Time: tradeoff
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Choosing a timestep that is short enough to be accurate and yet not take too long to compute
There is a tradeoff between speed and the accuracy with which the equation solver can solve the equations. This is feature of all numerical modelling. Continuous time is approximated by a series of short intervals or steps (dt). With steps that are too long the mesh will grow more than about 2% - an acceptable limit. Very short steps take a long time to compute and can also suffer rounding problems. This is an example of subdividing a rectangular mesh in the region in which curves will develop.
Run the project (example project )for 40 steps to see the effect of:
- subdivision
Then change the modelname to 'NOSUBDIVISION', i.e. make a change to the interaction function
% Set up names for variant models. Useful for running multiple models on a cluster. m.userdata.ranges.modelname.range = { 'NOSUBDIVISION', 'WITHSUBDIVISION' }; % CLUSTER m.userdata.ranges.modelname.index = 2; % CLUSTER
by setting index to 1. With too few elements, bends are jagged.
The interaction function is shown below, red highlights the region of interest.
function m = gpt_demosubdivision_20121116( m ) %m = gpt_demosubdivision_20121116( m ) % Morphogen interaction function. % Written at 2012-11-16 12:30:06. % GFtbox revision 4351, . % The user may edit any part of this function between delimiters % of the form "USER CODE..." and "END OF USER CODE...". The % delimiters themselves must not be moved, edited, deleted, or added. if isempty(m), return; end fprintf( 1, '%s found in %s\n', mfilename(), which(mfilename()) ); try m = local_setproperties( m ); catch end realtime = m.globalDynamicProps.currenttime; %%% USER CODE: INITIALISATION % In this section you may modify the mesh in any way whatsoever. if (Steps(m)==0) && m.globalDynamicProps.doinit % First iteration % Zero out a lot of stuff to create a blank slate. % If no morphogens are set in the GUI it may be useful to % zero some arrays by uncommenting the following. % m.morphogens(:) = 0; % m.morphogenclamp(:) = 0; % m.mgen_production(:) = 0; % m.mgen_absorption(:) = 0; % m.seams(:) = false; % m.mgen_dilution(:) = false; % Set up names for variant models. Useful for running multiple models on a cluster. m.userdata.ranges.modelname.range = { 'NOSUBDIVISION', 'WITHSUBDIVISION' }; % CLUSTER m.userdata.ranges.modelname.index = 1; % CLUSTER end modelname = m.userdata.ranges.modelname.range{m.userdata.ranges.modelname.index}; % CLUSTER disp(sprintf('\nRunning %s model %s\n',mfilename, modelname)); % to plot polariser on the A side and resultant areal growth rate on the B side: m = leaf_plotoptions( m, 'morphogenA', 'KAPAR', 'morphogenB', 'KBPAR' ); %%% END OF USER CODE: INITIALISATION %%% SECTION 1: ACCESSING MORPHOGENS AND TIME. %%% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED CODE: DO NOT EDIT. if isempty(m), return; end setGlobals(); global gNEW_KA_PAR gNEW_KA_PER gNEW_KB_PAR gNEW_KB_PER global gNEW_K_NOR gNEW_POLARISER gNEW_STRAINRET gNEW_ARREST dt = m.globalProps.timestep; polariser_i = gNEW_POLARISER; P = m.morphogens(:,polariser_i); [kapar_i,kapar_p,kapar_a,kapar_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'KAPAR' ); [kaper_i,kaper_p,kaper_a,kaper_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'KAPER' ); [kbpar_i,kbpar_p,kbpar_a,kbpar_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'KBPAR' ); [kbper_i,kbper_p,kbper_a,kbper_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'KBPER' ); [knor_i,knor_p,knor_a,knor_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'KNOR' ); [strainret_i,strainret_p,strainret_a,strainret_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'STRAINRET' ); [arrest_i,arrest_p,arrest_a,arrest_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'ARREST' ); [id_a_i,id_a_p,id_a_a,id_a_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'ID_A' ); [id_b_i,id_b_p,id_b_a,id_b_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'ID_B' ); [id_subdivide_i,id_subdivide_p,id_subdivide_a,id_subdivide_l] = getMgenLevels( m, 'ID_SUBDIVIDE' ); % Mesh type: rectangle % base: 0 % centre: 0 % randomness: 0.1 % version: 1 % xdivs: 16 % xwidth: 16 % ydivs: 8 % ywidth: 8 % Morphogen Diffusion Decay Dilution Mutant % -------------------------------------------------- % KAPAR ---- ---- ---- ---- % KAPER ---- ---- ---- ---- % KBPAR ---- ---- ---- ---- % KBPER ---- ---- ---- ---- % KNOR ---- ---- ---- ---- % POLARISER ---- ---- ---- ---- % STRAINRET ---- ---- ---- ---- % ARREST ---- ---- ---- ---- % ID_A ---- ---- ---- ---- % ID_B ---- ---- ---- ---- % ID_SUBDIVIDE ---- ---- ---- ---- %%% USER CODE: MORPHOGEN INTERACTIONS % In this section you may modify the mesh in any way that does not % alter the set of nodes. if (Steps(m)==0) && m.globalDynamicProps.doinit % Initialisation code. % Put any code here that should only be performed at the start of % the simulation, for example, to set up initial morphogen values. id_a_p((m.nodes(:,1)>0)&(m.nodes(:,1)<=2))=1; id_b_p((m.nodes(:,1)>-2)&(m.nodes(:,1)<=0))=1; id_subdivide_p((m.nodes(:,1)>=-2)&(m.nodes(:,1)<=2))=1; P=m.nodes(:,1); end if realtime<=1 kapar_p(:) = 0; kaper_p(:) = 0; kbpar_p(:) = 0; kbper_p(:) = 0; knor_p(:) = 0; else kapar_p(:) = 0.05*id_a_p; kaper_p(:) = 0; kbpar_p(:) = 0.05*id_b_p; kbper_p(:) = 0; knor_p(:) = 0; end %%% END OF USER CODE: MORPHOGEN INTERACTIONS %%% SECTION 3: INSTALLING MODIFIED VALUES BACK INTO MESH STRUCTURE %%% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED CODE: DO NOT EDIT. m.morphogens(:,polariser_i) = P; m.morphogens(:,kapar_i) = kapar_p; m.morphogens(:,kaper_i) = kaper_p; m.morphogens(:,kbpar_i) = kbpar_p; m.morphogens(:,kbper_i) = kbper_p; m.morphogens(:,knor_i) = knor_p; m.morphogens(:,strainret_i) = strainret_p; m.morphogens(:,arrest_i) = arrest_p; m.morphogens(:,id_a_i) = id_a_p; m.morphogens(:,id_b_i) = id_b_p; m.morphogens(:,id_subdivide_i) = id_subdivide_p; %%% USER CODE: FINALISATION % In this section you may modify the mesh in any way whatsoever. switch modelname case 'NOSUBDIVISION' % do nothing case 'WITHSUBDIVISION' % subdivide on the first step if realtime>0 && realtime<=0+dt m = leaf_subdivide( m, 'morphogen','id_subdivide',... 'min',0.5,'max',1,... 'mode','mid','levels','all'); end if realtime>0 && realtime<=0+dt m = leaf_subdivide( m, 'morphogen','id_subdivide',... 'min',0.5,'max',1,... 'mode','mid','levels','all'); end otherwise % If this happens, maybe you forgot a model. end %%% END OF USER CODE: FINALISATION end %%% USER CODE: SUBFUNCTIONS function m = local_setproperties( m ) % This function is called at time zero in the INITIALISATION section of the % interaction function. It provides commands to set each of the properties % that are contained in m.globalProps. Uncomment whichever ones you would % like to set yourself, and put in whatever value you want. % % Some of these properties are for internal use only and should never be % set by the user. At some point these will be moved into a different % component of m, but for the present, just don't change anything unless % you know what it is you're changing. % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'trinodesvalid', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'prismnodesvalid', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'thicknessRelative', 1.600000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'thicknessArea', 0.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'thicknessMode', 'physical' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'activeGrowth', 1.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'displayedGrowth', 1.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'displayedMulti', [] ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'allowNegativeGrowth', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'usePrevDispAsEstimate', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'perturbInitGrowthEstimate', 0.000010 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'perturbRelGrowthEstimate', 0.010000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'perturbDiffusionEstimate', 0.000100 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'resetRand', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'mingradient', 0.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'relativepolgrad', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'usefrozengradient', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'userpolarisation', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'thresholdsq', 4.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'splitmargin', 1.400000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'splitmorphogen', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'thresholdmgen', 0.500000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'bulkmodulus', 1.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'unitbulkmodulus', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'poissonsRatio', 0.300000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'starttime', 0.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'timestep', 0.010000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'timeunitname', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'distunitname', 'mm' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'scalebarvalue', 0.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'validateMesh', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'rectifyverticals', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'allowSplitLongFEM', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'longSplitThresholdPower', 0.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'allowSplitBentFEM', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'allowSplitBio', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'allowFlipEdges', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'allowElideEdges', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'mincellangle', 0.200000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'alwaysFlat', 0.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'flattenforceconvex', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'flatten', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'flattenratio', 1.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'useGrowthTensors', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'plasticGrowth', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'totalinternalrotation', 0.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'stepinternalrotation', 2.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'showinternalrotation', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'performinternalrotation', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'internallyrotated', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'maxFEcells', 0 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'inittotalcells', 0 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'bioApresplitproc', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'bioApostsplitproc', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'maxBioAcells', 0 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'colors', (6 values) ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'colorvariation', 0.050000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'colorparams', (12 values) ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'biocolormode', 'auto' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'freezing', 0.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'canceldrift', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'mgen_interaction', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'mgen_interactionName', 'gpt_demosubdivision_20121116' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'allowInteraction', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'interactionValid', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'gaussInfo', (unknown type struct) ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'stitchDFs', [] ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'D', (36 values) ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'C', (36 values) ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'G', (6 values) ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'solver', 'cgs' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'solverprecision', 'double' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'solvertolerance', 0.001000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'solvertolerancemethod', 'max' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'diffusiontolerance', 0.000010 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'allowsparse', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'maxIters', 0 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'maxsolvetime', 1000.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'cgiters', 0 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'simsteps', 0 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'stepsperrender', 0 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'growthEnabled', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'diffusionEnabled', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'flashmovie', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'makemovie', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'moviefile', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'codec', 'None' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'autonamemovie', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'overwritemovie', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'framesize', [] ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'mov', [] ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'boingNeeded', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'initialArea', 128.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'bendunitlength', 11.313708 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'targetRelArea', 1.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'defaultinterp', 'min' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'readonly', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'projectdir', 'D:\ab\Matlab stuff\Growth models' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'modelname', 'GPT_DemoSubdivision_20121116' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'allowsave', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'addedToPath', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'bendsplit', 0.300000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'usepolfreezebc', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'dorsaltop', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'defaultazimuth', -45.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'defaultelevation', 33.750000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'defaultroll', 0.000000 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'defaultViewParams', (unknown type struct) ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'comment', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'legendTemplate', '%T: %q\n%m' ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'bioAsplitcells', true ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'bioApullin', 0.142857 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'bioAfakepull', 0.202073 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'interactive', false ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'coderevision', 0 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'coderevisiondate', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'modelrevision', 0 ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'modelrevisiondate', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'savedrunname', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'savedrundesc', ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'vxgrad', (108 values) ); % m = leaf_setproperty( m, 'lengthscale', 16.000000 ); end % Here you may write any functions of your own, that you want to call from % the interaction function, but never need to call from outside it. % Remember that they do not have access to any variables except those % that you pass as parameters, and cannot change anything except by % returning new values as results. % Whichever section they are called from, they must respect the same % restrictions on what modifications they are allowed to make to the mesh. % For example: % function m = do_something( m ) % % Change m in some way. % end % Call it from the main body of the interaction function like this: % m = do_something( m );