirectories. The default is that searchSubdirectories ~= 0.

 Note: if this function causes your recursion limit to be exceeded, then
 it is most probably trying to follow a symbolic link to a directory that
 has a symbolic link back to the directory it came from.


    bmpfiles = findfiles('bmp')
    dllfiles = findfiles('dll','C:\WinNT')
    mfiles = findfiles('m',matlabroot)


 Finds all files with the specified extension in the current directory and
 subdirectories (recursive). Returns a cell array with the fully specified
 file names.

    files = findfiles( ext )
       searches in the current directory and subdirectories.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory)
       starts search in directory specified.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory, searchSubdirectories )
       If searchSubdirectories == 0, the function will not descend
       subdirectories. The default is that searchSubdirectories ~= 0.

 Note: if this function causes your recursion limit to be exceeded, then
 it is most probably trying to follow a symbolic link to a directory that
 has a symbolic link back to the directory it came from.


    bmpfiles = findfiles('bmp')
    dllfiles = findfiles('dll','C:\WinNT')
    mfiles = findfiles('m',matlabroot)









converts the MSR files in a dir to pm files




SelectOrderListDlg  Ordered List selection dialog box.
   [SELECTION,OK] = OrderPointModels('ListString',S) creates a modal dialog box
   which allows you to select a string or multiple strings from a list.
   SELECTION is a cell structure of the selected strings.  

   Inputs are in parameter,value pairs:

   Parameter       Description
   'ListString'    cell array of strings for the list box.

   A 'Select all' button is provided in the multiple selection case.

     d = dir;
     str = {};
     [s,v] = OrderPointModels('ListString',str);

   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2005.



 This is the test script for the image_sort function.
 The pixels of an image are sorted.
 Author: Atakan Varol


 IMAGE_SORT Sorts the given data points (pixels of an image) 
            in the data_ordered array   

    Usage: [data_ordered]= image_sort(x,y)

    It is assumed that the nearest pixel is not farther 
    than sqrt(2^15)=180 pixels 

    Written and tested in Matlab R14SP1
    Date: 01.01.2005 

    Author: Atakan Varol



data - xyz matrix of size (N,3) where N is the number of points
interpRes - the resolution of the fitted spline
numOfPoints - the number of points to be equispaced along the fitted
1) fits a cubic spline through the points data.
2) fits a number of points equispaced along the fitted spline
Paul Southam(2012)


 conversion PM files names and locations
outline shape



longOrTransToggle = 0 if doing longitudanal cross-section or
longOrTransToggle = 1 if doing transverse cross-section


 %user select point models
 [fName,pName] = uigetfile('DialogTitle','Select Point Model Files','MultiSelect','on');



   Function generates a 2D kpar kper model from a 3D pointset.

   oldPts - 3D pointset (from for example, a 3D AAMToolbox project or 3D
   growth model).
   connectedPts - is a csv file which contains correspondence for the vertex numbers for edge
   and midvein points.
   modelType - 'simple' or 'angles'. Simple model calculates Euclidean
   distance from midvein points to corresponding edge pts (as designated by
   the connectedPts csv file) and plots them at 90 degrees. The angles model does
   the same but instead of plotting pts at 90 degree, plots them at a best
   fit angle calculated from the original 3D model.
   newModel - the generated 2D model.


 takes the midvein loop points. Fits best fit plane and projects points
 onto that plane. Fits a spline to the A and B side. Smooths points along
 that spline.


 function newModelData = midVeinRibModel(oldPts,connectedPts)
 %%Obsolete function
 debugPlot = 0
 %% reshape the data into a useful format
 data = reshape(oldPts,3,size(oldPts,1)/3)';
     for j = 1:size(data,1)
     axis equal
 %% calculate the midvein distances
 midVeinIdxs = connectedPts;
 for i = 1:size(connectedPts,1)-1
     midVeinDistances(i,:) = sqrt(sum(abs(data(midVeinIdxs(i),:) - data(midVeinIdxs(i+1),:)).^2));
 for i = 1:size(midVeinIdxs,1)-1
     if(i == 1)
         firstPtFlag = 1;
         firstPtFlag = 0;
     %find the pts
     a = data(midVeinIdxs(i),:);
     c = data(midVeinIdxs(i+1),:);
         d = data(midVeinIdxs(i-1),:);
         d = data(midVeinIdxs(end));
     %move vectors to origin
     a = a-a;
     c = c-a;
     d = d-a;
     abAngles(i) = 180 - (acos(dot(c,d)/(norm(c)*norm(d)))*180/pi);
     %abAngles(i) = acos(dot(c,d)/(norm(c)*norm(d)))*180/pi;
 figure;hold on
 for i = 1:size(midVeinDistances,1)-1
     if(i == 1)
         newModelData(1,:) = [0 0];
     elseif(i == 2)
         newModelData(2,:) = newModelData(1,:) - [midVeinDistances(1) 0];
     elseif(i == 3)
         if(abAngles(i) < 90)
             x1 = newModelData(i-1,1) - cos(pi -(abAngles(i) * (pi/180))) * midVeinDistances(i);
             y1 = newModelData(i-1,2) - sin(pi -(abAngles(i) * (pi/180))) * midVeinDistances(i);
             x1 = newModelData(i-1,2) - cos((pi/2) -(abAngles(i) * (pi/180))) * midVeinDistances(i);
             y1 = newModelData(i-1,1) - sin((pi/2) -(abAngles(i) * (pi/180))) * midVeinDistances(i);
         newModelData(i,:) = [x1 - newModelData(i-1,1),y1 - newModelData(i-1,2)];
         if(abAngles(i) < 90)
             x1 = newModelData(i-1,1) - cos(pi -(abAngles(i) * (pi/180))) * midVeinDistances(i);
             y1 = newModelData(i-1,2) - sin(pi -(abAngles(i) * (pi/180))) * midVeinDistances(i);
             x1 = newModelData(i-1,2) - cos((pi/2) -(abAngles(i) * (pi/180))) * midVeinDistances(i);
             y1 = newModelData(i-1,1) - sin((pi/2) -(abAngles(i) * (pi/180))) * midVeinDistances(i);
         newModelData(i,:) = [x1,y1];
 figure; plot(newModelData(:,1),newModelData(:,2),'ob')
 hold on
 for j = 1:size(newModelData,1)


user select point models



 %user select point models
 [fName,pName] = uigetfile('DialogTitle','Select Point Model Files','MultiSelect','on');
 %user select connectivity file for midVeinRib - this file should be the
 %loop that runs around the midvein. File name likely to be: 
 % 1) midVeinLoopNoPet.csv use for no petiole or
 % 2) midVeinRib.csv use to include petiole
 [facetName,facetPathName] = uigetfile('DialogTitle','Select connectivity file for midVeinRib','*.csv');









   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2005.


 directoryname = uigetdir(pwd);
 files = dir([directoryname, filesep, '*.JPG']);
 files = {};
 s = input('What resize ratio : ', 's'); 
 s = str2num(s);
 w = waitbar(0, 'Resizing Files...');
 for f = 1:length(files)
     waitbar(f/length(files), w);
    I = imread([directoryname, filesep,files{f}]);
    I = imresize(I, s);
    axis image;
    BW = roipoly;
    L = bwlabel(BW);
    S = regionprops(L, 'BoundingBox');
    R = S(1).BoundingBox;
    I2 = imcrop(I,R); 
    imwrite(I2, [directoryname, filesep,files{f}]);




SelectOrderListDlg  Ordered List selection dialog box.
   [SELECTION,OK] = SelectOrderListDlg('ListString',S) creates a modal dialog box
   which allows you to select a string or multiple strings from a list.
   SELECTION is a cell structure of the selected strings.  

   Inputs are in parameter,value pairs:

   Parameter       Description
   'ListString'    cell array of strings for the list box.

   A 'Select all' button is provided in the multiple selection case.

     d = dir;
     str = {};
     [s,v] = SelectOrderListDlg('ListString',str);

   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) CMP, UEA, 2005.




 First generate the image with the right dimensions and save it.


r = makeSquare( r )
   r is a 4-element array [x y w h] such as is used to represent
   rectangles in GUIs.  This procedure trims r to be square, and centres
   the new square within the old rectangle.



 function [p, t] = rank_transformation_ttest(X1, X2)

 rank transformation of the t-tes

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


STUDENT Student's t-distribution.
 S = STUDENT(T,N) gives the significance level S for a
 given value of statistic T and degrees of freedom N
 for a two-sided definition:

                           1 |     x^2
 A(t|n) = ------------------ |(1 + ---)^((1+n)/2) dx
          sqrt(n)*B(1/2,n/2) |      n

 Formula from W. H. Press, et. al., "Numerical Recipes
 in C", Cambridge: Cambridge, 1988, p. 180 - 181.


 Null Hypothesis: Population 1 (pop1) and Population 2 (pop2) are NOT different

 Syntax: [p,t]=ttest(pop1,pop2)

 DBE 4/17/01






 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function [flipped_tri_ind] = find_flipped_triangles(T, ipts, opts)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function [flipped_tri_ind] = find_flipped_triangles(T, ipts, opts)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function pts = interp_tri_pts(pts)

 A function that takes a 3x2 matrix that defines a triangle and
 interpolates along the edges.

 Input Params: 
  pts - a 3x2 matrix of points

 Output Params:
  pts - a 6x2 matrix of points

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).

 Used to calculated warps that need at least 6 points for a particular triangle


 function triOut = removeOutsideFaces(tri, points, polygonVertices)

 tri, the original triangulation data structure, indexing into 
 points, the triangulated point cloud.
 polygonVertices, the vetex list defining the polygon which may be
                  concave. The third argument is a subset of the second
 triOut, the new triangle list which corresponds to tri with all 
         the triangles lying outside the polygon specified by
         polygonVertices removed





 function [projVar, Xp] = calcProjVariance(X, A)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)





 Check that the directory is valid, i.e. it has Original and Cropped






type, 0 (default) count lines in all m files (recursively down directory)
      1 store list of filenames in toolbox_m_file_help.txt
      2 store help files in toolbox_m_file_help.txt
      3 store listings in toolbox_m_file_help.txt
cwd,  root directory (from which recursion will start)
        (default is pwd)

N,    number of lines
NC,   number of characters


 function create_mask_for_template

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



  cut_string   //splits directory names so you can see the beginning and
                   //the end


 function B = extract_shape_PC_data(modeldirectory)

 This is a simple script that takes ALL the point models related to the
 current template and stores the points, the aligned points, and the pc
 values to a matlab binary file as defined by the user.

 related: shapematrix2excell, exportModelData, AAMToolbox

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).


 Finds all files with the specified extension in the current directory and
 subdirectories (recursive). Returns a cell array with the fully specified
 file names.

    files = findfiles( ext )
       searches in the current directory and subdirectories.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory)
       starts search in directory specified.

    files = findfiles( ext, directory, searchSubdirectories )
       If searchSubdirectories == 0, the function will not descend
       subdirectories. The default is that searchSubdirectories ~= 0.

 Note: if this function causes your recursion limit to be exceeded, then
 it is most probably trying to follow a symbolic link to a directory that
 has a symbolic link back to the directory it came from.


    bmpfiles = findfiles('bmp')
    dllfiles = findfiles('dll','C:\WinNT')
    mfiles = findfiles('m',matlabroot)


 function [x, y] = gaussian_1d(mean, std, range, N)

 A simple script that takes the mean and standard deviation of a gaussian
 and returns the x and y points to plot.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)





PathName, the name of a AAMToolbox project (i.e. starts with 'PRJ_'

Andrew Bangham, 2009




 function level = getGUILevelInfo

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).



 function pdm = getPdm(modeldir)

 Returns the pdm for model in modeldir from disk

 Dr. A. I. Hanna



 template info



 function import_prj_details(details)

 A function that takes the combined_project_details cell array and then
 stores the mean-shape and mean-appearance in PointModels/... and

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function [segmentpoint, offsets] = isAugmentedProject

 Checks to see if the current shape model direcoty is an augmented
 project, if so then it will return the segmentation points for the shapes
 and the offsets if they have been defined.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [Xm, P, b, pcaDat] = lda(X, N)

 Note that in order for LDA to perfrom we need to have at least t + c
 samples so that the inter-variance matrix does not become singular. Here
 t denotes the dimension of our original data, and c denotes the number of
 classes. So if we have 3 groups of faces where each faces is given by 100
 points we need at least 103 faces. This in practice is unfeasible so we
 generally project down onto a lower dimensional space using PCA.

  X - a cell array of groups, each element of the cell array is a matrix
      where every row is an observation and every column is a variable
  N - the number of dimensions to project down to (default = 2)

  Xm - the mean of the projected data
  P - the projection matrix
  b - the variance covered along those axes
  pcaDat - the full P and b info.


 figure(1); cla; hold on;
 A = randn(100,3);
 B = randn(100,3);
 B(:,1:2) = B(:,1:2)+3;
 plot3(A(:,1), A(:,2), A(:,3), 'o');
 plot3(B(:,1), B(:,2), B(:,3), 'ro');
 X{1} = A; X{2} = B;
 [Xm, P, b, pcaDat] = lda(X, 2);
 a = (P*A')';
 b = (P*B')';
 figure(2); clf; hold on;
 plot(a(:,1), a(:,2), 'o');
 plot(b(:,1), b(:,2), 'ro');

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).



 function [X] = load_group_pointmodels(templatename, pm_files, prj_name)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function [P, b] = max_var_ratio(modelDirec, P, b)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)



 MULTI_SLIDER_SOURCE  mutiple slider source block

% ====  Based on  =============================================== %
% function slideg(varargin)                                       %                        %
% SLIDEG Slider Gain block helper function.                       %
%   SLIDEG manages the dialog box for the Slider Gain block.      %
%   All block and Handle Graphics callbacks are funneled through  %
%   this SLIDEG.                                                  %
%                                                                 %
%   Copyright 1990-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.                       %
%   $Revision: $                                         %
%                                                                 %
% =============================================================== %

 MULTI_SLIDER_SOURCE  generate the manual slider source block.




       requires only noSlider(number of the Sliders,scalar),
       it generate a source block with outputs = noSlider.

       requires low and high values in form of row vector,
       it generate a source block with outputs = length(low), the size of low
       and high should be the same, and high > low should be fulfilled.

       requires low, high and gain values in form of row vector, it generate
       a source block with outputs = length(low), the size of low, high, and
       gain should be the same, and high > gain > low should be fulfilled.

       requires low, high values in form of row vector and SliderLabel in form of
       string cell array, the size of them should be the same, and high > low
       should be fulfilled.

       requires low, high, gain values in form of row vector and SliderLabel in
       form of string cell array, the size of them should be the same, and
       high > gain > low should be fulfilled.



     generate a multi slider source block with 3 sliders.

        low  = zeros(1,5);
        high = 10*ones(1,5);

     generate a multi slider source block with 5 sliders, which lower and upper
     limits are zeros(1,5) and 10*ones(1,5).

        low = zeros(1,3);
        high = 5*ones(1,3);
        gain = 2.5*ones(1,3);

     generate a multi slider source block with 3 sliders, which lower and
     upper limits are defined by low, high. The position of the slider buttons
     will be at 2.5*ones(1,3);

        low = zeros(1,2);
        high = 10*ones(1,2);
        SliderLabel = [{Speed} {Voltage}];

     generate a multi slider source block with 2 sliders, which lower and
     upper limits are defined by low, high. The slider label will be shown in
     the middel of each sliders.

        low = zeros(1,4);
        high = 10*ones(1,4);
        gain = 5*ones(1,4);
        SliderLabel = [{Speed1} {Speed2} {Voltage} {Time}];

     generate a multi slider source block with 2 sliders, which lower and
     upper limits are defined by low, high. The position of the slider buttons
     determined by gain. The slider label will be shown in the middel of each

    New Features:

             Default: when clicked, reset all the parameters with original
                      values when you generate the Multi-Slider-Source block.

     Save As Default: when clicked, save current min, max, Label, gain and
                      positions of sliders as default values.

                Sets: when clicked, prompt a dialog to load input sets.
                      The sets can be column vector or matrix in the
                      order of Sliders. When dimension excessed, it gives a
                      warning massage and cut the vectors or matrix
                      automatically to match the dimension of your Multi-
                      Slider-Source block. When the dimension is less than
                      number of silders, it will be applied from the first

             SetEdit: This edit box can only work when 'Sets:' button has
                      been excuted. Give the number of column of the set you
                      desired to use as input, if the number you entered is
                      larger than the maximun column number of your Sets matrix,
                      a warning massage will be given, and the maximun
                      column number of your Sets matrix will be set inside
                      the box.

  version 1.5   Developed in MATLAB R14p1

  The new version has make a modify in the GUI, add a scrollbar to solve
  the limitation of numbers of sliders. Technically speaking, the program
  can generate sliders as many as user requires. The floating buttons of
  Default, Help and Close make user easly setting default, asking help, or
  closing interface. But this can also be changed to be fixed when
  uncomment lines 918-920, 1242-1244 and comment lines 928-930,

  The new version also add a function that to load data as inputs. Press
  button 'Sets' to load data and give the number of set you want to used
  in the edit field beside the button. The sequence of the data should as
  same as the silder you defined.

  version 1.6   Developed in MATLAB R14p1

  The version 1.6 add a new button to save current values as default.

  version 1.7   Developed in MATLAB R14p1

  The version modify some bugs and add 2 new buttons to increase/decrease 
  Loading sets 1 by 1.

  The code is free and can be spread.
  Please keep all the information of this help as complete as possible.

  Po Hu


 MULTI_SLIDER_SOURCE  mutiple slider source block

% ====  Based on  =============================================== %
% function slideg(varargin)                                       %                        %
% SLIDEG Slider Gain block helper function.                       %
%   SLIDEG manages the dialog box for the Slider Gain block.      %
%   All block and Handle Graphics callbacks are funneled through  %
%   this SLIDEG.                                                  %
%                                                                 %
%   Copyright 1990-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.                       %
%   $Revision: $                                         %
%                                                                 %
% =============================================================== %

 MULTI_SLIDER_SOURCE  generate the manual slider source block.




       requires only noSlider(number of the Sliders,scalar),
       it generate a source block with outputs = noSlider.

       requires low and high values in form of row vector,
       it generate a source block with outputs = length(low), the size of low
       and high should be the same, and high > low should be fulfilled.

       requires low, high and gain values in form of row vector, it generate
       a source block with outputs = length(low), the size of low, high, and
       gain should be the same, and high > gain > low should be fulfilled.

       requires low, high values in form of row vector and SliderLabel in form of
       string cell array, the size of them should be the same, and high > low
       should be fulfilled.

       requires low, high, gain values in form of row vector and SliderLabel in
       form of string cell array, the size of them should be the same, and
       high > gain > low should be fulfilled.



     generate a multi slider source block with 3 sliders.

        low  = zeros(1,5);
        high = 10*ones(1,5);

     generate a multi slider source block with 5 sliders, which lower and upper
     limits are zeros(1,5) and 10*ones(1,5).

        low = zeros(1,3);
        high = 5*ones(1,3);
        gain = 2.5*ones(1,3);

     generate a multi slider source block with 3 sliders, which lower and
     upper limits are defined by low, high. The position of the slider buttons
     will be at 2.5*ones(1,3);

        low = zeros(1,2);
        high = 10*ones(1,2);
        SliderLabel = [{Speed} {Voltage}];

     generate a multi slider source block with 2 sliders, which lower and
     upper limits are defined by low, high. The slider label will be shown in
     the middel of each sliders.

        low = zeros(1,4);
        high = 10*ones(1,4);
        gain = 5*ones(1,4);
        SliderLabel = [{Speed1} {Speed2} {Voltage} {Time}];

     generate a multi slider source block with 2 sliders, which lower and
     upper limits are defined by low, high. The position of the slider buttons
     determined by gain. The slider label will be shown in the middel of each

    New Features:

             Default: when clicked, reset all the parameters with original
                      values when you generate the Multi-Slider-Source block.

     Save As Default: when clicked, save current min, max, Label, gain and
                      positions of sliders as default values.

                Sets: when clicked, prompt a dialog to load input sets.
                      The sets can be column vector or matrix in the
                      order of Sliders. When dimension excessed, it gives a
                      warning massage and cut the vectors or matrix
                      automatically to match the dimension of your Multi-
                      Slider-Source block. When the dimension is less than
                      number of silders, it will be applied from the first

             SetEdit: This edit box can only work when 'Sets:' button has
                      been excuted. Give the number of column of the set you
                      desired to use as input, if the number you entered is
                      larger than the maximun column number of your Sets matrix,
                      a warning massage will be given, and the maximun
                      column number of your Sets matrix will be set inside
                      the box.

  version 1.5   Developed in MATLAB R14p1

  The new version has make a modify in the GUI, add a scrollbar to solve
  the limitation of numbers of sliders. Technically speaking, the program
  can generate sliders as many as user requires. The floating buttons of
  Default, Help and Close make user easly setting default, asking help, or
  closing interface. But this can also be changed to be fixed when
  uncomment lines 918-920, 1242-1244 and comment lines 928-930,

  The new version also add a function that to load data as inputs. Press
  button 'Sets' to load data and give the number of set you want to used
  in the edit field beside the button. The sequence of the data should as
  same as the silder you defined.

  version 1.6   Developed in MATLAB R14p1

  The version 1.6 add a new button to save current values as default.

  version 1.7   Developed in MATLAB R14p1

  The version modify some bugs and add 2 new buttons to increase/decrease 
  Loading sets 1 by 1.

  The code is free and can be spread.
  Please keep all the information of this help as complete as possible.

  Po Hu


PAN Interactively pan the view of a plot
  PAN ON turns on mouse-based panning.
  PAN XON turns on x-only panning    
  PAN YON turns on y-only panning
  PAN OFF turns it off.
  PAN by itself toggles the state.

  PAN(FIG,...) works on specified figure handle.
  Use LINKAXES to link panning across multiple axes.

  See also ZOOM, LINKAXES.


 function [Xm, P, b, pcaDat] = principle_component_analysis(X)
 A function that performs PCA on a matrix of data, where each column is an
 experiment, and each row corresponds to points in that experiment.

 re-arranged Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).


 function [Xm, P, b, pcaDat] = principle_component_analysis(X)
 A function that performs PCA on a matrix of data, where each column is an
 experiment, and each row corresponds to points in that experiment.

 re-arranged Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006).


 function [Xm, P, b, pcaDat] = principle_component_analysis(X)
 A function that performs PCA on a matrix of data, where each column is an
 experiment, and each row corresponds to points in that experiment.

 re-arranged Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005).


 PROCRUSTES Perform Procrustes analysis on landmark data

  The second version estimates a template.

  data(i).marks = 2D landmarks, 2-by-p matrices
  procdata(i).marks = landmarks aligned to a template, 2-by-p matrices
  theta = Global transformation parameters,
          theta(i).transl = translation
          theta(i).phi    = rotation
          theta(i).scale  = scale



 ROTMAT Compute a 2D rotation matrix



 SAMMON - apply Sammon's nonlinear mapping 

    Y = SAMMON(X) applies Sammon's nonlinear mapping procedure on
    multivariate data X, where each row represents a pattern and each column
    represents a feature.  On completion, Y contains the corresponding
    co-ordinates of each point on the map.  By default, a two-dimensional
    map is created.  Note if X contains any duplicated rows, SAMMON will
    fail (ungracefully). 

    [Y,E] = SAMMON(X) also returns the value of the cost function in E (i.e.
    the stress of the mapping).

    An N-dimensional output map is generated by Y = SAMMON(X,N) .

    A set of optimisation options can also be specified using a third
    argument, Y = SAMMON(X,N,OPTS) , where OPTS is a structure with fields:

       MaxIter   - maximum number of iterations
       TolFun    - relative tolerance on objective function
       MaxHalves - maximum number of step halvings
       Input     - {'raw','distance'} if set to 'distance', X is interpreted
                   as a matrix of pairwise distances.
       Display   - {'off', 'on', 'iter'}

    The default options structure can be retrieved by calling SAMMON with
    no parameters.


       [1] Sammon, John W. Jr., "A Nonlinear Mapping for Data Structure
           Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-18, no. 5,
           pp 401-409, May 1969.



 function setGUILevelInfo(level)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 function shapematrix2excell

 This is a simple script that asks the user for a Shape Matrix file and
 then converts that file to an excel file for input to gen-spring or some
 other classification tool.

 related: extract_shape_PC_data, exportModelData, AAMToolbox

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)


 Get the shape model



 function pts = splitPoints(pts, segpoint, offsets)

 This function takes a NxD point model, where N is the number of points
 and D is the dimension. Given an array of segment points and a set of
 offsets it returns the set of points translated and rotated by the values
 in offsets ready for drawing.

 See also: isAugmentedProject

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [pts] = trans_rot_points(pts, offset, theta)

 This function takes a NxD shape where N is the number of points in the
 shape and D is the dimension of the shape, together with a translation
 and an angle, the function returns the translated and rotated shape.

 See also: splitPoints, isAugmentedProject

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function [c] = tri_center(t)

 A function that returns the center of a triangle specified by t

 Input Params:
  t - a 3x2 matrix that defines a triangle.

 Output Params:
  c - the [x, y] position of the center of the triangle.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006);


 ARROW  Draw a line with an arrowhead.

  ARROW(Start,Stop) draws a line with an arrow from Start to Stop (points
        should be vectors of length 2 or 3, or matrices with 2 or 3
        columns), and returns the graphics handle of the arrow(s).

  ARROW uses the mouse (click-drag) to create an arrow.

  ARROW DEMO & ARROW DEMO2 show 3-D & 2-D demos of the capabilities of ARROW.

  ARROW may be called with a normal argument list or a property-based list.
        ARROW(Start,Stop,Length,BaseAngle,TipAngle,Width,Page,CrossDir) is
        the full normal argument list, where all but the Start and Stop
        points are optional.  If you need to specify a later argument (e.g.,
        Page) but want default values of earlier ones (e.g., TipAngle),
        pass an empty matrix for the earlier ones (e.g., TipAngle=[]).

  ARROW('Property1',PropVal1,'Property2',PropVal2,...) creates arrows with the
        given properties, using default values for any unspecified or given as
        'default' or NaN.  Some properties used for line and patch objects are
        used in a modified fashion, others are passed directly to LINE, PATCH,
        or SET.  For a detailed properties explanation, call ARROW PROPERTIES.

        Start         The starting points.                     B
        Stop          The end points.                         /|\           ^
        Length        Length of the arrowhead in pixels.     /|||\          |
        BaseAngle     Base angle in degrees (ADE).          //|||\\        L|
        TipAngle      Tip angle in degrees (ABC).          ///|||\\\       e|
        Width         Width of the base in pixels.        ////|||\\\\      n|
        Page          Use hardcopy proportions.          /////|D|\\\\\     g|
        CrossDir      Vector || to arrowhead plane.     ////  |||  \\\\    t|
        NormalDir     Vector out of arrowhead plane.   ///    |||    \\\   h|
        Ends          Which end has an arrowhead.     //<----->||      \\   |
        ObjectHandles Vector of handles to update.   /   base |||        \  V
                                                    E    angle||<-------->C
  ARROW(H,'Prop1',PropVal1,...), where H is a                 |||tipangle
        vector of handles to previously-created arrows        |||
        and/or line objects, will update the previously-      |||
        created arrows according to the current view       -->|A|<-- width
        and any specified properties, and will convert
        two-point line objects to corresponding arrows.  ARROW(H) will update
        the arrows if the current view has changed.  Root, figure, or axes
        handles included in H are replaced by all descendant Arrow objects.

  A property list can follow any specified normal argument list, e.g.,
  ARROW([1 2 3],[0 0 0],36,'BaseAngle',60) creates an arrow from (1,2,3) to
  the origin, with an arrowhead of length 36 pixels and 60-degree base angle.

  The basic arguments or properties can generally be vectorized to create
  multiple arrows with the same call.  This is done by passing a property
  with one row per arrow, or, if all arrows are to have the same property
  value, just one row may be specified.

  You may want to execute AXIS(AXIS) before calling ARROW so it doesn't change
  the axes on you; ARROW determines the sizes of arrow components BEFORE the
  arrow is plotted, so if ARROW changes axis limits, arrows may be malformed.

  This version of ARROW uses features of MATLAB 5 and is incompatible with
  earlier MATLAB versions (ARROW for MATLAB 4.2c is available separately);
  some problems with perspective plots still exist.












ROTATETICKLABEL rotates tick labels
   TH=ROTATETICKLABEL(H,ROT) is the calling form where H is a handle to
   the axis that contains the XTickLabels that are to be rotated. ROT is
   an optional parameter that specifies the angle of rotation. The default
   angle is 90. TH is a handle to the text objects created. For long
   strings such as those produced by datetick, you may have to adjust the
   position of the axes so the labels don't get cut off.

   Of course, GCA can be substituted for H if desired.

   TH=ROTATETICKLABEL([],[],'demo') shows a demo figure.

   Known deficiencies: if tick labels are raised to a power, the power
   will be lost after rotation.

   See also datetick.





 function [pts1, pts2] = mct_trackPoints(pts1, pts2)

 Applies the motion coherence method to aligning the two points pts1, and

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function trklib_autoTrackPoints(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


function [m1, m2, tri, growthparams] = trklib_calcGrowthParameters(m1, m2, N, tri, dt)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function trklib_genpcamodel

 Generates a PCA model based on tracked points



 function trklib_getTrackingDataDir

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.
 Generates a PCA model based on tracked points



TRKLIB_GROWTHTENSOR2PARAMS Extract the major and minor components of the
 growth tensor, together with the angle of rotation and the vorticity


 function trklib_markerAlignImages(varargin)

 imagesdir = 'Processed';
 imfiles = dir([imagesdir, filesep, '*.tif']);
 imfiles = {};
 ptsdir = 'Data\TrackedPoints\';
 ptsfiles = dir([ptsdir, filesep, '*.mat']);
 ptsfiles = {};
 markerAlignImages('images_dir', imagesdir, 'pts_Dir', ptsdir, 'image_files', imfiles, 'pts_files', ptsfiles);

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function [m1,m2,cormat] = trklib_placebycorrelation(im1, p1, im2, w, dmax)

 w - window size over which the correlation is to be performed.
 dmax - maximum search radius

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


function trklib_plotArealGrowthRate(GData)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


function trklib_plotDoublingTime(GData, dT)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function trklib_plotGrowthForStage(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


function trklib_plotInverseDoublingTime(GData, dT)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function growthparams = trklib_pts2growthparams(g1, g2, dt)


 trklib_stagesToGrowthData('stage1fname', 'Data\TrackedPoints\02-T1-T2_adj_crop_001_pts.mat', 'stage2fname', 'Data\TrackedPoints\02-T1-T2_adj_crop_002_pts.mat');





CSV2TRACK(filename) Extract the data from a csv file create with the point_tracking
python tool and convert it for the TrackingToolbox


 function trklib_loadImage(filename)

 Loads image for the tracking toolbox.

 Inputs: filename (string)
 Outputs: I (image)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function trklib_loadModel(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function trklib_loadPts(filename)

 Loads point files for the tracking toolbox. The file must be a structure
 with the following fields: pt, indx, edgecol, facecol.

 Inputs: filename (string)
 Outputs: pts (structure)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function I = trklib_loadPtsImage(imagesdir, fname, ext)

 imagesdir - the directory where the images are stored
 fname - the filename of the trk points file e.g. image001_pts.mat
 ext - the extension of the images to be loaded

 I - the image corresponding to the point

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function trklib_loadSegImage(filename)

 Loads segmented image for the tracking toolbox.

 Inputs: filename (string)
 Outputs: I (image)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.


 function trk_data = trklibio_loadTrackingData(pathname, filename)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)




Hanna, 2005




 function [m1, m2, pts1, pts2] = TRKLib_matchpoints(S1, S2)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 HARRIS - Harris corner detector

 Usage:                 cim = harris(im, sigma)
                [cim, r, c] = harris(im, sigma, thresh, radius, disp)
  [cim, r, c, rsubp, csubp] = harris(im, sigma, thresh, radius, disp)

            im     - image to be processed.
            sigma  - standard deviation of smoothing Gaussian. Typical
                     values to use might be 1-3.
            thresh - threshold (optional). Try a value ~1000.
            radius - radius of region considered in non-maximal
                     suppression (optional). Typical values to use might
                     be 1-3.
            disp   - optional flag (0 or 1) indicating whether you want
                     to display corners overlayed on the original
                     image. This can be useful for parameter tuning. This
                     defaults to 0

            cim    - binary image marking corners.
            r      - row coordinates of corner points.
            c      - column coordinates of corner points.
            rsubp  - If five return values are requested sub-pixel
            csubp  - localization of feature points is attempted and
                     returned as an additional set of floating point
                     coords. Note that you may still want to use the integer
                     valued coords to specify centres of correlation windows
                     for feature matching.

 If thresh and radius are omitted from the argument list only 'cim' is returned
 as a raw corner strength image.  You may then want to look at the values
 within 'cim' to determine the appropriate threshold value to use. Note that
 the Harris corner strength varies with the intensity gradient raised to the
 4th power.  Small changes in input image contrast result in huge changes in
 the appropriate threshold.


 HNORMALISE - Normalises array of homogeneous coordinates to a scale of 1

 Usage:  nx = hnormalise(x)

         x  - an Nxnpts array of homogeneous coordinates.

         nx - an Nxnpts array of homogeneous coordinates rescaled so
              that the scale values nx(N,:) are all 1.

 Note that any homogeneous coordinates at infinity (having a scale value of
 0) are left unchanged.


 HOMOGRAPHY2D - computes 2D homography

 Usage:   H = homography2d(x1, x2)
          H = homography2d(x)

          x1  - 3xN set of homogeneous points
          x2  - 3xN set of homogeneous points such that x1<->x2

           x  - If a single argument is supplied it is assumed that it
                is in the form x = [x1; x2]
          H - the 3x3 homography such that x2 = H*x1

 This code follows the normalised direct linear transformation
 algorithm given by Hartley and Zisserman "Multiple View Geometry in
 Computer Vision" p92.


 ISCOLINEAR - are 3 points colinear

 Usage:  r = iscolinear(p1, p2, p3, flag)

        p1, p2, p3 - Points in 2D or 3D.
        flag       - An optional parameter set to 'h' or 'homog'
                     indicating that p1, p2, p3 are homogneeous
                     coordinates with arbitrary scale.  If this is
                     omitted it is assumed that the points are
                     inhomogeneous, or that they are homogeneous with
                     equal scale.

        r = 1 if points are co-linear, 0 otherwise


 MATCHBYCORRELATION - match image feature points by correlation

 Function generates putative matches between previously detected
 feature points in two images by looking for points that are maximally
 correlated with each other within windows surrounding each point.
 Only points that correlate most strongly with each other in *both*
 directions are returned.
 This is a simple-minded N^2 comparison.

 Usage: [m1,m2] = matchbycorrelation(im1, p1, im2, p2, w, dmax)

         im1, im2 - Images containing points that we wish to match.
         p1, p2   - Coordinates of feature pointed detected in im1 and
                    im2 respectively using a corner detector (say Harris
                    or phasecong2).  p1 and p2 are [2xnpts] arrays though
                    p1 and p2 are not expected to have the same number
                    of points.  The first row of p1 and p2 gives the row
                    coordinate of each feature point, the second row
                    gives the column of each point.
         w        - Window size (in pixels) over which the correlation
                    around each feature point is performed.  This should
                    be an odd number.
         dmax     - (Optional) Maximum search radius for matching
                    points.  Used to improve speed when there is little
                    disparity between images. Even setting it to a generous
                    value of 1/4 of the image size gives a useful
                    speedup. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to Inf. 

         m1, m2   - Coordinates of points selected from p1 and p2
                    respectively such that (putatively) m1(:,i) matches
                    m2(:,i). m1 and m2 are [2xnpts] arrays defining the
                    points in each of the images in the form [row;col].


 MATCHBYMONOGENICPHASE - match image feature points using monogenic phase data

 Function generates putative matches between previously detected
 feature points in two images by looking for points that have minimal
 differences in monogenic phase data within windows surrounding each point.
 Only points that correlate most strongly with each other in *both*
 directions are returned.  This is a simple-minded N^2 comparison.

 This matcher performs rather well relative to normalised greyscale
 correlation.  Typically there are more putative matches found and fewer
 outliers.  There is a greater computational cost in the pre-filtering stage
 but potentially the matching stage is much faster as each pixel is effectively
 encoded with only 3 bits. (Though this potential speed is not realized in this

 Usage: [m1,m2] = matchbymonogenicphase(im1, p1, im2, p2, w, dmax, ...
                                   nscale, minWaveLength, mult, sigmaOnf)

         im1, im2 - Images containing points that we wish to match.
         p1, p2   - Coordinates of feature pointed detected in im1 and
                    im2 respectively using a corner detector (say Harris
                    or phasecong2).  p1 and p2 are [2xnpts] arrays though
                    p1 and p2 are not expected to have the same number
                    of points.  The first row of p1 and p2 gives the row
                    coordinate of each feature point, the second row
                    gives the column of each point.
         w        - Window size (in pixels) over which the phase bit codes
                    around each feature point are matched.  This should
                    be an odd number.
         dmax     - Maximum search radius for matching points.  Used to 
                    improve speed when there is little disparity between
                    images.  Even setting it to a generous value of 1/4 of
                    the image size gives a useful speedup. 
         nscale   - Number of filter scales.
         minWaveLength - Wavelength of smallest scale filter.
         mult     - Scaling factor between successive filters.
         sigmaOnf - Ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian
                    describing the log Gabor filter's transfer function in
                    the frequency domain to the filter center frequency. 

         m1, m2   - Coordinates of points selected from p1 and p2
                    respectively such that (putatively) m1(:,i) matches
                    m2(:,i). m1 and m2 are [2xnpts] arrays defining the
                    points in each of the images in the form [row;col].

 I have had good success with the folowing parameters:

    w = 11;         Window size for correlation matching, 7 or greater
                    seems fine.
    dmax = 50; 
    nscale = 1;     Just one scale can give very good results. Adding
                    another scale doubles computation 
    minWaveLength = 10;
    mult = 4;       This is irrelevant if only one scale is used.  If you do
                    use more than one scale try values in the range 2-4.
    sigmaOnf = .2;  This results in a *very* large bandwidth filter.  A
                    large bandwidth seems to be very important in the
                    matching performance.



 MONOFILT - Apply monogenic filters to an image to obtain 2D analytic signal

 Implementation of Felsberg's monogenic filters

 Usage: [f, h1f, h2f, A, theta, psi] = ...
             monofilt(im, nscale, minWaveLength, mult, sigmaOnf, orientWrap)
                             3         4           2     0.65      1/0
 The convolutions are done via the FFT.  Many of the parameters relate 
 to the specification of the filters in the frequency plane.  

   Variable       Suggested   Description
   name           value
    im                        Image to be convolved.
    nscale          = 3;      Number of filter scales.
    minWaveLength   = 4;      Wavelength of smallest scale filter.
    mult            = 2;      Scaling factor between successive filters.
    sigmaOnf        = 0.65;   Ratio of the standard deviation of the
                              Gaussian describing the log Gabor filter's
                              transfer function in the frequency domain
                              to the filter center frequency. 
    orientWrap       1/0      Optional flag 1/0 to turn on/off
                              'wrapping' of orientation data from a
                              range of -pi .. pi to the range 0 .. pi.
                              This affects the interpretation of the
                              phase angle - see note below. Defaults to 0.
        f  - cell array of bandpass filter responses with respect to scale.
      h1f  - cell array of bandpass h1 filter responses wrt scale.
      h2f  - cell array of bandpass h2 filter responses.
        A  - cell array of monogenic energy responses.
    theta  - cell array of phase orientation responses.
      psi  - cell array of phase angle responses.

 If orientWrap is 1 (on) theta will be returned in the range 0 .. pi and
 psi (the phase angle) will be returned in the range -pi .. pi.  If
 orientWrap is 0 theta will be returned in the range -pi .. pi and psi will
 be returned in the range -pi/2 .. pi/2.  Try both options on an image of a
 circle to see what this means!

 Experimentation with sigmaOnf can be useful depending on your application.
 I have found values as low as 0.2 (a filter with a *very* large bandwidth)
 to be useful on some occasions.



 NONMAXSUPPTS - Non-maximal suppression for features/corners

 Non maxima suppression and thresholding for points generated by a feature
 or corner detector.

 Usage:   [r,c] = nonmaxsuppts(cim, radius, thresh, im)

          [r,c, rsubp, csubp] = nonmaxsuppts(cim, radius, thresh, im)
            cim    - corner strength image.
            radius - radius of region considered in non-maximal
                     suppression. Typical values to use might
                     be 1-3 pixels.
            thresh - threshold.
            im     - optional image data.  If this is supplied the
                     thresholded corners are overlayed on this
                     image. This can be useful for parameter tuning.
            r      - row coordinates of corner points (integer valued).
            c      - column coordinates of corner points.
            rsubp  - If four return values are requested sub-pixel
            csubp  - localization of feature points is attempted and
                     returned as an additional set of floating point
                     coords. Note that you may still want to use the integer
                     valued coords to specify centres of correlation windows
                     for feature matching.


 NORMALISE2DPTS - normalises 2D homogeneous points

 Function translates and normalises a set of 2D homogeneous points 
 so that their centroid is at the origin and their mean distance from 
 the origin is sqrt(2).  This process typically improves the
 conditioning of any equations used to solve homographies, fundamental
 matrices etc.

 Usage:   [newpts, T] = normalise2dpts(pts)

   pts -  3xN array of 2D homogeneous coordinates

   newpts -  3xN array of transformed 2D homogeneous coordinates.  The
             scaling parameter is normalised to 1 unless the point is at
   T      -  The 3x3 transformation matrix, newpts = T*pts
 If there are some points at infinity the normalisation transform
 is calculated using just the finite points.  Being a scaling and
 translating transform this will not affect the points at infinity.


 RANDOMSAMPLE - selects n random items from an array

 Usage:  items = randomsample(a, n)

 Arguments:    a - Either an array of values from which the items are to
                   be selected, or an integer in which case the items
                   are values selected from the array [1:a]
               n - The number of items to be selected.

 This function can be used as a basic replacement for RANDSAMPLE for those
 who do not have the statistics toolbox.
    r = randomsample(n,n) will give a random permutation of the integers 1:n 

 See also: RANSAC


 RANSAC - Robustly fits a model to data with the RANSAC algorithm


 [M, inliers] = ransac(x, fittingfn, distfn, degenfn s, t, feedback)

     x         - Data sets to which we are seeking to fit a model M
                 It is assumed that x is of size [d x Npts]
                 where d is the dimensionality of the data and Npts is
                 the number of data points.

     fittingfn - Handle to a function that fits a model to s
                 data from x.  It is assumed that the function is of the
                    M = fittingfn(x)
                 Note it is possible that the fitting function can return
                 multiple models (for example up to 3 fundamental matrices
                 can be fitted to 7 matched points).  In this case it is
                 assumed that the fitting function returns a cell array of
                 If this function cannot fit a model it should return M as
                 an empty matrix.

     distfn    - Handle to a function that evaluates the
                 distances from the model to data x.
                 It is assumed that the function is of the form:
                    [inliers, M] = distfn(M, x, t)
                 This function must evaluate the distances between points
                 and the model returning the indices of elements in x that
                 are inliers, that is, the points that are within distance
                 't' of the model.  Additionally, if M is a cell array of
                 possible models 'distfn' will return the model that has the
                 most inliers.  If there is only one model this function
                 must still copy the model to the output.  After this call M
                 will be a non-cell object representing only one model. 

     degenfn   - Handle to a function that determines whether a
                 set of datapoints will produce a degenerate model.
                 This is used to discard random samples that do not
                 result in useful models.
                 It is assumed that degenfn is a boolean function of
                 the form: 
                    r = degenfn(x)
                 It may be that you cannot devise a test for degeneracy in
                 which case you should write a dummy function that always
                 returns a value of 1 (true) and rely on 'fittingfn' to return
                 an empty model should the data set be degenerate.

     s         - The minimum number of samples from x required by
                 fittingfn to fit a model.

     t         - The distance threshold between a data point and the model
                 used to decide whether the point is an inlier or not.

     feedback  - An optional flag 0/1. If set to one the trial count and the
                 estimated total number of trials required is printed out at
                 each step.  Defaults to 0.

     M         - The model having the greatest number of inliers.
     inliers   - An array of indices of the elements of x that were
                 the inliers for the best model.

 For an example of the use of this function see RANSACFITHOMOGRAPHY or


 RANSACFITHOMOGRAPHY - fits 2D homography using RANSAC

 Usage:   [H, inliers] = ransacfithomography(x1, x2, t)

          x1  - 2xN or 3xN set of homogeneous points.  If the data is
                2xN it is assumed the homogeneous scale factor is 1.
          x2  - 2xN or 3xN set of homogeneous points such that x1<->x2.
          t   - The distance threshold between data point and the model
                used to decide whether a point is an inlier or not. 
                Note that point coordinates are normalised to that their
                mean distance from the origin is sqrt(2).  The value of
                t should be set relative to this, say in the range 
                0.001 - 0.01  

 Note that it is assumed that the matching of x1 and x2 are putative and it
 is expected that a percentage of matches will be wrong.

          H       - The 3x3 homography such that x2 = H*x1.
          inliers - An array of indices of the elements of x1, x2 that were
                    the inliers for the best model.

 See Also: ransac, homography2d, homography1d



 function segmented = segment_images

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function TRKLib_segmentImages(filenames, segmenteddirectory)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)




 function TRKLib_CreateModelTool(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
 Dr. P. Barbier de Reuille (2008)



 function [schema] = TRKLib_PlotPicker


 Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.



 function TRKLib_TimeSeriesViewer(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function TRKLib_TimeSeriesTool(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function TRKLib_VectorFieldEditor(varargin)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function TRK_AnalysisTool

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function TrackingToolbox(varargin)



   Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007) CMP, UEA, 2008.




 Check that the directory is valid, 
 i.e. it has Original and Processed



function files = getImageFiles(sourceDir)

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006)






 function [output] = VAToolbox()




 Modified from AIH






 finds (nearly?) all functions external to filename on which filename depends
 it tries to identify callback functions 
 And ignores all functions that are part of the Matlab build

 filenames, string or cell array of filenames
            including .fig files
 listout,    cell array of names


J. Andrew Bangham, 2008


 function varargout = fitEllipsoidsToLabeledVolume(varargin)
 Function to fit ellipsoids to a volume containing labelled regions

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071012


 function varargout = fitEllipsoidsToPointSet(varargin)
 Function to fit ellipsoids to a 2D or 3D point set

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071012


 function varargout = getDateFromString(varargin)
 Given a string, typically a directory- or filename containing a date in the 
 format of 'ts20060814_1724' return the same date in the format given by the standard
 matlab date form number 31 ('yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'). Also see
 function getDecendingDateFormat() which provides a standard interface to
 the dateformat of use in the toolbox.
 If the date string cannot be found we return the date with datenum(date)
 == 0

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080331


 function varargout = getDecendingDateFormat(varargin)
 Return the standard matlab date form number 31 ('yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS')

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080331


 e = getDefaultEllipsoidStructure()
 Utility function to obtain an ellipsoid structure
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071022 (YYMMDD)
 Revision #1



 Structure to hold metadata that can only deduced from the volume data
 itself. We store this information and write it to disk so subsequent
 tools have access to this information without having to load the volume








 function varargout = getTransformedVertices(varargin)

 Get the transformed volume space vertices of a specified feature
 representation of a volume



 Find out the current set definition



ALPHAMAP - Set a figure's AlphaMap property

 ALPHAMAP(MATRIX)     - Set the current figure's AlphaMap property to MATRIX.
 ALPHAMAP('default')  - Set the AlphaMap to it's default value.
 ALPHAMAP('rampup')   - Create a linear alphamap with increasing opacity.
 ALPHAMAP('rampdown') - Create a linear alphamap with decreasing opacity.
 ALPHAMAP('vup')      - Create an alphamap transparent in the center, and
			 linearly increasing to the beginning and end.
 ALPHAMAP('vdown')    - Create an alphamap opaque in the center, and
			 linearly decreasing to the beginning and end.
 ALPHAMAP('increase') - Modify the alphamap making it more opaque.
 ALPHAMAP('decrease') - Modify the alphamap making it more transparent.
 ALPHAMAP('spin')     - Rotate the current alphamap.

 ALPHAMAP(PARAM, LENGTH) - For Parameters which create new maps, create
                        them with so they are LENGTH long.
 ALPHAMAP(CHANGE, DELTA) - For parameters which change the alphamap, use
                        DELTA as a parameter.

 ALPHAMAP(FIGURE,PARAM) - Set FIGURE's AlphaMap to some PARAMeter.

 AMAP=ALPHAMAP         - Fetch the current alphamap
 AMAP=ALPHAMAP(FIGURE) - Fetch the current alphamap from FIGURE.
 AMAP=ALPHAMAP(PARAM)  - Return the alphamap based on PARAM
 			  without setting the property.



COLORMAP Color look-up table.
   COLORMAP(MAP) sets the current figure's colormap to MAP.
   COLORMAP('default') sets the current figure's colormap to
   the root's default, whose setting is JET.
   MAP = COLORMAP retrieves the current colormap. The values
   are in the range from 0 to 1.
   COLORMAP(AX,...) uses the figure corresponding to axes AX
   instead of the current figure.

   A color map matrix may have any number of rows, but it must have
   exactly 3 columns.  Each row is interpreted as a color, with the
   first element specifying the intensity of red light, the second
   green, and the third blue.  Color intensity can be specified on the
   interval 0.0 to 1.0.
   For example, [0 0 0] is black, [1 1 1] is white,
   [1 0 0] is pure red, [.5 .5 .5] is gray, and
   [127/255 1 212/255] is aquamarine.

   Graphics objects that use pseudocolor  -- SURFACE and PATCH objects,
   which are created by the functions MESH, SURF, and PCOLOR -- map
   a color matrix, C, whose values are in the range [Cmin, Cmax],
   to an array of indices, k, in the range [1, m].
   The values of Cmin and Cmax are either min(min(C)) and max(max(C)),
   or are specified by CAXIS.  The mapping is linear, with Cmin
   mapping to index 1 and Cmax mapping to index m.  The indices are
   then used with the colormap to determine the color associated
   with each matrix element.  See CAXIS for details.

   Type HELP GRAPH3D to see a number of useful colormaps.

   COLORMAP is an M-file that sets the Colormap property of a figure.




 function varargout = loadEllipsoids(varargin)
 Function to load ellipsoids from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071024


 function varargout = loadIsosurface(varargin)
 Function to load isosurface structure from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070926


 function varargout = loadMetadata(varargin)

 loads loadMetadata structure fields from a specified directory. Refer to
 function getDefaultVolumeStructure() for the list of valid fields.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080213


 function varargout = loadOriginalVolumeData(varargin)

 Loads original volume data into a volume structure

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071213


 function varargout = loadProcessedVolumeData(varargin)

 Loads processed volume data channel by channel into a volume structure
 and report back which channels where found

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071213


 function varargout = loadRegions(varargin)

 loads regions structure fields from a specified directory. Refer to
 function getDefaultRegionsStructure() for the list of valid fields.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071214


 function varargout = loadRenderOptions(varargin)

 loads renderOptions structure fields from a specified directory. Refer to
 function getDefaultRenderOptions() for the list of valid fields.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080220


 function volume = loadVolumeAreas(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Loads the areas part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071213


 function volume = loadVolumeCentroids(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Loads the centroids part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071213


 function volume = loadVolumeDimensions(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Load the dimensions part of the metadata structures of a volume structure
 from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080213


 function volume = loadVolumeEllipsoids(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Load the ellipsoids part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071214


 function volume = loadVolumeFalseColourData(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Load the false colour parts of the renderOptions structures of a volume structure
 from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080220


 function volume = loadVolumeIsosurfaces(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Load the isosurface part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071214



 function volume = loadVolumeRegionIsosurfaces(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Load the isosurfaces part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080612


 function volume = loadVolumeRegionSets(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Load the sets part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080709



MONITORMATLAB Displays runtime diagnostic information
 This task manager like tool displays real time memory
 state of MATLAB, HG, and Java using time based strip charts. 

 The following information is displayed:
 * Memory allocated by MATLAB
 * Memory allocated by Java
 * Memory allocted by the O/S
 * Number of HG objects in memory
 * Number of MFiles in MATLAB memory
 * Size of m-file parsing stack

 To see real time MATLAB memory allocation, start MATLAB with
 the O/S environment flag "MATLAB_MEM_MGR" set to a "debug" 
 as in: set MATLAB_MEM_MGR = debug.



 function varargout = renderEllipsoids(varargin)
 Function to render ellipsoids in given axes

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071023


 function varargout = renderRegionIsosurfaces(varargin)
 Function to render render individual region isosurfaces in given axes

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080612


 function [volumeRenderModel] = renderVolume(varargin)
 Based on Vol3d Copyright Joe Conti, 2004, The Mathworks
 Source: Matlab Central File Exchange
 Adapted by Johann Strasser for rgb volume rendering.

 Take the maximum intensity as the alpha value, i.e. for each pixel
 alpha = max([r, g, b])
 When AlphaDataMapping is set to direct we use max(slice, [], 3) and set
 an appropriate alphamap for the figure
 Do not set to scaled (default) as each slice's alpha data would then be
 scaled to fit into the limits defined by the 'ALim' property of the axes.
 This results in slices in a volume getting too opaque.
 Note that the point of using alphamaps is to be able to change the alpha
 mapping. Note that even we pass a uint8 array als AlphaData, it is
 evident from the plot editor at runtime that matlab casts it to double.
 CDataMapping is set to direct for similar reasons as setting
 AlphaDataMapping to direct. When a single channel volume is used the data
 in is used to index in the colourmap. If the default setting for
 CDataMapping was used the intensitiy values of each slice would be scaled
 separately to span the range of the colourmap. This leads to
 non-intuitive display of intensity values as the same value may be scaled
 differently in each slice. Note that it is assumed that the colourmap is
 setup correctly (i.e.) it is set to the range of the intensity values.
 Furthermore note that the alphamap is a property of the figure. A
 colourmap on the other hand is bound to an axes!

 For original vol3d description see below

H = VOL3D Volume render 3-D data. 
 VOL3D uses the orthogonal plane 2-D texture mapping technique for 
 volume rending 3-D data in OpenGL. Use the 'texture' option to fine 
 tune the texture mapping technique. This function is best used with
 fast OpenGL hardware.

 H = vol3d('CData',data) Create volume render object from input 
                         3-D data. Use interp3 on data to increase volume
                         rendering resolution. Returns a struct 
                         encapsulating the pseudo-volume rendering object. 

 vol3d(...'Parent',axH) Specify parent axes

 vol3d(...,'texture','2D')  Default. Only render texture planes parallel
                            to nearest orthogonal viewing plane. Requires
                            doing vol3d(h) to refresh if the view is
                            rotated (i.e. using cameratoolbar).

 vol3d(...,'texture','3D')  Render x,y,z texture planes simultaneously. 
                            This avoids the need to refresh the view but 
                            requires faster OpenGL hardware peformance.

 vol3d(H)  Refresh view. Updates rendering of texture planes 
           to reduce visual aliasing when using the 'texture'='2D'

 Use vol3dtool for editing the colormap and alphamap. 
 Adjusting these maps will allow you to explore your 3-D volume 
 data at various intensity levels. See documentation on 
 alphamap and colormap for more information.

 Use interp3 on input date to increase/decrease resolution of data


 % Visualizing fluid flow
 v = flow(50);
 h = vol3d('cdata',v,'texture','2D');
 % Update view since 'texture' = '2D'
 alphamap('rampdown'), alphamap('decrease'), alphamap('decrease')
 % Visualizing MRI data
 load mri.mat
 D = squeeze(D);
 h = vol3d('cdata',D,'texture','2D');
 % Update view since 'texture' = '2D'
 axis tight;  daspect([1 1 .4])
 alphamap(.06 .* alphamap);

 See also vol3dtool, alphamap, colormap, opengl, isosurface


 function [volumeRenderModel] = renderVolume(varargin)
 Based on Vol3d Copyright Joe Conti, 2004, The Mathworks
 Source: Matlab Central File Exchange
 Adapted by Johann Strasser for rgb volume rendering.

 Take the maximum intensity as the alpha value, i.e. for each pixel
 alpha = max([r, g, b])
 When AlphaDataMapping is set to direct we use max(slice, [], 3) and set
 an appropriate alphamap for the figure
 Do not set to scaled (default) as each slice's alpha data would then be
 scaled to fit into the limits defined by the 'ALim' property of the axes.
 This results in slices in a volume getting too opaque.
 Note that the point of using alphamaps is to be able to change the alpha
 mapping. Note that even we pass a uint8 array als AlphaData, it is
 evident from the plot editor at runtime that matlab casts it to double.
 CDataMapping is set to direct for similar reasons as setting
 AlphaDataMapping to direct. When a single channel volume is used the data
 in is used to index in the colourmap. If the default setting for
 CDataMapping was used the intensitiy values of each slice would be scaled
 separately to span the range of the colourmap. This leads to
 non-intuitive display of intensity values as the same value may be scaled
 differently in each slice. Note that it is assumed that the colourmap is
 setup correctly (i.e.) it is set to the range of the intensity values.
 Furthermore note that the alphamap is a property of the figure. A
 colourmap on the other hand is bound to an axes!

 For original vol3d description see below

H = VOL3D Volume render 3-D data. 
 VOL3D uses the orthogonal plane 2-D texture mapping technique for 
 volume rending 3-D data in OpenGL. Use the 'texture' option to fine 
 tune the texture mapping technique. This function is best used with
 fast OpenGL hardware.

 H = vol3d('CData',data) Create volume render object from input 
                         3-D data. Use interp3 on data to increase volume
                         rendering resolution. Returns a struct 
                         encapsulating the pseudo-volume rendering object. 

 vol3d(...'Parent',axH) Specify parent axes

 vol3d(...,'texture','2D')  Default. Only render texture planes parallel
                            to nearest orthogonal viewing plane. Requires
                            doing vol3d(h) to refresh if the view is
                            rotated (i.e. using cameratoolbar).

 vol3d(...,'texture','3D')  Render x,y,z texture planes simultaneously. 
                            This avoids the need to refresh the view but 
                            requires faster OpenGL hardware peformance.

 vol3d(H)  Refresh view. Updates rendering of texture planes 
           to reduce visual aliasing when using the 'texture'='2D'

 Use vol3dtool for editing the colormap and alphamap. 
 Adjusting these maps will allow you to explore your 3-D volume 
 data at various intensity levels. See documentation on 
 alphamap and colormap for more information.

 Use interp3 on input date to increase/decrease resolution of data


 % Visualizing fluid flow
 v = flow(50);
 h = vol3d('cdata',v,'texture','2D');
 % Update view since 'texture' = '2D'
 alphamap('rampdown'), alphamap('decrease'), alphamap('decrease')
 % Visualizing MRI data
 load mri.mat
 D = squeeze(D);
 h = vol3d('cdata',D,'texture','2D');
 % Update view since 'texture' = '2D'
 axis tight;  daspect([1 1 .4])
 alphamap(.06 .* alphamap);

 See also vol3dtool, alphamap, colormap, opengl, isosurface


 function varargout = renderVolumeCentroids(varargin)

 Render region centroids of a given volume structure


 function varargout = renderVolumeCombinationVectorFields(varargin)

 Render isosurfaces of a given volume structure


 function varargout = renderVolumeIsosurfaces(varargin)

 Render ellipsoids of a given volume structure


 function varargout = renderVolumeIsosurfaces(varargin)

 Render isosurfaces of a given volume structure


 function varargout = renderVolumeRegionIsosurfaces(varargin)

 Render individual region isosurfaces of a given volume structure



 function varargout = saveMetadata(varargin)

 Saves metadata structure fields to a specified directory. Refer to
 function getDefaultVolumeStructure() for the list of valid fields.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080213



 function varargout = saveRegions(varargin)

 Saves regions structure fields to a specified directory. Refer to
 function getDefaultRegionsStructure() for the list of valid fields.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071212


 function varargout = saveRenderOptions(varargin)

 Saves a render options structure fields to a specified directory. Refer to
 function getDefaultRenderOptions() for the list of valid fields.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080220


 function varargout = saveVolume(varargin)

 Saves a single channel or RGB volume to a specified directory


 function volume = saveVolumeAreas(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Saves the areas part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071213


 function volume = saveVolumeCentroids(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Saves the centroids part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071213


 function volume = saveVolumeDimensions(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Saves volume metadata to the metadata file on disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080213


 function volume = saveVolumeEllipsoids(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Saves the ellipsoids part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071213


 function volume = saveVolumeFalseColourData(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Saves volume false colour data to the render options file on disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080220


 function volume = saveVolumeIsosurfaces(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Saves the isosurface part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071213


 function volume = saveVolumeRegionIsosurfaces(volumeseriesDirectory, volume) 

 Saves the isosurfaces part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080612


 function volume = saveVolumeRegionSets(volumeseriesDirectory, volume)

 Saves the set part of the regions structures of a volume structure
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 080709


 Note that we use base ten not base two due to most people (even computer
 hardware vendors!) having adopted the more intuitive base ten description
 of storage.






 guiToolTemplate M-file for guiToolTemplate.fig


 Remark: The ouput argument is only used in debugging. All data 
 are written to disk. Similarly no input except the project directory is 
 required as all data are read from disk.
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070717


PATHDEF Search path defaults.
   PATHDEF returns a string that can be used as input to MATLABPATH
   in order to set the path.



 projectTool M-file for projectTool.fig


 Remark: The ouput argument is only used in debugging. All data 
 are written to disk. Similarly no input except the project directory is 
 required as all data are read from disk.
 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070717









 MCTSimulationData.coefficients = [];








 function varargout = renderVolumeCombinationDisplacementVectors(varargin)

 Render the displacement vectors of a of features being tracked




 trackingTool M-file for trackingTool.fig


 Remark: The ouput argument is only used in debugging. All data
 are written to disk. Similarly no input except the project directory is
 required as all data are read from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071101


 trackingTool M-file for trackingTool.fig


 Remark: The ouput argument is only used in debugging. All data
 are written to disk. Similarly no input except the project directory is
 required as all data are read from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071101


 trackingTool M-file for trackingTool.fig


 Remark: The ouput argument is only used in debugging. All data 
 are written to disk. Similarly no input except the project directory is 
 required as all data are read from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071101




 function varargout = active_contour_chan_vese2d(varargin)

 A method that implements the Chan-Vese model applied to image
 segmentation. This model is a special case of the Mumford-Shah model and
 it tries to separate the image into regions based on intensities.

 Default parameters:

 'image' - the input image (default = 'pout.tif')
 'phi' - the initial distance function (default = circular disk)
 'lambda1' - weight of energy inside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'lambda2' - weight of energy outside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'mu' - weighting for the length of the contour (default = 1)
 'nu' - weighting of area of the contour (default = 1)
 'deltaT' - step size for the update of phi (default = 0.5, note: 0.01<=deltaT<=0.9)
 'verbose' - shows the evolution of the curve phi (default = 0)
 'max_iter' - the maximum number of iterations to perform (default = 10)
 'normforceflag' - normalizes the force term at every iteration (default = 1)


 active_contour_chan_vese2d('verbose', 1);

 Paper: "Minimizing Functionals: A Level Set Approach", A. I. Hanna, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2007.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = active_contour_chan_vese2d(varargin)

 A method that implements the Chan-Vese model applied to image
 segmentation. This model is a special case of the Mumford-Shah model and
 it tries to separate the image into regions based on intensities.

 Default parameters:

 'image' - the input image (default = 'pout.tif')
 'phi' - the initial distance function (default = circular disk)
 'lambda1' - weight of energy inside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'lambda2' - weight of energy outside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'mu' - weighting for the length of the contour (default = 1)
 'nu' - weighting of area of the contour (default = 1)
 'deltaT' - step size for the update of phi (default = 0.5, note: 0.01<=deltaT<=0.9)
 'verbose' - shows the evolution of the curve phi (default = 0)
 'max_iter' - the maximum number of iterations to perform (default = 10)
 'normforceflag' - normalizes the force term at every iteration (default = 1)


 active_contour_chan_vese2d('verbose', 1);

 Paper: "Minimizing Functionals: A Level Set Approach", A. I. Hanna, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2007.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = active_contour_chan_vese3d(varargin)

 A method that implements the Chan-Vese model applied to volume
 segmentation. This model is a special case of the Mumford-Shah model and
 it tries to separate the volume into sub-volumes based on intensities.

 Default parameters:

 'volume' - the input volume 
 'phi' - the initial distance function (default = circular disk)
 'lambda1' - weight of energy inside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'lambda2' - weight of energy outside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'mu' - weighting for the length of the contour (default = 1)
 'nu' - weighting of area of the contour (default = 1)
 'deltaT' - step size for the update of phi (default = 0.5, note: 0.01<=deltaT<=0.9)
 'verbose' - shows the evolution of the curve phi (default = 0)
 'max_iter' - the maximum number of iterations to perform (default = 10)
 'normforceflag' - normalizes the force term at every iteration (default = 1)


 active_contour_chan_vese3d('verbose', 1);

 Paper: "Minimizing Functionals: A Level Set Approach", A. I. Hanna, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2007.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = active_contour_chan_vese3d(varargin)

 A method that implements the Chan-Vese model applied to volume
 segmentation. This model is a special case of the Mumford-Shah model and
 it tries to separate the volume into sub-volumes based on intensities.

 Default parameters:

 'volume' - the input volume 
 'phi' - the initial distance function (default = circular disk)
 'lambda1' - weight of energy inside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'lambda2' - weight of energy outside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'mu' - weighting for the length of the contour (default = 1)
 'nu' - weighting of area of the contour (default = 1)
 'deltaT' - step size for the update of phi (default = 0.5, note: 0.01<=deltaT<=0.9)
 'verbose' - shows the evolution of the curve phi (default = 0)
 'max_iter' - the maximum number of iterations to perform (default = 10)
 'normforceflag' - normalizes the force term at every iteration (default = 1)


 active_contour_chan_vese3d('verbose', 1);

 Paper: "Minimizing Functionals: A Level Set Approach", A. I. Hanna, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2007.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = active_contour_chan_vese3d(varargin)

 A method that implements the Chan-Vese model applied to volume
 segmentation. This model is a special case of the Mumford-Shah model and
 it tries to separate the volume into sub-volumes based on intensities.

 Default parameters:

 'volume' - the input volume 
 'phi' - the initial distance function (default = circular disk)
 'lambda1' - weight of energy inside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'lambda2' - weight of energy outside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'mu' - weighting for the length of the contour (default = 1)
 'nu' - weighting of area of the contour (default = 1)
 'deltaT' - step size for the update of phi (default = 0.5, note: 0.01<=deltaT<=0.9)
 'verbose' - shows the evolution of the curve phi (default = 0)
 'max_iter' - the maximum number of iterations to perform (default = 10)
 'normforceflag' - normalizes the force term at every iteration (default = 1)


 active_contour_chan_vese3d('verbose', 1);

 Paper: "Minimizing Functionals: A Level Set Approach", A. I. Hanna, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2007.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)


 function varargout = active_contour_chan_vese3d(varargin)

 A method that implements the Chan-Vese model applied to volume
 segmentation. This model is a special case of the Mumford-Shah model and
 it tries to separate the volume into sub-volumes based on intensities.

 Default parameters:

 'volume' - the input volume 
 'phi' - the initial distance function (default = circular disk)
 'lambda1' - weight of energy inside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'lambda2' - weight of energy outside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'mu' - weighting for the length of the contour (default = 1)
 'nu' - weighting of area of the contour (default = 1)
 'deltaT' - step size for the update of phi (default = 0.5, note: 0.01<=deltaT<=0.9)
 'verbose' - shows the evolution of the curve phi (default = 0)
 'max_iter' - the maximum number of iterations to perform (default = 10)
 'normforceflag' - normalizes the force term at every iteration (default = 1)


 active_contour_chan_vese3d('verbose', 1);

 Paper: "Minimizing Functionals: A Level Set Approach", A. I. Hanna, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2007.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 function varargout = active_contour_chan_vese2d(varargin)

 A method that implements the Chan-Vese model applied to image
 segmentation. This model is a special case of the Mumford-Shah model and
 it tries to separate the image into regions based on intensities.

 Default parameters:

 'image' - the input image (default = 'pout.tif')
 'phi' - the initial distance function (default = circular disk)
 'lambda1' - weight of energy inside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'lambda2' - weight of energy outside the contour (default = 0.5)
 'mu' - weighting for the length of the contour (default = 1)
 'nu' - weighting of area of the contour (default = 1)
 'deltaT' - step size for the update of phi (default = 0.5, note: 0.01<=deltaT<=0.9)
 'verbose' - shows the evolution of the curve phi (default = 0)
 'max_iter' - the maximum number of iterations to perform (default = 10)
 'normforceflag' - normalizes the force term at every iteration (default = 1)


 active_contour_chan_vese2d('verbose', 1);

 Paper: "Minimizing Functionals: A Level Set Approach", A. I. Hanna, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2007.

 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)



 Script to do misc. image preparation tasks for the images to be used in
 the active contour demo




 function varargout = loadActiveContourParams(varargin)
 Function to load active contour parameter structure from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070926



 function varargout = saveActiveContourParams(varargin)

 Saves active contour parameters to a specified directory 


 function volume = saveVolumeActiveContourParams(volumeseriesDirectory, volume)

 Saves active contour parameters of a volume.
 to disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 071213



 volumeProcessingTool M-file for volumeProcessingTool.fig


 Remark: The ouput argument is only used in debugging. All data
 are written to disk. Similarly no input except the project directory is
 required as all data are read from disk.

 Author: Johann Strasser
 Date: 070717























